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1、Unit 7 练习答案1.Fill in the gaps.1)The financial(财政的)help they got from the local government didnt go(very)far toward solving the problem.Tip:a phrase that means“help very much”or“achieve much success”帮助很大 2)Their retail(零售)business in Asia has expanded(发展;展开;扩张;使膨胀)rapidly since the early 1990s.3)In t

2、he interest(s)of world peace,we must promote(增进)mutual understanding among nations with different social systems.,4)I thought it was still early,yet I got to the library only to(却;结果是;不料竟会)find it closed.5)On the train I encountered(遭遇,邂逅)an old lady who happened to be a neighbor of my daughters whe

3、n she lived in Los Angeles.6)Our company has cooperated with(与合作)several American companies for the past few years in joint ventures(合资公司;合资企业).,7)Phil looked around at the other competitors and assessed(对进行评估)his chances of winning.8)The police believed that the reason they failed to find anything

4、suspicious in that guys bag was that members of the gang(had)switched(交换;切换;转变)bags at the airport.9)Our visit to the Far East has certainly broadened our horizons(地平线;视野).,10)Emily felt increasingly uncomfortable under the womans steady gaze.(凝视;注视)11)Everything was going smoothly until suddenly th

5、e disaster(灾难,灾祸;不幸)struck.12)Smallpox(天花),which used to be a severe epidemic(流行的;传染性的)disease,has been completely wiped out(消灭).,Rewrite each sentence.1)Whether the book should be published or not was once an issue people disagreed about for a long time.(controversy over sth.)There used to bea long

6、/long-running controversy over whether the book should be published or not.2)Kates first meeting with Tom went smoothly,which made her feel less uneasy.(relieve)Katefelt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly.,3)I was in the middle of writing the essay when my computer suddenly

7、stopped working properly.(go wrong)Somethingsuddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay.4)Clearly our company is still maintaining its position as market leader in software.(obvious)Its obvious that our company is still maintaining its position as market leader

8、 in software.5)She insists on a pay rise,otherwise she will stop working for them.(give in)She is determined not to give in until they give her a pay rise.,3.Complete the following sentences,using the words or phrases in brackets.Make additions or changes where necessary.1)Scientists have undertaken

9、 various kinds of original research projects to explore animal intelligence,but they still cant reach an agreement on whether it exists or not.(explore,original,undertake)2)Lots of evidence convinced us that the lost ancient tunnel must have run right underneath the city,extending to the seashore.(e

10、xtend,convince,evidence,underneath),3)We should try to negotiate a win-win solution when resolving issues we encountered in foreign trade.First we need to figure out what caused the problems.Then we should proceed开始;继续进行to explore ways of solving them that are beneficial to both sides.(encounter,fig

11、ure out,explore,negotiate),II.Confusable words at first,first,firstlyFill in the gaps withat firstorfirstorfirstlyaccording to the context:1)Phil studies management science firstlybecause he enjoys it and secondly because he wants to get a good job.2)Tickets can be bought here on a firstcome,firstse

12、rved basis.3)At firstI thought the house was empty,then I heard a womans voice come from the kitchen.4)First/FirstlyIll have to send the e-mail(电子邮件)to John,then Ill come shopping with you.,5)When people get their newspaper,which page do they readfirst?6)There are two reasons.First,there is no evide

13、nce that the original documents have been destroyed.Second,Jack saw them the day before yesterday.7)Youll find it difficult at first,but later itll get easier.8)The company was still very small when I firstjoined it.,III UsageAttributive NounsAn attributive noun is a noun that is often used to modif

14、y another noun,playing somewhat the same role as an adjective.It indicates various kinds of relationships between two nouns.For example,it can indicate:*for what purpose,as in supper table(Text A,Unit 1)and Christmas card(Text A,Unit 2)*When,as in summer vacation(Text A,Unit 1)*where,as in hotel roo

15、m(Text A,Unit 2)*of what kind,as in childhood friend(Text A,Unit 4)*for whom,as in Army uniform(Text A,Unit 5)*what brings it about,as in greenhouse effect(Text A,Unit 3),Find out eight similar phrases from the text and tell how the attributive noun modifies another noun.PhrasesIn the phrase,the att

16、ributive noun indicates:1.animal intelligence:whose2.zoo keeper:where3.eye contact:through what4.money supply:of what5.killer whale:what kind6.baby whale:how old7.family member:of what8.sea turtle:what kind/where,Cloze1.Text-relatedComplete the interview with Eugene Linden with words chosen from the

17、 Words and Phrases to Drill box.Change the form where necessary.Interviewer:You mention the case of one whale helping to save another in an emergency(1).What does this suggest?Linden:Well,it seems to me that this is clearly evidence(2)of original(3)thought.Here we see an animal sizing up(4)a situati

