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1、目 录摘要1.项目概况12.编制依据23.对本项目的理解及优化建议54.本项目管理的总体目标75.施工管理方案主要内容摘要8第6章.项目计划和资源安排计划136.1.项目计划136.1.1.施工总体部署136.1.2.进度保证措施136.2.劳动力资源计划166.2.1.管理人员计划166.2.2.劳动力计划236.3.生产资料资源计划316.3.1.施工设备进场计划316.3.2.材料设备进场计划及保证措施34第7章.环境、健康和安全计划377.1.环境、健康和安全目标377.2.环境保护体系和措施377.2.1.环境保护承诺377.2.2.环境保护成员及组织构架377.2.3.项目经理部成







8、制170第16章.维护保养计划17316.1.组织构架及成员17316.2.维保计划和质量控制17316.2.1.目标和任务17316.2.2.售后服务期限17316.2.3.售后服务内容17416.2.4.本项目特殊服务内容17516.2.5.响应方式和响应时间17516.2.6.售后服务保障措施17716.3.各专项维保工作内容和流程17816.3.1.综合安防系统17816.3.2.综合布线系统17816.3.3.出入口控制系统17816.3.4.停车管理系统17916.3.5.计算机网络系统17916.3.6.能源计量系统179摘 要1. 项目概况1. Project Overview

9、 英特宜家武汉购物中心项目位于湖北省武汉市硚口区,占地面积约21.9公顷,一期总建筑面积约242055平方米。建筑物地面一层挑空,停车场位于建筑物挑空地面一层及室外周围部分;建筑物西区和中区为4层;建筑物东区为6层,其中局部为电影院预留,东区东侧有高层建筑有局部一层地下室。Inter Ikea Wuhan Shopping Center Project is located in the Qiaokou District, Huhan City, Hubei Province with a floor area of 21.9 hectares and the building area of

10、 first phase construction of 242,055m2. Ground Floor is raised. Parking Area is distributed under and around the lifted building; Low rise at West and Middle Area with 4 floors (ground floor, 1st3rd floor), High rise at East Area with 6 floors which consists cinema theater. There is a partial baseme

11、nt which locates only on the east side of high rise building.本次弱电深化设计、供应及安装专业分包工程包含的系统有:综合布线系统、IPTV、计算机网络、安防系统(包括出入口控制系统、视频安防监控系统、入侵报警系统、电子巡更系统、停车场管理系统、紧急报警系统、对讲系统)、人员统计系统、能耗监测系统、不间断电源系统和弱电机房工程。The detail design, supply and installation of ELV specialist sub-contract includes the following systems:

12、premise distribution system, IPTV, computer network, security system (including access control system, closed-circuit television system, intrusion alarm system, patrolling system, car park management system, emergency alarm system and intercom system), CATV system, people counting system, energy con

13、sume monitoring system, composite pipeline, UPS system and ELV equipment room work.投标文件技术部分将按以上所涉子系统分别进行规划、设计。整套施工组织管理方案内容将严格按照招标技术文件要求进行编制,包括如下内容:拟派项目管理团队情况介绍(第3章);弱电深化设计、供应及安装专业分包工程详细的施工进度计划及各项资源保障措施(第6章);环境、健康和安全保障措施(第7章);资料管理(第8章);深化设计管理流程及保障措施(第9章);采购管理流程及质量保障措施(第10章);生产物流及保障措施(第11章);专项施工安装调试验收

14、及质量保障方案(第12、13章);专业分包各系统详细的培训计划(第14章);维修维护保养的详细方案(第15、16章)、政府相关部门审批许可验收计划(第18章)等。Technical submission will be planned and designed as per all the systems mentioned above. The construction organization proposal will be prepared strictly in accordance with the requirements of Tender Document, includin

15、g but not limited to the following contents: Introduction of Proposed Project Management Team (Chapter 3); Construction Schedule and Resource Guarantee Measures of Detail Design, Supply and Installation of ELV Specialist Sub-contract (Chapter 6); Environment, Safety and Health Measures (Chapter 7);

