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1、词的褒贬 Affective meaning,Affective meaning,Affective meaning refers to what is communicated of feelings and attitudes of writer towards the reader.You may address somebody as an“idiot”to convey your despise,or describe something as“marvelous”to express your positive evaluation.,There are basically thr

2、ee types of affective meaningPositive/complimentary褒义Neutral中性Derogatory贬义,Positive Neutral DerogatoryPortly overweight obese发福的 超重的 臃肿的Slender/slim underweight skinny苗条的 体重不够的 瘦削的Senior/elder old man/woman fossil老者 老人 老朽,如何形容人胖 一般人都不喜欢身体肥胖,“keep fit”已成为时尚;如果不幸“发了福”,也不高兴别人叫自己做“肥佬”或“肥婆”的。英文里的“fat”已带上

3、了贬义;如果你当着一个陌生人的面说他(或她)“fat”,人家会认为你是十分无礼的。“fat man”或“fat woman”都是不客气的、贬斥性的叫法。肥胖的男士喜欢认做“stout”。这个词本来是结实健壮的意思,但已普遍地用作肥胖的讳饰词。,“Portly”比“stout”更高贵、更有尊严。这个词过去是“庄严”、“宏伟”的意思。“portly”的人,举止缓慢而庄严,就象一艘巨型邮轮泊岸时那样。“Bouncing”本来是像皮球那样“跳跃着”的意思,后来借用来形容“精神饱满”、“生气勃勃”,现在也成为肥胖的一个euphemism。另一个恭维性的形容词是口语里的“strapping”,意即“身材高


5、来演变为“活泼、爽朗”,或者可说是“充满活力”。现在则变成肥胖的讳饰词了。,至于用来形容女性的词语,“plump”相当于男性的“portly”,等于中文的“珠圆玉润”。中国古画里唐代的美人,大都“plump”很。“rotund”本来就是“圆”的意思,像一个皮球那样;用来形容又矮又胖的女士,比“fat”要好听得多。另一个不会令女士们听了反脸的形容词是“buxom”,即“丰满的、健美的”,“活泼、爽朗”,或者可说是“充满活力”。现在则变成肥胖的讳饰词了。“full”也可作“丰满”,“a full figure”就是“又胖又圆的身材。,美国有一家专为胖子服务的服装店,对以上介绍过的euphemism

6、s都不满意。他们说“fat”固然绝对不会使用,也不喜欢“portly”、“oversized”或“heavyset”;他们形容顾客时,宁可说“king-sized”。他们的服务对象,是“men of royal proportions”。皇爷们养尊处优,大概都是名符其实的“king-sized”吧!肥胖的孩子,可以叫做“chubby-faced”,是说他有一张圆鼓鼓的脸,活泼可爱。“fleshy”是较为中性的词,没有什么褒义或贬义。如果要说人肥胖得难看,可用“corpulent”或“obese”。病态的肥胖,也叫“obese”。,胖 1.gain/put on weight:增加体重。2.su

7、per size person:超大之人。3.heavyset:体格魁伟的,敦实的。4.well-built:体格健美的,体型匀称的。5.stout 结实的,壮实的。6.obese 超胖的7.big-boned:骨骼粗大的。8.overweight:超重的。9.chubby/plump:胖乎乎的(多指小孩和女子)。10.bulky 又高又胖的,I was a chubby kid who grew into an overweight adult.I was constantly teased for being heavier than the other kids,leaving me f

8、eeling shy and self-conscious.I tried several diets,but none worked,and I ended up gaining weight.Another factor contributing to my weight gain was my love for cooking,especially rich,high-fat desserts,which I enjoyed preparing and,of course,eating.,I was a chubby kid who grew into an overweight adu

9、lt.I was constantly teased for being heavier than the other kids,leaving me feeling shy and self-conscious.I tried several diets,but none worked,and I ended up gaining weight.Another factor contributing to my weight gain was my love for cooking,especially rich,high-fat desserts,which I enjoyed prepa

10、ring and,of course,eating.,thin,slender,slim,lean,slight,skinny,bony 均有“瘦的”之意。thin普通用词,可指身子骨生来单薄,身上没有什么肉,也指因疾病或疲劳而消瘦:Angela was dreadfully thin./She looked thin after her illness.slender表示颀长的、苗条的,含优美匀称的意味,也可用于身体的某一部分:She crossed her slender legs./She admires his slender build.,slim与slender的区别在于含有纤弱的

