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2、立坚定信念:在考前就已确定必过无疑。第一部分 词汇选项共15分,确保15分全部拿到1.利用三到五分钟,快速拿到13分左右。2.掌握好查字典的方法,拿下剩余分数。 2. Well give every teacher space to develop. A. chance B. employment C. room D. opportunity 3. I have to go at once. A. soon B. immediately C. now D. early第二部分 阅读判断共7分,确保至少难道4分。要掌握一套做该题的技巧和方法。2. Bill Clinton will strong

3、ly support Hillary to run for the 2008 presidency.A. RightB. Wrong C. Not mentioned3. American people will elect a woman president of the United States in 2008.A. RightB. Wrong C. Not mentioned4. One of Hillarys campaign promises is to reform the nations health care system.A. RightB. Wrong C. Not me

4、ntioned5. Germans elected a woman chancellor last year.A. RightB. Wrong C. Not mentioned6. Hillary has already raised a large amount of campaign fund.A. RightB. Wrong C. Not mentioned7. Chris Dildy will vote for Hillary.A. RightB. Wrong C. Not mentioned第三部分 概括大意与完成句子共8分,确保至少拿到5分。要各掌握一套答题方法和技巧。A. The

5、 Financial Center of USAB. The Night Life in New York C. The Traffic Facilities of New YorkD. Shopping Center for the Rich E. New York - an International CityF. Central Park - a Place of Recreation for the New YorkersCity练习:1. Paragraph 3 _ 2. Paragraph 4 _3. Paragraph 5_4. Paragraph 6 _ 5. The isla

6、nd of Manhattan was bought by the Hollanders from the native Americans _.6. Central Park is a good place where the New Yorkers can go and _.7. Fifth Avenue is the place _.8. For those play-lovers who are interested in what is unusual, the small theaters might more attractive _.A. do whatever they li

7、ke for relaxationB. where you can play all kinds of ball gamesC. than the world famous BroadwayD. enjoy the colorful night life of the cityE. where the wealthy people would go shoppingF. for what seems to be a very small sum today第四部分 阅读理解共45分,确保至少拿到27分。1.指定用书一篇,必得15分。2.要掌握一套出题思路,答题技巧,(从其他两篇)确保拿到12分

8、。练习:1. Which of the following statements is NOT true of American college students?A. They have little money.B. They like traveling by bike.C. They like to explore the country.D. They often have plenty of free time. 2. What will Hawkins do when he sees something interesting on a road trip?A. He will

9、turn back.B. He will drive around.C. He will stop to explore.D. He will stop exploring.3. When did motels suddenly appear?A. After the work to build the interstate highway system started.B. When driving trips became popular.C. After many roads were paved.D. After new cars were made.4. Which of the f

10、ollowing words can best describe Hawkins trip to New Orlends?A. EventfulB. ColourfulC. DelightfulD. Unforgettable5. The word blizzard in paragraph 12 can be replaced by A. snow stormB. hurricaneC. mistD. fog第五部分 补全短文共10分,确保至少拿到4分。要掌握一套特殊的技巧方法。练习:AHe says there is emerging evidence that children abso

11、rb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults6.B. By the year 20004 it is estimated that Australia will have 8 million mobile phones: nearly one for every two people.C. “If mobile phones are found to be dangerous , they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be

12、 devised,” he said.D. Then who finances the research?E. For example, Telstra, Optus and Vodaphone build their towers where it is geographically suitable to them and disregard the need of the community.F. The conclusion is that mobile phones brings more harm than benefit.第六部分 完形填空共15分,确保15分全部拿到。从指定用书

13、中出一篇(15分)。练习:1. A. where B. the place C. when D. in the place 2. A. with B. as C. to D. on 3. A. they B. / C. that D. who 4. A. regulates B. regulate C. regulated D. regulating5. A. miles B. mile C. miles D. miles6. A. in use B. for use C. by use D. on use 7. A. ancient B. the ancients C ancients D.

