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1、谈谈英语教师的素质(一),Xiaguan District In-Service Training School for TeachersGu Wansheng2006年8月,我们享受和传承教育理念,我们也有责任反思和创新教育理念 引自从人口大国通向人力资源的强国,改革是一次有目标的历程。目标明确,但方法和途径不能强求统一,没有预定的路线图,它充满着不确定性和探索的兴奋,因此要多一点自下而上的科学发展意识。引自上海市教育科学研究院顾泠沅教授,和老师们谈谈英语教师的素质,I、从教育教学现象说起II、备课是体现教师基本素质的重要特征III、教师的专业发展,教育、教学理念,I、从教育教学的现象说起.

2、,学生观,教学方式和方法,教师专业化水平,教师的敬业精神,现象之一 应考的压力无处不在,有一所学校举行了一次“家长看学校活动”,主要内容就是让家长随堂听课,以取得家长对实施新课程的支持。结果,家长们听完之后毫不留情地指出,一位老师上课时,课本上的知识讲得太少,老师讲得太少,许多答案不明确,学生将来怎么应付考试?其质疑弄得校长哭笑不得。而根据内行人士讲,该老师的课还是比较符合“新课程理念”的。,现象二 数字化的监控,非人性化的管理,有的学校让任课老师给课堂纪律打分,倘若上课时班级秩序不好,就扣该班的常规分数,却不要求教师去检讨反思自己的组织管理方面的欠缺与失误。还有的班主任上行下效,让班干也以记

3、分的形式来测评同学的操行,某某上课讲话,一次扣1分,某某课间大声喧嚷扣2分,结果害得班干没心思学习,只顾着扣你扣他的分数。明显的监督气氛使人有不受尊重的不悦之感,不利于教育、教学的进行。,现象三 教师的“学生观”呢?,很多老师听过如下的谈话:我班的学生可真笨啊!有几个学生连十以内的加减法都不会;我班的学生更不行,有四五个学生简直不可救药,我看了就烦还有的老师当着学生的面痛心疾首地说:我怎么遇到你这样的学生,真是倒霉!比他还笨的孩子,我们班就有好几个,“在全国第二届中学英语优质课竞赛课堂教学观摩过程中,我们大致估算了一些参赛教师的课堂讲解时间、学生练习时间及未被利用的时间,结果是惊人的:教师讲解

4、的时间通常占一堂课的48%72%,而学生说话的时间仅占8%22%,由此可见,一些教师仍然固守以教师为中心的教学模式。”(王蔷1999.9)人均课堂训练量太低,每人每节课个体说英语时间不足。(课时多,作业多,情趣少,效率低),现象之四 教师“占领”课堂时间太多!,现象之五 组织教学不可忽略,课前的组织教学要简明扼要,不占用过多的时间,讲清本课活动的安排、学习要点、教师的建议等。也可以通过用英语交谈,引入正题。主要的目的是让学生心理状态逐步进入英语学习,建立起“学生缘”,大家都有好的心情上课。这样,教师可以从容面对学生,微笑评价学生。表扬不过分,批评有分寸。,现象六 老师靠讲解吗?问答式教学是关键



7、的提问。综合性提问,指教师为培养学生综合性思维能力所作的提问。学生们要利用所掌握的知识进行分析,得出自己的结论或看法。评价性提问,指教师为培养学生判断能力所作的提问。引导学生判断评价事件和人物,分析品评作品的主题思想和艺术特色,是一种高深层次的设问,思想难度较大。,现象七 整节课上讲习题、对答案!,一节课讲讲选择填空题,再增补一些相关例句,做做学生方面的提问,在本课结束时,发一份练习卷作为家庭作业。从学生的坐姿上就可以看出来,学生的学习热情衰退,毫无心理上的“期待”。上课仍然在不少学生在听讲,可谓是本节课老师的“追星族”了。,现象八 上课内容不足、要求过低,备课时要锁定目标!,每节课的教学目标

8、应该是通过听、说、读、写的训练方式,学会了,要有明确的量化目标。如学会有关词语的,要以分类方式学习,并尽可能用所学的词语,表达连贯的话语或思想。Clothing items:hat,T-shirt,blouse,jacket,skirt,tie,scarf,trousers,jeans,trainers,sweater。Materials:silk,leather,cotton,wool。Adjectives:fashionable,colourful,smart,dull,modern,loose,tight,boring,expensive,cheap。,学语法项目的,一要能较系统地默写所

