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1、Section B(reading),Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,Before-reading:,Watch a movie-Such a Poor Child,Q: Whats the girls problem?,While-reading,1. Skim 略读 Choose the main idea.,Para. 1 ( )Para. 2 ( )Para. 3 ( )Para. 4 ( ),C. Chinese children are not the only ones who are sometimes busier on w

2、eekends because of after-school classes.,A. Life for American kids isnt easy.,D. Linda doesnt agree to push kids too hard.,B. Doctors advise giving children more time to relax.,C,A,D,B,Skills: Look through the passage without reading every word.Focus on the beginning and the ending.,1. What is the c

3、ommon problem for Chinese and American families?,2. How many families are mentioned in this passage?,Children have too many after-school classes .,Two families.,Fast reading: Answer the questions. (1min),Study stress isa common problem.,Read paragraph 1 carefully and answer:(1min),1.Whats the purpos

4、e(目的) of the students learning exam skills?,2.What are other students doing?,They can get into a good high school and later a good universiry.,They are practicing sports so that they can compete and win.,While-reading,Cathy Taylor,The Taylors are a typical American family.,usual or common,(2) Scan p

5、ara.2. Answer the questions.,1. Is life for Cathys children busy or relaxing?2. Do all the three children have sports training?3. When do the children often get home?4. Why does Cathy take her kids to after-school activities?,Busy.,No.,Because she really wants her children to be successful.,After 7:

6、00 p.m.,(3) Pay attention to the details. (关注细节)Dont leave out the prepositions or articles.(勿漏介词、冠词),Skills of Getting Full Marks,(1) Read the questions carefully.(认真审题),(2) Give short and simple answers.(简答),While-reading,Read paragraph 2 carefully and fill in the chart.(2 mins),basketball practic

7、e,piano lessons,football training,busy,cut out,After-school Activities,细读, 关注关键词句,The Millers are another family.,Linda Miller,Read paragraph 3 carefully and fill in the blanks.(2mins),She says, ”Competition starts very young and _ until the kids get older.”,She thinks that it is _ to compare the ki

8、ds with other children.,She also thinks that people shouldnt _ their kids so hard.,crazy,push,continues,Read paragraph 4 carefully and answer.(2mins),虽然想拥有成功的孩子很正常,但是拥有快乐的孩子更加重要。,1.Does Dr. Alice Green agree with Cathy or Linda? 2.What is the topic sentence(主题句) ?3. Translation(翻译): Although its nor

9、mal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children.,Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs development.,She agrees with Linda.,Topic sentence,beginning (开头),end (结尾),(3) Scan para. 3 in group. Translate(翻译).,Translation Skills,(2) Translate word by word.

10、(直译逐字逐句译),(3) Translate freely. (Add/deletemake it more like Chinese)(意译适当增减词,更符合中文表达习惯),竞争从孩子们年幼的时候就开始并一直持续到他们长大。, ( ) push kids so hardA. makemove B. leadto become greaterC. forceto do something Competition starts young and continues until the kids get older.,把孩子们逼得太紧,While-reading,C,推(离原位),推动(上升)

11、,逼迫,(1) Use the context(语境) to guess the meaning of new words.,Too much pressure isnt good for a childs development.,( ) 1. Which of the following is not True?A. Pressure isnt good for a childs development.B. Activities are not always good for children.C. Its normal for parents to expect children to

12、 succeed in everything.D. In Dr. Greens opinion, success cant compare with happiness.,x,(4) Scan para. 4. Find out the false idea.,Its normal to want successful children.,Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children.,All these activities can cause l

13、ots of stress for children.,Skills: Compare carefully. Pay more attention to the words like all, only, but,A,While-reading,1. They are practicing sports so that they can compete and win.,2. I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training.,3. Doctors say too much

14、 pressure is not good for a childs development.,Guessing way: Word formation 构词法,Reading strategy : “ guess the meaning! ”,compete v. - competition n.train v. -training n.develop v. -development n.,4. Competitions starts very young and continues until the kids get older.5. Mothers are always compari

15、ng them with other children. Its crazy, I dont think thats fair.,Reading strategy : “ guess the meaning! ”,Guessing way: Context and related information 上下文语境,After-reading,These days, both and because ofCathy really wants so she (a mother of three)While Linda thinks parents should let kids And doct

16、ors say too much pressure Kids should have time,Retell the passage.,Students today are stressed out because of after-school classes. Too much pressure isnt good for a childs growth. Here is some advice on how to relax from study stress. First, Second, Besides, Whats more,Group-work: Give advice on h

17、ow to relax from study stress.,report example 报告范本,After-reading,Students today are stressed out because of after-school classes. Too much pressure isnt good for a childs growth. Here is some advice on how to relax from study stress. First, the most important thing is that you should raise school le

18、arning efficiency to get ideal grades so that you wont have so many after-school classes to take. Second, you can communicate with your teachers and parents to cut out unnecessary lessons. Just keep what you really need. Besides, if you feel tired after class. You can try listening to some soft musi

19、c or watch relaxing movies to help you relax. Whats more, youd better not compare or compete with others too much. Why not help one another to improve?,Model Essay范文,In short, hope you can grow up healthily and study happily.,After-reading,(1) First, say if youre agree or disagree. (2) Then, explain why.(3) Give some useful advice to parents or children.,Homework,Write an essay(短文): Share opinions on after-school classes and give advice.,All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; All play and no work makes Jack a mere boy. 只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子要变傻;尽玩耍,不学习,聪明孩子没出息 。,Thank you!,


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