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3、。一篇较差的作文表现为:1 文章不通顺,无段落,无结构,无明显主题;2 出现很多基本语法错误,拼写错误;3 词汇量很小,词不达意,缺乏英语表达能力;4 不像一篇文章,仅是把一些不连贯的词语拼凑到一起。,存在的七个主要问题,1不会审题。很多考生在着手做写作题时并无审题和构思的概念,有的担心时间不够,有的则是无从下笔,结果不是文不对题就是时间己过半,只好草草收场。2 用汉语思维,逐字翻译。有的考生对英语词造句无把握,便用汉语构思文章,同时将汉语句子硬译英语,结果是非驴非马,无法理解。3 用词搭配不当。英语语言是一大特点是其丰富的习惯用语和固定搭配,包括动词短语、介词短语、形容词短语等,例如(花费很

4、多时间做某事)“spend much time in”不能改成“take much time in”。词与词之间固定搭配是由历史形成的,有的看起来不符合逻辑,但却是地道用法。4 词汇量小,拼写困难。部分学生能在写作中运用的词汇量太少,有的知道用法但拼写不出来,结果只能用中文取而代之,成绩自然不会理想。5 句子逻辑关系混乱。部分考生因受汉语结构的影响,对句子中主谓及状语之间的位置安排不妥,造成逻辑混乱。例如:Our English class often told stories.应改为:We often told stories in our English class.,6.不会应用关联词转

5、承上下句子和段落。关联词起过渡作用,使上下句子和段落合理,承上启下,使表达合乎逻辑,同时结构严谨,文章紧凑。例如:People learn English to use it,Some learn it so study or work abroad.Others learn it to read books and magazines in English or have something to do with English-speaking foreigners.采用适当关联词,改进为:people learn English for practical purposes:some l

6、earn it to study or work abroad,while others learn it to read or communicate in English.7.语法错误。语法错误主要表现为:i.分不清及物与不及物动词,例如:rise和raise;hear和listen等ii.被动与主动语态的误用,例如:interesting和interested;speaking和spoken 等;iii.词类混淆,将动词或形容词误作名词用,将名词和动词误作形容词用等;例如:benefit和beneficial;difficult和difficulty;pleasure和pleased等。

7、iv.混淆可数名词与不可数名词,例如:help,practice 等。v.冠词、情态动词、介词、代词等方面的错误,例如:a English book,should did,must done等。,consult some questions about get admission into your university.and often takes her all kinds of friends toShe usually watching film and Considering of my working,Influent my rest.National Text of Engli

8、shI would like to know how can I I am look forward to you reply.,and I will be appreciated.,二、作文出题的题材类型,从历年作文试题的出题范围来分析,其题材一般均贴近生活,要求写作的知识范围均为考生所熟悉,容易取材,具有一定可写性。但写作形式均为控制性写作,题材类型分为几类:标题作文、提纲作文、图表作文、规定情景式作文及综合型作文等。,.主题句作文主句作文也称为段首句作文,要求考生在每段所给主题句基础上加以扩展,完成段落,再由段落组成文章。主题句作文是目前较常用的一种出题方式,它不像一般正规文章那样要求具

9、有开头段和结尾段,一般只给出三句主题句,所以属于一种简单的三段式作文。,Example 1Title:Dictionary(1)The dictionary is a living teacher(2)Skills will develop with your constant use of various dictionaries.(3)But you should have one thing in mindExample2Title:The Computer(1)The computer is a wonderful machine(2)Computers play an importa

10、nt role in our life(3)However,many scientists dont think that computers will replace us completely.,.提纲式作文提纲式作文为考生提供了题目与一个简单的写作提纲,将考生的写作控制在一定范畴。它要求考生紧扣题目主题,并根据提纲提示的思路和要点展开段落。由于提供的写作提纲一般也为三段,所以考生也可以按照三段式作文将简单的提纲展为主题句,再按照主题句作文的写作方法将文章写成。,ExampleTitle:The TelephoneOutline:1.A useful tool2.How to use it

