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1、Chapter Five word meaning,Main contents/focus:1.Views on word meaning2.motivation aims of learning motivation 1.facilitate the understanding of English word meaning2.have a cognitive understanding of English word meaning3.appreciate words in discourses,Views on word meaning1.the referential theory指称

2、论 meaning object behavior/quality stonebelieve/hate,2.the ideational theory意念论 meaningthought/reference意念 triangle of reference,semantic triangle-proposed by Ogden/Richards The meaning of meaning 1923(The relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct.It is mediated by concept.),conc

3、ept/thought word-thing(name/symbol/form)(referent/object/),3.the contextual theory语境论 meaning/context-related Malinowski I dont like her.She is tall and thin and moves like a crane.I like her.She is tall and thin and moves like a crane.,4.the phonetic theory语音论 sound/meaning-related chip/little/mini

4、-/bit/booklet/i/=little/small sn-unpleasant sound,5.the stylistic theory语体论(social background/status/education/job)girl maiden lass skirt face countenance mug so good such fun lovely terrific,*Meaning of a word is open.Meaning is given by people.Meaning is unclear.,*conventionalist view on word mean

5、ing:-purely a matter of convention and tradition/arbitrary Naturalist view on word meaning:-intrinsic connection between form/sound and meaning,Words have no meaning;people have meaning for them-Erik Patridge词的意义是“人”赋予它的。,1.motivationIt deals with the connection between name(word symbol)and sense.So

6、me words are motivated.,Types of motivation,1)phonetic motivation(onomatopoeaic,echoic)2)semantic motivation 3)morphologically motivated words 4)motivation and cultural background,1)phonetic motivation(onomatopoeaic,echoic),-Word motivated phonetically,whose pronunciation suggests meaning.a.primary

7、onomatopoea(基本拟声)Ducks quack.Frogs croak.Horses neigh.,b.secondary onomatopoea(次要拟声)sound symbolism语音象征(sounds evoke movement)hassle wrestle,bustle,tussle,/sn-/-sniff,snuff/snap snake,snail,/sl/slide,slip,slither/sloppy,sly,slut/sk/skate,skid-are glare,flare,stare-ump plump,hump/dump,-amp stamp tram

8、p clamp-url/-irl curl swirl-ide glide/ride/stride-eer jeer sneer-aze dazzle maze m-渺 漠 迷 ong 龙 熊 勇,2)semantic motivation 语义理据),Figurative meaning can be readily understood by those who know the literal meaning.,I love potatoes cooked in their jackets a.metaphorEducation is not the filling of a pail,

9、but the lighting of a fire.The boy wolfed down the food.I want to escape from the prison of my home.保护伞,b.metonymy(借代,换称),*Name sth.by one of its attributesThe pen is mightier than the sword.(工具代动作),He has the best stable in the town.(容器代内容),I am not going to let my heart rule my head.(身体器官代功能)I hat

10、e that brass button.(事物特征代事物本身)Hollywood红领巾 大团结 白领,C.analogy类比 words created in imitation of other words marathon-telethon talkathon missile gap-production gap,3)morphologically motivated words-direct connection between the morphemic structure of the word and its meaning,e.g.:bearer-er(person)collap

11、secol(together)+lapse(fall),4)motivation and cultural background Words that show cultural history are called culturally bound word or allusive words.,Cinderella Quixotic(Cervantes),the heel of Achilles Frankenstein Pygmalion 阿Q,Questions:1.why do many writers used onomatopoeic words in their writing

12、?2.Are English letters symbolic?Give some examples.3.Are the meanings of some words closely related with culture?Give some examples.,4.Find out motivated words in the followingTongues of flames leaped from the fire.People showered honors upon the heroine.From the cradle to the grave man is the most unfortunate creature.I hope that you wont take to the bottle.They were allowed to leapfrog the long lines of traders,.5.Comment on the motivated words in the following.1.cuckoo 2.the foot of the mountain 3.Ive got one of my Sahara thirsts on tonight.4.Minibus 5.first family/first mother,


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