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1、上海交通大学管理学院,商业伦理,主讲:张兴福博士,美国大亨欺诈成风,池北偶诗朱根华画 环球时报20020722,美国隐患重重,企业欺诈成风。大亨编造假账,犹如鬼斧神工。或是虚报收入,或是隐瞒亏空。前有环球安然,后有默克世通一个接着一个,丑闻层出不穷。股票变成废纸,引起一片惶恐。害苦众多股民,愁煞白宫诸公。此风遏制不易,前途未卜吉凶。难弄,难弄!,商业伦理课程大纲,商业伦理引言高峰体验、佛家生命观(形而上学部分)商业伦理基本理论(哲学部分)现代功利论:第五项修炼现实中的伦理议题(实务部分,见下页),现实中的伦理议题,公司与员工公司与客户公司与股东公司与供应商公司与竞争对手公司与政府公司与社区、社

2、会公司与自然环境保护跨国公司与全球伦理从企业文化到伦理型公司,Fortune 500强,90%的公司有成文的伦理守则;60%以上的美国大企业和50%的欧洲大企业设有企业伦理机构;美国制造业和服务业前1000家企业中,20%聘有伦理主管;90年代中期,40%左右的美国企业进行了伦理培训。,1987年,John Shad捐款2000万美元给哈佛商学院,倡议开设“决策与伦理价值”课程,HBS从1988年起开设;截止1993年,美国90%的商学院开设了企业伦理方面的课程;80年代以来,企业伦理学方面的研究机构、出版物在美国、加拿大、欧洲、南美、中东、日本、韩国纷纷问世。,在美国,企业如果违反了消费者的

3、利益,究竟要付多少罚款?,根据美国裁判委员会的资料,罚款的多寡由一组因素决定。这组因素包括:企业是初犯还是前科累累?是否曾向有关方面举报罪行?是否愿意承担责任?是否与有关方面合作?是否有有效措施防止或监察不法行为?,违反消费者利益罚款数目(单位:万美元),实例 Acme公司被裁定邮政欺诈罪。控方指出Acme一贯滥收那些损坏了租赁汽车用家的维修费用,同时也收取了一些用户无需负责的维修费用。在未被法庭定罪之前,Acme已归还那些被多收取费用的顾客总数接近4000万美元的巨款。法官引用了“1991年联邦裁决指引”作为裁判的基础,下令Acme缴交685万美元,约为顾客损失总数的一半。,上海交通大学管理

4、学院,商业伦理引言,主讲:张兴福博士,Learning Objectives,What is“business ethics?”Why do so many people think“business ethics”is an oxymoron?(Why are people cynical and what can we do about it?)Is business ethics a fad or an afterthought?Can business ethics be taught?,What is Ethics?,Ethics can be understood as sets

5、of formal and informal standards of conduct that people use to guide their behavior.These standards are based in part on principles derived from core values such as honesty,respect and trust.Ethics Resource Center,So.What is Business Ethics?,The principles,norms and standards of conduct governing an

6、 individual or a group.,Trevino&Nelson,Managing Business Ethics.NY:Wiley,1999.P.4,Ethics Examples:The Six Pillars of Character by The Josephson Institute of Ethics,Trustworthiness:honesty,integrity,promise-keeping,loyalty Respect:autonomy,privacy,dignity,courtesy,tolerance,acceptance,Ethics Examples

7、:,Responsibility:accountability,pursuit of excellence Caring:compassion,consideration,giving,sharing,kindness,loving,Ethics Examples:,Justice and fairness:procedural fairness,impartiality,consistency,equity,equality,due process Civic virtue and citizenship:law abiding,community service,protection of

8、 environment,“Ethical Dilemmas”.a textbook definition,Situations concerning right and wrong where values are in conflict.Trevino&Nelson,Managing Business Ethics.NY:Wiley,1999.P.4,An Ethical Dilemma.,.arises in a situation when each alternative choice or behavior is undesirable because of potentially

9、 harmful ethical consequences.Right or wrong cannot be clearly identified.(Daft&Marcic,p.137),Are we cynical about ethics?,But Sir,you said to install video monitorswhere ever we suspected unethical activity.,A Workplace Perspective on Cynicism,“What values should we live by?What are we here to do?M

10、odern workplaces offer little help in finding answers to these perplexing queries.As a result,too many of us drift along with little sense of direction and without a moral compass to guide us through the ethically slippery world of work.,This deepens our discouragement about work and,ultimately,abou

11、t life.You probably know people who are situationally smart but spiritually bankrupt.,The Management ChallengeJeffrey M.Kaplan,The Conference Board Program Director.,Many companies proclaim the creation or expansion of business ethics and compliance programs with great fanfare and the best of intent

