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1、,英语应用文写作,English Practical Writing(9),主讲人:贾珍霞,Study of notice writing,Assignment,Introduction to the new knowledge,content,Fax and E-mail Writing,1.format2.Language features3.Sample4.Assignment,E-mail format,Enter the recipients E-mail address.,Your own E-mail address,Enter the topic of your message

2、;Be as brief as possible.,carbon copy(抄送),blind carbon copy(秘密抄送),Documents,files and graphics can be attached.,E-mail message E-mail is meant to transfer information quickly,so it is purposely informal.Some people do not use capitalization.E-mail also makes use of a great deal of abbreviations(缩写)t

3、o speed up typing.For example:,you,to,Bye-bye,face to face,in other words,have a nice day,thank you very much,I love you,your,for you,Assignment,You are required to write an e-mail according to the following information given in Chinese.发件人:路静 发件人e-mail地址:收件人:李路 收件人e-mail地址:发件日期:2010年4月15日 主题:预约 预定5

4、月20日到北京出差,希望到时可以到李路公司拜访她。计划在京停留一周,希望李路可以安排合适时间与她会面,不胜感激。并表示很期待与她的会面。,审题概述本文考查书写email的能力,Email是现代社会常见的书信形式,一般是非正式的文体,其主要特点是简单明了,便于阅读。虽然电子邮件是非正式文体,但其撰写不可马虎,特别是给长辈、上级写信,或者撰写事务信函等。写完信后应仔细检查有无错误。本电子邮件是用于预约,因此要注意内容表达的清晰性和完整性。,SAMPLEFrom:lujing To:lilu77 Subject:Appointment in AdvanceDate:April 15th,2010,D

5、ear Li lu,We had not seen each other since we graduated from the University in 2006.I am scheduled to visit Beijing on business on May 20th,and wish to call on you at your office.I will be staying in Beijing for about a week.It would be appreciated very much if you would like to arrange to meet with

6、 me at your convenience.I think we will have many things to tell each other.Thank you in advance for your kindness.I am looking forward to meeting you in Beijing soon.Sincerely yours,Lu Jing,After-class practice,亲爱的史密斯博士:北京大学外文系特邀请您出席2010年12月30日(星期六)早八点在(系会议室)召开的学术年会并作演讲。正如您所了解的,北大外文系对20世纪的英国文学颇感兴趣。

7、您对此领域很熟悉,您的见解定会给我们带来很大的兴趣。我们将随后把有关细节通知您,但恳请您尽快予以答复,以便作出安排。,10,2023/11/17,You are required to write an e-mail to Dr.Smith according to the following information given in Chinese.,Dear Dr.Smith:The English Department of Beijing University would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speak

8、er at the annual conference to be held at the meeting room at eight oclock,Saturday morning,December the thirtieth,2010.As you know,the department is interested in the 20th century English literature Since you are familiar with the field,we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.You wil

9、l receive further details later,but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda.Cordially,LiXian Director of the Office,12,2023/11/17,第一段思路点评:首先开门见山表示目的。语言点提示:be scheduled to表示“安排、计划做某事”;call on sb.表示“拜访某人”第二段思路点评:进一步就拜访一事展开,表明写信人对于见面的期待语言点提示:appreciated 表示“感谢”,是信函中

10、的常用语,也可用“thank you for”;at ones convenience 意思为在“在某人方便时”第三段思路点评:进一步阐明自己对于会面的期待,Notice,As signs put in a public place that announce something or warn people about something,the writing of notices varies in forms from one to another.They may be written on blackboard or bulletin board.They may be writt

11、en as memos delivered to the desk of officials.They can also be written as letters to notify people of something in detail.,It may be an announcement of a meeting,a party,a film or video show,a contest,a match,etc.Such a notice includes at least three parts:1.Date day of the week time 2.Place 3.Acti

12、vity 4.AudienceFor lectures or talks,the notices should also include:5.background information about the speakers,and for tours,书面通知,书面通知即告示,是主事人或主事部门以书面形式向相关对象,以布告的形式张贴或写在布告牌栏上的常见实用文体。书面通知一般篇幅短小,言简意骇。需要写明事件、地点、时间和告之对象。,书面通知、通告,书面通知:NOTICE In celebration of May Day,there will be-正 文 School OfficeApri

13、l 25,2000,English Teaching&Research Group NOTICEThere will be an English lecture on the differences between American English and British English by a famous English professor,Mr.Alexander,the author of Follow Me and New Concept English which are well known to us all.It will be given in the Lecture H

14、all from 7:00 to 9:00 on Saturday evening,September 23.Those who are interested in it are warmly welcome.And you may also invite your friends of other schools to attend it.Be sure not to be late.After the lecture,you may have a picture taken with Mr.Alexander.September 20,2003,书面通知,书面通知的一般格式如下:1.书面通

