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1、Globalizations Dual Power(para18-27),Why is it so risky?(L.1,para18),risky/riski/adj.(dangerous)Buying a second hand car is a risky bussiness.risk n.(gamble/mbl/n.)take a risk/gamble 冒险 Isnt he taking a bit of a risk in coming here?at/take the risk of doing sth.冒险做某事 I couldnt take the risk of leavi

2、ng him alone even for a short time.at risk处境危险,risk v.(gamble v.)risk doing sth.冒着的危险 They may even risk losing their homes.risk sth.to do sth.He is prepared to risk everthing to avoid this war.,The answer is that two problems could neutralize its potential benefits.(L.1,Para.18),neutralize/nju:trla

3、z/v.使失效,抵消;中和(术语)Rising price neutralize increased wages.neutralization/nju:trlazen/n.中立状态neutral/nju:trl/adj./n.中立的,不偏不倚的;I awlays tried to remain neutral when they started aguing.中性的;The neutral language of an offical news report.暗淡的,肃静的;Neutral tones give the room a feeling of space.,The global e

4、conomy may be prone to harsher boom-bust cycles than national economies individually/ndvduli/.(L.1,Para.19),prone/prun/adj.很可能的,有倾向的,易于发生某事;be prone to sth./to do sth.be inclined/nkland/to do sth.Kids are all prone to eat junk food.脸朝下卧倒的,俯卧的;His eyes shifted to the prone body on the floor.,恶劣的,艰苦的,

5、严峻的;(声音)刺耳的,粗野的;His voice is harsh and menacing/mens/令人恐惧的.(光线、颜色)刺眼的;She stood outside,blinking in the harsh sunlight.(线条、形状)难看的;The harsh outline of the factories aginst the sky.(清洁用品)刺激性强的 My skin is sensitive and I find some soaps too harsh.,harsh/h:/adj.,economy/knm/n.,经济状况,经济制度;节约措施,省钱办法;节约,节俭

6、The gas fire was turned low for reasons of economy.economic/i:knmk/adj.经济上的;产生经济效益的economics/i:knmks/n.经济学economical/i:knmkl/adj.经济的,节约的economist/knmst/n.经济学家,The theory that international trade and investment raise living strandards works only if investment funds iare well used and if trade flows d

7、o not become too lopsided.(L.2,Para.19),详情请登录朗文大字典www.P92,P1883,P1981,意思个性分析,rise v.(太阳、月亮)升起rise是不及物动词,后面不能加宾语,raise v.举起,提起raise是及物动词,后面一定要加宾语。,arise v.(问题或困境)出现发生,lopsided/lpsadd/adj.歪斜的 a lopsided grin撇着嘴笑不平衡的;不公正的(unequal/uneven)A lopsided 8-0 victory 八比零一边倒的胜利,The Asian financial crisis raised

8、 questions on both counts.,on both counts在两方面 We have nothing to gain on both counts.count/kant/v.计数,数数 I counted the money.It was more than five hundred pounds.看作,算作,认为 You should count yourself lucky that you werent hurt.count sb.in 把计算在内 When the game gets started,you can count me in.count on/upo

9、n依靠,指望 You can count on me.count sb./sth.out 不把计算在内,不包括;认为不值得考虑I wouldnt count him out.If anybody can make a comeback,he can.,most of Asia thrived because(L.1,Par20),thrive/rav/vi.兴盛,兴隆;长得健壮;茁壮成长thrive on乐意做(别人觉得难做或不乐意做的事)I wouldnt want that much pressure but she seems to thrive on it.thriving/rav/a

10、dj.兴旺的,旺盛的,繁荣的a thriving tourist industry,The ensuing spending boom in turn aided Europe(L1.Para21),ensuing/nsju:/adj.(只用于名词前)接着发生的;接踵而至的In the ensuing fighting,two students were killed.ensue/nsju:/v.继而/因而发生(常与from连用)problems that ensue from food and medical shortages,It became apparent that as a re

11、sult of crony capitalism,inept government policies and excess optimism.(L2.Para21),crony/krn/n.密友,老朋友;狐朋狗友(含贬义)capitalism/kptlzm/n.资本主义capitalist n.资本主义者communism/kmjnzm/n.共产主义制度socialism/slzm/n.社会主义inept/nept/adj.无能的;笨拙的socially politically inept ineptitude/nepttju:d/n.缺乏技巧,无能,笨拙inapt/npt/adj.(措辞、陈

