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1、常用句型和作文模板,一、作文中常用句型15个二、分类句型三、通用模板四、应试中作文注意事项,5年的四级考试作文题目,5年的六级作文题目,作文中常用句型15个,1.不用说(毫无疑问),It goes without saying that= There is no denying that = Obviously, S. + V.例不用说, 一次性塑料袋在我们的生活中被广泛应用。It goes without saying that disposable plastic bags are widely used in our daily life.,2.(A) 每个人都知道As is known

2、 to all that (B) 大家都知道.It is universally acknowledged that例子:大家都知道一次性塑料袋会给环境带来很大损害。It is universally acknowledged that disposable plastic bags can bring great damage to the environment.Do great harm to,3. (A) 随着城市人口的增加, With the increase/growth of the urban population, (B) 随着科技的进步, With the advance/

3、development of science and technology, (B) 随着网络的出现, With the advent of the Internet,随着电子邮件的广泛应用 With the wide/widespread use of email随着经济的快速发展许多社会问题出现了。With the rapid development economy, a lot of social problems have emerged.,Recent years have seen a tendency in China that tourism is growing faster

4、. (According to a recent survey made by some experts, about 47% urban residents travel regularly, and 28% rural residents also make their tour across the country.)近年我国旅游业呈迅速发展趋势。Recently, the problem of. has drawn/aroused public/wide/widespread concern.,4. (A) 在这信息年代扮演重要的角色。In the information age, p

5、lays an important role/part (in ). (B) 在现代社会中是生活中不可或缺的。In modern society, is indispensable to life.在这信息时代,互联网扮演着非常重要的角色。In this age of information, the internet plays an extremely/increasingly important role.,5. 的主要理由是The main reason why . is (that) Many reasons account for this phenomenon.The reaso

6、ns for (doing so) vary from person to person.例很多人愿意住在郊区的原因就在于,他们认为这样能够更好的享受生活。The main reason why most people prefer to live in the suburb is that they believe they can enjoy better life.,6. (A) 基于这个理由, For this reason, (B) 出于这个目的, For this purpose, 例基于这些理由, 我们必须努力减少一次性塑料袋的使用。For these reasons, we m

7、ust spare no efforts to reduce the use of disposable plastic bags.,7. 此外我们不应忽视Besides (In addition), we should not neglect that 例此外我们不应忽视更多的学生仅仅为了拿学分而选择选修课。In addition, we should not neglect that more students choose electives for credit.8. 相反地on the contrary, = by contrast, 例相反地,少数学生似乎还在混日子。On the

8、contrary, a few students, it seems, are still fooling around.,9. 更严重的是。What is more serious is (that)子句更严重的是我们从未意识到自己在浪费生命。What is more serious is that we have never realized that we are wasting our life.10. 鉴于社会的实际需要。In view of the practical need of society, .In view of the fact that鉴于社会的实际需要愈来愈多人不

9、得不学英语。In view of the practical need of society, an increasing number of people have to start learning English.,11. 如果能实践这三点。If one can really put the three points into action (practice), 如果能实践这三点,就一定能过上健康、快乐的生活。If one can really put the three points into action(practice), he will surely be able to l

10、ive a healthy and happy life.,12. 如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问地,If we can carry out what is mentioned above, there will be no doubt (that)例如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问地,我们就能精通英语。If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can get a good command of English.,13. 因此,我们能下个结论,那就是。We can, therefore, come to th

11、e conclusion (that)例因此,我们能下个结论,那就是世上自由最珍贵。We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that nothing is more precious than freedom in the world.,14. (A) 只有共同努力,我们才能。Only with joint efforts, can we . 例只有共同努力,我们才能期望环境越来越美好。Only with joint efforts, can we enjoy an increasingly beautiful environment.,15. 是必

12、要的 It is important/essential /necessary/advisable that S (should) V 是适当的 It is proper that S (should) 是紧急的 It is urgent that S (should) It is high time we did sth.例我们当保持公共场所清洁是应当的It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean.,Confronted with., we should take a series of effective measur

13、es to cope with the situation.,List synonyms of th,Good bad important but problem think,(4)九大恶心词,good beneficial/favorablemarvelous/terrificfavorable/positiveexcellent/amazingbad negativediscouragingproblem issue Crisisimportant vital, indispensable,but however, neverthelessWhereasfamousrenowned; di

14、stinguishedoutstanding; prestigiouscelebrated; improvestrengthen; enhancefurther; promotereinforce; consolidatethinkvery,词汇,(1. )升级 尽量不用一些中学词汇More and more people: an increasing number of people; there is an increase in the number of people who More and more difficult: increasingly difficult; the gr

15、owing difficultyBecause of (because):due to sth.; given sth.; considering sth.;on account of; in view of ; on the grounds of(that)in view of the fact that; in thatSo-consequently; as a result/consequence; therefore; hence, accordingly, correspondently;,But-however; nevertheless; whereasImportant-sig