11、意味,通常用于个高体轻的女性:She kept slim by dieting and by exercising diligently.A tall,slim girl with long,straight hair.lean强调缺乏脂肪,表示清瘦而健康有力:a lean and hungry lookHe had the lean fit look of a trained athlete.,slight指个头小:She is slight of figure.I watched her slight figure cross the street.skinny表示太瘦,皮包骨头:Hes

12、tall and skinny./a skinny little man bony 瘦骨嶙峋的,如“死”就有许多委婉的说法:die be gone 去世了 pass away depart this life 与世长辞 中性go to a better world 去极乐世界go to sleep for ever 永远睡觉 fall asleep 长眠了go out of this world 离开人间close(end)ones day 寿终 breathe ones last 断气go to heaven 归天,入天堂了pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘depart

13、to the world of shadows 命归黄泉give up the ghost 见阎王kick the bucket 翘辫子 贬义kick up ones heels 蹬腿,英语中的褒义词,如:achievement 成就determined 意志坚定的heroic 英勇的famous 著名的modest 谦虚的noble 高尚的,英语中的贬义词,如:arrogant 傲慢的slander 诽谤boast 吹嘘notorious 臭名昭著的mean 卑鄙的Set inIndulge in Stuff Circumstances consequence,英语中有些词义是中立的,本身不

14、表示褒义或贬义,但在一定的上下文中可能有褒贬的意味。Flatter:Youre flattering me by saying that.你那么说,就过奖了。(中性)Hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen.汉斯说,这位先生是他所见到过的最有胆识的人,这种阿谀奉承未免过于露骨。(贬义),Ambition:Once,early in 1974,while driving along the San Diego Freeway f

15、rom Clemente to Los Angeles,he was asked to reflect on his hopes and ambitions.一九七四年初,有人同他一起驱车从克利门蒂沿圣地亚哥公路去洛杉矶,途中请他谈了他的希望和抱负。Hitlers ambition to conquer the whole Europe was doomed to fail.希特勒欲征服整个欧洲的野心是注定要失败的。,Deeds:He had lied to me and made me the tool of his wicked deeds.他欺骗了我,是我成了他进行罪恶勾当的工具。His

16、 heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of China.全国各地的人们都在颂扬他的英雄事迹。,Result:The adoption of new policies will surely lead to some striking results.采取各项新政策必将带来显著成果。There would have been more painful result but for the drastic measures.若不是采取了严厉措施,那将会出现更痛苦的后果。,Positive Neutral Derogatorydeath 仙逝/长

17、眠 死/死亡 一命呜呼/见鬼scheme 计划/规划/方案 诡计/阴谋collaborate 合作/协作 与敌勾结/通敌aggressive 有进取心的 侵略性的plot 故事 阴谋exploit 开发利用 剥削As luck would have it 很走运 真倒霉,Still more important is the fact that the affective meanings of some words are culture-bound.That is,because of the differences between the two cultures,a word comm

18、endatory in English,but its equivalent in Chinese is derogatory,or vice versa.,Individualism 个人主义1.feeling or behavior of a person who likes to do things his/her own way,regardless of what other people do;2.theory that favors free action and complete liberty of belief for each individual person;3.th

19、e idea that the rights and freedom of the individual are the most important rights in a society.一切从实际出发,把个人利益放在集体利益至上,只顾自己,不顾别人的错误思想。个人主义是生产资料私有制的产物,是资产阶级世界观的核心。Individualism(中性词)不等于个人主义(贬义词),Propaganda 宣传在英语中“propaganda”是指“政治团体为影响公众散布夸大或虚假的信息”,使用时常含贬义,中文“宣传”是褒义。宣传部publicity department;宣传栏billboard;

20、宣传委员student in charge of publicity.商业宣传则用advertise 或promote.Idealism 唯心主义在英语中不包含任何褒贬之意;而在中文里“唯心主义”则具有贬义。,Liberalism 自由主义Liberal opinions or principles,esp.with regard to social and political matters.革命队伍中的一种错误的思想做分,主要表现是缺乏原则性,无组织,无纪律,强调个人利益等。Liberalism(中性词)不等于自由主义(贬义词),Pragmatism 实用主义Dealing with ma

