1、,Lesson Nine The Ones Who Walk Away from OmelasDetailed Study of the Text 1.The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas may be called a piece of allegorical(讽寓的)description.The writer describes emotionally and colorfully the city of Omelas and its citizens.In reality,however,she discourses on a rather provoc
2、ative(引起争论的)theme the nature of happiness and on what it depends.She states her views very clearly in one sentence:“Happiness is based on a just discrimination of what is necessary,what is neither necessary nor destructive,and what is destructive”.What the citizens of Omelas do not have or do not wi
3、sh to have,may be classed as things,which the writer thinks,are destructive of happiness.The most important thing on which the happiness of the people of Omelas is based is the misery and suffering of the child in the basement cellar.The writer calls this the terrible justice of reality and the peop
4、le accept it.The whole material may be clearly divided into five parts.Paragraphs 1,4,5,and 6 describe the colorful celebrations of the Festival of Summer.describes the misery and suffering of the child.Paragraphs 9,10 and 12 describe the attitude of most people and their reactions to the childs suf
5、fering.Paragraph 14 describes the different attitude and reactions of a few.Finally,there are many short paragraphs(2,7,11 and 13)which serve to introduce new topics or ideas.These short paragraphs are more effective and forceful,than ordinary topic sentences.The writer further punctuates her points
6、 by using many rhetorical questions.For example,in paragraph 2 she uses the question,“How is one to tell about joy?”to prepare the reader for her provocative views on joy,happiness,pain,evil,etc.The second question states clearly she is going to describe the citizens of Omelas.The last paragraph,how
7、ever,stands out sharply from among all the others.It is the most interesting and thought provoking paragraph.The writer puts forward the problem but does not supply the answers,thus allowing the readers to give free rein to their imagination.The writer uses a lot of specific words describing sound a
8、nd color to paint a verbal picture of the city of Omelas and to describe the joyous celebrations thatwere being held.Here are a few examples:bright-towered,sparkled with flags,red roofs,painted walls,robes of mauve(紫红色)and grey,Green Fields,streamers of silver gold and green,burned with white-gold f
9、ire,sunlit air,dark blue sky,a shimmering of gong and tambourine(小手鼓),a cheerful faint sweetness of the air,joyous clanging of bells,etc.Similarly she successfully paints a very vivid and poignant(辛辣的)picture of the misery and suffering of the child.There is also a variety of sentence structure to b
10、e found:long periodic or loose sentences with a string of participial phrase modifiers,varied with short powerful sentences,short elliptical sentences,rhetorical questions,absolute constructions,etc.Besides these,there are also many figures of speech to be found,such as,similes and metaphors.,2.With
11、 a clamorby the sea:The loud ringing of the bells,which sent the frightened swallows flying high,marks the beginning of the Festival of Summer in Omelas.clamor:exclaim insistently and noisily 喧闹 A loud outcry大声而又连续不断的吵闹或喧哗 soar:rise,fly,or glide high and with little apparent effort a soaring imagina
12、tion bright-towered by the sea:Omelas is a port city by the sea.It had white towers that shone bright in the sun.towered 有塔的,象塔般直入云霄的 ivory tower象牙之塔;脱离现实生活的小天地,T-of Babel:古代巴比伦没有建成的通天塔;空想的计划,towel n.手巾,毛巾 v.用毛巾擦3.The rigging flags:The lines and chains on the ships were decorated with flags which we
13、re shining in the sun.rigging:lines and chains used aboard a ship especially in working sail and supporting masts and spars 帆缆4.In the street processions moved:a good example of a long periodic sentence,preceded by a string of modifiers.The writer uses a vast variety of sentence structures.The stree
14、ts were lined with houses with red roofs and painted walls.Between the houses there were old moss-grown gardens.There were also avenues lined with shady trees.The city had many big parks and public buildings.,5.Processions moved:This the main sentence.There were many processions moving through the s
15、treets and avenues.6.Somedecorous:The main sentence of a long loose sentence.Some of the processions were marked by propriety and good taste.7.decorous:Characterized by or exhibiting decorum彬彬有礼的;端庄稳重的 decorum:n.礼貌;端庄,风雅 decorous behavior.decorousness8.Old peoplethey walked:These processions were de
16、corous because they were made up of old people,grave master workmen and women carrying babies.There were no children or young people among them.,9.In other streets a dance:In other streets the processions were different.The music was much faster and one could see the glimmering light reflected from