16、nificant; vital; prominent; critical; crucial; indispensable; essential; be of significanceMany-a multitude of; a host of; a big variety of; a series of; a world of; many a; numerous; ; a wide range of plenty of; countless; immeasurableTry to do sth.-strive to do sth.; make great effort to do sth.;

17、spare no efforts in doing sth./to do sth.; endavor to do sth.; try every means to do sth. I think-in my opinion; From my point of view; Im of the opinion that ;as far as Im concerned;,Very-extremely; increasingly; remarkably; quite; rather; extraordinarily; incredibly;exceedinglymaybe-possibly; be l

18、ikely toemphasize-lay emphasis on; attach importance to; place stress on; make a point ofencourage- inspire; stimulate; spur; excitegoal-aim; purpose; objective; ambitionchange-alter, transform; convert; transferthink/believe-reckon, suppose, figure, presume, assume, argue, defend, reason; deem; cla

19、im; maintain,get-obtain, acquire, attainsame-similar, identicalcause-arouse, give rise to, result in; lead to; contribute to; triggerwant to do-incline to do sth.; tend to do sth.; desire to do sth.talk about sth.-when it comes to sth.; in terms of different- various; a variety of; diversifiedmost-t

20、he majority of; for example-a case in point is that; Takeas an examplean instance often cited is that,know-understand; be aware of; remember-bear in mind thatIf-supposing; providing that; provided that; on condition that; Should you.(倒装)have-possess; enjoy; boastabout-concerning/with regard to /appr

21、oximatelyadvantage-merit,; strong point; virtuedisadvantage-flaw; drawback; defectalways-Invariably; more often than not; constantly,Nowcurrently; at present; temporarilyin danger-in distress; in jeopardybe endangered; be threatened; be jeopardizedbe interested in -be crazy about; be intobe fascinat

22、ed; be obsessed with/by sth.,词汇升级的例子,07.6 作文题目Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?词汇升级:1)v. 动词替换expectlook forward toanticipate-doConduct/ carry out,Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?,2)名词替换Reward-awardOne-a person, individual, man, people (human being )Should man look

23、forward to being rewarded when conducting a good deed?,Recently, the issue, a reward expected in doing a good deed has been sharply brought to public attention. In some peoples opinion, it is reasonable to expect a reward when doing a good deed. First and foremost, “No pay, no gain”. Now that some e

24、fforts have been taken, people should gain rewards.Besides, if holding a expectation of rewarding, people would be encouraged to do good deeds.In spite of all these claims, most people agree that there is unnecessary to reward after doing a good deed. Most important of all, doing good deed should or

25、iginate in humans heart. Its pleasure to help others. Moreover, Leifeng, doing lots of good deeds without rewards, is regarded as a model. That is to say, praise is beyond a good deed. Finally, it is a responsibility to help others in trouble.,内容中的替换Para.1,Recently, the issue, a reward expected in d

26、oing a good deed has been sharply brought to public attention. Currently, the issue of whether a man should look forward to being rewarded after conducting a good deed is being drastically debated in public. (intensely),Para.2,In some peoples opinion, it is reasonable to expect a reward when doing a

27、 good deed. First and foremost, “No pay, no gain”. Now that some efforts have been taken, people should gain rewards.Besides, if holding a expectation of rewarding, people would be encouraged to do good deeds.Some people defended that it deserves to be rewarded after a good deed has been done in tha

28、t they believe that contemporary society has been increasingly converted “money-worship” community. (因果)Now that it is inevitable for people to spend time and efforts or even consume money in doing good deeds, it is appropriate to acquire/expect rewards. (承接)Besides, rewarding those who have conduct

29、ed good deeds will inspire/excite/stimulate them to do more (will inspire more people to follow their leads)(递进),Para. 3,In spite of all these claims, most people agree that there is unnecessary to reward after doing a good deed. Most important of all, doing good deed should originate in humans hear

30、t. Its pleasure to help others. Moreover, Leifeng, doing lots of good deeds without rewards, is regarded as a model. That is to say, praise is beyond a good deed. Finally, it is a responsibility to help others in trouble.In spite of the above-mentioned statements, the majority still consent that it

31、is dispensable to reward people of doing good. Taking Lei Feng as an example, he spent his whole life in aiding and assisting others without expecting returns. To this day, people commemorate him on March 5th. He declined rewards and awards, but harvested regards and respects. Therefore, doing good

32、deeds should be based on ones beautiful mind, which is a sort of virtue out of ones own will. Meanwhile, doing good deeds is the embodiment of ones sense of social responsibility.,Conclusion,Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, Im inclined to agree with the latter point of view. Although i

33、t is not an error to get rewards legally in doing good deeds, I dont think it is virtuous. How can we, being warm-hearted and well-educated people, in contemporary society, refuse to do good deeds when there are no rewards?Weighing the pros and cons, Im inclined to approve of the latter viewpoint. A