21、tters in the way that seems best under the actual conditions.现代资产阶级哲学的一个派别,创始于美国。它的主要内容是否认世界的物质性和真理的客观性,把客观存在和主观经验等同起来,认为有用的就是真理,思维只是应付环境解决疑难的工具。Pragmatism(褒义词)不等于实用主义(贬义词),Intellectual 知识分子Intellectual 在英美等国其范围较小,只包括大学教授等有较高学术地位人,不包括普通大学生,而多数中国人认为 intellectual就是“知识分子”,而且汉语中知识分子所指范围很广,大学教师、中学教师、大学生、

22、医生、工程师、翻译人员以及一切受过大学教育人都可以称为知识分子。,SexyE:positive human qualityC:connote a rejected loose sex morality YoungE:flexible,vigorous,creativeC:inexperienced,inconsistent,Ambitious/aggressive E:good qualities,fight to attain ones objectives and find ones way to achieve high social status.C:modesty is highly

23、 valued Self-made man E:independence,hardworking,successful C:sometimes associated with“upstarts”,connoting lack of financial foundation and influential connections,Old E:traditional,senile,useless,offensiveC:mature,skilled,experienced,respectful Peasant E:uneducated,low social status,ill-bred C:neu

24、tal,Landlord/capitalist/boss E:neutral C:derog.old society before 1949 Comrade E:derog.KGB,spy of Soviet Union C:warmth,friendliness,equality,Do-gooder E:people are expected to mind their own business and help others only when asked.C:unselfish,helpful,kind Revolutionary E:violence,damage,bloodshedd

25、ing C:fight,power,politics,change,just,little和smallsmall主要指的是“尺寸”、“重量”等,词的本身不带任何感情色彩,只是表示not big,not large。little则带有感情色彩,蕴涵“喜欢”或“厌恶”的感情。brave和bold一般形容人勇敢就用brave,没什么限制,也没什么特殊,通常情况下是褒义词。bold是形容这个人行为很大胆,有冒失无耻之意,Modest,humble 例如“There are lots of members in our club.They are not only very kind but also

26、_”.根据词汇的涵义,“humble”虽然有谦虚,谦逊的含义,但常表示过分的自卑,所以这里应当用“modest”更为恰当。“humble”和“modest”虽然词义相近但语义不同,“modest”表示赞美而“humble”表示贬低。,Politician,statesman I used to be a politician.But since I came back from Peking,I have been statesman.我过去一直是吃政治饭的,但是,自从我从北京回来以后,我已成了一名政治家。(贬义;褒义),Fairly,rather Fairly 往往含有“褒义”,因此常常跟表

27、示“好”的意思的词连用;rather 往往含有“贬义”,常同包含“坏”的意思的词连用。例如可以说fairly good,fairly safe,不可以说fairly bad,fairly dangerous,bad和dangerous都表示“坏”的意思,只能同rather连用有时rather可以表示一种“批评”,含有否定的意思;而fairly则表示“尽管有点不满意之处,但总的来说还是肯定”的意思。A fairly cold day相当冷的一天(虽然冷还能忍受)。A rather cold day过于冷的一天(太冷了,有点不能忍受)。,Clever,smart,bright,wise,intel

28、ligentSmart 具有灵气,脑子转得快。Clever 就是一般的聪明,不一定暗示全面妥当地考虑问题。Bright:口语常用词,多指年轻人,尤指小孩思路敏捷,理解力强,机灵等。Wise 指富有智慧。Intelligent 指有知识的智力不同一般。,band,circle,crowd,gang,group,herd,host,mass,mobBand,gang,herd,mob 多含贬义circle指因志同道合而形成的圈子或结成的团体,聚会频繁,文明高雅。crowd指毫无秩序地挤在一起的人群,含有混乱、拥挤的意味。Host 是口语用词。Mass 指群众,民众。,Black,Negro,nig

29、ger Negro/nigger 贬“越狱”中还听到过eight ball的说法(因为台球中8球是黑的),是很歧视的说法。Black 中,可能在某种场合某些人觉得有些贬。African American 现在比较流行的不带种族歧视的说法。现在多用“the Black”。,著名的褒义词 Famous,well-known,outstanding,Distinguished贬义词Notorious,infamous,灾难Calamity disaster有感情 无感情年老的Elderly/senior old 孩子气的Childlike childishLovable immature,天真的In

30、nocent nave自信的Confident complacent conceited影响Influence affect impact,老太太The dear old soul The old womanThe old witch固执的Firm obstinate/stubborn pig-headed意图Intent intention,鼓励Encourage entice/incite/instigate 夸奖Praise compliment flatter 惊讶Amazed surprised 爱Love affection spoil,Be committed to be add

