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1、Module 5 Unit 1,.单词荟萃1_ adj.愉快的,高兴的;令人愉快的 _ vt.欢呼;使高兴;n.欢呼;愉快;令人愉快的事2forgive(_,_)vt.原谅,宽恕 _ n原谅;宽宏大量3horrible adj.极坏的,糟糕的;恐怖的,令人震惊的 _ n惊骇;令人恐怖的事情4argue vi.争吵,争论 _ n论据;争吵;论证5_vi.道歉 _ n道歉,cheer,forgiveness,horror,argument,apology,cheerful,forgave,forgiven,apologize,6_ adj.易生气的;敏感的;体贴的 _ n感觉;道理;理智;vt.感

2、觉到;意识到7_ vt.&n羡慕,忌妒 _ adj.羡慕的;忌妒的8blame vt.责备,指责 _ n(坏事或错事的)责任;责备,指责9_adj.有天赋的,有天才的 _ n礼物;天赋;赠品10hopeless adj.没有好转希望的,无望的;糟透的 _ vt.&n.希望 _ adj.有望的,sense,envious,blame,gift,hope,hopeful,sensitive,envy,gifted,.短语检测1暗中监视,窥探 2(与)步调一致,3情不自禁地做某事 4(用电话)接通 5留心,提防;留意,留神 6以为基础,以为根据 7不管,不顾 8最后成为;最终处于 9依靠,依赖 10

3、幸亏;由于,thanks to,spy on,keep pace with,cant help doing sth.,get through,be cautious about,be based on,regardless of,end up,rely on,Key words and phrases,1pretend vi.&vt.假装;装扮,扮作,每次老师进来时,他就假装在读英语。,Every time the teacher comes in,he will pretend to be reading English.,(1)be admitted _ sth.被录取 admit_ 承认

4、做了某事 admit that/wh-clause 承认(2)admission n _,into/to,2.admit,doing sth./having done sth.,允许进入;供认;入场费,【活学活用】1根据汉语完成句子(1)He _(承认做错了).(2)He was very happy to have _(录取)a famous college in Shanghai.(3)No _(允许进入)without tickets.,admitted having done wrong,been admitted to/into,admission,focus vt.&vi.集中注意

5、力于;使聚焦 n焦点,关注点;焦距;重点,Focus/fix,(1)_ 集中于_ones eyes/attention/mind_ sth._ ones attention to sth._ attention to sth.把视线/注意力/心思集中到上(2)bring sth.into focus _,on,focus on.,pay,attract,使某事物成为焦点,He sat there with his eyes _ the girl next to him.,focused on,(1)argue_ argue_ argue _sb._ sth.与某人争辩某事 argue sb._

6、/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事 argue that _(2)_n.争论,争辩,论点,for,against,with,on/about/over,into,argument,4argue vi.&vt.争吵,争论,争辩,说服,,为获得而争论为反对而争论,许多专家主张禁止在城市中骑摩托车。Many experts _ the ban of riding motorcycles in the city.Many experts _ riding motorcycles should be banned in the city.,argue for,argue that,

7、认为,主张,5apologize vi.道歉,apologize to sb.for(doing)sth.,apology,make an apology to sb.for sth.,接受/拒绝某人的道歉,你浪费了客户的钱,应该向他们道歉。You should be _ your customer _ wasting their money.,apologizing to,for,6blame vt.责备,指责;谴责;把归咎于n.(坏事或 错事的)责任,过失;责备,指责,(1)blame sb._ sth.因某事而责备某人 blame sth._ sb.把某事怪到某人头上 _某人该为某事负责

8、任(2)_the blame _sth._ sb.把某事归咎于某人身上,for,on,sb.be to blame for sth.,lay/put,for,on,【活学活用】1根据汉语完成句子(1)许多孩子害怕讲英语时犯错误而受责备。Many children are afraid of _ making mistakes in speaking English.(2)警察把那起交通事故归咎于杰克的粗心驾驶。The police _ the traffic accident _ Jacks careless driving.(3)那次事故怪不着孩子们。The children were _

