1、 淮 阴 工 学 院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学 院:交通工程学院专 业:物流工程专业姓 名:周骏学 号:1091508130外文出处:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(用外文写)附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语: 选材适当,符合毕业设计(论文)大纲要求,翻译语句基本通顺,译义与原文基本相符,个别词语及语句翻译不够贴切。翻译基本正确。签名: 2013年3月6日 附件1:外文资料翻译译文电子商务环境下的逆向物流分析Qunli Wu, Shengcai liu Department of Business
2、Management North China Electric Power University, Baoding071003, China Liushengcai2003 摘 要:随着全球可持续发展战略的进一步研究,越来越多的企业已经确定的经济和生态环境之间的和谐发展。在这样的背景下,出现逆向物流。逆向物流是在物流管理中的一个新的领域,在圈内的业务和理论吸引了越来越多的关注。它有很多的优势,降低生产成本,提高客户的满意度和增强企业竞争力的,这是对我们的业务实践具有十分重要的意义。逆向物流的作用和其在国外的发展情况。从分析电子商务环境下的逆向物流的过程和特点,本文逆向物流的电子商务模式进行了详
3、细的分析,然后提出了三种形式,支持实施逆向物流的逆向物流和建议。企业可以通过使用逆向物流,实现可持续发展的目标,并帮助他们在自己的行业竞争,尤其是在面对激烈的竞争和利润率低。关键词 逆向物流 电子商务 模式1介绍 根据理事会的物流管理协会(CLM )的定义,逆向物流是一个过程,在该过程中的生产系统接受以前发运的产品或消费部分从点可能的循环再利用,再制造或出售。它已经收到了极大的关注,从运营经理和公司高管。它包括几个关键环节,如:恢复,检查过程中,分区和后处理和丢弃策略,已被许多研究人员调查的问题。越来越多的,严格的环境和包装的法规,迫使企业更加负责的最终产品,不久后,他们销售的产品。 近年来,
4、逆向物流的发展是相当迅速的,尤其是在发达国家。美国,日本和其他欧洲发达国家逆向物流实践已经远远领先于中国。逆向物流管理在中国还是在恶劣的环境下,在上一个世纪的美国,逆向物流提出了美国物流专家的高度重视,所有的物流成本占美国经济总量的10.7 。逆向物流成本是所有物流的4左右。在美国,超过30 的企业注重出售他们的产品。逆向物流的实施是非常重要的,特别是在汽车公司,电子产品制造业,出版业和目录销售。据估计,节省原料,通过再制造的汽车零部件再制造协会可以填补155,000货车,这是相当于1100英里火车。因此,经济效益是相当可观的。最近,许多字著名的IT企业把逆向物流战略作为竞争优势的主要手段。例
5、如,Sun Microsystems 公司拥有一个国际金融中心的组件和部件的改造,再次从亚洲或拉丁美洲的部分地区,达到最新的设计;惠普经常使用的更新或改进的组件,然后转售产品以不同的方式;汤姆逊的家电公司,运输的可收回部分到墨西哥,然后再改造这些零件。2逆向物流的运作模式 逆向物流,资源短缺和环境的污染的有效手段,已被广泛应用在许多企业中。在实施逆向物流的过程中,企业应在地面上的实际情况选择合适的经营模式。主要有以下几种运作模式如下:自营模型、联营模型、外包模式等,企业应该选择最适合的模式,基于各种模型的优势和劣势的完全理解,因此他们可以采取有效的逆向物流管理策略。下面是简单的三种模型介绍。2
6、.1自营模式 根据其定义,企业构建独立的逆向物流系统,管理恢复和回收报废产品本身。在这种情况下,企业不仅重点生产,销售和售后的服务(包括恢复管理),但也回收和废物处理材料和包装材料。企业建立逆向物流网络遍布全国所有地区的销售,以反向品的回收和处理。2.2联营模式 在此模型中,同行业公司相互配合建立共同的逆向物流系统的形式合资企业(包括回收网络),并提供合作企业的服务,甚至非合作企业,如运输、采购、销售等。2.3外包模式 在第三个模型,外包模式,企业给部分或全部业务的特定公司的形式付出。该模型是适用于最的情况下,无论是恢复和维修或回收浪费的产品。小型和中型的企业往往喜欢外包,让他们减少运转成本。
7、在大企业外包专业化经营的最重要的手段提升核心竞争力。3逆向物流的电子商务模式 伴随着全球经济的快速发展,不断提升电子商务已成为企业间竞争的焦点。在电子商务的快速发展,扭转物流成为一个重要环节。企业应实现一体化的管理系统和电子商务是非常重要的,如果他们要占用大量市场上的一部分。本章提出提出了电子商务的逆向物流模式。电子模型的框架是如下面的图,这是适合逆向物流。目前,主要有三种形式支持的逆向物流模型。网络营销是使用最广泛的,这是应用到新产品和旧产品。第二个电子商务模式的过程是做一笔交易使用过的产品或再制造设备与互联网;第三个是整合,选择,再利用和转售,然后提供逆向物流与电子商务完整的解决方案计划。
8、该模型充分体现了节能环保。3.1网络营销 它的主要属性是在服用该产品为重点交易活动,一切旧的东西在电子市场分布。潜在客户可以购买在电子市场的产品,表达自己的购买意愿,从事的潜在购买活动。网络营销的概念随不同的因素,如服务器的位置、主交易产品领域、访问权限、价格机制、客户满意度等,然后我们从分析以下几个方面。 从服务器的位置看,当前的E-营销主要是在发达国家,特别是在美国。目前,这些电子市场是非常广泛的。虽然电子市场覆盖了整个空间,北美市场仍然起着主要的作用。此外,国产化www.particulier.nl克服障碍之间文化,物流,语言和货币交易不同的国家。最近,中国还开始参加这些电子市场,如,它
9、提供了一个很好的逆向物流电子商务平台和环境。 根据视图的访问权限,电子市场的目标只是在以前的合作伙伴经济主体向市场推出。然而,对于大多数电子拍卖,所有贸易伙伴潜在的买家。卖家在网络营销需要注册并支付相应的费用。价格确定通过交易或通信。 客户满意度,一些基本规则和法规框架可以应用到电子市场。例如,日本AUCNET株式会社提供质量评价体系的标准化体系第二,商品的交易。此外,建立销售状况,产品质量保证和解决方案的贸易纠纷中要考虑顾客的关键因素满意度。3.2 第二物资和设备供应模式 复制部件或设备的推广不同于在其专注于新产品的推广前者更多的需求驱动和的驱动力、后者供应商的驱动。对于供应第二货物和设备,
11、时间后,重新采集复制设备。严格时间限制和生产中的质量保证重要的因素。对于这个问题,电子商务起到一个显着的作用。图1 逆向物流电子商务模式3.3完整的解决方案RL 该模型构建了一个全新的业务活动和运作模式。出于这个原因,该模型是不太常见。完整的解决方案反向物流特别是产业组织和经营全面的逆向物流活动。在此模式中,客户有两种选择:他们描述功能的恢复和从事物流活动基地的报价和商定的价格,另一种选择是,他们设置的逆向物流流程。4 企业逆向物流的建议 逆向物流在国外的发展很快;但是逆向物流在中国的发展慢。出现这样或那样的问题而开展逆向物流。以下是相应的对策。4.1每个企业都应该建立反向在整个供应链的物流系
12、统 在物流,逆向物流是一个相当新的概念和供应链管理。随着产品更新迅速,产品生命周期不断的短,逆向物流成本已上升,出现了新的分销渠道(电视购物,电子商务等)导致高回报率,并带来了巨大的压力,供应链管理和宽松的恢复策略,使恢复数量上升和等。鉴于上述因素,企业应更加重视逆向物流。4.2完善的产品和包装设计 首先,企业应减少资源消耗的产品和包装设计。因此,一个好的设计会减少的资源量,它是基本的手段来控制反向量。此外,在包装和设计的过程中,他们不应该使用有害物质。同时,他们要体现环保概念,并减少对人类健康和环境的污染,尽快损坏。 其次,他们必须考虑包装回收设计。回收的废旧物资是企业的根据政府的监管责任。
13、在此外,包装材料的回收再利用,这符合四点要求:材料消耗低、再用、回收及循环再造。4.3 适当的回收及循环再造的政策 回收物流、严格的政策,可能会降低成本恢复和风险。但是,在激烈的市场竞争,政策将面临巨大的挑战,因为客户满意度上升。因此,使用严格的宽松的货币政策,不仅取决于回收成本但也受到市场竞争中,品牌形象企业,产品性能和分销渠道等。如果返回值是相当高的,复苏的政策是非常松动。相反,政策是比较严格的。4.4 建立返回中心和管理回流产品中心 恢复中心的集中管理是逆向物流运行在高品质的物质基础和前提。回收中心的建立,使恢复具有规模优势,更有效地治疗。这将有利于快速的检查和治疗。企业应建立独立的逆向
