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1、1,第五单元能力测试,2,.单项填空1As a student,he must spend_ time on his studies.AlessBfewCample Dno enough答案与解析:C据题意可知选C项。,3,2Dont rely on his information;it is a pure_.Asubstance BassumptionCpunctuation Dtheory答案与解析:B本题考查名词的区别。句意:别信他的信息,这纯粹是个假设。,4,3_is the study of ancient civilizations by scientific analysis o

2、f physical remains found in the ground.AArchaeology BMathsCBiology DGeography答案与解析:A本题考查名词考古学的概念。,5,4The temple,_Ming Dynasty,is being repaired now.Aturning back to Bdating fromCcoming out of Ddating back答案与解析:B句意:这座起源于明代的寺院正在进行整修。date from“追溯到”,相当于date back to,后接时间点,符合题意。turn back to“返回到”;come out

3、of“由产生;从出来”;date back后跟时间段。,6,5The markings are so blurred(not clear)that it is difficult to_.A.identify B.excavate C.assume D.scrape答案与解析:A本题考查动词的区别。identify“分辨,识别”;excavate“挖掘,发掘”;assume“假定,设想”;scrape“擦净,削平,磨光”。,7,6We_ on it for many hours,but we have not yet reached any conclusion.A.are being wor

4、ked B.are workingC.have been working D.have been worked答案与解析:C本题考查现在完成进行时态。句意:我们一直在研究这个问题,已经好几个小时了,但到现在还没有得出什么结论。根据句意可知选C项。,8,7I started my teaching career at the school.That was more than twenty years ago,and I_ there ever since.Awas B.had been C.will be D.have been答案与解析:D本题考查现在完成时态。句中含有时间状语since时一

5、般用现在完成时态。,9,8I_ to help you but I was not able to spare any time.I_ a paper last night and Ill have to finish it today.A.wanted;have been writing B.have wanted;wroteC.had wanted;wrote D.had wanted;was writing答案与解析:D本题是对时态的综合考查。had wanted表示“本想做但实际上未做”。,10,9My name was_from the listno wonder I couldnt

6、 find it.Aoverlooked BdeletedCignored Dneglected答案与解析:B句意:我的名字被人从名单中删去了,难怪我找不到呢。delete“删去;删除”,符合题意。overlook,ignore和neglect都是“忽略;忽视”之意。,11,10Few children are as bright as he is,and also,he works very hard.It s no_he always wins the first place in every examination.Adoubt BwonderCproblem Dquestion答案与解

7、析:BIts no wonder(that).为固定句型,意为“难怪”,符合语境。,12,11He couldnt_ his father that John was telling the truth.A.convince B.believe C.admit D.display答案与解析:Aconvince sb.that.“使某人确信某事”,believe不用于此句型中,display“陈列,展览”;admit“承认”,常用于admit(to)doing sth.。,13,12Research universities have to keep up with the latest com

8、puter and scientific hardware_price.Anot to mention Bin addition toCon account of Dregardless of答案与解析:D句意:研究型大学必须跟上最新的计算机和科技硬件,不管它们的价钱有多昂贵。regardless of“不管;不顾”,符合题意。not to mention“更不用说”;in addition to“除之外(还)”;on account of“因为;由于”。,14,13_I dont feel I can trust him.He did nothing wrong,though.AAnymor

9、e BSomewhatCSomehow DAnywhere答案与解析:C句意:不知为什么,我觉得我不能信任他,虽然他并没有做错什么。somehow“不知怎么地”,符合题意。anymore“更;再”;somewhat“几分”;anywhere“任何地方”。,15,14_the present unemployment continue,the society would face a more troublesome situation.A.Would B.Should C.Might D.Could答案与解析:B本题为if虚拟条件句,而且if省略,应用倒装,在if条件句中可用到的情态动词只有s

10、hould一个。,16,15_,we must expect changes to be made in our system of teaching.ALooking around BLooking aheadCWatching out DSeeing off答案与解析:B句意:展望未来,我们必须预料到在我们的教育体制中会有的变化。look ahead“为将来打算”,符合题意。look around“环顾四周;四处看”;watch out“向前看;当心”;see off“为送行”。,17,.完形填空Laurence Lennon,who was a classical guitarist,w

11、as thrilled to hear from New York Police that his valuable guitar had been found.It_16_about a year ago when he got out of a _17_and forgot to take it with him.He said he was getting_18_that day.He was talking to his manager on his cellphone when he dashed out of the taxi.He said that he gave the dr