14、 ancients people 8. A. that B. / C. because D. which 9. A. people B. deaths C. damages D. ruins 10. A. influence B. effect C. society D. civilization11. A. many B. lot C. much D. a lots 12. A. for B. as C. because D. whereas 13. A. govern B. control C. lead D. influence14. A. cause B. violate C. kil

15、l D. damage15. A. by B. on C. and D. to考项确保分数合计第一部分词汇选项15分70分(最低)第二部分阅读判断4分(最低)第三部分概括大意与完成句子5分(最低)第四部分阅读理解27分(最低)第五部分补全短文4分(最低)第六部分完形填空15分 第一部分 词汇选项1.确保15分全部得到,掌握方法和技巧。2.借此复习和学习词汇。3.借此复习和学习句子结构。下面共有3组词汇学习,每一组词汇学习有15道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相近的一项。词汇学习1:1. Will you please call my

16、husband as soon as possible?A. contact B. consult C. phone D. visit2. Well give every teacher space to develop.A. chance B. employment C. room D. opportunity3. I have to go at once.A. soon B. immediately C. now D. early4. The policeman asked him to identify the thief.A. name B. distinguish C. captur

17、e D. separate5. We were all there when the accident occurred. A. happen B. broke C. spread D. appeared6. It took me exactly a week to complete the work.A. do B. achieveC. improve D. finish7. The herb medicine eventually cured her disease.A. nicely B. apparently C. finally D. naturally8. We had a lon

18、g conversation about her parents.A. talk B. speech C. debate D. discussion9. Please let me know if you are unable to attend the meeting.A. go to B. prepare for C. speak to D. do to 10. They have made up his mind to give up smoking.A. tried B. attempted C. agreed D. decided 11. Your teacher will take

19、 your illness into account when marking your exams.A. calculation B. computation C. consideration D. assessment12. We have to put up with her behavior.A. tolerate B. accept C. swallow D. take13. They have given up the hope to save their friend from drowning.A. ended B. abandoned C. built D. strength

20、en 14. I seldom watch TV.A. rarelyB. frequently C. normally D. occasionally15. The dentist has decidend to take out the girls bad tooth.A. dig B. draw C. pull D. extract词汇学习2:+1. Amricas emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research.A. encouraged B. endangered

21、C. endorsed D. enlarged*2. Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her coverage of significant cvents during the Second World War.A. baggage B. orphanage C. reportage D. usage3. Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit to completely dark.A. inadequately B. hardly C. faintly D. suffi

22、ciently *4. “Im not meddling” . Mary said mildly. “Im just curious”.A. gently B. shyly C. weakly D. sweetly5. In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the Southern states would break away from the Union.A. strange B. certain C. inconsistent D. proper6. Many of novelist Carson McCullers characters are isola

23、ted, disappointed people.A. solitary B. certain C. inconsistent D. proper7. The workers finally called off the strike. A. put off B. ended C. cancelled D. participated in8. John has made up his mind not to go to the meeting.A. wanted B. promised C. decided D. agreed9. I catch cold now and then.A. al

24、ways B. occasionally C. constantly D. regularly 10. He often finds fault with my work.A. criticizes B. praises C. evaluates D. talks about11. The little girl grasped her mothers arm as she crossed the street.A. understood B. had a hold over C. took hold of D. left hold of12. In judging our work you

25、should take into consideration the fact that we have been very busy recently.A. thought B. mind C. account D. memory*13. I can no longer tolerate his actions.A. put up with B. accept C. take D. suffer from14. The doctors have abandoned the hope to rescue the old man.A. left B. given up C. turned dow

26、n D. refused15. Have you talked to her lately?A. lastly B. shortly C. recently D. immediately词汇学习3:*1.Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.A. expressive B. physical C. exaggerated D. dubious2. Techniques to harness the energy of the sun are being developed.A. convert B. s

27、tore C. utilize D. receive3. Many residents of apartment complexes object to noisy neighbors.A. managers B. occupants C. landlords D. caretakers*4. The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost ofshipping cargo by water.A. continuously B. quickly C. excessively D

28、. exceptionally *5. Hundreds of years ago cloves were used to remedy headaches.A. disrupt B. diagnose C. evaporate D. cure*6. John Hanson helped draft instructions for Marylands delegates to the Stamp Act Congress.A. clarify B. formulate C. revise D. contribute7. Practically all species of animals c

29、ommunicate either through sounds or through a large repertory of soundless codes.A. Simultaneously B. Almost C. Absolutely D. Basically8. Sulphur has occasionally been found in the earth in an almost pure state.A. regularly B. accidentally C. sometimes D. successfully 9. When doves are about two wee

