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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to,school?,Section B(3a-,3b),writing,I usually get up at 6:00,a.m.,6:00,a.m,get up,6:20 a.m,have,breakfast,I often have breakfast at,6:20 a.m.,I drive to work at 6:40,6:40 a.m,drive to,work,have English,classes,7:00 a.m-10:00 a.m,I usually have English classes,from 7:00 a.

2、m.to 10:00 a.m.,from 2:30,p.m.,to 5:00 p.m,check the,homework,From 2:30 p.m.to 5:00 p.m,I,aways check the homework.,t?ek,v.,核实,检,查,5:30 p.m,.,go home,I always go home at 5:30,p.m.,I often do the dishes at 7:30,p.m.,7:30 p.m,do the dishes,I always go to bed at 10:00,p.m.,10:00 p.m,go to,bed,What do y

3、ou think of my,day?,bus,relaxing,y,I have a busy day on,weekdays.,interesti,ng,Fill in the blanks of the,passage:,My day,I have a _,day on weekdays.I usually _ at 6:00 a.m.,At 6:20 a.m,I _.Then I _ at 6:40 a.m,After that,I _,from,7:00a.m to 10:00 a.mFrom,2:30 p.m to 5:00 p.m,I always_,At 5:30 p.m,I

4、_.I often _ at 7:30 p.m,At 10:00 p.m,I,usually _.,My day,I have a busy day on weekdays.I,usually,get up,at 6:00 a.mAt 6:20a.m,I,have breakfast,.Then I,drive to work,at 6:40 a.m.,After that,I,have English classes,from,7:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m.From 2:30 p.m to,5:00 p.m,I always,check,the homework,.At 5:3

5、0 p.m,I,go home,.I,often,do the dishes,at7:30p.m.At10:00,p.m,I usually,go to bed,.,His day,7:30 a.m,12:30,8:00,一般现在时,He usually get,a.m,simple present,9:30,tense,s,up at 7:30 a.m.,a.m,3:00p.m-5:00p.m,6:00p.m-7:15p.m,10:00p.m,His day,relaxing,get,s,up,He has a _ day on weekends.He,_at 7:30,run,s,go,e

6、s,shopping,a.m.He often _at 8:00 a.m.Then,ha,s,lunch,at 9:30,he _.,After that,he _at 12:30p.m.From,3:00p.m to 5:00p.m,go,es,to bed,play,s,basketball,go,es,to the movies,he,_.He,_ from 6:00,p.m,to 7:15p.m.At,competit,ion,Put the notes of the broken,passage in,the envelop in right order,compare which,

7、group is the fastest.,topic sentence,His day,He has a relaxing day on weekends.He,get,s,up at 7:30,a.m.He often run,s,at 8:00 a.m.Then at,9:30,he go,es,shopping.,After that,he ha,s,lunch at 12:30p.m.From,3:00p.m to 5:00p.m,timeline,Before writing:,Talk about your days with your partne,according to t

8、he mindmap:,busy,I get up at 6:10,a.m.,I often go to,school at,6:40a.m.,How,?,relaxing,happy,.,.,Wh,at?,.,My day,Simple present,Topic sentence,tense verbs,While writing:,Time line,I have a _day.,At 6:00 a.m,I get up.,At 7:30,a.m,_.,From 8:10 to,12oclock,_,_.,At 3:00,p.m,_,Activities,After writing,Ch

9、ec,Read your partners passages an,k,Is there a topic sentence?,Is there a timeline?,Did he/she use simple present tense v,Are there any spelling mistakes(,拼,写错误)?,Are there any grammatical,mistakes,(语法错误),?,Time flies,time is money.,Lets cherish our,time,use every minute,and second well.,Lets relax by appreciating the,English poem:,When you are old,Homework:,Observe(,观察),a,day of the one who,loves you most,and,then write a passage:,My fathers/mothers/,grandmother.day,


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