12、iver$60 and told him to keep the_19_.He walked through the front door of the concert hall,_20_ talking on the phone to his manager.,18,Upon discovering his_21_,Lennon used his cellphone to call the police.The policewoman asked him_22_ the name of the taxi company,the number of the taxi,and the name

13、of the_23_.He said that she must be kidding that he could not know the drivers name at all.,19,She told Lennon that he could file a_24_item report at the police station or online.Lennon wrote down the website_25_.She told him that finding the guitar _26_take a couple of yearsfinding guitars was not

14、as_27_as finding murderers.Then she told him to have a nice day.,20,“This year has been_28_,”said Lennon.“I had to postpone the_29_of two new CDs.I have been using borrowed guitars.And I was losing_30_of ever recovering my guitar.”Lennon was reunited with his$100,000 guitar yesterday.The case and th

15、e guitar had been_31_in the corner of a coffeehouse only two blocks from_32_Lennon had lost in the first place.,21,Lennon had_33_a$100,000 reward for its return.He said he would give the _34_to the coffeehouse owner,who had_35_the police.The police department prepared a news release about the succes

16、sful finding of the guitar.,22,16.Alost Bmissed Cdisappeared Dleft答案与解析:Cdisappeare意为“消失了”。A项和B项应用被动语态才正确,意为“被丢了”。17.Aconcert Btaxi Croom Dcoffeehouse答案与解析:B根据下文中的taxi选择。,23,18.Aangry Blost Clate Dlazy答案与解析:Cget late意为“要迟到了”,他很忙所以把吉他忘在了出租车上。19.Apromise Bspeed Cdirection Dchange答案与解析:Dchange此处意为“找头,零

17、头”。,24,20.Aeven Bstill Cnever Donce答案与解析:B前面提到他在打电话,此处仍然在打电话,故选still。21.Acar Bmoney Closs Dguitar答案与解析:Closs作名词,意为“损失,丢失”。,25,22.Ain Bfor Cwith Dby答案与解析:Bask sb.for sth.意为“要求某人提供”。23.Amanager Bowner Ccouple Ddriver答案与解析:D此处女警察要求他提供司机的名字,一般出租车上有司机牌,牌上有司机的照片和名字。,26,24.Adiscovering Bremaining Cmissing

18、Dfinding答案与解析:Cmissing作定语,意为“丢失的”。25.Atopic Btitle Csubject Daddress答案与解析:Dwebsite address意为“网址”。,27,26.Ashould Bdared Cmight Dmust答案与解析:Cmight意为“也许”,表示讲话人语气很不肯定。27.Acomplicated Binteresting Cpossible Dimportant答案与解析:D女警察认为抓杀人犯比找吉他更重要。,28,28.Aencouraging Bdepressing Cexciting Dsatisfying答案与解析:B丢了心爱的

19、、值钱的吉他,这对他来说是令人沮丧的。29.Asinging Bselling Crecording Dbuying答案与解析:Crecording指唱片的录音制作。,29,30.Ahope Bimagination Cdecision Ddetermination答案与解析:Alose hope of意为“失去的希望”。31.Acovered Bdiscovered Cplayed Ddisplayed答案与解析:Bdiscovered意为“被发现”。,30,32.Awhom Bwhere Cwhat Dwhen答案与解析:Bwhere指地点。33.Aoffered Bprovided Cs

20、upplied Dsupported答案与解析:Aoffered意为“主动提供”。,31,34.Ahonor Breward Creputation Dfame答案与解析:B指前文中提到的reward。35.Anoted Bnoticed Cinformed Dstated答案与解析:Cinformed意为“通知,告诉”。,32,.阅读理解AAlthough daylight is lengthening now in midFebruary,its still winterlike here in Minnesota.Lakes and rivers are covered with ice

21、.Water in the liquid form is hard to find.However,you can see eagles here if you know where to find open water.,33,In the cold north,river travelers know the places to look for in the winter:down current from power plants where the fast flow keeps water moving fast enough to stay liquid.Many birds a

22、re busy feeding themselves on small fish along the waters edge.Such was a place where we ventured.Here,ducks,coots and geese were busy gorging_themselves_on small fish along the waters edge.,34,But it didnt take long for us to notice that something much larger and more powerful was nearby.At first w

