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1、长句的翻译,翻译长句主要是把原文句子的主次脉络搞清.首先抓住句子的的主语和谓语,然后根据句中的关联词如关系代词关系副词介词等来看各种修饰语,弄清他们之间的关系,继而理解全文.在这一基础上,我们可以采取几种翻译方法.,1. 按原文结构次序译2.先把主语译出,再补充修饰主语的从句或分词短语等细节.在翻译长句时,抓住原文的逻辑结构(原文的逻辑结构通常不是通过逻辑连接词实现的),以原文的逻辑结构为框架,组织译文的行文顺序,结论性内容放在最后.,1. 按原文结构次序译There are swift-flowing rivers, slow, sluggish rivers, mighty rivers

2、with several mouths, rivers that carry vast loads of alluvium to the sea, clear, limpid rivers, rivers that at some seasons of the year have very much more water than at others, rivers that are made to generate vast quantities of electricity by their power, and rivers that carry great volumes of tra

3、ffic. 有的河水流湍急,有的河流速缓慢,有的大河出海口有好几个,有的河带着大量冲积土入海,有的河清澈见底,有的河的水量在一年中的某些季节里较少,在某些季节里却多得多,有的河利用其动力大量发电,有的河负担的运输量很大。,Because of this English background of civil conflict, English-speaking America, where there were no religious war, as such, is often described as a land of refuge to which men and women cam

4、e in order to enjoy the religious and political freedom denied them in their homeland.,因为英国存在着内战,在这种背景下,美洲这个没有发生过宗教战争,又是讲英语的大陆,常常被描绘成流亡的乐土人们为了追求在本国被剥夺的宗教自由和政治自由而纷纷来到这块土地上,The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though unthinkable in these Communist nations just a few years ago, is a far cry

5、from the free-market economies practiced in the West and will probably remain so for a long time.,东欧正出现温和的资本主义,要是前几年这在这些共产党国家里是不可想象的尽管如此,这种温和的资本主义和西方实行的自由市场经济有很大差别,这种差别可能还会维持很长一段时间,The election which has led to your being chosen to preside over this Assembly a very wise choice indeedis a tribute to

6、your great country, which has contributed to the development of the history of free nations a tradition of peace that serves as an example for the legal community that we constitute , a country which has always commanded respect and admiration from all corners of the world . 这次选举你为本届大会的主席,实是极为明智的抉择,

7、是对你的伟大国家的敬意。贵国对自由国家的历史发展贡献了一种和平传统,这一传统是我们法治社会的榜样。全世界都一贯对贵国表示尊重和敬佩。,2. 先把原因条件事实等细节译出,再把结论性态度性的东西译出The era of blatant discrimination ended in the 1960s through the courageous actions of thousand of blacks participating in peaceful marched and sit-ins, to force Southern states to implement the Federal

8、desegregation laws in school and public accommodations.,六十年代,千千万万的黑人参加了和平游行示威和静坐,他们的勇敢行动迫使南方各州执行联邦政府关于在学校和公共场所废除种族隔离的法律,从而结束了公然歧视黑人的时代,The medical waste that has fouled beaches in the New York region at the peak of the summer season has taken its toll on business all along the shore, driving vacatio

9、ners away both from beaches that have been closed and from those that have remained open.,医疗用品生产厂家的废弃物污染了纽约地区的海滨。时值盛夏,一些滨海浴场已经关闭,赶走了大批的度假者,而那些尚未关闭的滨海浴场也是门可罗雀。污染使得整个海滨区的商业蒙受了巨大损失。,3.先把除主语外的成分译出当主语相当长,或主语的修饰成分很多时,一般先把所有修饰成分译出,再译主语,The problem of possible genetic damage to human populations from radiat

10、ion exposures, including those resulting from the fallout from testing of atomic weapons, has quite properly claimed much popular attention in recent years.,人类由于面临辐射威胁,包括原子武器试验产生的放射性尘埃所造成的辐射威胁,很可能遭到基因损伤,这一问题进年来已经理所当然地引起了人们的广泛重视,This history of a tree from the time it starts in the forest until the b

11、oards which it yields are used, would form an interesting and, in many instances, an exciting story.一棵树从它在森林里生长时起,直到被制成供使用的木板为止,这段历史会组成一个有趣的,在很多情况下是激动人心的故事,下面看一些汉英翻译的例子雨后, 院里来了个麻雀, 刚长全了羽毛。它在院里跳, 有时飞一下, 不过是由地上飞到花盆沿上, 或由花盆上飞下来。看它这么飞了两三次, 我看出来:它并不会飞得再高一些, 它的左翅的几个长翎拧在一处, 有一根特别的长, 似乎要脱落下来。 As soon as the