12、ions.But often businesses are unable to maintain the credibility of their programs over the long run,with devastating consequences for employees,shareholders,and others.”,Why are managers cynical about Business Ethics?,General Corporate Values&GoalsBusiness preoccupation with gainPerception that onl

13、y results are importantCompetition rather than collaboration,Corporate Response to Ethical IssuesGenerally accepted unethical practices in certain industries.Acceptance of unethical behaviorIneffective enforcement of ethics codesFailure to reinforce ethical behavior,Why are managers cynical about Bu

14、siness Ethics?,How common is misconduct at work.,About one in every three employees observe misconduct at work.,types of misconduct observed most frequently include:,Lying;Withholding needed information;Abusive or intimidating behavior toward employees;Mis-reporting actual time or hours worked;and D

15、iscrimination.,The Good News:Survey of Workplace Ethics,found that employee perceptions and key ethics outcomes are more positive when:Organizations have ethics programs in place,Employees see ethical values like honesty,respect and trust applied frequently at work,and Organizational leaders and sup

16、ervisors are seen as modeling ethical behavior.2000 National Business Ethics Survey,Is Business Ethics a Fad or an Afterthought?Results from Attention to business ethics!,Substantially improved societyHelps maintain a moral course in turbulent timesCultivates strong teamwork&productivitySupport empl

17、oyee growth and meaningHelps ensure that policies are legal.,Complete Guide to Ethics Management:Ethics Toolkit for Managers http:/www.mapnp.org/library/ethics/ethxgde.htm#anchor33077,Is Business Ethics a Fad or an Afterthought?Results from Attention to business ethics!,Helps avoid criminal acts“of

18、omission”&can lower finesHelps manage values associated with quality management,strategic planning and diversity managementPromotes a strong public imageCumulative Benefits the“bottom line”,Complete Guide to Ethics Management:Ethics Toolkit for Managers http:/www.mapnp.org/library/ethics/ethxgde.htm

19、#anchor33077,Can Business Ethics Be Taught in College Programs?,Felix Rohatyn-“No,not past the age of 10”Lester Thurow-“Not unless students have already learned ethics from families,clergy,previous school or employers”,Should Employees Know the Difference between Right&Wrong?,“Bad Apples”Individuals

20、 of good character should be able to choose well without special training.,“Bad Barrels”Good character doesnt prepare individuals to deal with very special ethical problems unique to their particular occupation or organization.,Factors that Affect Individual Ethical Decision-Making Behavior,EthicalD

21、ilemma,Stages of Moral DevelopmentAWARENESS,MORALJUDGMENT,Individual Characteristics,CognitiveBias,StructuralCharacteristics of Organization,OrganizationalCulture,Ethical/UnethicalBehavior,IssueIntensity,Ethics vs.Law,Law reflects societys MINIMUM norms and standards of business conduct.There is a g

22、reat deal of OVERLAP between whats legal&whats ethical.,Law-abiding behavior is generally believed to also be ethical.There are many particular situations not covered strictly by law that fall under the umbrella of“ethical dilemmas.”,ETHICS,LAW,Legal Liability and Ethics:Due Diligence and Effective

23、Compliance,Establish compliance standards reasonably capable of preventing criminal misconduct.Assign specific high-level individuals to oversee compliance standards.,Take care in delegating discretionary authority involving sensitive responsibilitiesCommunicate standards including retribution free

24、reporting.,Consistently enforce written standards through disciplinary mechanism(including failure to detect).After detecting offense,act to respond&prevent repeat.,TWO OPPOSING VIEWS,Managers are professionalsThey dont own the businessEmployees are responsible only to shareholdersMust operate in be

25、st interests of shareholdersInterests=FINANCIAL RETURN,Corporations are chartered by statesCorporations are not independent entitiesResponsibility to larger society that endorses their creationCompanys first priority=SURVIVAL,CLASSICAL/ECONOMIC,SOCIO-ECONOMIC,A“Stake”,A“Claim”:A right to somethingA

26、demand for something due or perceived to be due.,Stakeholders Include,EmployeesMangersOwners(Shareholders),CustomersSuppliersCommunity,Internal,External,What is Corporate Responsibility?,Philanthropic&SocialEthicalLegalEconomic,CON.Ethics&Corporate Responsibility,ViolatesProfitsMaximization,Lack ofS

27、kills,Dilutionof Purpose,Lack ofAccountability,Too Much Power,Cost,PreventionoverCures,BalanceResponsibility&Power,Better Environment,Discourage Government Regulation,Possession of Resources,Long-runProfits,PublicImage,EthicalObligations,PublicExpectations,StockholderInterests,PRO.Ethics&Corporate Responsibility,


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