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1、目 录第17集2第18集26第17集Gossip girl here.your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattans elite.Youre one of my oldest friends.Thats certainly not how it felt when you kissed me at eleanors.He proposed before we left,and Im going to say yes.Im sure youll make a beautiful bride.Last night w
2、as strange but very fun.Didnt we just say good-bye?Somehow,you screwing blair for sport is my faultAll right,I know how long you and I have been best friends,okay?No,its not okay.From now on,you stay away from me.Georgina.What are you doing here?I told you I was coming.Dan of all people cannot know
3、georgie.How about,um,dinner tonight with sarah instead?Oh,sarah again.What is she,your new girlfriend or something?Shes new in town,and she does want to meet you.Im sarah.What do you want from me?I want things to go back to how they were before that night,before things got so screwed up.Whats georgi
4、na got on you?Whats so bad you cant even tell me?If you put the camera over there,shell never know.You can tell me anything.I killed someone.Gossip GirlSeason1 Episode17In our modern age,when you can call someone and cant find them,you can pretty much be sure theyll get the message.Hey,S.,Its georgi
5、e.Listen,I know its early,but I thought I.so this is my third call.Where are you?Its me again.Ive left you a couple messages,and you havent called me back.I think we should hang out today.Friends hang out.Maybe youve lost your cell phone.Cant wait to see you.But if they dont call you back,it usually
6、 means they dont want to be found.hey,do you think track me down should come before or after everytime?Is the rolling stone thing tonight?I guess I really am in one of the top ten forgotten bands of the 90s.Its true.I forgot.Yeah,but a lot of people remember.Theres a reason that issue was one of the
7、 highest selling of the year.And Im proud,dad.I really am.You got your follow-up article and a concert,surely followed by an overpriced cd sold at corporate coffeehouses for gen xers without taste buds or taste.Hey,it s gonna be cool.I mean,theyre even filming it for vh1.Vh1 classics.The classic is
8、kind of important.Im classic.Uh-oh,no retort.Signs of a sleepless night.Disinterest in making your father feel old and irrelevant.that can only mean one thing. girl trouble.Yeah,serena and I,we had a fight last night.this new kind we keep having where she says something,and I know its not the whole
9、truth.Well,have you asked her whats really on her mind?Only about 10,000 times,yeah.Yeah,but did you really mean it?Most times,when people dont offer the truth,its because theyre afraid of what someone might think.And I dont know if you know this,but you can be a pretty judgmental guy.So youre sayin
10、g that I should learn to be someone else around herso she can be herself around me?I couldnt have said it better myself.Thank you,dad.Im gonna go find her right now.See you tonight.Both of you.And here I thought I had your schedule memorized.I switched shifts and just got off.Im dans dads roadie for
11、 the day,so I gotta bail in,like,five.Um,although I dont mind the stalking.when are you gonna ask me on a real date?Hold that thought.Sorry.Hello?Yeah.Yeah,okay,Ill be right there.Look,Im sorry.I-I gotta go.- So I heard.- No,no,no.Its not what you think.Its just.What are you doing tonight?Uh,me,linc
12、oln hawk,a dirty van and a lot of cables?Can I meet you at the concert?Can you be there at 7:30?- Its a date.- Finally.Text me the address.The guests will be checked into their suites as soon as they arrive.The walk-through is at 2:00,and the rehearsal dinner starts promptly at 7:00 P.M.In the reid
13、salon.Oh,and dont forget.You have your interview with rolling stone in one hour.The interview.How could we forget?Hey,uh,excuse me,mr.Bass,ms.Van der woodsen.Not for long,thank you very much.- Morning,daniel.- Morning.Good morning.Have either of you seen serena?Shes not upstairs.Uh,ticktock,ticktock
14、,ticktock,ticktock,ticktock.No.Sorry,Daniel.Okay.And her bed hasnt been slept in.Well,I knew housekeeping was hiring,but I had no idea their standards were so low.I hate that I have to ask you this,but have you seen serena?Oh,Ive seen lots of serena.Are you drunk dialing again?No,serena didnt come h