11、3.The improvement of its use,.图表式作文图表式作文可综合提供题目、数据、图像、提纲,形式多样,是一种控制性和应用性更强的作文的出题方式,从写作类型来看,基本上属于说明文。考生要围绕题目并将有关信息转化为文字形式,这要求考生具有一定数据分析和材料归纳的能力,同时运用一定的写作方法。考研试题一般以三段式写作方法来组织文章,第一段总结归纳信息反映的总的情况,点出主题思想,第二段回答第一段所得出的问题,对数字、数据等信息作出有条理的分析比较,第三段作出总结或给以简单评论。,Example1Directions:Write a composition no Changes

12、in Peoples Diet.Study the following table carefully and your composition must be based on the information giver in the table.Write three paragraphs to:(1)State the changes in peoples diet in the past five years;(2)Give possible reasons for the changes;(3)Draw your own conclusions.You should quote as

13、 few figures as possible.,Example2Directions:Write a composition based on the charts of the average family expenses in the United Stated.The opening sentence is given and you are required to develop it into a full composition.The opening sentence:The average family income in the United States increa

14、sed from 12,000 dollars per year in 1980 to 16,000 dollars in 1985.,.规定情景式作文情景式作文也是一种控制作文出题方式,它一般不给标题,但规定了具体的情景,考生须从情景信息中找到所写文章的中心思想,在此基础上确定文章的标题和段落结构。在写作过程中,考生应按照情景中规定的范围和条件结合自己的经验和知识来休会、想象和发展段落,但不能脱离情景自由发挥。要注意文章的发展必须合乎逻辑情理,段落之间的衔接要连贯和自然。,ExampleSituation:Students have different ways to spend their

15、 summer vacations,and you decide to take your summer vacation with your family in the countryside.Your feeling is quite different with the life in the city,so you think about it deeply.A.Time limit:40 minutesB.Word limit:no less than 150 wordsC.You essay should be written on the ANSWER SHEET II,三、作文

16、高分标准,(一)内容切题,包括提纲的全部内容作文的高分标准首先是要切题。许多考生认为作文题己有要求和提纲,按题目写作不会出问题。但事实往往并非如此,许多考生仍然跑题或扣不准题。有的考生辞不达意,有的考生主题不突出,还有的考生照搬照抄,结果文不对题。所谓的切题指不偏离主题,提纲的所有内容都是围绕主题来展开的。ExampleTitle:Good HealthOutline:1.Importance of good health 2.Ways to ensure a good health文章的主题很显然是谈论健康问题,同时是围绕健康的重要性和怎样保持健康的身体两方面来谈论的。有的考生未经仔细审题便


18、,包括并列关系、因果关系、递进关系、转折关系、解释关系、概括关系、顺序关系、让步关系、对比关系、转换关系等(翻译篇中也有所介绍),这些逻辑关系均有适当的关联词(过渡词)来连接,如表示因果关系的就是有accordingly,consequently,hence,therefore,thus,so,in consequence,as a result等。,()语言合乎规范语言规范含遣词与造句两方面内容。遣词的标准是:选词准确,词能达意,具体形象,用词丰富,语法正确同时符合英语表达习惯。造句的标准是:句式变化多样,意义与结构完整,意思连贯,逻辑合理,语法正确,同时符合习惯和固定用法。遣词要注意修辞,

19、避免多次重复同一词汇,可考虑适当使用代词、同义词、近义词、关联词,使表达有变化。同义词的使用是衡量考生语言运用能力的一个尺度。造句要避免清一色“主谓宾”结构,适当采用倒装、强调、被动、长短句、疑问句、反问句、复合句、并列句等各种句型,同时要注意尽量使用自己熟悉和有把握的句型。有的考生由于语言基本功不扎实,在写作中便经常出现病句或中文式英语。,误:His right arm was broken and could not take part in the game.正:His right arm was broken and he could not take part in the game