12、 rain stopped, a sparrow, almost full-fledged, flew into the courtyard. It hopped around, fluttered at times, darting up to the edge of the flowerpot and back to the ground again. Watching it move up and down like this a couple of times, I realized that it could not fly any higher as the plumes on i

13、ts left wing have got twisted, and one is sticking out as if about to come off any moment. 析:汉语句群里往往有些词或词组重复出现。有时作为一种修辞手段 , 加强语气。原文中描述一个受伤的小麻雀飞翔的情况,出现了多达五次的“飞”字,使句群内部语义连贯,主题突出。 但英文行文往往避免词语重复现象,而且事实上小麻雀飞的具体动作并不完全一样,因此,译文围绕主题,采用近义词替换的方式,分别用“ flew into ”、“ fluttered ”、“ darting up ”、“ move up and down

14、”、“ fly ”等词和词组,确切地表达了词语意义,也实现了句群的语义连贯。,秋天来溪水清个透亮,活活的流,许多小虾子脚攀着一根草,在浅水里游荡,有时又躬着身子一弹,远远地弹去,好象很快乐。 With the coming of autumn, the water in the brook was crystal-clear, flowing very lively. Many small shrimps with their legs clinging to a weed, swam around in the shallows, or sometimes bounced to a dist

15、ance with their backs arched, as if they were very happy.,广东对于多数中国人来说曾经是一个特殊并充满神秘感的省份。这多半由于它毗邻香港的缘故。自从中共在年建立政权后,香港成为地理上距中国大陆最近而政治制度及意识形态与大陆大相径庭的一个区域。广东因此而成为一个窗口,刺激并满足着中国人和外国人相互间对 异端 的好奇心。 To many Chinese, Guangdong Province was in the past a peculiar, mysterious place due to its close proximity to H

16、ong Kong and Macao. In 1949, when the Chinese Communist Party assumed power in China, Hong Kong maintained a completely different political system and ideology, despite being geographically a part of the mainland. Guangdong, therefore, became the window through which Chinese and foreigners kept an e

17、ye on one another. (李霞“广东:永远开启的南大门”,今日中国 2000 年第 8 期) 析:原文句群由四个结构衔接、 意义连贯的句子组成,它们之间有解证和因果关系。 中心句是第一句“广东 是个特殊并充满神秘感的省份”, 其它三句具体解释说明中心句的信息。其中,第二句中的指代词“这”指代第一句中的信息,使两句语义上衔接起来。 后两句进一步说明广东地位特殊的原因,连接词“因此”标明它们之间的因果关系。 译文用“ due to ”合并前两句的内容,并用“ when ”、“ despite” 和 “therefore” 清楚地表现原文中的逻辑关系,同样实现了句群的衔接性和连贯性,

18、再现了原文的信息功能。,( 6 ) 当前最重要的任务是发展国民经济 , 提高人民生活水平。为了实现这一目标 , 我们必须改革旧的经济体制 , 进一步解放生产力;我们应当向世界敞开大门,学习其它国家的先进的科学和技术。只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成强大的社会主义国家。 Our primary task at present is to develop national economy and promote the living standards of the people. Therefore, we must reform the old economic system s

19、o as to further liberate productive forces. Moreover, we should be open to the outside world so that we can learn advanced science and technology from other countries. And we are sure to build China into a powerful socialist country so long as we stick to the reform and opening policy. (王令坤“略谈汉语篇章的英

20、译”,华东船舶工业学院学报 1998年第4期) 析:原句群由三个句子组成,它们之间隐含着非常紧密的逻辑联系。第一句是中心句,提出当前奋斗的目标,第二句、第三句则围绕第一句的内容,具体说明达到该目标的必要手段以及这些措施所带来的必然结果。译文除了用“ as long as ”译出原文中“只要”一词的原意,还添加了“ and, Therefore, so as to , moreover, so that , And ”等连接词语,以充分表现原文句群各句子之间的逻辑意义,符合英文的形合特征。 例如,“ and ”表示并列关系 , 说明“当前的重要任务有两个”;“ Therefore ”表现因果关系

