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1、,延安大学,延安大学外国语学院,An Empirical Study of the Effects of Output Hypothesis on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition,By Chen JingjingSupervised by Associate Professor Liu Baining School of Foreign languages, Yanan University 2012.06.09,延安大学外国语学院,The Outline of Presentation,延安大学外国语学院,The Outline of My Thesis,

2、1. Introduction 2. Literature Review3. Research Methodology4. Results and Discussions5. Conclusion,延安大学外国语学院,Research Orientation:,Why do I choose the theme for my study?,It is a controversial issue whether output is the result of acquisition or the cause of acquisition and whether output process is

3、 related to learning process.,It is quite natural that many L2 teachers feel uncertain about how to guide their students. Should they require their students to learn words intentional learning is not conducive to language learning?,1,2,延安大学外国语学院,Research Questions,Q1:Q2:Q3:,Do output tasks facilitat

4、e the acquisition of new words? What conditions cause acquisition of new words in output tasks?,As the acquisition of new words, do learners of output tasks perform better than learners of comprehension tasks?,What is the difference between learners of output tasks and learners of comprehension task

5、s towards the new words retention?,延安大学外国语学院,Theories Related to This Study,Related Theories,Output Hypothesis,Information Processing Model,Involvement Load Hypothesis,延安大学外国语学院,How?,Research Design,Subjects,Instruments,Procedures,延安大学外国语学院,Procedures,Table 3.1 Design of Experiment,延安大学外国语学院,What?,R

6、esults of Experiment,Pretest,Immediate Test,Delayed Test,Comparison,延安大学外国语学院,Pretest,Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Pretest,延安大学外国语学院,Immediate Test,Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics of Immediate Test,延安大学外国语学院,Delayed Test,Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistics of Delayed Test,延安大学外国语学院,Findings fro

7、m the Comparison,The mean difference is significant at the .05Table 4.4 One-way ANOVA: Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons of Gain 1.Note: 1=control group, 2=comprehension group, 3=production group,Immediate test -pretest,延安大学外国语学院,Findings from the Comparison,The mean difference is significant at the .05

8、 level.Table 4.5 One-way ANOVA: Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons of Gain 2.Note: 1=control group, 2=comprehension group, 3=production group,Delayed test-pretest,延安大学外国语学院,Findings,Results indicate that there is significant difference between Group 1 and Group 3 both in immediate posttest and delayed po

9、sttest. The condition leading to the acquisition of more new words in output activities are noticing, word-induced involvement load and reoccurrence of the target item.Memory performance is determined far more by the nature of the processing activities engaged in by the learner.,延安大学外国语学院,Suggestion

10、s,Secondly, encouraged by Skehans Information Processing Model (1999), it can be suggested that intervening in learners output process to further second language vocabularys learning naturally.,Firstly , due to output exerts a critical effect on the acquisition of unknown words, it is natural and we

11、ll-reasoned that language vocabulary instruction is supposed to be output-oriented other than comprehension-oriented.,延安大学外国语学院,Limitations,(1) The pretest of the experimental design may prompt the learners to notice the new words and sensitize them to vocabulary learning. (2) An important limitation of the study concerns the small sample. Detailed classroom-based studies may not be generalizable to a larger population of learners. (3) It is difficult to control the time of experiment exactly.,延安大学,延安大学外国语学院,Thank you for your attention!,


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