9、学的例句;二要仿照例子造句。学对话的,一定要在操练后做与现实生活相关的对话演练,并有编写会话的作业。学课文时,必须要求学生用英语做口头与笔头的复述,英语基础弱的可以在连贯表达上要求低一些;优生要有按情况仿写与改写短文的作业。“预则立,不预则废”,以上的要求是难了些,但只要每位老师精心备课,是可以达到的。,beak,wing,paw,tail,feathers,图示的目的是什么?与课文相关、与课堂活动还是与家庭作业相关?,7B Unit 6 Vocabulary,Its very important for fish,because fish use it to swim.,scales,tai

10、l,fin,They are hard,covering the body of fish.Before we cook fish,we usually take them off with a knife.,Make a dialogue with the words about different parts of the following animals,Yes,it does./No,it doesnt./It has,Does a cat have?/What does a cat have?,What colour is/are?,Its/Theyre.,Fill in the

11、missing words.,1.A parrot uses its b_ to eat and drink.2.Goldfish swim around with their f_ and t_.3.A cat does not have _,so it cant fly.But it has p_,so it can catch a mouse.4.A parrots _ look beautiful in the sun.5.Do not pull a cats w_.It does not like that.,aws,wings,feathers,hiskers,ails,eak,i

12、ns,Match the different parts of the body with the following animals,1 frog2 elephant 3 rabbit 4 goldfish5 dodo,E mouth tongue paws,D mouth tusks feet tail,A mouth teeth whiskers paws tail,C mouth teeth fins scales tail,B beak feathers wings paws tail,Part B Passage 1,Can you fill in the blanks accor

13、ding to the picture?,I have a black _.She has four white _ and a black and white _.She likes to _ birds.When she gets tired,she _ in the armchair.She _ when she wants some food.,cat,paws,tail,chase,sleeps,miaows,Please answer the following questions.,1.What colour are her paws?2.Is her tail yellow?3

14、.Where does she like sleeping?4.When she wants some food,what does she do?,Theyre white.,No,its black and white.,In the armchair.,She miaows when she wants some food.,My _ is a very special friend.He says Hello when I come home.When he is hungry,he knocks on the cage door with his _.His blue and gre

15、en _ look so beautiful in the sun.,Passage 2,Listen and fill in the blanks.,parrot,beak,feathers,Which verbs can describe the activities of these animals?,bark,bite,jump,fight,hunt,eat bones,walk/run in the park,chase cats/birds/balls,make a lot of noise,do wonderful tricks,sit on the sofa,miaow,sle

16、ep,chase birds/mice,jump,climb trees,play with balls,eat fish,bubble,sleep with eyes open,swim around,move,live in water,float,stay on the sea bed,Say something about a parrot from its appearance(parts of the body),personality and activities.,beak,eyes,ears,nose,tongue,colorful feathers/tail,blue an

17、d green wings,paws,lovely,say hello,sing,fly,knock on the cage door with his beak,Appearance,Personality,Activities,elephant,tiger,dog,cat,rabbit,goldfish,parrot,mouse,panda,camel,ant,giraffe,snake,kangaroo,Group work,Work in groups of four.Each group chooses one of the animals above and say somethi

18、ng about it from its appearance(parts of the body),personality and activities.,beak 喙feather 羽毛fin 鳍 paw(动物的)爪scale 鳞,鳞片whisker(猫、鼠等动物的)须 wing 翅膀 armchair 扶手椅knock 敲cage 鸟笼,笼子in the sun 在阳光下,New words,Homework,1.Learn more words about different parts and activities of different animals.Present them

19、next class.2.Finish Assessment Book P116117.,chase,hunt,hide,do tricks,bite,fight,看一看本课的目标明确吗?,My dog is the cleverest animal of all.He doesnt just _ and catch a ball.With eyes open wide,He _ when I _.He does wonderful _,Builds me camps out of sticks.Hed never bark or _,And he doesnt like to _.My do

20、g is my very best friend,And Ill look after him until the end.,My dog,chase,hunts,hide,tricks,bite,fight,Match the sentences,He doesnt just chase and A.He does amazing catch a ball.things.He hunts when I hide.B.He can run after a ball and do other things.3.He does wonderful tricks.C.He looks around

