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1、Translation of Passive Voice,语态转换 约定俗成,2,1,2,3,英汉被动语态差异,英语被动语态翻译方法与技巧,汉译英被动结构翻译方法与技巧,Contents,3,2.1 译成被动句2.2 译成主动句 2.2.1 保留原主语不变 2.2.2 添加主语 2.2.3 主宾颠倒2.3 译成汉语判断句(是的)2.4 译成汉语无主句 2.5 固定结构惯译法2.6 其他译法综合练习及参考译文,课堂互动 1,课堂互动 2,课堂互动 3,课堂互动 4,2、英语被动语态翻译方法与技巧,课堂互动 5,4,3、汉译英被动结构翻译方法与技巧,3.1 有形式标记的被动结构3.2 不带形式标记

2、的被动结构3.3 汉译英被动结构译法补充说明 3.3.1 补充说明1 3.3.2 补充说明2 3.3.3 补充说明3综合练习及参考译文,5,1、关于这个问题,已经说得很多了。2、对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。,1、英汉被动语态差异,1.Much has been said on this question.,2.The issue has not yet been thoroughly explored.,6,1.1 构成形式上1)英语被动构成:“be+Ved”2)汉语被动构成:无固定动词词形变化,多靠“被”等词表示。分为两种,即有形式标志(被/给/让/遭)的被动句和无形式标志的被动句。

3、1.2 使用频度上 英语特别是科技英语中运用被动语态的频率明显高于汉语。,1、英汉被动语态差异,7,1.1 构成形式上1.2 使用频度上 1.3 运用被动的倾向上:英语常用结构被动式,少用意义被动式(形式主动,意义被动)。汉语则常用意义被动式,少用结构被动式。,1、英汉被动语态差异,对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。,The issue has not yet been thoroughly explored.,8,英汉语态转换翻译时,一些句子仍需保持原来的(被动)语态,但多数情况下不能总是恪守原句语态,而应以多种方式翻译。,2、英语被动语态翻译方法与技巧,9,2.1.译成被动句,A.译成“

4、被、叫、让、由、令、使、经/为所、予(以)、加(以)、引以”“挨/给/遭/受”(受:中性;挨/给:多贬义(不利/不好之意),1)Vitamin C is destroyed when it is overheated.,2)He was pitied rather than disliked.,【译文】维生素C受热过度就会被破坏。,【译文】他让人可怜,而不是令人讨厌。,2、英语被动语态翻译方法与技巧,10,“挨”仅用于翻译该动作是对动作接受者(受事者)不利或不好的句子。3)The boy was criticized yesterday.【译文】这孩子昨天挨了一顿批评。,顺译成被动句,4)Ot

5、her processes will be discussed briefly.【译文】其他方法将简单地加以讨论。,11,5)Our clothes were soaked with sweat.,“给”/遭到:多翻译该动作对动作接受者/受事者不愉快或不愿接受的句子。,【译文】我们的衣服给汗水湿透了。,顺译成被动句,6)A lot of houses and buildings,roads and bridges were damaged in the seaquake.,译文许多房屋建筑、道路桥梁在这次海啸中遭到破坏。,12,7)It must be dealt with at the ap

6、propriate time with appropriate means.,【译文】这件事必须在适当的时候用适当的手段予以处理。,顺译成被动句,8)The atomic theory was not accepted until the last century.,【译文】原子学说直到上世纪才为人们所接受。,13,课堂互动1:译成被动句。,1Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded.【译文】立功的人将受到奖励。,14,2.It need not be said that all factors must be taken into c

7、onsideration.【译文】不用说,所有因素都必须考虑在内。(谓语分译),课堂互动1:译成被动句。,15,1)Love can not be forced.【译文】爱情不能强求。,2.2 译成主动句,A.保持原主语不变,2)Illness must be correctly diagnosed before they can be treated with medicine.【译文】疾病必须先确诊,再用药。,16,1)My holidays afternoons were spent in ramble about the surrounding country.,2)Little To

8、m should love to be taken to the theatre this evening.,一些英语被动句并未出现动作施事者,汉译时可适当增添不确定的主语,如“人们”、“有人”、“大家”、“我们”等;或改变句中其他成分做主语。,【译文】如果今晚有人带小汤姆去看戏,他一定会很高兴。,【译文】每逢假日的下午,我总要漫步周围的乡村。,B.添加主语,2.2 译成主动句,17,3)The issue has not yet been thoroughly explored.,B.添加主语,【译文】人们对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。,2.2 译成主动句,18,2.2.1 把 原文b