17、gongs and tambourines,The young people danced to the music as they moved forward.The whole procession was a dance.shimmering:shining with a soft tremulous(颤动的)light;glimmering)微微发亮10.Childrenout:the children ran about playfully.dodge:avoid(a blow,for example)by moving or shifting quickly aside闪躲 dod
18、ge about东躲西闪 11.Their highsinging:a simile.The shouting of the children could be heard clearly above the music and singing like the calls of the swallows flying by overheard.,flight:rising,settling or flying by in a flock12.All the processions wound city:The streets twisted and turned so the process
19、ions also twisted and turned as it moved forward.wound:past participle of the verb wind to make(ones way)in a winding or twisting course.13.Nakedarms:This shows the boys and girls were very natural and unsophisticated.They did not feel there was anything wrong in being naked and barefeet.lithe:readi
20、ly bent;supple:易弯的;柔软的14.exercised race:The riders were putting the horses through some exercises because the horses were eager to start and stubbornly resisting the control of the riders.restive:stubbornly resisting control难驾驭的,gear:harness for a horse马具 bit:马嚼子15.Their manes green:the manes(鬃毛)of
21、the horses were also decorated with small silver,gold and green flags.braid:decorate usu.编辫子 streamer:饰带16.They flared another:The writer uses personification here by treating the horses as human beings.The horses dilated their nostrils,pranced about and seemed to be boasting to in another.All this
22、shows the horses excitement before the race.nostril:either of the external openings of the nose鼻孔 prance:spring forward on the hind legs腾跃,17.The horses being own:a nominative absolute construction and a continuation of personification.The horse was the only animal that considered the ceremonies of
23、human beings as also their ceremonies.18.The snow of the sky:a very beautiful metaphor describing the sunlit snow peaks.The white snow peaks glowing with golden sunlight seemed to be on fire.The dark blue of the sky makes the golden peaks stand out more clearly.snap:make a brisk,sharp cracking sound
24、劈啪作响 adj.made or done suddenly,with little or no preparation:突然的;没有准备的flutter:wave or flap rapidly in an irregular manner快速拍动,19.One could hear the bells:another beautiful metaphor but describing the beautiful music.The music through the streets far and near was as pleasant as the sweet perfume of f
25、lowers.The music was sometimes faint and distant but sometimes gathered in strength and finally climaxed in the joyous clanging of bells.20.Joyous!Omelas?:The very short paragraph is a special feature of this piece of writing.The writer uses two short questions to introduce two important subjects.In
26、 the next long paragraph she describes the people of Omelas and expresses her views on joy and happiness,which is the main theme of the writer.21.We do notany more:The people of Omelas do not mention words like happy and joy because being happy is their way of life and is no longer a problem.,22.All
27、 smiles archaic:Smiling to show ones happiness is old fashioned for there is no need of it now.23.Given assumptions:After reading the above description the reader is likely to assume certain things.24.Given slaves:After reading the above description the reader may assume that Omelas is a feudal king
28、dom where one can see the king riding a beautiful horse surrounded by noble knights or followed by a golden litter carried by strong well-built slaves.litter:a covered and curtained couch provided with shafts and used for carrying a single passenger轿25.I do not know singularly few:I do not know what
29、 the rules and law of their society are but I guess they were exceptionally few.,singularly:exceptionally,unusually26.These were not bland utopians:The citizens of Omelas were not simple people,not kind and gentle shepherds,not savages of high birth,nor mild idealists dreaming of a perfect society.2
30、7.The trouble is rather:The writer begins to criticize the views of pedants and sophisticates.Ordinary people have got in to the bad habit of considering happiness to be something stupid.This view was encouraged by people who consider themselves learned and worldly-wise.28.Only paininteresting:These
31、 pedants and sophisticates,declare that only pain stimulates the intellect and only evil arouses the interests of people.,29.This is the treason of pain:An artist betrays his trust when he does not admit that evil is nothing fresh nor novel and pain is very dull and uninteresting 30.If you joinem:If
32、 you cannot beat evil then become evil yourself.This idea is put forward as an aphorism.lick:get the better of;defeat打败 lickspittle31.If it hurts repeat it:If something hurts then repeat it and you will not feel the pain as strongly as you did at first.Another aphoristic statement.32.But to praiseev
33、erything else:The writer declares if you praise despair(cant lickem)then you condemn delight and if you accept violence(repeat it)then you,in reality,give up everything else.,33.They were happy:The people of Omelas were not like happy,simple and innocent children,though their children were happy.34.