20、.(当and 连接的两个谓分属不同的主语时,and 后谓语的主语不可省略。)误:What did we learn in youth can never be forgotten.正:What we learned in youth can never be forgotten.(当how,what,whatever,when,where,whether,which,who,why用引导主语从句时,从句中应用自然语序,不要与特殊疑问句的语序相混。)误:They have sufficient enough food and water to last them two weeks.正:They

21、 have sufficient/enough food and water to last them two weeks.(sufficient和enough同义,均表示“足够的”,不可同时修饰同一中心词。),四、措辞,短文写作的用词是否得当主要应考虑其对文章是否能产生预期的效果,通常应注意以下几点:、选用通俗易懂的词、区分具体与抽象的词、选词要有变化,五、如何写好句子,从遣词到造句,从造句到段落,一篇文章才能完成,每个句子和段落都有一写的规律可循,都有自己的写作技巧。有的考生写出的文章、句子、语法结构与用词均无太大毛病,但仍然得不到高分,主要原因是句式缺少变化。正如前面所述,如果文章中简单

22、句用得太多,文章便显得无生气,也说明考生英语水平还待提高。下面是造句注意的几个方面:,(一)避免语法方面的错误 1.结构不完整,例如:误:We congratulated to him.正:We congratulated him.误:Do you like listening to other people to talk?正:Do you like listening to other talk?2.混淆词义,例如:误:He raised to greet us.(raise举起)正:He rose to greet us.(rise起立)误:I laid in bed all morni

23、ng.(lay/laid,laid放)正:I lay in bed all morning.(lie/lay,lain躺)3累赘,例如:原句:In China,Some cities are seriously polluted,and some cities are being polluted.改进:In China,Some cities are seriously polluted,some being polluted.,4.词性误用,例如:误:Good conditions is very benefit.正:Good conditions are very beneficial.

24、误:They dont feel nerves.正:They dont feel nervous.5 主谓不一致,例如:误:Statistics are a branch of mathematics.正:Statistics is a branch of mathematics.误:The variety of pictures at this exhibition please me.正:The variety of pictures at this exhibition pleases me.6 动名词与不定式的误用,例如:误:I hope visiting Beijing again.

25、正:I hope to visit Beijing again.(hope不接动名词)误:I d rather staying where I am.正:Id rather stay where I am.(would rather 要接省略to 的不定式),(二)注意句子的完整性一个句子必须完整,就是说在意义和结构上都是完整的,以完整的结构来表达完整的意思,试比较意义不完整:July is the hottest time of the year,and my birthday comes in this month.改进:I was born in the hottest month of

26、 the year,July.意思不完整:Mexico City is great and cosmopolitan,with a fine university and ultramodern architecture,and I hope to go there this summer.改进:I hope to go to Mexico City,which is great and cosmopolitan,with a fine university and ultramodern architecture.句子的结构完整表现的语法结构上无毛病,试比较:结构不完整:English is

27、 a language,language is something used to communicate with other people.改进:English is a language which is used to communicate.结构不完整:A good English class is the all students can speak.改进:A good English class is one in which all the students can speak.,(三)注意句子的连贯性句子的连贯性是指句子中的词和各组成分非常合理的连接起来,使意思表达非常清楚。

28、试比较:不连贯:He likes to sing,to swim,and table-tennis.改进:He likes to sing,to swim,and to play table-tennis.不连贯:He was knocked down by a bicycle,but it was not serious.改进:He was knocked down by a bicycle but was not seriously hurt.时间不连贯:He left the library when his paper is written,改进:He left the library

29、 when he had written his paper.,(四)注意句子的变化性句子的变化性指的是同一种意义可以通过各种变化的句型来表达。一篇文章要使人觉得内容丰富,语言生动有力,就应交叉使用长句、短句、简单句、复合句、并列句、疑问句等,达到形式与内容的统一。例如:,1 简单句型的转换:原句:Victoria is a garden city,with one of the most delightful climates in the world.变化1.A garden city,with one of the most delightful climates in the worl

30、d,is Victoria.变化2.Victoria,a garden city,has one of the most delightful climates in the world.原句:She knew German very well.变化1.She had a good command of German.变化2.She had a good knowledge of German.,2.复杂句型的转换原句:They struggled forward.They were exhausted.Their steps were dragging,They had to push on