14、物流与传统物流之间的冲突,处理中心或独立的操作系统,即使使用相同的设施。5 结论 逆向物流在物流和供应链管理是一个相当新的概念,但据报道,它被广泛应用在越来越多的行业。它是一种有效的装置,用于解决全球资源短缺,污染环境等问题。不幸的是,在这一领域的理论研究及其工程应用的滞后。它提供了具有深远的成本和战略优势,在竞争激烈的行业。有效地利用逆向物流可以帮助公司在同行业竞争,尤其是在面对激烈的竞争和利润率低。同时,由于越来越多的关注,对环境和资源的支付,可以预见,企业将自己设置障碍,因为不重视逆向物流管理。据专家估计,逆向物流将发挥重要的作用,为企业的战略规划。当然,逆向物流存在的另一个重要原因是,
15、企业取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。因此,逆向物流的整体观点是必不可少的一个有利可图的和持续的业务策略,为企业实施逆向物流是迫在眉睫。参考文献1 宋华,电子商务物流,电子供应链管理M,中国人民大学出版社.2 汪爱华,专业英语物流及供应供应链管理M,北京理工大学出版社.3 曾月红,企业物流运作模型的研究J,当今科学与技术,2007(2):36-37.4 李坚,企业物流运作模式的分析M,商场现代化,2006(487):140.5 宋岩,梁刚建,蓝小婷。专业英语电子商务J,哈尔滨工程大学出版社,2006年.6 Deborah L. Bayles,电子商务物流和实现:配送商品J,中国机械工业出版社,2
16、002.7 Alan Harrison, Remko van Hoek.物流管理和策略J.中国机械工业出版社,2006.附件2:外文原文Analysis on the Reverse Logistics under E-business EnvironmentQunli Wu, Shengcai liu Department of Business Management North China Electric Power University, Baoding071003, China Liushengcai2003 Abstract :With the further research o
17、f sustainable development strategy in the world, more and more enterprises have been identifying the harmonious development between economy and ecological environment. Under such background, reverse logistics appears. As a new field in logistics management, reverse logistics has attracted more and m
18、ore attention in the circle of business and theory. It has so many advantages as reducing production costs, increasing customersdegree of satisfaction and enhancing competitive ability of companies, which are of great significance to our business practices. This article discusses the meaning, role o
19、f reverse logistics and its development situation in foreign countries. Starting from analyzing the process and characteristics of reverse logistics under E-business environment, the paper makes a detailed analysis on the E-business model of reverse logistics and then puts forward three forms suppor
20、ting the reverse logistics and suggestions to implement the reverse logistics. By using reverse logistics, enterprises can achieve the goals of sustainable development and help them to compete in their industries, especially when confronting intense competition and low profit margins. So it is urgen
21、t for enterprises to implement reverse logistics.Keywords reverse logistics,E-business Environment,model1. Introduction According to the definition of council of logistics management (CLM), reverse logistics is a process in which a manufacturer systematically accepts previously shipped products or p
22、arts from the point for consumption for possible recycling, remanufacturing, or disposal. It has received a great deal of attention from operations managers and company executives. It includes several key links, such as: recovery, check and process, partitions and reprocessing and discarding policy.
23、 The issues have been investigated by many researchers. Increasingly, stringent environmental and packaging regulations are forcing companies to become more accountable for final products, long after they sell the products.In recent years, the development of reverse logistics is quite rapid, especia
24、lly in the developed countries. America, Japan and other developed countries in Europe have gone far ahead of China in reverse logistics practice. The reverse logistics management in China is still under the poor conditions. At the end of last century in America, reverse logistics raised high attent