15、ome last night.I thought she was with you.Hey.Maybe this is blairs idea of a perverse double date.Miss blair asks that you should wait there.Shes on her way now.Shes not even here?Well,this oughta be good.Youre not calling me back,and youre not picking up.I thought you understood me,but maybe I shou
16、ld make myself a little more clear and come to you.We can talk about it over coffee.I brought it just the way you like it.Dark but sweet.oh,no.Hey,sarah- Dan - HeyOh,my gosh- What a coincidence.- Yeah.W-what are you doing here?Oh,um,I actually have an old friend - from portland staying here.- Oh,oka
17、y.What are you doing here?Oh,I just.I came looking for serena,but she,uh,apparently didnt come home last night,so I-Im just.I dont know.Im trying to figure out what to think.Shes been.well,lets just say shes not been herself lately.So I-I dont know.I dont know.I dont know what to do exactly.Why dont
18、 you try giving her a call again?And when she sees its you calling,shell immediately pick up and tell you all about it.Hey.Hey,Ive been lookin all over for you.Hey,is.is this dan?- Whos this?- My names drew.Im the bartender at one oak.Some girl left this phone here last night.Its been ringing off th
19、e hook all morning.You were the first number on the speed dial,so. Some girl?What.what girl?Tall,blonde.Left here around 2:00 with 3 guys.Skipped out on her tab,which was pretty substan. Hey.What is it?Spotted.lonely boy on the upper east side learning the lesson that nothing stays missing for long.
20、Its nothing.Nothing.things always turn up,for better.well,is something actually wrong,or is this just some ploy to get us both here?I meant what I said on the phone.I need your help.We need your help.Or for worse.Oh,my god.You okay?Whats wrong with her?Take her upstairs.Dorota.Coffee,fast.Come on,se
21、rena.We have to get her in the shower.We have to keep her talking and awake.Come on,come on.Dorota,will you please get her a fresh change of clothes and a bathrobe?Of course,miss blair.So we have every hangover cure known to man,plus bagels.They should help soak up the alcohol and whatever else she
22、took.Thank you.Ill take it from here.Come on.Come on,serena.- Help me out.- B.,Its cold.Its.Just like old times.You know,why do I get the feeling youre actually enjoying this?Call me sentimental.I may not need those bagels after all.Whats going on with her?She was here last night,scared.She.she told
23、 me something totally crazy,but was too freaked out to find the words to explain it.I went upstairs to find my moms valium to calm her down,but when I got back,she was gone.It took me all night to find her.What exactly did she say to you?Thats beside the point.Were here to help serena,no matter what
24、 the problem is.Hey,could you maybe read that somewhere else?I dont like the post.is that why you subscribe?another thing I dont like.my son depressed.I dont know if youve talked to him recently.weve talked.He and serena. should I be worried?Its been a little bumpy lately,sure.I think the most recen
25、t bump is our friend sarah.Serenas a little jealous,but sarahs cool,so as soon as serena gets to know her,everything will be fine.RollingStone PRESENTSI love that picture of youYeah,me,too.Tell me where you took this photograph,What undoubtedly could be called the bands most well-known image?Uh,well
26、,I wouldnt go that far.Well,I would.Its positively iconic.Were you and rufus humphrey already involved when you took it?- Excuse me?- Rufus humphrey,lead singer of lincoln hawk.Or.was this before or after.Oh,well,I simply dont feel comfortable discussing anything other than my work.I was talking abo
27、ut your work.Whyd you give up photography?Was it too hard to continue shooting after you had broken his heart?Um,just.just a moment,please.You know,I see Im interrupting,so Ill.No,I have to say I have never been happier to see you,dan.Well,Ive been waiting downstairs for serena.I-I figured she has t
28、o come home.Sometime soon.So have you heard from her?Have you tried calling?Pretty sure she lost her phone.Well,charles said he was going over to blairsto pick her up right after you left earlier.- Maybe try there.- Ah,yes.Charles.Charles.Of course.Thank you so much.Listen,I really appreciate your c