9、y 后的宾语倒译成主语,1)At least two quarts of water are required daily by a normal individual.【译文】一个正常的人每天至少需要两夸脱的水。,2)Your car was towed away by a towing truck from Lewis Company.,【译文】路易斯公司的一辆拖车把你的汽车给拖走了。,C.主宾颠倒,2.2 译成主动句,19,1)Abundant exercises and problems are provided in this reference book.,2.2.2 把其他介词后

10、的宾语倒译成主语,【译文】这本参考书提供了大量的练习和问题。,20,英语被动句汉译成主动句小结,A.保持原主语不变 B.添加主语 C.主宾颠倒,21,课堂互动2:译成主动句。,1.We are deeply touched by the heros loyalty to the cause.,【译文】我们深为英雄忠于事业的精神所感动。,22,课堂互动2:译成主动句。,2)What we say here will not be long remembered,but what we do here can change the world.,【译文】我们在这里所讲的话,人们不会长久记住。然而我

11、们在这儿所做的事,却能改变世界。,23,2.3 译成“是的”判断句,有些英语被动句并不突出强调被动动作,而着重对事物状态、过程和性质等加以描述,汉译时可译成“是的”的判断句式。,1)That ridiculous idea was put forward by his brother.【译文】这个怪念头是他哥哥想出来的。,24,2)The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872.【译文】美国的学分制是1872年在哈佛大学首先 实施的。,2.3 译成“是的”判断句式,25,1.Printin

12、g was introduced into Europe from China.【译文】印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。,课堂互动3:翻译下列句子。,26,1)Quality of products must be guaranteed first.【译文】首先要确保产品的质量。2)The goods are urgently needed.【译文】急需此货。,原文中未提及动作执行者(施事者)不需要或无法说出行为主体,翻译时常译成动宾结构的无主句。,2.4 译成汉语无主句,27,3)When travelling,you are advised to take travelers checks,wh

13、ich provide a secure alternative to carrying your money in cash.【译文】旅游时建议你用旅行支票,这比带现金安全。4)Children should be taught to speak the truth.【译文】应该教育儿童讲真话。,2.4 译成动宾结构的无主句,28,课堂互动4:翻译下列句子。,Measures have been taken to prevent the epidemic from spreading quickly.,【译文】已经采取了措施来防止这种流行病迅速蔓延。,29,课堂互动4:翻译下列句子。,2Th

14、e students should be enabled to develop morally,intellectually and physically in an all-round way.,【译文】必须使学生在德育、智育、体育方面得到全面发展。,30,2.5 固定结构惯译法(Habitual Translation),2.5.1“It+be+V-ed+that.”结构,2.5.2“S+be+v-ed+to do”结构,31,1)It is pointed that there may be as many as 100,000 different sorts of proteins i

15、n a mans body.,【译文】有人指出人体内不同种类的蛋白质可多达10万种。,2.5.1“It+be+V-ed+that.”结构,2)It is generally considered that it is not advisable to act that way.,【译文】大家认为这样做是不妥当的。,32,3)It is well known that laughter has a tonic effect on the mind and body,suffusing the body with a feeling of well-being.,【译文】人们(大家)知道/众所周知

16、,笑具有健身作用,身心皆宜,它可以使人体充满一种愉快的感觉。,2.5.1“It+be+V-ed+that.”结构,译为以“有人,人们,大家,我们”为主语,1)It is pointed that 有人指出2)It is generally considered that 大家认为3)It is well known th at 人们(大家)知道,33,译为以“有人,人们,大家,我们”为主语,“It+be+V-ed+that.”结构惯译法1,It is asked that 有人会问It is asserted that 有人主张It is felt that 有人感到;人们认为;It is p

17、referred that有人建议It is recommended that 有人建议;有人推荐It is suggested that 有人建议It is stressed that 有人强调说,34,It is regarded that 人们认为It is noticed that 人们注意到;有人指出It is noted that 人们注意到;有人指出It is sometimes asked that 人们有时会问It was told that 人们曾说It is supposed that 人们猜测It is expected that 人们希望It is hoped tha

18、t 人们希望It is still to be hoped that 我们仍应希望It is generally considered that 大家认为It is well known that 众所周知,35,2)It is estimated that the area is rich in natural resources.,2.5.1“It+be+V-ed+that.”结构惯译法2,【译文】据谣传,那场事故是由于玩忽职守造成的。,【译文】据估计,这个地区有丰富的自然资源。,1)It is rumored that the accident was due to negligence