21、,强调实现目标必须采取的措施;“ so as to ”说明“改革旧的经济体制 ” 是为了 “解放生产力”;“ Moreover ” 表示递进关系 , 说明要实现目标 , 除了改革体制 , 还要“向世界敞开大门”;最后, “And” 进一步强调了改革开放的必然结果,并把前文联系起来。整个译文句群流畅通顺 , 紧凑完整。,但是,朔方的雪花在纷飞之后,却永远如粉,如沙,它们决不粘连,撒在屋上,地上,枯草上,就是这样。屋上的雪是早已有消化了的,因为屋里居人的火的温热。别的,在晴天之下,旋风忽来,便蓬勃地奋飞,在日光中 灿灿地生光,如包藏火焰的大雾, 旋转而且升腾,弥漫太空,使太空旋转而且升腾地闪烁。

22、But the snowflakes that fall in the north remain to the last like powder or sand and never hold together, whether scattered on roofs, the ground or the withered grass. The warmth from the stoves inside has melted some of the snow on the roofs. As for the rest, when a whirlwind springs up under a cle

23、ar sky, it flies up wildly, glittering in the sunlight like thick mist around a flame, revolving and rising till it fills the sky, and the whole sky glitters as it whirls and rises. (鲁迅雪,杨宪益、戴乃迭译) 析:原文描述了北方的雪的美丽。其中“如粉 ” 和“如沙”之间,“屋上”、“地上”、和“枯草上”之间都隐含着并列的逻辑关系。“不粘连,撒在 ” 虽然在形式上与前两部分并列,但实际上进一步解释朔方雪花“如粉,如

24、沙”的特征。译文添加“ or ” 以及表示增补连接关系的“ and ” 准确地再现了 这些 关系。在其余部分,译者还借用指代,连接词等巧妙地将内容有机地联成一体。如译文 “ As for the rest, when it flies up and till it fills and the whole sky glitters ”清楚表现了原文 的主干部分, 表情功能突出。,我看见他戴着黑布小帽,穿着黑布大马褂,深青布棉袍,蹒跚地走到铁道边,慢慢探身下去,尚不大难。可是他穿过铁道,要爬上那边月台,就不容易了。他用两手攀着上面,两脚再向上缩;他肥胖的身子向左微倾,显出努力的样子。这时我看见他的

25、背影,我的泪很快地流下来了。 I watched him hobble towards the railway track in his black skullcap, black cloth mandarin jacket and dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown. He had little trouble climbing down beside the railway track, but it was a lot more difficult for him to climb up that platform after crossing

26、 the railway track. His hands held onto the upper part of the platform, his legs huddled up and his corpulent body tipped slightly towards the left, obviously making an enormous exertion. While I was watching him from behind, tears gushed from my eyes. (同上) 析:原文选用特定的角度,用饱含深情的笔触,描述父亲给儿子去买桔子的情景,抒发了父子离

27、别时深沉的爱。整个句群围绕这个中心思想展开。其中,连接词“可是”标明两句之间的转折关系,但第三句和第四句之间没有明显的语义标识。不过,读者可以理解前后两句之间的解证关系:第三句动作描述具体说明前一句信息 “不容易”。译文除了用连接词“ but ”和“ after ”表现原文句子间的逻辑联系,保持了句群的连贯,还采用相似的句子结构, 用“ His hands ”,“ his legs ”,“ his corpulent body ”分别描述父亲手、脚及身体的具体动作,充分表现父亲的慈爱和迂执,艰难和努力。儿子对父亲的深情,则体现在他对父亲细致入微的观察。他“看见”父亲如何“蹒跚地走”、“探身下去

28、”、“穿过铁道”、“爬上那边月台”,等一系列的动作。因此, “我看见 ”在此句群中是“ I kept looking at ”的意思。译为“ I watch ”而不译为“ I saw ”是符合原文意义的。原文的关键词“背影”,作题目时, 译为“ The Sight of Fathers Back ”, 在第四句中,译者则是按照情景将其置于一个状语从句中 : “ while I was watching him behind ”,非常自然。看着憨厚朴实, 对自己关怀备至、痛爱有加的父亲的背影, 儿子情之所至, “泪很快地流下来了”, 译者选用“ gush ”( v. to flow or pou

29、r out suddenly in great quantities ),准确地表达了儿子的情感, 再现了原文的表情功能。,练习:On one of those sober and rather melancholy days, in the latter part of Autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about We

30、stminster Abbey.,It is a pleasing sight of a Sunday morning, when the bell is sending its sober melody across the quiet fields, to behold the peasantry in their best finery, with ruddy faces and modest cheerfulness, thronging tranquilly along the green lanes to church.,傍晚时候,上灯了,一点点黄晕的光,烘托出一片安静而和平的夜。 在乡下,小路上,石桥边,有撑起伞慢慢走着的人,地里还有工作的农民,披着蓑戴着笠。 他们的房屋,稀稀疏疏的,在雨里静默着。,


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