16、Data Management (Chapter 8); Detail Design Management Procedure and Supporting Measures (Chapter 9); Purchasing Management Procedure and Quality Assurance Measures (Chapter 10); Production Logistics and Supporting Measures (Chapter 11); Special Construction, Installation and Debugging Acceptance and

17、 Quality Assurance Program (Chapters 12 and 13); Training Plans for Systems of Specialist Sub-contract (Chapter 14); Detailed Maintenance Program (Chapters 15 and 16) and Examination, Approval and Acceptance Plan of Government Departments (Chapter 18).2. 编制依据2. Basis1. 与本工程有关的技术文件和规定(包括招标答疑文件、会议纪要等)

18、1. Technical documents and regulations related to the Project (including clarification documents and minutes of meeting);2. 弱电系统工程项目管理技术设计将采用国家、国际现行的标准、技术规范及法律、法规:(包括但不限于)2. Management and technology design of the ELV System Project will be subject to the national and international standards, techni

19、cal specifications, laws and regulations in force, including but not limited to: 智能建筑设计标准(GB/T50314-2006)Standard for Design of Intelligent Building (GB/T50314-2006) 智能建筑工程质量验收规范(GB50339-2003)Code for Acceptance of Quality of Intelligent Building Systems (GB50339-2003) 智能建筑弱电工程设计施工图集(GJBT-471)Design

20、 and Construction Atlas of Weak Current Engineering of Intelligent Building (GJBT-471) 建筑与建筑群综合布线工程设计规范(GB/T 50312-2000)Code for Engineering Design of Generic Cabling System for Building and Campus (GB/T 50312-2000) 综合布线系统电气特性通用测试方法(YD/T 1013-1999)Cabling System for BuildingGeneral Electrical Perfor

21、manceTechnical Specifications and Testing Method (YD/T 1013-1999) 安全防范工程技术规范(GB/50348-2004)Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System (GB/50348-2004) 视频安防监控工程设计规范(GB50395-2007)Code of Design for Video Monitoring System (GB50395-2007) 入侵报警系统工程设计规范(GB50394-2007)Code of Design for

22、 Intrusion Alarm Systems Engineering (GB50394-2007) 出入口控制系统工程设计规范(GB50396-2007)Code of Design for Access Control Systems Engineering (GB50396-2007) 视频安防监控数字录像设备(GB20815-2006)Digital Video Record Equipment of Video Surveillance System in Security & Protection Systems (GB20815-2006) 入侵探测器通用技术条件(GB1040

23、8.1-89)Intrusion DetectorGeneral Technical Specifications (GB10408.1-89) 被动红外入侵探测器(GB10408.5-2000)Passive Infrared Intrusion Detectors (GB10408.5-2000) 安全防范系统通用图形符号(GA/T74-2000)Common Symbols of Security and Protection System (GA/T74-2000) 安全防范系统验收规则(GA308-2003)Acceptance Check Criterion of Security

24、 and Alarm Systems (GA308-2003) 民用建筑电气设计规范(JGJ/T16-2008)Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings (JGJ/T16-2008) 电气装置安装工程施工及验收规范(GB50254-96)Code for Construction and Acceptance of Electric Apparatus Equipment Installation Engineering (GB50254-96) 电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范(GB50169-92)Code for Construct

25、ion and Acceptance of Grounding Connection Electric Equipment Installation Engineering (GB50169-92) 不间断电源技术性能标定方法和试验要求(现行国标电工标准)Calibration Method and Testing Requirement for Technical Performance of Uninterruptible Power Supply (national electrical code in force) 电子计算机机房设计规范(GB50174-2008)Code for D

