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1、Unit 4Body languageReading,To communicate with each other.,How can you communicate with someone if you cannot speak?Give an example.,What do you think is the purpose of language?,Pre-reading,One form of communication without using any words.,gesture,posture,Definition of Body Language,eye contact,fa

2、cial expression,smile,cry,surprise,angry,happy,fear,What are the following facial expressions?,What do people in different countries usually do when meeting?,Japan:bow,China,Britain:handshake,Some western countries:hug,Russia,France,Arab:kiss,Reading,COMMUNICATION:NO PROBLEM?,It tells us about the i

3、mportance and necessity of body language and its differences between different cultures.,The main idea of the whole text:,Fast Reading,Divide the passage into several parts and find out the main idea.,You are sent to CIA to meet this years international students.,Part 1:(Para 1),Examples of learned

4、or cultural“body language”.,Part 2(Para2-3),Summary of body language.,Part 4:(Para 5),Different people has different body language.,Part 3:(Para 4),Find out the two mistakes.,Mr.Garcia,Julia Smith,The first mistake,from,from,(Columbia),(Britain),He approaches Ms Smith by _ _ _ and _ her on the _.,Sh

5、e _ _ appearing _ and take a few steps _ _ Mr.Garcia.,shoulder,touching,her,kissed,cheek,stepped back,surprised,away from,Careful Reading,The second mistake,a Japanese,George Cook,from,(Canada),He _ _ _ _ to the Japanese.,He _ to Mr.Cook and his nose _ Mr.Cooks _ _.,bowed,touched,moving,hand,reached

6、,his hand,out,Mr.Garcia(Columbia),Julia Smith(Britain),George Cook(Canada),a Japanese,man fromColombia,kiss on thecheek,bowing,everyone,everyone,Julia Smith,AkiraNagata,woman fromBritain,Complete the chart.,man fromCanada,shakinghands,shaking hands nodding,AhmedAziz,DarleneCoulon,man fromJordan,ever

7、yone,woman from France,people she knows,Approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.BowShake hands.Shake hands and stand quite close to other men.Nod to women but do not shake hands with them.Countries:Japan,Jordan,Columbia,Canada 整理,Columbia,Japan,Canada,Jordan,Ways to greet each othe

8、r,1.Mr.Garcia kissed Miss Julia Smith because they have known each other well.2.George Cook reaches his hand out in order to shake hands with the Japanese.3.All cultures dont greet each the same way.,F,True or false?,T,T,4.When a Japanese bows to you,he is apologizing to you for what he has done.5.F

9、rench people,like the English,will keep a certain distance from others.6.Men from all Muslin countries will not shake hands with women.,F,F,F,7.From the passage we can see western cultures are better than eastern cultures.8.Its necessary to study body language because it helps us to get better under

10、standing among people from different cultures.,F,T,1.What did the writer go to the Capital International Airport for yesterday?A.To see off his friend.B.To meet international students.C.To buy a flight ticket.D.To meet some visitors coming from several countries.,B,Choose the best answer.,2.Where is

11、 Tony Garcia from?A.Britain.B.Japan.C.Colombia.D.Canada.3.From Paragraph 2 we know that Japanese prefer to _ when they are introduced to others.A.bow B.shake hands C.kiss each other D.touch others shoulders,C,A,4.According to the text,men from the Middle East often _.A.nod heads and wave hands to gi

12、rls B.touch others heads when they first meet C.kiss each other twice on each cheek when they are introduced to others D.stand quite close to other men when they talk,D,1.Why are the international students coming to China?,They are coming to China to study at Beijing University.,Answer the questions

13、.,2.Why is Julia Smith surprised?3.Why did the author move back from Ahmed Aziz?,Julia Smith is surprised that Mr Garcia touches her shoulder and kisses on the cheek when they meet.,The author moved back because he comes too close to talk to the author.,4.What do French people often do when they mee

14、t people they know?,They shake hands&kiss each other twice on each cheek.,5.Can we expect people everywhere to act the same?Why?,No.Because people from different culture or countries act quite differently sometimes.,6.Is the author of this passage male or female?How do you know?,The author is male.A

15、hmed Aziz will not shake hands with women,but he shakes with the author.,7.What were the two mistakes that the author noticed?,He noticed that the Colombian man kissed the British woman,but in her culture,a kiss from a stranger is not acceptable.He also noticed that the Japanese man bowed just as th

16、e Canadian man started to shake hands,so one mans nose touched the other mans hand.,8.Who seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others?Who seemed to prefer closer physical distance?,The British woman,Julia,and probably the Canadian man,George,seemed to prefer to keep more physical dis