9、the accident.,being blamed for,blamed,not to blame for,on,7acquaintance n略有交情,(与某人)认识,相识;了解;泛泛之交,熟人,_ 结识某人cut/drop ones acquaintance with sb._ _(2)acquaint v.使熟悉,使了解be acquainted with _,熟悉;认识/了解,不熟悉,不了解,与某人绝交,have no acquaintance with,make ones acquaintance,make the acquaintance of sb.,【活学活用】(1)He h

10、as some little _ with the Japanese language.(2)I _(认识)a new friend when I studied in the UK.(3)You will soon become fully _ with the procedures.,acquaintance,acquainted,made the acquaintance of,8mercy n仁慈;宽恕;怜悯,show mercy to sb.,任凭的摆布;完全受的支配,out of mercy,由于仁慈,仁慈地,without mercy,on/upon,1get through,g

11、et through to the headmasterget through his driving test get through the hard timeget through with this whole project,(用电话)接通;,通过;,度过,(设法)做完;,phrases,Go throughLive throughBreak through,get across,get over,get on,get in,get around/round,走过;经历;浏览;活过突破,短语辨析:,regardless of,despite,regarding/concerning,

12、as,1根据汉语完成句子(1)不管别人怎么说,我都认为他是一个好人。_ what others say,I think hes a very nice guy.(2)他不顾及我在这件事情上的感受继续说下去。He continued speaking,_ my feelings on the matter.,Despite/In spite of,regardless of,3end up最后成为;最终处于,doing sth.,in,as,with,【活学活用】1根据汉语完成句子(1)聚会以一首歌曲结束。The party _ a song.(2)如果你继续偷东西,你将会以坐牢而终。If yo

13、u continue to steal,you will _(3)起初他拒绝承担任何责任但他最后还是以道歉告终。At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he _.,ended up with,end up in prison.,ended up apologizing,4rely on 依靠,依赖,rely on sb.for sth.,rely on it that,ones own efforts/strength,sb.to do.,doing,【活学活用】1.根据汉语完成句子(1)那个年轻女人不可靠。That young

14、 woman is _.(2)你放心好了,他会来看你的。You may _ he will come to see you.,not to be relied upon,rely on it that,cannot(cant)help doing sth.,do,(to)do,忍不住做某事,He is such an selfless man.You can not help but _(respect)him.,respect,Consolidation,1.You cant _ him to do the job properly.He doesnt have any experience

15、.Arely on Binsist on Cbelieve on Drely that2.Smell the flowers before you go to sleep,and you may just _ sweet dreams.Akeep up with Bput up withCend up with Dcatch up with,A,C,3._ of the consequences,he did whatever he liked to and nobody could stop him.ARegarding BAs regards CRegardless DWith regar

16、d4.Theory should _ practice.Abe based on Bbase on Cbase Dbe based to,C,A,5.After that,he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.Aget away withBget on withCget through Dget across6.The dogs walked on slowly,cautious _ any strange trace.AatBforCofDon,C,C,7.Mary

17、 is not a _,just a(an)_.Afriend;acquaintances Bacquaintance;friendCfriend;acquaintance Dacquaintances;friend8.The father didnt know who _ for the broken cup.Ablames Bwas to blame Cblamed Dwill blame,C,B,9.Although Doras lawyer _ that his 58yearold client(当事人)would bring no more harm to society,she w

18、as sentenced to death after all.Adeclared Bannounced Cdiscussed Dargued10.The teacher told the boy _ his angry father,but he refused to.Ato apologize Bapologized to Cto apologize for Dto apologize to,D,D,11.Now that Bob has publicly _ he was wrong,he is sharing the childraising and household tasks with Pat.Aadmitted BsuggestedCagreed Dexplained,A,


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