25、ion of American logistics experts. According to a survey, all the logistics costs accounted for 10.7 percent of American economic quantity. Reverse logistics cost is about 4 percent of all logistics. In America, over thirty percent enterprises pay attention to the disposal of their products. Impleme
26、ntation of reverse logistics is of great importance, especially in the automobile firms, electronics manufacturing industry, publishing industry and catalogue sales. It is estimated by automobile components and parts remanufacturing association that raw materials saved through remanufacturing could
27、fill 155,000 wagons, which is equivalent to 1100 miles train. Therefore, economic benefit is quite considerable. Recently, many word famous IT enterprises have regarded reverse logistics strategy as the primary means of competition advantage. For instance, Sun Microsystems possesses an international
28、 center of components and parts retrofitting, which renews parts from Asia or Latin America and reaches the latest design; HewlettPackard often use the renewed or improved components and then resale products in different ways; Thomson, a household appliance company, transports the recoverable parts
29、to Mexico and then retrofits these parts. 2. The operation model of reverse logistics Reverse logistics, as the effective means of resource shortage and environment pollution, has been used widely in many enterprises. In the process of implementing reverse logistics, enterprises should choose the pr
30、oper operation model on the ground of the actual situation. There are mainlyseveral operation models as follows: self-employed model, pool model, outsourcing model, etc. Enterprises should select the most suitable model, based on fully understanding the advantages and disadvantages of various kinds
31、of models, so that they can adopt effective management strategy of reverse logistics . Following is simple introduction of three models. 2.1. Self-employed models Based on its definition, enterprise constructs independent reverse logistics system, manages there covery and recycles the scrapped produ
32、cts by itself. Under thissituation, enterprise emphases on not only the production, sale and after-sale service (Including recovery management), but also recycling and treatment of waste materials and packing materials. Enterprise establishes reverse logistics network throughout all the sales areas
33、in order to recycle and dispose of reverse goods. 2.2. Pool model In this model, same industry firms cooperate with each other; build common reverse logistics system in the form of joint venture (Including recycling network) and offerkinds of service for cooperative enterprises and even non-cooperat
34、ive enterprises,such as transportation, purchase,sales etc. 2.3. Outsourcing model In the third model, outsourcing model, Enterprise gives part or all business to the particular firm in the form of paying cost. The model is suitable for the mostcircumstances, either recovery and repair or recycling
35、the waste products. Small and medium-sized enterprises tend to like the outsourcing more, so that they decrease the operation cost. Seen from big enterprises, outsourcing is the most important means for specialized operation and promoting core competence. 3. The E-business model of reverse logistics
36、 Companied with the rapid development of global economy, continuous improvements in theE-Business have become the focus of competition among enterprises. In therapid development ofthe E-business, reverse logistics becomes an important link.Enterprises should realize theintegration of management syst
