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1、雅思作文和考研作文哪个更难 3分钟了解雅思作文和考研作文哪个更难,今天就给大家带来了雅思作文和考研作文哪个更难,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。3分钟了解雅思作文和考研作文哪个更难第一步:雅思词汇和考研英语词汇查了一下,雅思官方说法是,要六分,词汇量是五千到八千。那不是和考研英语差不多么?那为什么很多人研究生都能考的好,雅思写作才只能考5分到5.5分呢?我仔细读了一下一些考研范文,还有一些中国人写的东西,又在脑中回想起了上一次吃麻辣烫,无意中听到了几个外教谈中国人的英语写作习惯,他们说的是,“too difficult”。我灵光乍现,不会是因为写的太难,太高深导致的吧!听我

2、简单的唠唠:父子二人饮茶,儿问:“为什么要我读书?”父答:“我这么跟你说吧!你读了书,喝这茶时就会说:此茶汤色澄红透亮,气味幽香如兰,口感饱满纯正,圆润如诗,回味甘醇,齿颊留芳,韵味十足,顿觉如梦似幻,仿佛天上人间,真乃茶中极品!(考研写作)而如果你没有读书,你就会说:Woca!茶不赖啊!”(雅思写作)文字对比:Will online higher education become widely accepted, or, will it just become a flash in the pan, dying in the cradle? (考研写作)网络高等教育会被广泛接纳,还是昙花一现

3、,胎死腹中呢?Will online higher education become more popular than traditional education? (雅思写作)网上高等教育会比传统教育还火爆不?重点总结:雅思需要更为地道,简单,清楚的表达,比喻性语言出现的次数很少。一切文字是为了表达而写;不是为了炫技说废话而写。第二步:考研写作与雅思写作逻辑表达写意 还是 写实中国人表达一件事,写意居多。所以经常会有一些人说一些让人其实听不懂,感觉模模糊糊,又不明觉厉的话。对很多事情都说不清楚,就在绕圈圈说话。而西方的*内容更是大白话,什么都要给你说清楚,掰碎了去讲解。下面这一组翻译可以证

4、明一些两者区别。文字对比:With rosy clouds of dawn, millions upon millions of people begin to flood into modern cities in seach of jobs. Inside the city thousands upon thousands of blue and white-collar workers scatter in different directions, going to work. So overcrowding is a big problem. (考研写作:描述了一幅场景)随着黎明的朝

5、霞,成百上千万的人如潮水般涌入现代城市寻找工作。在城市里,成千上万的人蓝领白领分散去各个地方,去工作。所以,过度拥挤是一个很大的问题。小站雅思君灵魂的拷问:为什么白天一大早,这么多人去城市找工作?这些人半夜去哪里了?为什么工作就是分散去各处了?既然大家都去了各处,哪里拥挤了?人不都散了么?Overcrowding is a big problem in a big city. It is because there are many job opportunities there, so people from other cities migrate to the metropolis in

6、 search of jobs. However, as more and more people are attracted to settle down in a big city, the city becomes overcrowded, especially in city center. (雅思写作:说清楚一件事就可以。但是需要每一步的推导都是合理的。)重点总结:雅思需要的是按部就班的推导。每一步都是直接因果关系。不能写空话,大道理。第三步:考研写作语法和雅思写作语法这熟悉的封面,这熟悉的字体,这熟悉的书名,这不是很多人的噩梦,“五三”么?!中国人啊,语法不是不好,是语法“太好”。

7、语法规则可以熟知,写出的句子不长不敢拿出台面,从句套从句,写个句子,比玩俄罗斯套娃还费劲。文字对比:Among millions upon millions of old people, some are better enjoying good health and spending their remaining years in happiness, but sill many other others live with great difficulties, feeling lonely, lying ill in bed or moaning and groaning with p

8、ain. (考研写作)成百上千万的老人中,一些人健康很好,并且在过着幸福安康的晚年。但是其他一些人生活很困难,孤独终老,躺在病床上,带着痛苦,呻吟着。Some old people can lead a healthy and happy life, while some others are alone or suffer from diseases. (雅思写作)一些老人生活健康快乐,一些老人很孤独,被疾病折磨。总之,考研写作喜欢很多词汇堆砌,要求语法多样化,各种从句和不定式表达。但是雅思写作的要求就是平实简单最重要,不要用太多难词,把你要说的话表达清楚就可以了。只要按照雅思写作评分标准来

9、写雅思作文就好了。雅思写作大作文真题范文:有钱人就一定要帮助别人?雅思哥版写作真题范文Today, Inequality still remains pervasive on a global scale. Many of us believe that helping others should be at the top of rich peoples agenda. Generally, I think that wealth dose come with more responsibilities but not compulsorily.In this age of globaliz

10、ation, people and nations are more closely bonded than ever before and to help those in great needs is a reflection of moral obligation. People who are desperate in need of assistance are usually the most deprived in least developed places, and they can barely face up to the harsh reality only with