17、tance from others.The Colombian man,Tony,and the Jordanian man,Ahmed,seemed to prefer closer physical distance.,9.Did any students have similar greeting customs?If so,which ones?,Yes.Tony from Colombia and Darlenefrom France had a similar greeting custom a kiss.George from Canada and Ahmed from Jord

18、an also had a similar greeting custom a handshake,but Ahmed shakes hands only with men.,10.“When in Rome,do as the Romans do.”What do you think this famous saying means?,This saying means that when we are in a certain place,we should follow thecustoms of the people who live in that place,not our own

19、 customs.,11.Why do you think we need to study body language?,It is quite necessary for us to study body language if we dont want to cause any misunderstanding in communication/so that we dont misunderstand each other.,Work in groups of four.Read the following questions and then choose one to discus

20、s together.整理,1.If you meet a foreigner who comes up close to you to talk,what countries might he be from?How can you show him that you are uncomfortable with that?,2.If a girl in shorts goes into a Muslim house and a man takes her outside pointing at her shoes and shorts,what should she do?Guess wh

21、y he is so particular.3.What are some situation where body language is the only form of communication?Why?,Language Points,Yesterday,another student and I,representing our universitys student association,went to the Capital International Airport to meet this yearsinternational students.昨天,我和另一个学生代表我

22、们学生会,到首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。1)represent 动词,“代表”如:,To be chosen to represent their country is the highest honor for most athletes.能被选拔出来代表国家参赛,是多数运动员的最高荣誉。I know who you are and whom you represent.我知道你是谁并代表谁。【拓展】representation n.代表;表现;描写representative adj有代表性的;典型的,用represent的适当形式完成下列句子。He was picked out fr

23、om the whole class to _ them at the other school.This painting is a _ of a storm at sea.Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly _ of national opinion?,represent,representation,representative,2)association 名词,表示“协会;社团;学会”,“联合;交往”。如:Do you belong to any professional association?你属于哪个专业学会?He is

24、 a member of the Association of University Teachers.他是大学教师联合会的一名成员。,His English improved enormously because of his association with British people.因为他和英国人有来往,所以他的英语突飞猛进。【拓展】associate v 把联系起来;由联想到in association with与联合;与有关联,We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money

25、 for the homeless.There has always been a close association between these two schools.,我们与本地一些公司联合为无家可归的人筹款。,这两所学校一向有密切联系。,英译汉,She associated happiness with having money.I dont want to associate myself with them any more.,她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。,我不愿再和他们交往了。,2.I saw several young people enter the waiting area

26、looking around curiously.我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地向四处张望。curious adj.好奇的;有求知欲的;奇怪的curiosity n.好奇心out of curiosity 出于好奇be curious about sth 对某事感到好奇be curious to do sth 很想做某事;渴望做某事,As a little girl,she was curious about the origin of human beings.The tourists were surrounded by the curious children.用curious的适

27、当形式完成下列句子。I am _ about what has happened.A deer behind the tree looked at us _.She has burning _ to know whats going on.They were _ to know where he had gone.,curious,curiously,curiosity,curious,3.After I met them introduced them to each other,Tony approached Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed he

28、r on the cheek.,verb+sb.in/on/by+the 身体部位1)approach n.靠近;临近;接近 The enemy ran away at our approach.在我们接近时,敌人跑了。We heard the approach of the train.我们听见火车开过来了。,n.方法;步骤;通路;通道The approach to the house was a narrow path.通往这房子的路是一条狭窄的小径。The best approach to learn a foreign language is the study of the spok

29、en language.学习外语的最好的途径是学口语。at the approach of winter 冬季将临的时候be easy of approach 容易到达;容易接近 on the approach of death 临死的时候,v.走近;靠近;接近You must approach the bird very quietly or it will fly away.你必须悄悄地走近那只鸟,否则它会飞走的。The summer is approaching.夏季即将来临。approach sb.about sth.为某事同某人打交道 approach sb.for informat

30、ion 向某人了解情况 approach sb.with a suggestion 向某人建议,2)touch vt.触摸,接触,触及,轻触I told you not to touch my things.touch sb./sth.(with sth.)感动(某人)触动某人(某人的感情)Her miserable experience touched us all deeply/touched our hearts with sorrow.她经历很不幸,我们深受感动/我们都很伤心。,n.接触,联系 get/keep in touch with sb.与取得/保持联系be in/out of

31、(with sb.)与有/无联系Weve been out of touch for years.,4.introduce sb.to sb.把某人介绍给某人 introduce sth.into 采用;引进,Please allow me to introduce Mr Smith.Potatoes were first introduced into Europe from South America.,introduction n.a letter of 介绍信make a self-introduction 作自我介绍make to each other 互相介绍Yao Ming is