31、.变化:Exhausted,they struggled forward,their steps dragging,but they had to push on.原句:Nothing here indicates where this information came from.变化:There is no indication here where this information came from.,3.表现一段文章中的句子变化:Hearing that Russia emphasizes foreign language,(现在分词短语作状语)we have suddenly inc

32、reased our own offerings.(现在完成的时句型)But too seldom have our schools analyzed our needs.(转折和倒装句例)One school had re-established Latin;another has introduced conversational French for infants.(分号构成两个对比和平行的结构)Seldom have they asked whether Latin and French are as imperative as knowledge of Moslem customs

33、 or religion,(倒装结构与后面结构反对)or what languages are needed and for what needs.(what引导名词从句构成问),(五)注意句子的扩展性英语中所有结构复杂的句子都是由基本句型扩展而生成的,由基本的陈述句型转成疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、被动句、倒装句等。在基本句型的基础上添加各种修饰成分便使句子得到了扩展,正如树干长出了大枝、小枝、树叶、花朵和果实。试比较:基本句:He grew up.扩展句:Born in a small town in South China in 1937,he grew up to be musician.

34、基本句:The moon was hidden.扩展句:The moon was hidden entirely behind the dark clouds and not a single star could be seen.扩展句可使文章内容具体、更生动、更有活力,但要根据具体情况加以采用。,六、段落的写作,一篇文章可由几个自然段组成。文章中的句子和段落均为文章的中心思想服务,形成一个有机的整体。好的段落必须是意思完整,语义连贯,完全体现文章主旨中心,同时又是层次分明,结构严谨,逻辑关系应用合理的。,(一)段落的组成一个段落由三部分组成:1主题句(Topic Sentence):点出段

35、落的主题(谈论什么)。2扩展句(Developing Sentence):说明和支持主题。3结尾句(Concluding Sentence):得出结论。,二、段落的主题一篇文章有中心意思,也就是题目。而每个段落则有段落主题,段落主题是为文章中心思想服务的。每个段落只能有一个主题(central idea),它用一个句子加以表达,所以称为主题句。主题提出后需要很多结构严谨的句子来支持和说明,称为扩展句。最后得出一个结论,并用一个结尾句表达。参看下面段落:(主题句)Slavery in the United States existed almost unchanged for 250 years

36、.(扩展句1)During this time,most slaves were not allowed to marry or to raise families.(扩展句2)Usually they were not allowed to learn to read.(扩展句3)It was very dangerous for a slave to travel,since even free Negroes could be kidnapped and sold at any time.(结尾句)Under these conditions,it was almost impossib

37、le for them to organize to help each other.,(三)写好主题句定义:主题句为一个完整的句子,用以概括、叙述和说明该段的主题。位置:主题句一般位于段首,也可置于段尾或段中,考生最好放在段首,这样较易掌握和构思。,位于段首:在英文中,大部分段落的第一句便是主题句。开门见山地提出问题,后面的扩展句围绕主题句加以说明、支持、补充和解释。Learning English at college is different from learning English at the middle school.In the middle school,the stude

38、nts are more dependent and passive.But college students must solve most of the problems by themselves.They will have to consult the dictionaries and reference books by themselves and prepare their lessons.,位于段尾:主题句位于段尾便于总结全段的内容,给读者以深刻的印象,是写作中的一种演绎方法。Similarly,in order to write successful answers to

39、essay questions on history or anthropology examinations,a student must arrange the relevant facts and opinions according to some accepted pattern of paragraph structure.And certainly when a student writes a book report for English,or a critiques for politics studies,or a term paper for sociology,sty

40、le and organization are often as important as content.Clearly,the ability to write well organized,concise paragraphs and essays is essential to a students success in almost all university courses.,位于段中:位于段中的主题句起承上启下的作用,这类主题句多起转折作用,一般由“but,however,yet,anyhow,nevertheless”等词连接,用于引起下文。What we teach our