34、lthough accepting rewards can hardly be viewed as a fault, I still deem that doing good deeds without reward should be consistently a favorable custom in the country. I hold this truth self-evident that we should ask not what others can do for us, but ask what we can do for others.,(2.) 丰富A. 同义词用法 e

35、g. damage - destroy - undermine - do harm to - do more harm than goodB.词性变化eg. Happy - happiness - happily - make sb. happy Dangerendangered-in dangerdangeroushazardhazardous,(3.) 逻辑,Firstly, Secondly, Last but not the leastOn the one hand; on the other hand首先:to begin with, in the first其次:furthermo

36、re, moreover, in addition最后:meanwhile, in the meantime,分类句型,一)比较1. The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.2. The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.3. Like anything else, it has its drawbacks.4. A and B has several points in common.5. A and B differ in several ways.6. Evidently,

37、it has both negative and positive effects.7. It is true that A . , but the chief defects lie in that,二)原因,1.A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon (problem).2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that.

38、4. Part of the explanations for it is that .5. One of the factors (causes ) is that .Another contributing factor (cause ) is .,三)后果,1. The immediate result it produces is .2. It will have a profound influence upon.3. Its consequence can be so great that.,四)举例,1) A case in point is .2) As an illustra

39、tion, we may take .3) Such examples might be given easily.4) .is often cited as an example.,五)证明,) No one can deny the fact that .) Recent studies indicate that .) There is sufficient evidence to show that .) According to statistics proved by ., it can be seen that,六)开篇,) Many nations/people have be

40、en faced with the problem of .) Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.) Nowadays there is a growing concern over .) Faced with ., quite a few people argue that .) According to a recent survey, .) With the rapid development of ., This phenomenon gives rise to great controversy.,七)结尾,) Fro

41、m what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that .) It is high time that strict measures were taken to (stop) .) It is necessary that effective measures should be taken to .) To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must .,通用模版,社会现象关于利弊的议论文简化模版及例子,社会现象(一),Nowadays people are much con

42、cerned with _. Why should we _? Is it necessary for everyone to _? Such questions as these are often asked, especially by those _. The answer to these questions often varies from person to person. Some people argue/maintain that _. There is no denying that _. It is certainly beneficial to people tha

43、t _. In spite of all the advantages, it also brings its own problems. The main problem with it is that _. Furthermore, _. As nothing can be perfect in the world, we should take proper measures to minimize its negative effects and maximize its positive results. Firstly, _. Secondly, _. Finally, _.(10

44、8 words),模版二,A much debate issue these days is whether _ or _. Some people claim that _. Others insist that _. As for me, the former/latter is more acceptable. It is true that _, but the obvious defects are _. Studies have shown that _. Moreover, _. Besides, _. On the other hand, the advantages of _

45、 outweigh the disadvantages. For one thing, _. For another, _. In conclusion, _. (73 words),利弊型的议论文(一),Nowadays,thereisawidespreadconcernover(theissuethat)作文题目. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in 题目议题。Generallyspeaking,itiswidelybelievedthereareseveralpositiveaspectsasfollows.Fi

46、rstly,优点.Andsecondly优点。JustAsapopularsayinggoes,“everycoinhastwosides”,讨论议题 is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, 缺点;in addition, 缺点。 Tosumup,weshouldtrytobringtheadvantagesof讨论议题intofullplay,andreducethedisadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In

47、that case, we will definitely make a better use of the 讨论议题。,(二)。,NowadaysmanypeoplepreferAbecauseithasa significantroleinourdailylife.Generally,itsadvantagescanbeseenasfollows.First-(的优点之一).Besides, (的优点之二). Buteverycoinhastwosides.Thenegativeaspectsarealsoapparent.Oneoftheimportantdisadvantagesist

48、hat (的第一个缺点)。To make matters worse, 的第二个缺点Throughtheaboveanalysis,Ibelievethatthepositiveaspectsoverweighthenegativeones.Therefore,Iwouldliketo (我的看法)。或者:FromthecomparisonbetweenthesepositiveandnegativeeffectsofA,weshouldtakeitreasonablyanddoitaccordingtothecircumstanceswearein.Onlybythisway, -(对前景的

49、预测),简化模版,There has been a debate over (中心问题). Some people believe that (观点1). They insist that (观点1之理由). Other people however, insist that (观点2). They believe (观点2之理由). In my opinion, (我的观点). There are three reasons for my opinion. First of all, (理由1). (展开). Furthermore, (理由2). (展开). Finally, (理由3).

50、 (展开). Conclusively, (重复我的观点). (展开).例子如下:,Cet-4 (2005年12月),Should University Campus Be Open to Tourists? 名校校园正成为旅游新热点 校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同 我认为,Sample writing,In recent years, some prestige universities have opened their campus to tourists. For example, Peking University and Qinghua University have beco


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