37、em and E-business is very important if they want to occupy large part of the portion on the market. Thechapter puts forward the E-business model of reverselogistics. The electronicframework of the model is as the following graph, which is suitable for reverse logistics.At present, there are three fo
38、rms supporting reverse logistics in the model E-marketing is the most widely used, which is applied to the new products and old products as well.The second E-business model is the process to do a deal for used product or remanufacturing device with internet; the third is to integrate, choose, reuse
39、and resale, then provide the reverse logistics with E-business for completesolution scheme. The model fully embodies energy saving. 3.1. E-marketing Its main property is taking the product as focus in trading activities and all the old stuff in the electronic market is distributed. Potential custome
40、rs can purchase products in the electronic market and express their willingness to buy, and engage in the potential purchase activities. The concept of E-marketing varies with the different factors, such as servers location, main trading product areas, access authority, price mechanism, customer sat
41、isfaction etc. Then we analyze from the following aspects. Seeing from the servers location, the current E-marketing is mainly in the developed countries, particularly in the United States. At present these electronic markets are very extensive. Although electronic markets cover the whole space, Nor
42、th American market still plays a primary role. In addition, the localization of www.particulier.nl will overcome barriers between cultures, logistics, language and currency in transactions among different countries. Recently, China has also begun to attend these electronic markets, such as , which o
43、ffer reverse logistics a good E-business platform and the environment. According to the view of access authority, some electronic markets only aim at previous partners or economic subjects introduced to the market. However, for the most of electronic auctions, trading partners are all potential buye
44、rs. Seller needs to register in E-marketing and pay the corresponding costs. The price is determined through transactions or communication. For customer satisfaction, some of the basic framework of rules and regulations can be applied to electronic markets. For example, AucNet provide standardized s
45、ystem for the quality assessment system of second-goods transactions. Moreover, establishment of sales position, product guarantee and solution of trade disputes are key factors to be considered in customer satisfaction. 3.2. Model of second-goods and equipment supply The promotion of reproduction p
46、arts or equipment differs from promotion of new product in its focus on the driving force; the former more demand-driven and the latter supplier-driven. For the supply of second-goods and equipment, supplier implements the detailed demand of goods from demand side. In such circumstances, this E-busi
47、ness model has two notable features, Firstly, the supplying of second-hand components or equipment tends to be limited in specific geographical area, such as , which is only limited to United States market; secondly, product identification is the key to the success of E-business, which means that pa
48、rties must be able to contact each other and establish a common, unique, clear framework in respect of the transaction products or components. To solve this problem, in addition to the list of such products, it is possible to find potential commodities with a large number of search engines. Identification of such products can also strengthen further understanding to certain cru