15、知正文上面正中,往往用NOTICE一词。2.正文表述可采用叙述形式。也可以用广告形式突出某个部分(如主题、人物、时间、地点)。文字力求简明扼要,一个句子可分为几行书写,分行书写时,尽量居中,各行的第一个字母须大写。3.通知发布日期一般写在正文的左下角(在落款的下一行)或右上角(在notice的下一行)。4.发布通知的主事部门或主事人。一般写在正文后的右下角,也可写在NOTICE的正上方。,书面通知的三大特点:,1.句子较长,结构相对复杂;2.无称呼,有标题:Notice,Attention,Announcement3.发文单位置于顶部或右下角,时间多置于左下角。,NOTE:For notice

16、 or written announcement drafting,writers should pay attention to what has happened or what will happen and as well as to when and where something has happened or will happen.Besides,to whom the information is given should be included.As far as language is concerned,it should be concise,simple,accur

17、ate and somewhat formal.,通知的某些常用语,There will be a(meeting)at(time)in/at(place)I am pleased to tell you thatI am writing to inform you thatPlease informed that(特此告知)I/we have pleasure in informing you that,通知的某些常用语,Id like to tell you thatAll the staff members are expected at the meeting.(全体员工务必参加会议)

18、You are invited to attendThe session is organized bysponsored by(会议由组织承办,由主办),通知的某些常用语,Each participant will be given 5 minutes for speech.All the students in our class have been arranged to visit Passengers are requested to note that It is hereby announce that(特此通知)This is to notify that(特此通知)Your

19、attention,please.,PATTERNS,By this we inform you that we have today paid Mr.Smith.$120.,今天我们已付给史密斯先生120美元,特此告知。,Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company will be held at the Bankers Club on Mar.1.,本公司股东年会,将于3月1日在银行家俱乐部召开,特此函告。,1.Notice of Meeting,MEETI

20、NG NOTICEDate:Saturday,May 21,2008Time:9:00A.M 3:00 P.M.Location:College HallSessions include:*The Scientific Research of the Students*Education Reform in the Teaching of English*Teaching Practice of the StudentsAll teachers are required to be present at the session.Students are welcome.College Offi

21、ceMay 19,2008,2.Notice of a Speech,NOTICE All are Warmly Welcome Under the auspices(支持)Of the College Literature Association a report will be given on Dream of Red Massion by famous speaker Wang Zhu in the College HallOn Wednesday,April 18,2007 at 1:30 P.M.College Literature Association April 8,2007

22、,3.Notice of a Holiday,NOTICE GIVING A HOLIDAY May 22,2011 As the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching,our school is scheduled to be closed from May 28th to May 30th,and classes will be resumed as usual on May 31th.College Office,4.Notice of a Decision,NOTICE It is hereby announced that upon the deci

23、sion of the Board of Directors Mr.Wang Liming is appointed secretary of the marketing.The Directors Office February 15,2010,Practice(1),1.请依据以下信息写一则通知。(120词左右)活 动 英语演讲比赛(English-speaking Contest)目 的 提高英语口语组 织 者 学生会(the Student Union)参加范围 大二(sophomores/second-year students)学生报名时间 5月25日以前(报名:sign up)报

24、名地点 学生会办公室比赛时间 6月9日下午4:00比赛地点 教学楼5楼礼堂(auditorium)奖 励 前5名,NOTICE In order to improve the speaking ability of students,the Students Union has decided to organize a English speaking Contest.The English speaking Contest is going to be held in the schools auditorium in the fifth floor at 4:00 p.m.on June

25、 9th.All the students who are in the second year are welcome to this activity.Those who want to take part in the contest are requested to sign up for it at the Students Union office before May 25th.If you are one of the first five students,you will receive a beautiful present from the Students Union

26、.The Students Union May 20,2010,comment,本篇习作符合书面通知的格式要求,表达也较为流畅、清晰,且运用了较多的句型结构。但要注意如下几个问题:1.准确用好原题所给词汇,如the Student Union,the English-speaking Contest;2.注意细节问题;3.最后一句中,用one of the first five winners似更为贴切。,NOTICE We are going to have an English-speaking contest for sophomore students so as to improve

27、 our oral English.It will be held in the auditorium on the 5th floor in the teaching building at 4 pm June 9th.Those who want to take part in the contest are supposed to come to sign up at the office of the Student Union before May 25th.All the senior students are welcome to join in the contest.The

28、first five winners will be given prizes.Please try your best and get ready in time.Wish you success!The Student UnionMay 20,2010,You are required to write a Notice of Removal according to the following instruction given in Chinese.,说明:请以总经理秘书(general secretary)的名义通知客户,公司因为开发新业务将迁至新地址,并为因此带来的不便表示歉意。同

29、时借此机会感谢客户多年来的支持,表达期望长期合作的愿望。具体信息如下:迁址时间:2011年12月10日公司新址:中山路17号中信大厦2022室公司新电话,传真:;,2023/11/17,Practice(2),审题概述如何正确用英文书写日期和地址,另外要注意英文通告的格式,并需要认真构思句子结构和词汇选择。Notice of RemovalDear Sir or Madam,Due to the development of new business,our company will move to Room 2022 Zhongxin Building No.17 Zhongshan Roa