21、for me.Hed never bark or bite.D.And I always take care of him5.And Ill look after him E.He is friendly.until the end.,My dog is the cleverest animal of all.He doesnt just chase and catch a ball.With eyes open wide,He hunts when I hide.He does wonderful tricks,Builds me camps out of sticks.Hed never

22、bark or bite,And he doesnt like to fight.My dog is my very best friend,And Ill look after him until the end.,My dog,Rhymes,All rhymes with _ Hide rhymes with _ Sticks rhymes with_ Bite rhymes with _ Friend rhymes with_,tricks,wide,ball,end,fight,My goldfish,My goldfish is a wonderful pet.My goldfish

23、 is a wonderful pet.She doesnt need a bed.She doesnt need a bed.She isnt any trouble.She isnt any trouble.She doesnt bark,We dont have to feed her much,She doesnt miaow,She doesnt need a rabbit hutch Just bubbles Just bubblesbubbles bubblesbubbles.bubbles.,A report,The dog is lovely,the goldfish is

24、He/She can He likes to/doesnt like to She doesnt need,现象九 课堂教学中要组织起有效的讨论!,1、用好英语教材上的语言材料。2、布置预习作业,如搜集相关信息、准备课堂提问、拟 写课文要点等。3、加强课堂提问。4、用好板书和投影仪,提供语言材料方面的帮助。5、要细心捕捉学生提出的各种意见和想法,要做好综述 工作。6、要长期培养小组讨论的氛围,养成人人乐于参与的机 制。肖伯纳曾说过:“倘若你有一个苹果,我也有一个苹果,你和我交换仍然各有一个苹果;倘若你有一种思想,我也有一种思想,而我们彼此交流这些思想,那么我们每个人将有两种思想。”,Hi!My

25、 name is Stephen.I live in a large house in Long Beach,California.It has 12 rooms.My favourite place is the balcony.I can play games,read comics and chat with friends and look out at the beach and the sea.I have bunk beds in my bedroom.My friends think this is cool and they often stay with me.,牛津教材提

26、供了丰富的相关话题的材料。,Possible questions:1、Is Stephen an American boy or a Russian boy?2、Where does Stephen live?In Long Beach,California.3、Does Stephen live in a large house or a small house?4、How large is the house?5、Which is Stephens favourite place?6、Why does Stephen like the balcony best?(play,read,cha

27、t,look out)7、Whats there in his bed room?8、What do his friends think of his bedroom?,Hello!Im Madee.I live in a small town in Thailand.I live with my family in a wooden house.The house is over a river.I climb a ladder to get into my house.We have five rooms.Many people live in my house.They are my p

28、arents,my grandparents,my three sisters and my brother.I do not have my own bedroom.It is very beautiful and quiet here,but it rains a lot.,Hi!Im Neil.I live in a small house in a town near London.My favourite room in the house is the kitchen.My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother

29、makes dinner in the evenings.We watch TV in the sitting room.I have a dog.He sleeps in the garden.,Hello!My name is Anna.I live in the centre of Moscow.I live with my family in a flat on a busy street.The flat is not very large but we have a nice sitting room.After dinner,we like to play games and c

30、hat there.I share a bedroom with my sister.We often listen to music in our bedroom.Our neighbours are friendly and we are happy here.,Possible questions among the students:1、Are you an American boy or a Russian boy?2、Where do you live?.3、Do you live in a large house or a small house?4、How large is t

31、he house?5、Which is your favourite place?6、Why do you like the place best?(play,read,chat,look out and so on)7、Whats there in your room?8、What do your friends think of your bedroom?,现象十 连贯表达,建构主义学习理论认为,意义建构是学习的目的,它要靠学生自觉、主动去完成。教师和外界环境的作用都是为了帮助和促进学生的意义建构。学生的主动探索发现,有利于学生更多更好地获取关于客观事物规律与内在联系的知识,有利于发展联想

32、思维和建立新旧概念之间的联系,因而对学生认知结构的形成与发展,即对学生关于当前所学知识的意义建构是非常有利的。,学生在2005年中考书面表达中的构思。,谈谈你的家人给予你的关心、帮助或建议以及你的想法。Think about their relations with other family members.Put their thinking into orderly language.Express themselves clearly with limited English.Use some set phrases and proverbs.Irrelevant to the topi