19、.,It is said that It is reported that It is supposed that,据说 据报道;据通报据推测,36,It is said that 据说 It is reported that 据报道;据通报It is supposed that 据推测It is learned that 据闻;据说 It is announced that 据称It is stated that 据说It has been illustrated that 据说明/图示It was described that 据介绍It is predicted that 据估计It i

20、s demonstrated that 据证实It is estimated that据估计It is claimed that 据称,2.5.1“It+be+v.-ed+that.”惯译法2,译成“据”字句,37,1)It must be pointed out that some questions have yet to be clarified.,2.5.1“It+be+V-ed+that.”惯译法3,2)It should be said that the situation is basically sound.,【译文】必须指出,有些问题还需要澄清。,【译文】应该说,情况基本上是

21、不错的。,译成汉语的无主句,38,其“that”之后的从句跟具体引述的内容。It is hoped that 希望It is understood that 不用说;很清楚It is supposed that 假定It is predicated that 预计It is expected that 预期It is suggested that 建议It is demonstrated that 已经证明It is preferred that 最好It is decided that 已经决定,2.5.1 译成汉语无主句,39,据汉语动词意义及语言习惯1)有人(大家/我们)认为/相信/建议

22、2)据字句:据说/报道/估计/推测 3)汉语无主句,2.5.1“It+be+V-ed+that.”结构三译法小结,40,2.5.2“S+be+v-ed+to do”惯译法,2.5 惯译法(Habitual Translation),1)All bodies on the earth are known to possess weight.【译文】人们知道,地球上的一切物质均具有重量。2)Little Derick was found to read in the reading room.【译文】有人看见小德里克在阅览室看书。,41,3)The coming physics examinati

23、on is said to be rather difficult,so we get well prepared for it.,【译文】即将举行的物理考试据说相当难,所以我们必须做好充分准备。,2.5.2“S+be+v-ed+to do”惯译法,4)The so-called precious pearls have been found to be common stones.,【译文】已经/人们发现,那些所谓的宝珠竟然是些普通的石头。,42,2.5.2 小结“S+be+v-ed+to do”结构三译法,据汉语动词意义及语言习惯1)有人(大家/我们)认为/相信/建议2)据字句:据说/报道

24、/估计/推测 3)汉语的无主句,43,2.5 固定结构惯译法小结,据汉语动词意义及语言习惯1)有人(大家/我们)认为/相信/建议2)据说/报道/估计/推测 3)汉语的无主句,2.5.1“It+be+V-ed+that.”结构,2.5.2“S+be+v-ed+to do”结构,44,课堂互动5:翻译下列句子。,1The lecture is considered to be very important for beginners.,【译文】大家认为这个讲座对初学者来说很重要。,2It is universally acknowledged that airline food is awful.

25、,【译文】人们普遍认为,飞机上的食物非常糟糕。,45,课堂互动5:翻译下列句子。,3Tom was seen(to be)working in the office.,4It has been realized that wildlife is extremely important to us.,【译文】人们已经认识到野生动植物对人类是极为重要的。,【译文】有人看见汤姆在办公室工作。,5.It is hoped that you will have a chance to visit China.,【译文】希望你有机会来中国访问。,46,2.4 其他手段 意译法,1)Most trees a

26、re denuded(v.使裸露)of leaves in winter.2)The news was passed on by word of mouth.3)He has been wedded to translation.,【译文】大多数树木冬天都要落叶。,【译文】消息众口相传,不胫而走。,【译文】他与翻译结下不解之缘。,47,3、汉译英被动结构的翻译,Please translate the following sentences.1.他的一位朋友被匪徒杀害。2.中美已经建立了外交关系。3.这些墙都该粉刷了。4.中国的规矩是向上级介绍下级。,One of his friends wa

27、s killed by bandits.,Diplomatic relation has been established between China and the US.,The walls need whitewashing.,A Chinese rule is that the inferior is introduced to the superior.,48,3、汉译英被动结构的翻译,汉译英面临三种被动结构:1、有形式标记的被动结构:“被、受、遭、给、挨、叫、让、使、加以、予以、为所、是的、在中”等。2、无形式标记的被动结构:以“受事主语+谓语”的句子,形式主动、意义被动。如:鸡杀