23、e didnt see them.With just a glance there was only a patch of white in the trees on the distant shore.It looked like snow in the tree branches.Then,with the telescope,what looked like snow became 10 to 12 bald eagles roosting in the trees!They spread out in the trees and along the ice,facing us and

24、the river.Soon we began to see them somewhere.,35,Some of the eagles were fishing.They focused on the water.Using their keen eagleeye vision,they could sense the smallest cluesinvisible to us.A quick pounce into the water would sometimes lead to success.Then,clutching a fighting fish with its strong

25、 talons,the eagle rose with a meal.Although it looked like an effortless enjoyment of soaring and flight,the eagles instinct to search for food in this cold winter weather meant survival for one more day.,36,36We can infer from the first paragraph that_.Ayou cannot find open water in Minnesota in mi

26、dFebruary Beagle dont eat food when it is cold Ceagle could catch fish most of the time they tried Ddown current from power plants is the place where you can find eagles in winter答案与解析:D根据第一段最后两句的内容可以推断出,在发电厂的下游可以在冬天看到鹰。,37,37According to the author,the best place to watch bald eagle in winter is_.A

27、at the top of a hill Bin the forest Cwhere lakes and rivers are covered with ice Dwhere water remains liquid答案与解析:D因为水不结冰的地方鹰可以抓鱼,所以水流动的地方是观鹰的好地方。,38,38The water near power plants stays liquid in winter because_.Athe water is warm deep in the earth Bthe water from power plants flows too fast to free

28、ze Cit is not cold there Dsomebody breaks the ice so that birds can look for food答案与解析:B根据第一段倒数第二句可知。,39,39The underlined part in the second paragraph means_.Afeeding themselves on Bplaying happily with Cswimming with Dresting with答案与解析:A根据第一段最后一句和第二段一、二两句可知,gorging on small fish意为“以为主食”(feeding on

29、small fish)。,40,B In recent years,yoga has become popular with people for its fitness.Because of the focus on the physical aspects of yoga,like postures and breathing,few people realize that they are taking part in an ancient practice,developing from Indian religion.,41,Yoga originated in India in t

30、he sixth century B.C.,when people were trying to answer questions about the nature of the self and the soul.It started as a practice only done by ascetics(僧人).So it was not something that the average people did.,42,Yoga is not only a physical practice but also a mental practice,designed to reduce th

31、e focus on the external(外部),said Whitney Sanford,professor of religious studies.Most people pay much attention to daily existence and as a result,they lead busy lives,while yoga provides people with a technique to cut off their devotion to the external.,43,Samantha Tam said that practicing yoga impr

32、oved her flexibility and treated her injuries.“Every time after practicing yoga,I always felt really relaxed and was in a good mood.”she said.Mitchell said there has been some misunderstanding about yoga because of its religious ties.“People thought that I was going to turn them into a Hindu(印度教徒).I

33、n fact,yoga can benefit anyone,despite his or her personal religious belief.Its about learning and opening yourself to whatever you choose.”she said.,44,Yoga was probably introduced on a popular level in America in the 1960s and 1970s,when Western people began to show curiosity about other religions

34、.Now most people pursue yoga to relieve stress,and fair numbers of people are simply curious.,45,40According to the passage,yoga was originally performed for_.Aits fitness Brelaxed and healthy lifeCreligious reasons Dthe need of the soul答案与解析:C推理判断题。根据第一段“they are taking part in an ancient practice,

35、developing from Indian religion”以及第二段中“It started as a practice only done by ascetics”可推测人们最初练瑜伽是因为宗教的原因。,46,41Yoga is the following EXCEPT_.Aa physical practice Ba mental practiceCa way of paying attention to the external Da way of reducing the focus on the external答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据第三段第一句话可知瑜伽不仅是对身体和

36、心灵的锻炼,也被作为一种切断人们对世欲与物质留恋的一种手段,因此C项正确。,47,42Today,people do yoga for many reasons EXCEPT_.Ato get rid of stress Bto treat injuriesCto satisfy their curiosity Dto become a Hindu答案与解析:D细节推断题。根据第四段与第五段可知人们学瑜伽的目的是减轻压力,提高身体的灵活性和治疗伤痛,还有一些人是为了时髦,至于人们认为Mitchell教人们瑜伽是想把他们变为印度教徒,这只是一种误解。,48,43What would be the