33、c Chinglish Baby talk Not the truth Monotonous,Kind:take me to places of interest/spend a lot of money for my study/allow me to have a break/keep me safe/worried and sleepless beside my sick bed/give pocket money/buy me learning materials/meet me after school/Helpful:help work out difficult problems

34、/wake me up/cook nice meals/wash my clothes/make the bed for me/find me a tutor in learning/Strict:not watch TV/play computer games/play poker cards/check homework/give extra homework/make friends with someone/make phone calls to my school/be angry with me about my examinations/hit me hard/Advice/su

35、ggestions:Time is valuable./Dont waste time./Wash hands before eating./Do sports./There is nothing in the world if you set your mind to it./The early bird catches the worm./Making good friends is useful and helpful./Speak politely to the elderly./Always be ready to help others./Cross a road when tra

36、ffic lights are green./Dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today./Love animals./Protect the environment./the harder,the more knowledge/,Encouragements:not frustrated/Failure is the mother of success./not lose heart/be confident/Grateful:make money to give/get good examination results/thankfu

37、l/love them forever/live a happy life around their love/help with some housework/not let them down/Complaining:regard me as a good for nothing/wish to do something I want to/too much help/I can look after myself./be fed up with/,Christmas,food,religious festival,historical origin,present day signifi

38、cance,personal feelings,family celebrations,seasonal setting,decorations,a tree,getting presents,Dec.25th,winter,snow,Making mind maps,初中英语写作是学生学习了英语语言及其文化,掌握了英语语言的一些基本的词汇和语法,有了对身边的人物或事件的关注和了解,试图用英语表达自己思想的过程,这是人生的一种新的学习和表达方式。这时的写作练习有两个目的:(1)学会运用语言进行交流,同时加强对英语语言的感受和理解能力;(2)用英语清晰地表达一定的思想,让学习者把课本知识、自然与


40、要重视布置作业的问题。,1、作业与本节课堂教学内容无关联,或在课上训练过 于不足。如发一份测试题、背诵课文、或写作。2、预习内容不明确,不便于反馈,没有后续手段,如 朗读作业。3、抄写内容过多,而且没有抄写要求。灌输式教学、关注过多的习题、过度的机械训练导致思考水平下 降。应时时考虑增加需要高级思维参与的练习,如 默写分类词语,造句、复述和写作等。4、客观题练习过多,且要求过低。5、对于语法复习项目作业,往往对课本上的例句重视 不足,对有系统地造句训练不足。6、作业批改草率,没有认真地分类记录。7、写作与做项目的内容要通过学生充分讨论,初稿要 相互交流,较出色的稿件要利用各种途径发表。,现象之

41、十二 关于测试,做一份试卷,要起到一份试卷的作用。如果三分之二的学生低于7080分,宁可不做。教师要协助解决学生目前存在的知识与能力的障碍,让后进生重建信心。对班级整体较差的要采取实事求是做法,如补充词语与句子的教学,甚至直接将答案交给学生,用更多的时间关注学生读写方面的训练。,现象之十三 写教学论文成了负担?,教师要把自己的教学经历及经验作为研究对象,进行批判性研究,平时积累教学资料,逐步建立自己的“话语”体系。理论研究、经验总结、教学札记、教学案例 成绩、特长、感悟、经验、尝试或探索 支撑材料、与同行交流、引用文献、读者反馈,构建自己的理论与实践记录系统 从追求教育研究的“科学范式”转变为

42、更多地提倡教育研究的“人文范式”:1、科学范式追求客观性,人文范式承认主观性;2、科学范式追求普遍性,人文范式追求情境性;3、科学范式追求简约性和模式化,人文范式遵循复杂性和多样性。从执着于教育研究的“宏大叙述”转变为更看重教育研究的“日常叙述”。1、重大主题与平凡主题(常态主题);2、重大事件与日常事件(生活细节);3、重要人物与普通人物(边缘人物)。,II、备课是最能体现教师素质的,1、研读国家教育部颁布的英语课程标准。2、通读整套教材,了解编写体系。3、长期、细致、深入地了解学生。4、参照课本、练习册、教师用书等,列出本教 学单元的重点与难点;制定本节课的教学目 标;编制课堂练习;写出的教学步骤;课堂 活动安排;家庭作业的布置;制作课件和准 备教具等。5、与同年级教师交流。,


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