30、ks old, they are covered with grey feathers and are ready to try their wings.A. grow B. wrap C. hide D. test 10. I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car.A. normally B. seldom C. continuously D. usually*11. When she was invited to the party, she readily accepted.A. willingly

31、 B. suddenly C. firmly D. quickly *12. The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.A. take out B. repair C. pull D. dig 13. You must shine your shoes.A. lighten B. clean C. wash D. polsh*14.The majority of people around here are decent people.A. honest B. rich C. good-looking D. high-ranking*15

32、. A deadly disease has affected these animals.A. contagious B. serious C. fatal D. worrying第二部分 阅读判断阅读下面的短文。每篇短文后面都有七句话,请根据短文的内容判断这些话是正确、错误,还是在短文中没有提到。(总分7分,确保得到4-5分,掌握方法和技巧)第四篇Smoking Since 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a ealth hazard. The trend of the e

33、vidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk. Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy1. Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be

34、an important actor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of some other organs of the body. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males. Female smokers are thought to be less affected be

35、cause they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply. Apart from statistics, it might be helpful to look at what tobacco does to the human body. Smoke is a mixture of gases, vaporized chemicals, minute particles of ash and other solids. There is also nicotine, which is powerful poison, and black tar. As

36、 smoke is breathed in, all those components from deposits on the membranes of the lungs. One point of concentration is where the air tube and bronchus divides. Most lung cancer begins at this point. Filters and low tar tobacco2 are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer, but they can only slig

37、htly reduce, not eliminate the hazards. 词汇:vaporize vepraz v. (使)蒸发 nicotine nkti:n n. 尼古丁membrane membrein n.膜 bronchus brks n. 支气管注释:life expectancy: 预期寿命low tar tobacco: 焦油含量低的烟草1. It is easy to determine whether smoking is hazardous.(一段)A. Right B .Wrong C. Not mentioned 2. Smoking reduces ones

38、life expectancy. (一段)A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned3. Smoking may induce lung cancer. (二段)A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 4. There is evidence that smoking is responsible for breast cancer. (无)A. RightB .Wrong C. Not mentioned 5. Male smokers have a lower death rate from heart disease than fe

39、male smokers(二段)A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 6. Nicotine is poisonous. (三段)A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 7. Filters and low tar tobacco make smoking safer. (四段)A. Right B .Wrong C. Not mentioned答案与题解:1. B 该题说的是,判断抽烟对健康是否有危害是容易的,但是,文章的第一句话是这么说的:自1939年以来进行了许多次研究,其目的都是为了判断抽烟对健康是否是一种危害,可以看出判断

40、抽烟对健康是否是一种危害并不容易。2. A 该题说的是:抽烟会缩短人们的预期寿命。该题源于第一段最后一个句子中的子句:tobacco smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy(抽烟与人的预期寿命缩短有关)。3A 该题说的是:抽烟有可能诱发肺癌。文章的第二段和第三段都讲到了抽烟与肺癌的关系。4C 该题说的是:有证据说明入选爱是抽烟诱发的。文章并未提及。5B 该题说的是:男性烟民死于心脏病的比率小雨女性烟民死于心脏病的比率,文章没有直接比较男性烟民和女性烟民死于心脏病的比率,但有这么一句话:Female smokers are t

41、hought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smke so deeply. 据认为女性烟民并不把烟吸得很深,因此烟对她们的影响小于男性烟民。从中可以推断出的是:男性烟民死于心脏病的比率高于女性烟民死于心脏病的比率。因此该题的命题是错误的。6. A 该题说的是:尼古丁是有毒的。答案可在第三段找到。7. B 该题说的是:有了过滤嘴和焦油含量低的烟草,抽烟时安全的。文章的最后一段(也是最后一句)是这么说的:据称,过滤嘴和焦油含量低的烟草在某种程度上使抽烟变得较为安全,但是它们只是略微减少危害而不是消除危害。因此该题的命题

42、是错误的。第五篇Plants and MankindBotany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge. We dont know what our Stone Age1 ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and their prope

43、rties must be extremely ancient2. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes3, medicines, shelter, and many

44、 other purposes. Tribes living today in the jungle of the Amazon4 recognize hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them botany has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of knowledge at all.Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of b


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