11、the support from within. Therefore, the idea of reaching out for a way out is quite essential. For example, as a result of medical donations and some dedicated medical teams, several prevalent diseases have been controlled or eradicated in those poorest communities. With the support of educational r

12、esources from the rich, more schools have been set up in those less developed areas, so people there have more accesses to education, which actually helps to promote the development of those places in the long run.However, it is reasonable to claim that people and nations should have the autonomy of

13、 governing their money and they should never be forced to distribute their wealth to others. But, in the meanwhile, one fact that needs to be noticed is that, for instance, the most impoverished nations are typically badly governed, where corruption, official incompetence, and failure to protect bas

14、ic property rights are capable of trapping those in greatest needs in adversities. Thus, in a way, the rich should be part of the solution.Overall, I believe that privileges come with responsibilities and the favors from wealthy people and rich nations should be valued.18年4月7日雅思写作7分范文解析:劫富济贫?Some pe

15、ople think the most important thing about being rich is that it gives an opportunity to help other people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?雅思写作大作文审题本周考题也算一个难得的新题,在近5年内都没有出现过。但这个题目对我们来说,也不应构成什么大的威胁。富裕之后,最重要的事情是什么?是享受,还是帮助别人?从正能量方面来说,我们肯定会同意富裕后最美好的事情就是能够帮到别人。但如何来论证这个观点呢?我觉得可以考虑从两个方面来说:首先,我们有钱后

16、去帮助别人,这是能够给我们带来更多幸福和成就感的事情;但是这也有一个条件,那就是,我们只有去帮助那些我们真正想帮助的人,而不是被媒体或舆论所逼迫去帮助别人,这才能带来真正的幸福,同时,帮助别人带来的幸福与给别人捐多少钱也不一定成正比。因此,本雅思写作题的思路就是:首先点明观点(有钱后帮助别人能给我们带来幸福),然后论证这个幸福来自于我们的内心,同时与帮助的幅度没有太大关系。这样写既围绕了题目要求,同时也显得丰富和客观。各位考生,你是怎么写的呢?雅思写作大作文7分范文If being rich is being happy, can helping others be a super-happi

17、ness? The resounding answer is yes. The rich would feel even a higher degree of happiness, particularly when they are giving for causes that they are passionate about.如果富有就是幸福,那么帮助别人是否是超级幸福呢?响亮的回答是肯定的。富人会感到更高程度的幸福,特别是当他们为之充满激情的事由而奉献时。Generally, those who are happiest are those who give the most to o

18、thers, according to ancient wisdom and new research. It makes conventional sense that helping other people in need is a path to everlasting happiness. As the Chinese saying goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” Scientific experime

19、nts also show that altruism, or selfless concern for the well-being of others, is hard-wired in the brain, and it is pleasurable. In view of all this information, helping others may be just the secret to living a life that is both happy and meaningful.根据古老的智慧和新的研究,最幸福的人通常是那些给予别人最多的人。帮助其他需要帮助的人是让人通往永

20、恒幸福的道路,这在传统上是有道理的。正如中国谚语所说:“如果你想要一个小时的幸福,就小睡一会儿。如果你想要一辈子的幸福,那就帮助别人吧。”科学实验也表明利他主义,即对他人幸福的无私关怀,是根植于我们大脑中的,而且是令人愉快的。考虑到所有这些信息,帮助他人也许就是度过幸福而且有意义的一生的秘诀所在。However, it is important to remember that helping others does not always make the rich feel the happiness they deserve. In some cases, giving can make

21、the rich feel taken advantage of, even though it is the right thing to do. Therefore, to be really happy in helping others, the rich can choose the causes they love. Meanwhile, giving to a cause that specifies where their money is going can lead to a positive feeling of everlasting happiness rather

22、than a negative feeling of resentment.Understandably, it is not only how much money they give, but also how much love they put into giving.然而,必须要记住,帮助别人并不总让富人体验他们应得的幸福。在某些情况下,有钱人的奉献会让他们觉得被利用,即使奉献时正确的做法。因此,要真正在帮助别人中感到幸福,富人可以选择他们自己喜欢的事由。如果一个事由明确了钱将用于何处,此时的奉献也能带来永恒幸福的积极感觉,而不是一种消极的怨恨感。不难理解,这与他们奉献了多少金钱无关

23、,而是他们投入了多少爱。In giving, rich people can choose the causes that fit them to achieve a high degree of happiness. The best thing the rich can do with their money, therefore, is not just being able to help others, or even how much they can help, but being able to help for the right causes.(304 words)在奉献中,富人可以选择适合他们的事由,以获得高度的幸福感。因此,富人能用他们的钱来做的最好的事情,不仅仅是能够帮助别人,甚至也不是能帮到多少忙,而是能为正当的事由提供帮助。雅思写作高频词汇-resounding 响亮的-to be passionate about 热爱于-altruism 利他;无私-to specify 特别指明-resentment 怨恨雅思作文和考研作文哪个更难


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