31、icted to Confront encounter Impressive special unique peculiar strange odd bizarre Resolute stubborn,差生 的确是中国特色的说法:国外一般对成绩不好的学生不作评论,也不会特意说 someone is poor/weak student.那样的话,会引起人们强烈的反感。实在避免不了的情况下,最多也就说weak student,这里weak也可以指体弱多病的学生,也可以指不擅长学习的学生。其他的还有:Lower-scoring students Students of low achievement

32、 Slow student,Thrifty,economical,frugal,stingy,mean,penny-pinching,tight-fistedThrifty 正面 理财精明Frugal/Economical 中性 能省则省Stingy/mean/penny-pinching/tight-fisted负面 一毛不拔,表示对某人的行为不认同,英汉动物词汇文化内涵比较bear(熊):在中国人的心目中,熊的形象一般是行动迟缓、笨手笨脚,含有愚笨、无能和无用之意,因此汉语中有“你真熊”、“熊样”之说。在英语中熊被认为是凶猛、残忍的动物,用来指人时,则意指A bad-tempered or

33、 bad mannered person(粗鄙之人、鲁莽之人),惯用语like a bear with a sore head则表示“脾气暴躁、态度恶劣”。,如:Florence and Dorothy were both dancing,but Jeremy,who did not dance,was standing by her,looking as sulky as a bear with a sore head.佛罗莲丝和多罗蒂都在跳舞,杰瑞米没跳舞。他站在她身旁,满面怒容。,英语中,owl是智慧的象征,成语as wise as an owl即是一例。owlish,owlishly则

34、用来形容聪明、机敏、严肃。在儿童读物和漫画中,owl通常很严肃,很有头脑,常充当裁判。在汉语中猫头鹰的形象就不同了。很多人认为猫头鹰与前兆迷信有关,怕看到它或听到它的叫声,以为碰上它要倒霉。“夜猫子(猫头鹰)进宅”意味着厄运将至。,peacock(孔雀)在中国文化中是吉祥的象征,人们认为孔雀开屏是大吉大利的事。而peacock在英语中的意义基本上是否定的,表示one making a proud or arrogant display of himself(一个洋洋得意、炫耀自己的人)。它不强调孔雀美丽的一面,而强调骄傲的一面,英语中有the young peacock(年轻狂妄的家伙)、pr

35、oud as a peacock等用法,bat(蝙蝠):中国传统文化中,蝙蝠被认为是幸福的象征,因为汉语里蝠与福同音,而蝠鹿皆音福禄,因此蝙蝠以表示财富、位、吉利。在欧洲民间传说中,蝙蝠总是和罪恶和黑暗势力联系在一起,和中国对猫头鹰的感觉相近。英语 成语中也体现了对于bat有坏的联想,如as blind as bat(有眼无珠),has bat in the belfry 钟楼(异想天开)。,牛汉语中把老老实实勤勤恳恳为人服务的人尊称为“老黄牛”。牛还是力气的象征,做事了花了大力气,人们说“真是费了牛劲”。中国人还把“固执”和“骄傲”与牛联系在一起,因此,便出现了“那人很牛气”、“它的牛脾气你

36、又不是不知道”的说法。由于很难说清的原因,人们把“说大话”叫做“吹牛皮”。尽管如此,牛在中国人心目中并没有多少坏印象。,牛对学英语的人来说“牛”首先是人联想起“cow”。其实英语中与“牛”相对应的词是“ox”。当然,ox在英语中并没有我们上述提到的丰富的内涵。在英语中ox包含cow(奶牛)和bull(公牛)。cow在一般情况没有什么特殊的含义,但是由于它的躯体庞大,英语中便出现了谚语Set a cow to catch a hare.直译为“放牛逐兔”,引申义为“徒劳无功”。,牛 英语中bull的内涵倒是蛮丰富的。它是一种力量的象征,是凶猛、鲁莽的代名词。人们可以从著名的NBA篮球队Bulls

37、(公牛队)体会到这层含义。在英语中,人们把力大体壮的人或彪形大汉称为bull,把粗大的声音说成a bulls voice,其动词用法如to bull a bill through Congress(强使国会通过一项法案);He bulled his way into the room(他挤过人群走进房间)。在成语中,把行动或说话鲁莽、笨手笨脚动辄闯祸的人称为a bull in a china chop。like a bull at a gate指“凶猛的、鲁莽的”,to take the bull by the horns指的是“大胆地对付困难或危险,不惧艰险”。,了解文化差异造成的词汇不对等