18、on and then taking appropriate action in cooperation with humans.,Interviewer:And when Jendry negotiates(5)with Colo,what does that reveal(6)?Linden:It shows that some animals,gorillas at least,are intelligent enough to bargain,to make a deal(7).Interviewer:Then there is the case of Miles and Chante

19、k.Linden:Oh,yes.We like to think of ourselves as the dominant(8)species,but that doesnt mean animals cant sometimes play tricks on us when its in their interest(s)(9)!Interviewer:Like Melati deceiving(10)Shewman?Linden:Exactly.,Interviewer:So would you say your approach to the problem settles thecon

20、troversy(11)over animal intelligence?Linden:Thats not an easy judgment(12)to make,but it does,I think,open up interesting new paths toexplore(1 3).2.Theme-relatedRead the passage carefully until you have got its main idea,and then select one appropriate word for each gap from the box following the p

21、assage.,Behavior is the way that animals act.For example,how do they get food or take care of their young?How do they find a place to live in or protect(1)themselves from danger?Much behavior is innate天生的,固有的;that is,animals are born with it.However(2),animals learn much other behavior.There are sev

22、eral kinds of learned behavior.One simple type(3)of learned behavior is habituation习惯;习惯化.This happens when an animal learns to feel comfortable in a new situation(4)and doesnt pay attention to it anymore.For example,young horses are often afraid of noisy streets.But after a while,they learn to pay

23、no attention to the normal sights(5)and sounds of a city.,Another kind of learned behavior is conditioning条件作用.It is a way of learning by association _ that is,by putting together(6)different ideas.In 1900,Ivan Pavlov伊凡.巴甫洛夫,a Russian biologist,studied conditioning in dogs.Dogs innately salivate(pro

24、duce liquid in the mouth流口水)when they smell food.Pavlov rang(7)a bell every time he gave food to a dog.Soon the dog started to associate(8)the sound of the bell with the smell of food.After some time,it salivated when it heard a bell alone,without(9)food.Learning is important for all animals in a ne

25、w environment(10).It allows an animal to be adaptable-that is,able to change in a new situation.,II.Translation1.Translate the sentences into English,using the words or phrases in brackets.1)当地一家公司承担了此项下程,但工程没完成就破产了。(undertake)A local business undertook the project but went bankrupt before it was co

26、mpleted.2)我和你做笔交易 你替我洗车,我晚上把车借给你开。(make a deal)Lets make a deal_ you wash my car,and Ill let you use it tonight.,3)我们到达那个我们本以为已毁于那次大地震的村庄时,却发现它只受到轻微的损尖。(wipe out,only to)We got to the village which must have been wiped out in the severe earthquake,only to find it slightly damaged.4)我的花园既干燥又背阴(shady)

27、、在那样的环境里,很少有植物能茁壮生长。(thrive)My garden is dry and shady_ few plants thrive in that condition.5)那位电影明星的死亡真相至今仍被谜团(mystery)笼罩着。(Surround)Mystery still surrounds the exact truth behind the film stars death/exact circumstances of the film stars death.,2.Translate the passage into English.我小时候常去家乡的动物园参观。那

28、里最吸引我的是一对老虎,特别是那只雄虎。它们起初被关在一只大的铁笼子(cage)里,后来放了出来,被迁到一个叫虎山的地方。二十年后我再度访问了这个动物园,欣慰地发现虎山仍在,但已扩大了许多。在那里活动的共有大小六只老虎,而不是两只了。When I was young I used to visit the zoo in my hometown.There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers,especially the male.They were kept in a huge iron cage at first,but later w

29、ere released from it and moved to a place called Tiger Hill.Twenty years later I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find Tiger Hill was still there,but greatly extended.Moving around now were six tigers,old and young,instead of two.,2.Fill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen from the box.Cha

30、nge the form where necessary.1)As usual he was trying to display his concern about the pollution of the environment.2)These letters certainly shed light on(阐明)his mysterious disappearance almost ten years ago.3)There was a magnificent country house at the end of the road,surrounded by lots of big tr

31、ees.,4)Despite the setback挫折,he pulled himself together(振作起来)as always,by throwing himself back into his work.5)Data obtained from the investigations indicate that there is a large amount of oil below the seabed in this area.6)The scientists are cautious about using the new therapy on humans.,7)Will

32、 future oil supplies be adequate to meet world needs?8)I invited Jenny to our musical evening,but she declined.9)The question seemed easy at first sight,but when the student tried to answer it,he discovered how difficult it was.,10)I dont mind being woken up once or twice in the middle of the night by my roommate so long as she doesnt make a habit of it.11)Would you by any chance(或许;可能)have change for 5?12)I didnt have the heart(不愿;不忍心)to tell Thomas that I was worried his phone might be tapped.,


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