41、selves sometimes indeed is more useful than what we learn from others.Some great men had little or no schooling.But these great men probably studied harder by themselves than most boys do in school.The greatest minds do not necessarily of those who have never been able to distinguish themselves at s

42、chool,have been very successful in life later.It has been said that Wellington and Napoleon were both dull boys at school,and so were Newton and Albert Einstein.,无主题句:有的段落中无主题句,段落的主题思想通过文章内容来提示,这种方法能促使读者对文章内容时行思考和分析,但考生一般不宜在考试中采用这种方法:There came a breeze,then a gust of wind,The wind became stronger.I

43、t rattled the windows,turned up the fallen leaves,bent down the trees.Distant rumbling thunder was heard and came nearer and nearer.Large drops of rain began to fall.Flashes of lightening lit up the sky.Thunder roared overhead.Now the rain poured down.,写好主题句的方法:1 主题句要概括一定内容,不要空泛,否则扩展句将难以说明和支持它,例如:空泛

44、:English language is very important.概括:English language is very important in our daily life.空泛:The Olympic Games are exciting.概括:In the Olympic Games the football teams from many countries compete intensely.2 尽量使用简单句或简洁明了的句子:简洁:Collecting stamps is her hobby.复杂:She likes collecting stamps which is h

45、er hobby.简洁:I enjoyed watching Gone with the Wind very much.复杂:Gone with the wind was a good film which I enjoyed watching very much.,3 主题句应该做到句子完整和表达的主题思想完整:不完整:How to write a composition.完整:How to write a composition is not an easy thing to talk about.不完整:If the weather was fine.完整:If it was fine,

46、we would have had a good time.4 写好主题句中的关键词。关键词是直接表达主题的词汇,它决定段落的内容和展开的方法,引导整个段落的发展,例如:There are several ways to boil the water.The task can be finished in three steps.There is a new method to reduce the cost.,(四)写好扩展句和段落围绕主题句展开,支持、说明和阐述主题句的句子便是扩展句。扩展句紧扣主题句中的关键词而展开,句子与句子之间逻辑清楚,上下转承结合得当,简明扼要,重点突出。一般来说,

47、每个自然段除了主题句与结尾句之外,还包含了36个扩展句。所以,写好了扩展句便基本上完成一个自然段落。做题时,一旦定下了主题和关键词,作者便按照自己的思路来组织段落中的句子,句子之间要具有连贯性,就必须由一系列的逻辑关系构成,例如:并列关系,因果关系,递进关系,转折关系,解释关系,概括关系,顺序关系,让步关系,对照比较关系,转换关系等等,这些逻辑关系可由一系列的过渡词(transitional words)来完成。过渡词在句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间起到承上启下的作用,使句子或段落之间的衔接自然、连贯,逻辑合理,结构严谨,故极为重要。,七、文章中的“启、承、转、合”,在一篇文章中,各自然段,各

48、句子都为文章的中心思想服务,各段落之间,句子与句子之间存在着某种逻辑关系。文章段落之间的逻辑关系主要由过渡词来完成,在修辞中称为启、承、转、合。“启”就是开头“承”是承接,“转”是转折,“合”是综合或总结,一篇文章与一段文章一样都有“启、承、转、合”关系。,1.用于段落连接的“启、承、转、合”表达,(1)“启”,常用于引导文章开头的过渡词有:It is often said thatGenerally speakingAs the proverb saysIt goes without saying thatIt is clear/obvious thatMany people often a

49、sk,(2)“承”,常用于第一个扩展段的过渡词有:It is true thatEverybody knows thatIt can be easily proved thatNo one can deny thatOne thing which is equally important to the above mentioned isThe chief reason why is that We must recognize thatThere is no doubt thatI am of the opinion thatThis can be expressed as followsT

50、o takefor an example(instance)Therefore we should realize that We have reason to believe thatWe know thatWhat is more serious is that,(3)“转”,常用于第二个扩展段开头的过渡词有:Another special consideration in this case is that Besides,we should not neglect thatHowever,But the problem is not so simple,ThereforeBut it


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