28、了。饭煮了。孩子惯坏了。3、意义主动、出于表达重心需要将其处理为被动结构:,49,1)这个问题必须在适当的时候以适当的方式予以处理。It(the problem)must be dealt with by appropriate means at an appropriate time.2)该计划将由一个特别委员会加以审查。The plan will be examined by a special committee.3)那孩子给打得青一块紫一块。The boy was beaten black and blue.,3.1 有形式标记的被动结构,直接转译为被动,50,1)这座桥将在今年年底建

29、成。The construction of the bridge will be completed by the end of this year.2)有些问题还需要澄清。Certain questions have yet to be clarified.3)这个问题正在调查。The problem is now being investigated.,3.2 不带被动标记的结构-受事主语+谓语,将汉语主动转译为被动,51,3.3 汉译英被动结构补充说明1:3.3.1 汉语主动句在以下情况下多英译成被动句:,2.3.1 强调动作承受者2.3.2 为加强上下文连贯性2.3.3 为使措辞得当、

30、语气委婉2.3.4 汉语无主句常可转译为被动句2.3.5 某些汉语惯用结构可转译为被动结构,52,1)我国各族人民每年都要热烈庆祝十月一日的国庆节。,强调动作承受者译为被动语态,National Day is enthusiastically celebrated on Oct.1 by the Chinese people of all nationalities every year.,53,为使英语译文连贯、句子衔接紧密自然译为被动结构。,3.3.2 为加强上下文的连贯性,1)他出现在台上,观众给与热烈鼓掌。2)口试时,问了十个问题,她全答对了。,He appeared on the s

31、tage and was warmly applauded by the audience.,She was asked ten questions in the oral exam and answered every one of them correctly.,54,英语常出于礼貌,不说出施事者,尤其是第一人称,因而采用被动语态。多见于讲话、通知、请帖等。,3.3.3 为使措辞得当、语气委婉,1)来宾请出示入场券。,All teachers and cadres of the Department are requested to meet in the conference room

32、at 2:00 p.m.on Wednesday to listen to a report.,Visitors are requested to show their tickets.,2)请全系教师和干部于星期三下午二时在会议室集合,听报告。,55,3.3.4 汉语无主句常可转译为被动句,1、最后达成了协议。2、后来再也没提这件事。3、明年将出版更多的书籍。,A greater number of new books will be published next year.,The matter was never mentioned again.,At last an agreement

33、 was arrived at.,56,3.3.5 某些汉语惯用结构可转译为被动结构,1、据了解,该地区有丰富的自然资源。,1)以“人们”、“有人”、“大家”等作主语;2)“据说,据查,据了解,据悉,应该说,必须指出,已经证明”等结构,It is known that there are plenty of natural resources in that area.That area is known to be rich in natural resources.,2、可以有把握地说,会议会如期召开的。,It may be safely said that the meeting wil

34、l be held on schedule.,“It+be+V-ed+that.”结构,“S+be+v-ed+to do”结构,57,1)老太太被风吹病了。The old lady was blown sick by the wind.The old lady fell ill because of the draught.,必须首先考虑英语动词的特点、惯用法及上下文关系等,再决定用什么语态。,(),(),2)天气真冷,河面都给冻住了。It was so cold that the river was froze.It was so cold that the river froze.,(),

35、(),3.3 汉译英被动结构补充说明 2:带被动标记的句子并非都要英译成被动,58,这些书卖不掉。那支笔好写。有一个小孩需要照顾。这夹克很容易洗。这个钱不可能省。,The book didnt sell.,The pen writes easily.,There is a child who needs looking after.,The jacket is easy to wash.,The money is impossible to save.,need/want/require/deserve+doing表被动,be easy/difficult/impossible/hard/sa

36、fe to do 表被动,3.3 汉译英被动结构补充说明 3:某些汉语意义被动句要英译成主动结构,语法上是主动句但逻辑意义表被动的句子,59,1)The application has been improved.A number of new features have been added and a number of bugs have been fixed.【译文】已改进了该应用程序,增加了一些新的功能,同时也纠正了一些错误。,第十章综合练习及参考译文,Please translate the following sentences into Chinese.,60,5),第十章综合

37、练习及参考译文,1)没有多少年以前,人们还认为,海洋深处完全没有生命。,Please translate the following sentences into English.,Not very many years ago,it was supposed/believed that life was altogether absent in the deeper parts of the sea.,2)要制造飞机,就必须仔细考虑空气阻力问题。Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be manufactured.,


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