26、esign of Computer Room (GB50174-2008) 电子计算机机房施工及验收规范(SJ/T3000393)Construction and Acceptance Test Code for Electronic Computer Room (SJ/T3000393) 防雷接地设计规范(GB50057-94/2000)Specifications on Lightning Protection and Earthing Design (GB50057-94/2000) 防静电工程技术规程(DGJ08-83-2000) Technical Specifications fo

27、r Anti-Static Engineering (DGJ08-83-2000) 民用建筑电线电缆防火设计规程(DGJ08-93-2002)Code for Fireproofing Design of Wires and Cables in Civil Buildings (DGJ08-93-2002) 火灾自动报警系统设计规范(GB50116-98)Code for Design for Automatic Fire Alarm System (GB50116-98)3. 对本项目的理解及优化建议3. Understanding and Improvement Suggestions我方

28、认为英特宜家武汉购物中心项目弱电深化设计、供应及安装专业分包工程具有系统全面,建设规模大、规划设计起点高、工程质量要求高、弱电后期设备安装调试施工工期预计较紧张等特点,这必然要求本次实施方案要综合规划、精心设计、合理组织、科学实施,并与土建总包、装饰、机电安装等相关单位密切配合,以确保本项目按时按质顺利交付使用。因此,我公司建议:We deem that the detail design, supply and installation of ELV specialist sub-contract of the Inter Ikea Wuhan Shopping Center Project

29、 is of the features such as systematic and comprehensive design, large construction size, high starting point in planning and design, high quality, expected short period for installation and debugging of ELV equipment. Therefore, the proposal should be planned, designed, organized and implemented in

30、 a careful, integrated, reasonable and scientific manner and meanwhile, it is necessary to cooperate with other units such as general contractor of civil engineering, decoration unit and electrical equipment installation unit to ensure that the Project can be delivered in such time with such quality

31、 as specified. Therefore, we suggest to: 与英特宜家武汉购物中心项目密切配合及时了解弱电深化设计、供应及安装专业分包工程的应用要求,缩短项目建设方案的规划和初步设计周期,并根据我司在弱电工程项目中多年的设计及施工经验,在完成弱电各子系统初步设计的同时,同步完成与各子系统联动,集成所须的配套及环境设计,为项目建设留出更多的施工周期。Closely cooperate with Inter Ikea Wuhan Shopping Center Project to understand the requirements of detail design, s

32、upply and installation of ELV specialist sub-contract, shorten the planning and preliminary design period of the project construction program and complete preliminary design of ELV systems and the linkage among systems and integrate necessary supporting design and environmental design by virtue of o

33、ur rich experience in design and construction of ELV project to ensure relatively long construction period for the Project. 系统设计规划时,仅可能采用品质高、成功案例多,供货周期短的成熟产品,特别是在大型商业项目建设中有良好业绩的系统和产品,保证施工周期内对产品的供货要求并减少子系统二次开发的周期。Apply high-quality matured products with short delivery cycle in system design and plann

34、ing, especially the systems and products with outstanding performance in large commercial projects, to meet the requirements for products within the construction period and reduce the secondary development cycle of the sub-systems. 加深初步设计方案和设计深度,使初步设计的系统图、平面图更符合实际施工情况,特别的线槽管道的设计与各子系统深化设计要求的更变或差错控制在5

35、%以下,使各子系统在进行深化设计时做到边设计边施工,为工程串线和设备安装留出更多的时间。Deepen the design depth of the preliminary design program to make the system diagram and plan of preliminary design better meet the actual conditions, and control the change or error rate of the design of special slot pipe and detail design of all sub-syst

36、ems below 5% to enable design and construction to be implemented simultaneously, thus saving more time for wiring and equipment installation. 根据工程进度要求,在保证施工质量的前提下,合理安排施工作业面,合理安排人力资源和材料及设备及进场时间、做到提前规划、提前安排,保证施工进度。Arrange construction working surface and the mobilization of human resource, material an