32、 a person needs no.,5.apologize v.道歉,认错 apologize to sb.for sth./doing sth.He apologized to her for not going to her party.他因为没有出席她举行的宴会而向她表示歉意。apology n.make an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.accept/refuse an apology,not nor 既不又不 not all 连用形成部分否定,6.Not all cultures greet each other the same way,nor ar

33、e they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下的人相互问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。,nor/neither 否定副词,常置于句首,此时句子要倒装,即助动词/系动词/情态动词放在主语之前。I dont like her,nor/neither does Lily.I am not a nurse,nor/neither is Lily.nor=and also not/neither方式状语=while they are touchingor bei

34、ng,7.In the same way that people communicate with spoken language,they also express their feelings using unspoken“language”through keeping physical distance,actions or posture.,1)that引导的是方式定语从句。The way that/in which/或不用关联词。,2)using引导的是状语,v-ing做状语。,3)express vt.(用语言,神色,动作等)表达,表示(感情,意见)express sth.(to

35、 sb.)The guests express their thanks before leaving.你对我的帮助,我感激不尽。I cant express to you how grateful I am for your help.express oneself(清楚地)表达自己的意思他仍然不能用英语表达自己的意思。He is still unable to express himself in English,express n.快车(=express train)The 8 am express to Beijing.(邮局,铁路,公路等部门提供的)速递,速运send goods b

36、y express 特快货运expression n.表达,表情 a happy expression 愉快的神情,4)spoken English written English English-speaking countries,I dont do well in _ English.A.speaks B.to speak C.spoken D.speakWe must practise _ English every day.A.to speak B.speak C.in speaking D.speaking,C,D,8.likely adj.1)很可能的+to-v+thatJohn

37、 is likely to be in London this autumn.今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。It is likely to rain.(句子中的it是天气,并不是形式主语)2)适当的,正合要求的(+for)The park is a likely place for the picnic.这公园倒是个适合野餐的地方。adv.很可能We will most likely be late.我们很有可能会迟到。,辨析:possible,likely,probable1)possible 作形容词意为“有可能的”,在三个词中语气最弱,强调客观上有可能性,但常常有“实际希望很小”的暗示,在句中

38、作表语和定语,通常情况下不能用人作主语,而以事物作主语。一般用it作形式主语,构成Its possible that.或It is possible(for sb)to do.句型。,2)likely 既可作形容词又可作副词用,意为“很可能发生的”,语气较possible强,较probable弱。它侧重于从表面看来某事很有可能发生,与probable意思接近,有时二者可以通用,含义区别也不大。它的主语可以指人,也可以指一件事,其后可以接不定式,也可用于It is likely that.结构中。,3)probable 作形容词意为“可能发生的”、“有可能成为现实的”,表示事情十有八九要发生,在

39、三个词中语气最强。常用作表语或定语,也不能用指人的词作主语,而以表示事物的词作主语。通常也用it作形式主语,其后接that从句,构成“It is probable that.”句型。,单项填空。New drivers are far more _ to have accidents than experienced drivers.A.possible B.likely C.probable D.possiblyDont worry.He is _ to get in touch with you.A.likely B.capable C.possible D.probable,B,A,9.g

40、eneral 1)adj.普遍的,全面的 A matter of concern/interest 普遍(公众)关心/感兴趣的事情 Air-conditioner is in general use now.2)总的,整体的 general idea of the passage In general 大体上,通常,总的来讲 In general,he is a good guy.,generally speaking/frankly speakinghonestly speaking,10.avoid vt.避开,避免 avoid(sth/doing)I think she is avoid

41、ing me.I avoid meeting him.avoidable adj.It is unavoidable to make mistakes in our life.,It is a _ problem parking your car in Beijing.2.Is that Wang Lis friend from Wuxi?Id like him to _ her to me.,major,introduce,Complete the following sentences with the words and expressions from the reading.,3.A

42、s my English vocabulary is very limited,very often I express my meaning with the help of _.4.There is a saying that _ speak louder than words.5.Blind people have to understand peoples feelings through _ language.,body language,actions,spoken,6.Although blind people are not _ understand your body lan

43、guage,they can still use body language to _ their own ideas.7.When you _ blind people,they cannot tell if they know you until you begin to speak.,likely to,express,approach,8.I am always _ about how he _ bumping into others or falling sown while walking on the street.9.The _ opinion is that the _ go

44、vernment should take action to help the blind people10.In _,it is better not to kiss somebody you dont know as you may surprise them.11.My leader wants me to _ her at the meeting.,curious,avoids,general,local,general,represent,Homework,Copy down the new words.2.Finish the exercises on pages 28 and 29.Pay attention to the useful words,expressions and structures.,


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