38、:“害群之马”,英语为a black sheep“太阳从西边出来”,英语为When pigs can fly.“人人都有得意时”,英语为Every dog has its day.,“爱屋及乌”,英语为Love me,love my dog.“有功者应受奖赏”,英语为A good dog deserves a good bone.“像热锅上的蚂蚁”,英语为Like a cat on hot bricks.“掩耳盗铃”,英语为The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.,“泄露秘密”,英语为Let the cat out of the bag“牛饮”,英

39、语为drink like a fish“有其他事情要做”,英语为have other fish to fry“天涯何处无芳草”,英语为There are plenty more fish in the sea.,“母老虎”,英语为lioness“深入虎穴”,英语为beard the lion in his den“拦路虎”,英语为a lion in the way,“吹牛”,英语为talk horse“力大如牛”,英语为as strong as a horse“老黄牛”,英语为a willing horse“落汤鸡”,英语为a drowned rat“一箭双雕”,英语为kill two bir

40、ds with one stone,“翁中之鳖”,英语为Like a rat in the hole,“亚洲四小龙”,英语为four little tigers“母夜叉”,英语为a real dragon“女强人”,英语为A dragon ladyHope ones son will turn out a dragon.这是中国人的说法,英语为expect ones child to have a bright futuresucceed in lifehave great ambitions for ones child,Mr.Lee has peaches and plums all ov

41、er the world after teaching in the university for over 30 years.Mr.Lee has students all over the world after teaching in the university for over 30 years.Talking to him is like playing piano to a cow.Talking to him is casting pearls before swine.,在褒贬之间做出选择:其实中年是人生盛华的开始,不应贪懒,不应享受。In fact,middle age r

42、epresents the prime of ones life,allowing no indolence,no enjoyment.enjoyment 应该为 self-indulgence打得赢就打,打不赢就走。(毛选)Fight when we can win and run away when we cannot.(a translation from a British press)Fight when you can win,move away when you cannot win.(by FLP of China),你想想,有那么多人关心我,爱护我,医生、护士、领导、同事,还

43、有许多陌生人You see,many people care about and take care of me:doctors and nurses,superiors and colleagues,and even lots of people whom Ive not yet had the pleasure of knowing.中国的经济是一个大问题,各级领导务必优先考虑这一问题。Chinas economy is a major issue,and leaders at all levels must give it a priority consideration.issue:多

44、指意见能达到一致的问题,但要通过争论或讨论解决。problem:指客观上存在的、难以处理或难以理解的问题。,Although most bathers thought the high surf looked threatening,a few thought it was challenging.When our team of scientists travelled across the crater to collect samples,they encountered another team stealing evidence.他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。They preach i

45、dealism whereas we advocate materialism.,1.The snow(buried,blanketed)the mountains,inviting more tourists.blanketed2.The wounded soldier(survived,recovered)with prompt care.recovered3.So neat were the dinner guests that only a few(foul,unclean)napkins were left.unclean 4.The embezzler盗用公款者 had devel

46、oped a(scheme,plan)to maximize profit and minimize risk.scheme,5.Our English teacher would(flatter,praise)us only when we had clearly made progress.praise 6.The defendant was judeged not responsible for the crime since he was temporarily(insane,crazy).insane 7.A(sanitation officer,garbage man)is an

47、employee like any other and deserve the respect of people.sanitation officer8.Elizabeth noticed the(stench臭气,恶臭,fragrance)of roses as she entered the room.fragrance,9.Though she has grown up,her bahavior is often childish/childlike.childish 10.I am quite jealous/envious of your opportunity to study

48、at such a famous university.envious 11.This homely/ugly old man is a well-known musician.homely 12.I am sorry to refuse/decline your invitation.decline,13.He was surprised/stunned to find that his little sister had become a pretty,slim/skinny young woman.surprised,slim14.This service man was modest/

49、humble when he was talking with his superiors.humble15.Is the elderly/old lady we met this morning your aunt?elderly16.We had a fabulous/delicious dinner at a famous Chinese restaurant.fabulous,17.I was amazed/surprised at the differences between high school and college.amazed 18.Our music teacher i

50、s a/an ugly,homely old woman,very kind to every one of us.homely 19.My mother became fat/stout as she grew older.stout 20.He was notorious/famous for his evil deeds notorious21.It was very childish/childlike of him to lose his temper over something so unimportant.childish,22.Ann has got a very nice


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