37、d equipment reasonably in advance to control construction progress on the premise that the construction quality is well guaranteed. 考虑到本工程项目可能留给弱电系统最后的设备安装和系统调试时间紧,我司将根据以往的施工经验,在现场设备安装,系统调试不具备条件的情况下,对各子系统进行预安装、预设置(包括编程等)、预调试,做到在现场条件成熟时,各子系统的安装、调试、开通一次成功。Carry out pre-installation, pre-setting (inclu

38、ding programming) and pre-debugging of all sub-systems based upon the previous experience when the requirements for site equipment installation and system debugging are not met, so as to ensure successful installation, debugging and operation of sub-systems when the requirements are met, since the t

39、ime for final equipment installation and system debugging of the Project may be too short. 4. 本项目管理的总体目标4. Overall Objectives of Project Management 项目的质量目标:配合总承包商获取湖北省优质工程(楚天杯),达到国家施工验收规范规定的合格标准,一次验收合格率100%。不仅仅涉及施工的质量,还包括设计质量、材料质量、设备质量和影响项目运行或运营的环境质量等。Quality objective: assist the general contractor

40、 to acquire the title of “Hubei Excellent Project (Chutian Cup)”, comply with the standard specified in national construction and acceptance specifications and guarantee one-time acceptance rate up to 100%.In addition to construction quality, the quality objective of the Project also covers design q

41、uality, material quality, equipment quality and environmental quality which may affect the operation of the Project. 项目的进度目标:严格按照施工进度节点完成,满足2015年4月英特宜家购物中心开业要求。Progress objective: implement the Project strictly in accordance with progress nodes and ensure that Inter Ikea Wuhan Shopping Center can st

42、art business in April 2015.项目的投资控制目标:工程造价控制在业主的投资概算的范围内。Investment control objective: control the project cost within the budgetary estimate of the Employer.项目的安全管理目标:零事故。Safety management objective: no accident。项目的健康环境文明施工管理目标:获得武汉市文明工地。Objective of healthy environment and civilized construction ma

43、nagement: obtain the Certificate of Wuhan Civilized Construction Site.项目节能、环保目标:降低建筑能耗,节约能源,符合国家及武汉市现行有关建筑节能的标准和规程。Objective in energy saving and environmental protection: reduce construction energy consumption and save energy to meet the standards and codes of the state and Wuhan City related to co

44、nstruction energy conservation in force.5. 施工管理方案主要内容摘要5. Abstract of Construction Organization Program 施工组织管理方案内容严格按照招标技术文件要求进行编制,原则上首先符合并响应招标要求,同时为便于业主、专家、评委审阅、评标,而且也有利于将来文本的归档查阅,本节内容将把施工管理方案各章节详细内容作如下摘要。The construction organization program is prepared in such a manner that firstly meets the requ

45、irements of Tender Document and is easy for review and evaluation of the Employer, experts and judges and simple for filing. This section will briefly introduce the contents of the chapters of the construction organization program.技术标第3章拟派项目组核心管理团队成员:通过拟派项目组核心管理团队成员简历列表,介绍了项目总监、项目经理、总工、施工经理、设计经理、安全经

46、理、商务经理;通过提供项目组核心管理团队成员职称资格的证明文件展示了拟派项目核心团队成员经验。Chapter 3 of Technical Submission “Proposed Members of Core Management Team of Project”: this chapter introduces the Project Director, Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Construction Manager, Design Manager, Safety Manager and Business Manager through res

47、umes of the proposed members and shows the competence and experience of the members by providing relevant qualification documents.技术标第6章项目计划及资源安排计划:弱电施工期为2013年8月21日至2014年12月11日,系统联合调试及实际竣工为2015年1月7日至2015年4月9日,总工期596天;进度计划的保障措施介绍了资源、制度、劳动力资源保障措施;资源安排计划包含了劳动力资源安排计划、施工机械设备安排计划、设备及材料的安排计划。Chapter 6 of Technical Submission “Construction Schedule and R


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