30、d from December 10,2011.Our new telephone and fax numbers are 025-83321145 and 025-83326542 respectively.We are very sorry for the inconvenience brought to you.We would also like to take this chance to thank you for your continued support over the years and hope that we can keep on working together

31、in the future.Yours faithfully,Clare Tao General Secretary,2023/11/17,思路点评 注意英文中地址的写法是由小到大;日期表达有多种形式:通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如:December 10,2009 或者 Dec.10,2009等,电话号码的表示法与中文一样。第二段首先表示歉意,然后借此机会感谢对方的长期支持,以及表达长期合作的愿望。最后是签名及职务。,2023/11/17,高频词句1.Due to the development of new business 由于业务需要2.We are ve

32、ry sorry for the inconvenience brought to you.对由此带来的不便,深表歉意。3.We would also like to take this chance to thank you for your continued support over the years and hope that we can keep on working together in the future.借此机会感谢你们多年来的支持,希望我们能够长期合作。,2023/11/17,Notice(Written Announcement),启事(Written Announ

33、cement),启事是一种公告性的应用文。机关、团体或个人如有什么事情向他人公开说明某事或请求帮助,或对群众有什么要求,可把要说的意思简要地写成启事。启事有多种,象寻人启事、寻物启事、征婚启事、开业启事等等。,1.Heading 标题2.Body 正文3.Signature 署名4.Address 联系地址,1.标题,1).直接性标题 寻物启事Lost征婚、征稿、招聘启示 Wanted招领启事 Found寻人启事 Person Missing,2).间接性标题Have you seen this Child?,启事的某些常用语,I was careless and lostWill the f

34、inder kindly send it toor ring me up to fetch it back?Whoever knows her whereabouts or has got any information which may lead to her location is requested to phone meA green leather bag was left at the,启事的某些常用语,The club announces with regrets that owing to the rain,the trip to scheduled for tomorrow

35、 is to be cancelled.If interested,please contact me.Passengers are requested to note that the new timetable comes into effect fromAll are welcome to be present at the contest to cheer the,启事的某些常用语,Owing toour company find it necessary to remove to Please to be advised that the name ofwill be changed

36、 toMeals and accommodation will be provided at moderate chargesRecruit other highly qualified teachers on a part time or full time basis,寻物启事 A Jacket Lost In the playground,May12,a Jacket,green in colour and with a zipper in the collar lost,finder please return it to the owner,Krutch.Room 203,Dormi

37、tory 9.,寻茄克衫5月12日本人不慎在操场丢失一件绿色,领口有拉链的茄克衫。拾到者请把茄克衫还给失主克鲁奇。地点九号宿舍楼203房间。,Female Clerk wanted,Interesting and rewarding position in the Huatian HotelAge 20-22,at least 2-year working experienceSalary according to experience will be between RMB¥500 and RMB¥800 per monthTransport can be provided from Tow

38、n CenterPlus other benefits including shopping discountPlease contact Miss Wen at 8108888,NOTICE OF EMPLOYMENT,招聘女员工华天宾馆一有趣而待遇优厚的职位年龄20-22岁,至少有两年工作经验根据经验,薪水每月500-800元人民币可从市中心乘单位班车上班另加购物打折等福利请于文小姐联系8108888,招领拾物特征(外观,颜色,里面的东西等)拾物的时间和地点。要求及联系方式(落款),Found A pair of glass was found in the reading room on

39、 the morning of April 10th.Will the owner please ring 6254318?,四月十日早上在阅览室拾到眼镜一副,请失主拨打电话6254318。,NOTICE OF ENGAGEMENT Mr.and Mrs.Holand Walshman have the honour to announce the engagement of their daughter,Miss Lucy,to Mr.Samual Russell on Saturday,August 11,2011.,订婚启事,荷兰德沃尔什曼先生及夫人荣幸地宣布,他们的小女露西与塞穆尔罗素

40、先生于二零一一年八月十一日(星期六)订婚,兹特敬告亲友。,Practice(3),失物招领2月14日在食堂拾到钥匙一串3月11日在足球场捡到白色毛衣一件5月8日在浴室拾到红色皮夹子一只请遗失者到办公楼3楼102室失物招领处认领。办公时间:上午8点到11点30分,下午1点30分到4点30分。失物招领处 2011 年5月28日,FOUND,1.A bunch of keys,in the dining hall on the evening of February 14.2.A sweater,white in color,on the football field,on the mooring

41、of March 11.3.A red leather wallet,in the bathroom,on the evening of May 8.Please apply at the Lost Property Office,Room 102,on the 3rd floor of the office building.open from 8:00 to 11.30 A.M.and 1.30 to 4.30 P.M.Lost Property Office May 28,2011,通知,校长办公室于2011年6月12日发布通知:河北大学游泳池将与今年六月十五日对外开放。开放时间早8:00至晚10:00;费用成人一小时3块,儿童2块。自备泳衣。,Assignment,


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