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1、Should athletes have a high salary?Sample 1The 27th World Football Cup has concluded. People around the world enjoy great fun from the excellent performance of the football players. But meanwhile, a new issue arises. Should athletes have a high salary? From my point of view, I think they should get

2、a good pay.Firstly, the development of athletic level represents for the power of a country. Athletes make great contributions to the society and earn great glories to their country. When our national anthem is played in the stadium, we feel very proud of our countrys strength. Therefore, a high sal

3、ary is a reward to the efforts athletes make.Secondly, athletes devote themselves fully to the training and exercises. Every day, they do a lot of exercises with a view to setting new record in the sports games. Athletes are apt to be hurt in the matches, because some sports games are dangerous, for

4、 example, football, boxing and wushu. High pay guarantees prompt and good medical care if they get hurt. Thirdly, the athletic career is very short. Many athletes retire when they are still quite young. High salary can ensure that they can have a better life after they retire. If they want a further

5、 study, they will have no financial burdens.However, we have also noticed that some athletes cheat the referees and spectators in order to get money. Some of them even bribe the judges and referees. The government must take some measures to prohibit this kind of corruption.To sum up, it is reasonabl

6、e for athletes to get high salary, because they are worth of it. (265 words totally)Sample 2Salaries should reflect peoples dedication and job responsibilities. However, sports figures, who dont benefit the community in general, earn millions of dollars each. In my opinion this is wrong. Things shou

7、ld be done to change this situation.If we take the example of a sport star such as Tyson, it is hard for us to say in what way he benefits the society. In fact, his disobeying game rules sets a bad example for young people, and his abandoned behavior encourages people to experiment with sex and viol

8、ence. Besides, his job does not require special skills or years of training and education. Although he can entertain and excite audience, I do not think he is justified to receive so much money and his job can be considered essential. On the other hand, most people in ordinary professions like nurse

9、s, doctors and teachers earn only a small fraction of the income of these “stars”. However, if we give a careful look at these professions, we will find that they not only require special skills and years of education but also help the people and the whole society. For instance, teachers disseminate

10、 knowledge to the society; doctors and nurses give patients good medical care and prolong their life. They are much more useful, and actually more essential to society than sports personalities. Without these ordinary professions, our society would stop progressing. Their salaries should relate to s

11、kill, education or the value of the individual to society.Things should be done to make salaries fairer. Huge amounts of money shall be given to more deserving people. It seems that the only solution is to impose heavy taxes upon people who earn excessively high salaries. (281 words)THE GREAT INCOME

12、 GAP BETWEEN STARS AND TEACHERS OR NURSESAre Stars Justified to Obtain High Incomes? Are you aware of an expanding group of TV alcoholics emerging among your peers, or so called sofa potatoes, enjoying channel surfing, fascinated by star pursuing, chewing up gossips in the circle? The unparallel boo

13、m of entertainment and sports industry serves as the best example of the endurable rule; demands create markets, and markets ensure incomesNo matter in domestic or foreign market, athletes and entertainers are being paid extremely high, toward which people harbors a contradictory attitude. On the on

14、e hand, there was a feeling of imbalance when seeing those stars driving BMW fleeting(飞逝). On the other hand, in order to watch their stage performance, most people definitely will buy the tickets regardless of price. The prosperity of entertainment and sports circles was, actually, hard to imagine

15、in the old days when dramatists were debased贬低 to low status and athletes were fed on no more than spiritual grains. However, the opening policy utterly 完全的transformed peoples lifestyle by providing rich abundance of bread and warm clothes. Therefore, more and more people no longer felt content with

16、 material wealth, and their desire to fulfill both material and spiritual needs creates the market, which is part of the reason for the stars high income. In contrast with ordinary professions like nurses, doctors and teachers, a higher admission threshold门槛 is laid in the entertainment and sports c

17、ircles. A charming face, elegant manner, strong constitution体质 are indispensable qualities when an ambitious young man dreams about carving a name or at least making a living in this field. Due to the high cost to turn an innocent beauty into an fascinating film star, high incomes are charged to mak

18、e up for his or her diligence and pressure suffered in this cruelly competitive circle. Whats more, it takes the most precious time in their whole life. How can a pop star count on an ever-lasting career to support all the rest of his or her life? Energy fading away, brilliance光彩 never dazzles炫耀 aga

19、in. The day is bound to come when fame and fortune say goodbye to those pitiable out-of-date stars. In a word, their present high incomes may be set aside for future use. Therefore, the profession must be lucrative盈利的,赚钱的. Another fact also lends credence 相信to this seemingly unfair phenomenon. Not c

20、onfined to their own profession, those fashionable stars explore various approaches to enlarge their bank notes, which, in effect, bring about some positive side effects. Say, the high frequency of exposure to various media earns these pop stars a mass of passionate and loyal fans, whereas, their en

21、during support, on the contrary, adds to the chance of charging an ideal transferal fee 转会费when hopping to another club or company. On the other hand, modern citizens are eager to find a vent 缺口to release their working stress and the excitement in watching a sport game provides another ingredient成分

22、for stars popularity and high incomes. Admittedly, the expanding boom of these two industries proves their social value and the necessity of their existence, butthat is not to say other ordinary professions are of less value. After all, the societys basic mechanism is built up by those less eye catc

23、hing groups, who try to satisfy peoples physical and mental needs; such as curing disastrous diseases, providing universal education. A careers inner value, however, can never be measured by secular世俗的 banknotes. One is superficial, the other is profound深刻的; one is short termed, the other is long-la

24、sting, neither can replace the other while both beautify peoples daily life. At last, stars are justified to obtain high incomes because theres not a fair scale available to make such a comparison. Every phenomenon has its reason to survive. We need sports and entertainment, therefore we pay for the