12、述等)不恰当地a very inapt comment很不恰当的评论,excess/ekses/adj.超重的;过量的;额外的Cut any excess fat from the meat.将肉中多余的肥肉切掉excess/kses/n.过多,过量in excess of sth.超过某事物The car reached speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour.do sth.excess做某事过度/过分Drinking is ok as long as you dont do it to excess.optimism/ptmzm/n.乐观;乐观主义op

13、timism aboutI dont share his optimism about our chances of success.optimist 乐观主义者optimistic/ptmstk/adj.乐观的;乐观主义的,What prevented the Asian crisis from becoming a full-scale global economic downturn has been the astonishing US economy.(Para.22),full-scale adj.仅用于n.前 最大限度的,彻底的,全面的full-scale attack全面攻击照

14、原尺寸的,与实物一样大小的downturn/dant:n/n.(价格或活动)开始下降;衰退,低迷时期近义decline n./dklan/decline v.谢绝,拒绝 decline to do sth.Mary declined Jays invitation to dinner(质量)逐渐变差He health has been declining,progressively for several months.slump/slmp/n.slump v.(因无力站立而)倒下;倚靠She slumped against the wall.反义 upturn n.好转;上升趋势 幻灯片 2

15、0,Its relentless growth helped the rest of the world by purchasing more and more of their exports.(L1.Para 23),relentless/rlentls/adj.不间断的,没完没了的;严格的,无情的relentless determination坚定的决心purchase/p:ts/v.购买;采购;换得n.购买(的东西)She paid for her purchases and left.perchasing power购买力,Since 1996,the US current-acco

16、unt deficit in its balance of payments.(L2,Para 23),deficit/defst/n.不足额;赤字;亏空;亏损deficit inMany countries have a big deficit in food supply.deficient/dfnt/adj.不足的,缺乏的;有缺陷的;不充分的;(scant)broadbr:d adj.宽的;广博的,丰富的;粗略的,概括的;口音重的estimated/estmetd/adj.估计的;预计的;估算的estimate n.估计,估算;估价,报价;v.估计,估算be estimated toTh

17、e tree is estimated to be at least 700 years old.幻灯片 23,on America prosperity and that a slowdown or recessionreflecting a decline in the stock market,a loss of consumer confidence or higher interest ratesmight snowball into an international slump.(L1.Para25),prosperity/prspert/n.繁荣;兴旺,昌盛;成功prospero

18、us/prsprs/adj.繁荣的,兴旺的;富裕的;recession/rsen/n.经济衰退,不景气;into/out of recession陷入/走出萧条recess/rses/n.休息;隐蔽处课间休息(美国的是recess,英国的是break);the recess of sth.某事物的隐秘处fears hidden away in the dark recess of her mind.幻灯片 17,In 2000,the European Unions gross domestic product(L.1,Para.26),gross domestic product(GDP)国

19、内生产总值gross/rs/adj.总的;毛的;(前两意思仅用于名词前)严重的;过分的;恶劣的(口)令人讨厌的vt.获得的总利润domestic/dmestk/adj.国内的,本国的;our nations demostic affairs 家庭的,家事的;(仅用于名词前)Unfortunately,his domestic life wasnt very happy.喜爱家庭生活的,善于操持家务的;No,Im not very domestic.驯养的,家养的;(仅用于名词前)domestic pets家养宠物,Cooperation(L3.Para.26),cooperation/kpre

20、n/n.合作;协作;协助;配合cooperate v.合作,协作cooperate to do sth.携手合作做某事cooperative adj.合作的,If the forecasts materializeand the OCEDs growth estimates for Japan excessed most(L2,Para.27),materialize/mtrlaz/v.成为现实,实现,发生;突然(奇怪地)出现Problems were expected but they never materialize.The figure of a man suddenly materi

21、alized in the shallows.material/mtril/adj.物质上的;实体的;(法律)重要的,决定性的;spiritual/sprtul/estimate/estmt/vt.估计,估算;评价,评论 幻灯片 19relieve/estmt/v.减轻;解除(不快或痛苦):This medicine will relieve your headache.减轻(问题的严重性);缓解:Programs aimed at relieving unemployment.(去厕所的一种委婉说法)方便relieve yourselfrelieved/rli:vd/adj.宽慰的,不再犹豫的He was relieved at the result.对这个结果他感到宽慰。,


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