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1、Unit 8It must belong to Carla.,Section APeriod Three,laboratoryoutdoorscoatsleepy,n.实验室adv.在户外;在野外n.外套;上衣adj.困倦的;瞌睡的,Objective,To learn to use must,might,could and cant for making inferences It must be Carlas.It could be Meis hair band.Im not sure,but it cant be a dog.,A:Whose volleyball is this?B:I

2、t must be Carlas.She loves volleyball.,A:Whose hair band is this?B:It could be Meis hair band.,A:What did you see that night?B:Im not sure.But it cant be a dog.It was bigger.I think it might be a bear or a wolf.,Read the sentences below and pay attention to the red words.,1.A:Whose volleyball is thi

3、s?B:It _ be Carlas.She loves volleyball.2.A:Whose hair band is this?B:It _ be Meis hair band.3.A:What did you see that night?B:Im not sure.But it _ be a dog.It was bigger.I think it _ be a bear or a wolf.,must,could,cant,might,Ready?,表推测的情态动词,情态动词must,can,may,could,might都可以表示推测。must表示对现在的状态或现在发生的事情很

4、有把握的推测,意为“一定;准是”,可能性为100%。如:You have studied for a long time.Youmust be tired.,may,could,might这三个词表示的可能性较小,意为“有可能;也许”,可能性占20%至80%。如:My friend has lost his watch.This may/might/could be his,but Im not sure.cant 表示很有把握的否定推测,意为“不可能”,可能性为0%。如:The blue motorbike cant be yourmothers.Hers is yellow.,表推测情态动

5、词的用法,一、根据被推测的时间,确定动词的形式。,Good morning.Ive got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.Ah,good morning.You must be Mrs.Brown.,“情态动词+do”形式:表示对现在或将来情况的推测。,Tom is never late for work.Why is he absent today?Something must have happened to him.,2.“情态动词+be+doing”形式:表示对此时此刻正在发生的事情的推测。,He

6、may/might be waiting for us at home.,3.“情态动词+have done”形式:表示对过去情况的推测。,二、根据猜测语气的强弱,选择情态动词。,在肯定句中表推测,must语气最强,表示“肯定,一定”;could,may,might语气依次减弱,表示“可能,也许”。,Some people who dont like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they may just be quiet people.,2.在否定句中表推测,cant,couldnt语气最强,表示“不可能”;may/might not语气较弱,表

7、示“可能不”;mustnt 表示“禁止”,不用于否定推测。,You cant be hungry already you had lunch only two hours ago!,must表推测只用于肯定句,如果要表示否定意义,则要用cant;can表推测多用于否定句和疑问句,而用于肯定句一般指“客观可能性”,说明人或事物一时的特点。,三、某些情态动词表推测时的用法限制。,e.g.Tigers sometimes can be very kind.,1.I saw Lily in the supermarket this morning.Oh,it _ be her.She moved to

8、 Australia the day before yesterday.2.After a long walk,the children _ be very tired now.3.John _ go with us tomorrow,but he isnt sure.,cant,must,may/might,Use proper modal verbs to fill in the blanks.,以下部分为课本练习,供老师在对答案时选择使用。,4a,Choose the best way to complete each sentence using the words in bracke

9、ts.,1.A:Wheres Jean?B:Im not sure.She _(is/might be/must be)in the laboratory.2.A:Everyone is going to the pool after school.B:Really?It _(must be/cant be/could be)hot outdoors.,might be,must be,3.A:Thats the phone.B:Hmm.I wonder who it _(must be/could be/should be).4.A:I wonder if these are Jims gl

10、asses.B:They _(cant be/might be/could be)his.He doesnt wear glasses.5.A:I hear water running in the bathroom.B:It _(could be/must be/cant be)Carla.She was thinking of taking a shower.,cant be,could be/must be,could be,4b,Complete these responses.,1.A:Many people are wearing coats.B:The weather must

11、be _ _.2.A:Sally has been coughing a lot.B:She might be _.3.A:This restaurant is always very crowed.B:The food _.4.A:Whenever I try to read this book,I feel sleepy.B:It cant _.,getting colder,having a sore throat/ill,must be delicious,be that boring,/cold outside,4c,Look at this picture of a room.Ho

12、w much can you tell about the person who lives here?Is it a boy or a girl?What are his/her hobbies?Discuss your ideas with a partner.,Individual activity,注:另附 word 文档。点击此处链接,1.Whose T-shirt is this?It _ be Johns.Its much too small for him.2.The magazine _ be Lilys,for we can find her name on the cov

13、er.3.The man _be my English teacher.He has gone to Canada.4.Difficulties always go with me!Cheer up!If God closes a door in front of you,there _ be a window opened for you.,cant,must,cant,must,Use proper modal verbs to fill in the blanks.,5.Whos singing in the garden?It _ be Mr.Brown.He always pract

14、ices singing at this time.6.Is the man over there Mr.Brown?It _ be him.He has gone to Brazil to participate in a conference.7.The woman _ be our English teacher.She has gone to Canada.8.He _ be in the classroom,I think.No,he _ be in the classroom.I saw him go home a minute ago.,must,cant,cant,cant,may/might,Review the grammar weve learnt today.Finish the exercises in Learning English.Preview the new words and expressions.Preview 1a-1d on page 61.,Homework,


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