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1、Lesson 27 A wet nightNew words and expressions1.tent(n.)帐篷 put up a tent 搭帐篷,2.field(n.)田野,田地 work in the field 在田里干活 运动场地 a baseball field 棒球场(学科)领域,界 science field 科学界 art field 文艺界、演艺界,3.smell(v.)闻 smell-smelled-smelled smell-smelt-smelt smell the soup smell ones hands(l.v.)闻起来 smell good look/sm

2、ell/taste/sound/feel+adj.(n.)气味 a good/bad smell 香味/臭味,4.wonder(v.)感到奇怪,惊讶 I wonder why he hasnt arrived.想知道=want to know wonderful(adj.)非常棒的=great have a good/great/wonderful time,5.camp(n.)野营 go for a camp(v.)野营 go camping campfire(n.)篝火,营火=open fire,6.creep(v.)爬行 creep-crept crept creep into sp.c

3、reep into the tent creep out of sp.creep out of the tent creep up to sb.The snake crept up to me.creepy(adj)让人害怕的,毛骨悚然的 a creepy story creeper(n.)爬行动物,7.sleep(v.&n.)睡觉 sleeping(adj.)睡眠的 sleeping pills a sleeping bag a sleeping suit sleepy(adj.)困倦的 I feel sleepy.sleepless(adj.)睡不着的,失眠的,fort(v.)安慰 com

4、fort sb.(n.)舒适 live in comfort comfortable(adj.)舒适的,安逸的 a comfortable bed feel comfortable uncomfortable comfortably(adv.)舒服地 sleep comfortably,9.sound(n.)声音 make a sound 发出声音(v.)听起来 sound beautiful(adj.)香甜的 sound sleep soundly(adv.)香甜地 He is sleeping soundly.,10.leap(v.)(轻盈地)跳跃,跳起 leap-leapt leapt

5、leap out of 猛地跳起来 jump 双腿跳 hop 单腿跳,11.heavy(adj.)重的 a heavy box light 大量的,密集的 heavy traffic a heavy rain/snow heavily(adv.)大量地 It is raining heavily.,12.stream(n.)小溪 The rain formed a stream.a stream of 一股 a stream of blood13.form(n.)表格 fill in a form 填表(v.)形成 form a sream/river,14.wind(n.)风(v.)蜿蜒 w

6、ind-wound wound wind ones way 蜿蜒前进15.right(adj.)正确的=correct(adv.)正好,恰好 It is right 10 oclock.The ball hit right on his head.,Lesson 27 A wet night Late in the afternoon,the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.late in the afternoon 在傍晚,在黄昏 early in the morning 在清晨,在凌晨 put up 搭建;举起 Put up

7、your hands,please.in the middle of 地理位置/时间/空间 in the centre of 地理位置 in the middle of the night=at midnight,As soon as this was done,they cooked a meal over an open fire.as soon as 一就 this was done=the tent was put up cook a meal=make a meal open fire=campfire,They were all hungry and the food smelle

8、d good.smell+adj.smell goodI smelt something sweet as soon as I came in.After a wonderful meal,they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.a wonderful meal=a good/great meal 一顿美餐 tell stories 讲故事 by=near,But some time later it began to rain.some time 一段时间sometimes some time later=after some tim

9、e 过了一会The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.feel tired put out the fire灭火 creep into sp.,Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable,so they all slept soundly.sleep soundlyIn the middle of the night,two boys woke up and began shouting.In the middle of the night=at

10、midnight wake woke woken wake up 醒了 begin doing/to do,The tent was full of water!be full of=be filled withThey all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside.leap-leapt-leapt leap out of hurry outside=go outside in a hurry It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in t

11、he field.rain heavily,The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!wind-wound-wound wind ones way across the field flow(v.)流淌 right(adv.)正好,Special difficuties put away 将 收起;把 放回原处Im just going to put the car away(in the garage).put up 搭建put up a building/fence pu

12、t sb.up 留某人住在家中They put me up for the night.put down 记下;写下 Put them down in your notebook.,put out 熄灭;扑灭Firefighters soon put the fire out.put off 取消;推迟 It is too late to put them off.The boss told me to put the meeting off till 8 oclock.put up with 容忍 Im not going to put up with their smoking any longer.,


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