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1、计划生育药具工作管理办法Family planning work management approach 85967(计划生育药具工作管理办法85967)Methods of birth control contraceptive management plan(Trial)(Order No.tenth of the state population and Family Planning Commission of the Peoples Republic of China)The measures of birth control contraceptive management pla

2、n(Trial)July 14,2006 National Population and Family Planning Commission meeting,are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of September 1,2006.Director:Zhang WeiqingTwo year,Unit 3 Under the sea(Reading),计划生育药具工作管理办法Unit 3 Under the,Preview:Useful expressions.1.听说hear of 2.亲眼看到witness-with

3、own eyes 3.分类,整理sort out 4.大声喊叫yell out 5.在前ahead of 6.在这期间in the meantime7.一包,一群a pack of 8.用向瞄准aim at 9.收,挣得,引来bring in10.饱吃一顿have a good feed on11.因为很害怕be terrified of12.抬高,举起 hold up,Preview:,课文难句1.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.。“that announced there was abo

4、ut to be a whale hunt”为关系代词that引导的 从句,修饰先行词。从句中用到“be about to do sth.”结构,表示将来,意为“”。2.I had already heard that George didnt like being kept waiting,so even though I didnt have the right clothes on,I raced after him.句中连词so引导 从句,该从句中含有一个连词 引导的让步状语从句。主句中含有一个由连词that引导的 从句,作谓语 的宾语。,定语,the call,即将,将要,这时呼吁捕

5、鲸行动马上开始的呼声,宾语,heard,结果状语,even though,课文难句定语the call即将,将要这时呼吁捕鲸行动马上开,1.The first story is mainly about _.A.a hunting experience of Old Tom B.how Old Tom helped with whale huntingC.how the whalers killed a whaleD.how killer whales killed a whale2.The second story was told to _.A.show killer whales wer

6、e cruel huntersB.entertain readersC.show killer whales could protect and save people in dangerD.show killer whales never harmed or attacked people.,Skimming,Reading Comprehension I,1.The first story is mainly a,3.According to the second story,the killer whales can protect men from being attacked by_

7、.A.whales B.tigers C.enemies D.sharks4._ killed the whale at last.A.Old Tom B.The killer whales D.The whalers C.The author,3.According to the second sto,()A.Using a telescope we could see that something was happening.()B.The killers started racing between our boat and the whale.()C.Clancy arrived at

8、 the station.()D.The men started turning the boat around to go home.,Put the following sentences into correct order.,Skimming,Reading Comprehension II,()A.Using a telescope w,()E.Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay.()F.The whale yelled out.()G.We jumped into the boat with the other whalers

9、 and headed out into the bay.()H.The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale.,Answer:C E F G A B H D,()E.Clancy heard a huge,1.What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping the whalers out?2.What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with?Why do you think the ki

10、ller whales behaved like this?3.Why did George think that the killer whales worked as a team?4.Why did the whalers allow the killer whales to drag the whale away?5.How did Old Tom help James?Why do you think he did this?,In pairs answer the following questions.,Carefuling Reading,1.What evidence was

11、 there tha,1.What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping the whalers out?2.What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with?Why do you think the killer whales behaved like this?,Old Tom let the whalers know that there was a baleen whale nearby;he showed them the way to the whale

12、.,Dogs.Because they knew that,together with the whalers,they would soonkill the baleen whale and get a good feed.,1.What evidence was there tha,3.Why did George think that the killer whales worked as a team?,Because he could see that some of the killers were throwing themselves on topof the whales b

13、low-hole while otherswere preventing it from diving or fleeing out to sea.,3.Why did George think that t,4.Why did the whalers allow the killer whales to drag the whale away?5.How did Old Tom help James?Why do you think he did this?,Because they knew the killer whales would leave the rest of the bod

14、y to them.,Old Tom prevented James from drowning.Old Tom wanted to help his human friends.,4.Why did the whalers allow t,Working at the _ station,I had _ whales being attacked many times.On the afternoon I arrived at the station,as I _(sort 短语)my accommodation,I heard a loud noise coming from the ba

15、y.Running down to theshore in time,we saw an _(huge 同义词)animal.,Summary-Fill in the blanks according to the passage.,whaling,witnessed,was sorting out,enormous,Working at the _ station,“It is called Old Tom,the killer,”George said as he ran ahead of me._ the distance we could see that something was

16、happening.As we _(draw),I could see a whale_ by a _ of about six killers.Being badly wounded,the whale soon died.Very soon,its body was _ by the killers down into the _ of the sea.,In,drew nearer,being attacked,pack,depths,dragged,“It is called Old Tom,the kil,1.Surf the Internet to learn more about whale.2.发挥想象,连词成文(50-100字).,Homework,drag,witness,abandon,yell,depth,flee,opposite,pause.,1.Surf the Internet to learn,Thank you.,Thank you.,


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