34、They were maturenot wretched:They were fully developed and intelligent grown-up people full of intense feelings and then were not miserable people.Wine and judgment mature with age.酒老味醇,人老识深。35.a city in a fairy tale a time:Fairy tales generally begin in this way:Once upon a time,long long ago in a
35、country far away,.36.Perhaps it would be best occasion:Perhaps it would be best if the reader pictures Omelas to himself as his imagination tells him.Assuming his imagination will be equal to the task.,37.for certainly you all:For certainly I cannot describe Omelas in such a way as to satisfy all of
36、 you.38.Happiness is based destructive:This is the writers basic view on happiness.To achieve happiness one must be able to distinguish properly what things are necessary,what things are neither necessary nor destructive,and what is destructive.39.In the middle washing machines:In the middle group-t
37、hings that are neither necessary nor destructive,things that bring comfort,luxury,abundance,etc.they could have such things as central heating,subway trains,washing machines,etc40.all kindscommon cold:All kinds of marvelous things not yet invented here,such as,light that is,provided by a device that
38、 is not fixed in one place,power that does not require the use of any fuel and a cure for the common cold.41.Or they matter:It doesnt matter whether they have these things or not.They can be just as happy without them 42.As it:Picture Omelas to be as you like it to be or as your fancy bids.43.I thou
39、ght puritanical:At first I thought there would be no drugs but that is being too severe and rigid puritanical:too rigid and severe morally44.the faint The faint but compelling sweet scent of the drug drooz may full the streets of the city.,45.which first limbs:The drug first makes your hands and fee
40、t deem light and your mind more keen and alert.46.Then after Universe:After some hours you fall into a lazy dream and have wonderful visions revealing the most mysterious and deepest secrets of the universe.arcana:plural of arcanum,secret or mysterious knowledge known only to the initiate奥秘;神秘事物47.A
41、s well as belief:It also increases the pleasure of sex enormously.48.For more beer:For those people who consider drugs to be too strong there will be beer.49.The joy built.:The joy that is based on successfully killing a lot of people is not the right kind of joy.,50.A boundless that of life:What fi
42、lls the hearts of the people of Omelas with joy and pride is a feeling of great and unlimited contentment.They also feel a courageous triumph not over some outer enemy but in sharing with all that is fine and fair in the souls of all men and in the grandeur of the worlds summer.The triumph they cele
43、brate is the victory of life magnanimous:Courageously noble in mind and heart.心地高贵的 magnanimous leader communion:The act or an instance of sharing,as of thoughts or feelings.交流分享in communion with与.有联络,有共同利害关系,splendor:Great light or luster;brilliance.swell:fill with emotion.society swells.社会头面人物 had
44、 a swell time.过得极为开心 swell like a turkey cock 趾高气扬51.The faces entangled:The faces of the likeable children are sticky from eating sweet things and there are also crumbs of rich pastry in the grey beard of a kind and gentle old man.Notice the use of amiable and benign as transferred epithet.amiable:
45、good-natured and likable affable good-natured obliging agreeable pleasantThese adjectives mean willing or showing a willingness to please.Amiable implies friendliness,Affable尤其适用于形容一个容易接近,交谈时反映灵敏和不易生气的人;Good-natured指性情宽厚,容易相处;也指性情温顺;Obliging专门指愿意或渴望帮助别人或满足别人愿望的人,obliging waiter殷勤的服务员;Agreeable表示与某人的
46、感情、性情或爱好和谐一致;Pleasant明确地用来指令人愉快的举止、行为或外表 benign:Of a kind and gentle disposition.Showing gentleness and mildness性情善良与温和的 rich:含有大量奶油、蛋、糖的(食物)pastry:面粉糕饼,馅饼皮 entangle:twist together,52.never seesthe tune:The child playing the flute doesnt notice the people who stop to listen to his playing for his ey
47、es are fully concentrated in the sweet and lightly enchanting tune he is playing.rapt:deeply absorbed;engrossed全心投入的 be rapt in ones work专心地工作着 rapt to the seventh heaven欢天喜地 thin:(声音)小的,弱的 as thin as a lath 骨瘦如柴 53.As if signal:When the child stop0ped playing the flute there ensued a short silence3
48、 and it seemed to be a signal for the horse race to start.,54.All at once piercing:Suddenly from a pavilion near the starting line of the horse race,a commanding,sad and shrill note of a trumpet sounds.imperious:Arrogantly domineering or overbearing.专横的或傲慢的;命令式的 melancholy:Affected with or marked by
49、 depression of the spirits;sad.忧郁的55.Some of themin answer:Some of the horses seem to neigh in answer to the call of the trumpet neigh:utter the characteristic sound of a horse56.“Quietmy hope”:The riders calm their horses and call them tenderly my beautiful horse,my hope for winning the race,soothe
50、:calm or placate;ease or relieve 57.The crowds in the wind:a simile.The crowds moving about along the racecourse were swaying back and forth like grass and flowers in the racecourse were swaying back and forth like grass and flowers in the wind.58.Do you believe?thing:another short paragraph to intr