37、 best title for the passage?AYoga,an Indian Religion,Now Attacks American CultureBYoga,Originally a Religious Practice,Now Popular for Its FitnessCA Good Way To Practice Ones Postures and BreathingDPursue Yoga,Learn about Indian Religion,49,答案与解析:B主旨归纳题。文章前三段讲述了瑜伽的宗教起源,后面的内容讲述了现代人练瑜伽的目的,因此B项的概括最全面。A

38、项中“影响了美国文化”在文中没有体现;C项“一种锻炼形体和呼吸的好方法”不是本文的主要意思;D项“从瑜伽了解印度教”更是没有涉及。,50,CYou could be a heroic hunter by expecting to fight against evil monsters or the fastest F1 driver around.In the world of computer games,nothing is impossible.,51,If youre into computer games,E3 is where you can find the most uptod

39、ate equipment.For both gameplayers and companies,the Electronic Entertainment Expo(E3),held in Los Angeles,US,for three days from May 10,was a carnival(狂欢节)The top three computer game manufacturers(生产商)in the world all showed off their new machines.Nintendos(任天堂)new game controller looks as easy to

40、use as a TV remote.,52,Sonys PlayStation 3 combines the worlds most powerful game console(游戏机)with a nextgeneration DVD player.Microsofts Xbox 360 can connect to personal computers(PC)and cellphones so users can transfer game content among the three systems.PC vs Console The E3 also had new games fo

41、r both PCs and consoles such as the Xbox or PlayStation.Gamers will again be faced with the longexisting problem of which system to use.,53,Some analysts have suggested that PC gaming has seen its day,since console players have made great advances.Further,compared with a PC,a console is cheap.The av

42、erage price of the PlayStation and the Xbox is only onethird of that of a personal computer.One of the biggest advantages the PC has over consoles is that there are a lot more games available,plus many are free to download.PCs also give gameplayers a variety of ways to connect to the Internet,and to

43、 one another.,54,However,many consoles now support online games as well.It seems that as long as people can be dragon(龙)hunters or crazy drivers,it doesnt matter whether it is on a PC or a console.,55,44The second part of the story is mainly about_.Aa comparison between different systems Buptodate c

44、omputer gamesCE3 Dlongexisting problem of gaming答案与解析:A细节理解题。从第二部分的标题“PC vs Console”可以判断,第二部分应该是这两种游戏平台的比较。,56,45Compared to consoles,the personal computer has the advantages of_.Alower pricesBhaving made great advancesCsupporting online gamesDa lot more games available and free to download,57,答案与解析

45、:D细节理解题。文章倒数第二段第一句话“One of the biggest advantages the PC has over consoles is that there are a lot more games available,plus many are free to download.”意思是:PC相比consoles的一大优势就是:PC有更多的游戏,并且很多都是免费下载的,可知答案是D项。,58,46As for different game systems,the writer_.Apoints our PC gaming is no longer on the marke

46、tBprefers consolesCshows a neutral(中立的)viewpointDsuggests using cellphones to connect them答案与解析:C意图理解题。通读整篇文章作者没说哪个游戏机更好,只是陈述客观事实,所以作者采取的是中立态度。由最后一段更显示了其中的立场。,59,47The underlined word“that”in the last paragraph but two refers to“the_”APlayStation BXbox Cconsole Dprice答案与解析:D词义猜测题。本句话比较的是PC和游戏机的平均价格,

47、所以that指的是价格。,60,.书面表达假如以下是你对学校餐厅的现状分析。请你根据下表内容,用英语为你校英语刊物的“问题讨论”栏目写一篇题为Tidy our dining hall in school的文章,说明情况,并发表自己的见解。,61,62,注意:1.词数:100左右;2参考词汇:吃剩的:leftover垃圾:litter范文示例Tidy our dining hall in schoolI hate the untidy dining hall in our school.Some people seem to treat it as if it were a rubbish ar

48、ea.They throw the leftover food about on the table or on the ground.This makes the hall look unpleasant for us to come and eat there.,63,I have several solutions.First,get more people to form good habits by putting posters around the hall asking them to be more thoughtful of their behaviors and prot

49、ect our environments.Second,make people pick up their own litter.We can do this by asking some students to walk around the hall and watch out for those that drop litter.We can make those who are found dropping litter stay behind and tidy up the hall after all the students have finished their meal.I hope you find my ideas useful.,


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