25、m, and thats it.运动员与演员的高收入The High Salaries of Athletes and EntertainersFor 1. Those stars are talented people. They are a top-notch of the crop. 有才华的,凤毛麟角2. Their brilliant performances enrich peoples cultural/spiritual life, which partly contributes to the spiritual civilization. 有才华的,璀璨的;丰富人们的文化、

26、精神生活;精神文明3. They bring great pleasure and happiness to ordinary people. They make money by means of their skills and they deserve it. No one forces you to pay for his performance. Both are willing.快乐;值得,配得;表演4. Some of these stars also have undergone painstaking training and practice. No pains, no g

27、ains. The road to success may not be easy for most pop stars, who may set examples for the youngersters 经历了艰苦得训练和练习;明星;年轻人5. Different occupations or professions can command a different amount of money.职业,专业;支配6.They sacrifice a lot for what they gain including privacy. They are no longer private in

28、dividuals, they are public property. 牺牲,隐私,公共财产7. They bring benefits to the tertiary industry and prosper some professions like entertainment and related ventures. 第三产业;繁荣;相关产业8. It is an inevitable outcome of the market economy. We shall not make a fuss of it. It is decided by the market. 9. It is

29、 merely a matter of jealousy. If you are capable, you can also be a star who can earn millions of dollars. No one stands in your way. 嫉妒,有能力的Against 1. We should value the talents who promote the welfare of the society as whole rather than these pop stars.重视;人才;促进社会福利2.We can live without pop stars

30、but can not without a doctor or a teacher. Our society can proceed well without these stars.3. The value of knowledge is depreciating.贬值4. Discourage /strike the initiative and zeal of people in other fields.使气馁;主动性;热情5. Impose an adverse influence on the development of the next generation, which ma

31、y easily become money-oriented.拜金主义的6. This phenomenon, to some extent, even contaminates the order of the day/general mood. 污染社会风气7. What they pay can not equal their gain. 等于8. They make little contribution to the development of the society compared with the scientists.贡献9. With the quick-earned m

32、oney the pop stars vanity may quickly expand and their souls may be distorted.虚荣;扭曲的glamour 魅力,魔力glamorous 迷人的,富有魅力的depreciate /dipri:sheit/ v.(使)贬值,降低,轻视royalties n. 版税bodyguard 保镖,护卫moan about 抱怨new-rich, nouveau riche, upstart 暴发户be shielded from 被保护distinguish right from wrong 辨明是非entertainer 表演

33、娱乐节目的人,演艺人员娱乐业entertainment industry the tip of the iceberg 冰山顶峰,凤毛麟角immoral 不道德的,邪恶的,放荡的,淫荡的unwholesome 不健康的inequality n. 不平等imbalance 不平衡,不均衡wretched adj. 不幸,潦倒的disparity n. 不一致,不同,不等fortune n 财富,运气multiply ones wealth 财富急剧增长gain n. 财富的增加,财富的获取,获利brilliant 灿烂的,闪耀的,有才气的prosper v. 成功,繁荣make a name f

34、or oneself 成名成家赤贫,一贫如洗abject povertyadoration n. 崇拜,爱慕worship vt. 崇拜adore v. 崇拜adoring adj. 崇拜的,敬慕的legendary adj. 传奇色彩的primp v. 打扮,装饰well-paid 待遇好的humdrum job 单调的工作tertiary industry 第三产业top entertainer 顶尖演艺人员jealous 嫉妒的,妒忌的years of concentrated efforts |多年的辛苦努力corrupt v. 堕落vicious gossip 恶意中伤的闲话仿效em

35、ulate lavishadj.非常大方的,浪费的 v. 浪费分发,分配distribute; allocate 奉承话adulation welfare 福利,安宁personal income tax payment system 个人收入调节税follow suit 跟着做public property exorbitant 过度的,过高的,昂贵的lead a decent life 过着体面的生活poverty-stricken adj. 极度贫穷的idolize vt.偶像化pauper 叫花子乞丐financial reward 经济回报cultural/spiritual lif

36、e 精神生活巨大的 colossal /kelosl/live off immoral earnings 靠不道德的收入生活levy /levi/ vt. 课税,征税lavishly adv. 浪费的,丰富的sequacious adj. /sikweis-/ 盲从的take enormous risks 冒巨大的风险celebrity 名人明星noted star imitate 模仿,仿效谋生earn a living; make a living redress /ridres/ 赔偿,救济贫困的,非常贫穷的,缺乏生活必需品的needy adj.slum 贫民窟admiration 钦佩

37、,羡慕frivolous adj. 轻佻的劝诱,导致induceobnoxious /ebnokses/ ; highly offensive 惹人厌的;令人憎恶的zeal 热心,热情,热诚extravagant 奢侈的,浪费的anomic 社会道德败坏,沦丧general mood 社会风气declare ones income 申报个人收入逃税tax evasion privilege ; prerogative n. 特权,特别待遇astronomical 天文数字的,巨额的miserable 痛苦的,悲惨的,可怜的a strictly immoral attitudes 完全不道德的态

38、度unrecognized 未被认可的contaminate v. 污染misguiding adj. 误导的sacrifice n. 牺牲羡慕,嫉妒 envy vt. 向钱看money-oriented painstaking 辛苦的,辛勤的,艰苦的role model 行为榜样civilized adj. 修养好的well-cultivated 虚荣心vanity pension n. 养老金,退休金privacy 隐私deserve 应受,值得有文化的,有教养的,有读写能力的literacy valid 有效的,有根据的,正当的sinful 有罪的,不道德的,邪恶的诱惑人的tempting seduce 诱使运动员athlete expertise n. 专门技术,专家队伍


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