29、oming all the way to the palace to conduct this interview,but Im simply gonna have to ask you to leavebecause I have a wedding to attend.my own.Do you think you were able to take such incredible photos of rufus humphreybecause of how much you were in love with him?Well,I wasnt in. in love with him.t
30、hat much.Thank you for your time.Dorota,can you bring the towels upstairs?Whats taking so long?Guess I missed a chapter.Or.four.Dont,uh.- dont all of you hate each other?- Yes.- Absolutely.- No.Well,thats fascinating and ripe for a psychiatrists case study somewhere,but,um,I am looking for serena.Sh
31、es not here.- I think she is.- No,she just left.You mustve crossed paths.I-I-I dont believe you.Fine.I-I didnt want to have to tell you this,but.she doesnt want to see you.Come on.Really?Yes.Really.SerenaShes telling the truth.Are you really gonna stop me from seeing my girlfriend?- Come on.- What a
32、re you doing?- S.?- Its okay.Whats happening?Dan.Something is going on,and I just want to be let in on what it is.Its hard to explain.why dont i make it easy for you?I know youre keeping something from me,and Im sick of being the only one you dont talk to about it.Im not talking to anyone.Then what
33、are they doing here,while.while I get a call from a bartenderwho says you left a bar at 2:00 in morning with a bunch of guys?What guys,serena?Who.who were they?I dont know.Did something happen last night?Please dont.Is that.is that what youre so afraid to tell me,that you cheated on me?Did you cheat
34、 on me last night?All I need is a yes or a no.Did you sleep with someone else?Yes.yeah.Im done.Im done.- Hey.- Hey.Did you find serena?Yeah,but I-I,uh,I kinda wish I hadnt.That doesnt sound so good.Im just in the park.Wanna meet me,maybe talk about it?Im a pretty good listener.Dan?yeah.Yeah,Id,uh,Id
35、 like that.Well,I wanted cymbidiums,not hyacinth.And why did we choose fish?Its unseasonably warm.You know,I knew we shouldve gone with the limoges instead of the lenox.Whats the matter?You were fine this morning.Now youre finding fault with everything.Nothing.Nothing at all.Im just.Ive had three pe
36、rfect weddings,and I want this one to be more perfect than perfect,thats all.Oh,finally.So why are you still at blairs?Youre supposed to be here.Ms.Van der woodsen,it is dorota,ms.Waldorfs. I know who you are,dorota,but this is not a very good time.Oh,the wedding.I know.Miss serena is here.Oh,yes,I
37、know.Ive heard several times today.I know its not my place,but.miss serena is.like the old days.What are you trying to say?I think you should have worry about your daughter,worry like before she went away.Well,um.thank you,dorota.Ill take care of it.I am so sorry,but Im gonna have to go.Where do you
38、 have to go?To do something Ive done too many times before.- Can I help you?- No.Thank you.Ill have to do it alone.* Oh,your cities lies in dust whoa *I cant believe I just did that.Then why did you?- I mean,did you cheat on dan?- No.I remeber last night.I didnt do anything.Then why would you say th
39、at to him?Because I would rather dan think I cheated on him than know what I really did.What you really did?Dan puts me on a pedestal.If he knew the truth,he would never look at me again.Youre starting to scare even me.What did you do?Come on.You can tell us.Weve seen you with vomit in your hair,mak
40、ing out with investment bankers in the mens room at P.J.Clarkes.You dont have to hide anything from us.Shes right,serena.I mean,none of us are saints.Yeah,I had sex with him in the back of a limo.Several times.I had sex with you at a wedding while I was her date.Once.Im chuck bass.You can tell us an
41、ything.We dont judge.Were the non-judging breakfast club.Were your best friends.Anything you do is something we did,too.If I tell you,it can never leave this room.You all know georgina sparks.Some of us better than others.Its not like you didnt lose your virginity to her in seventh grade.Sixth,actua
42、lly,and Ive been avoiding her ever since.- The bitch is a psycho.- What about her?Well,something happened the night of the shepherd wedding.I think were all aware of what happened that night.No,something else,something Ive tried to escape,but georgina wont let me.And now shes blackmailing me.- Blackmailing you?- With what exactly?Well.it started when blair thought you and I had too much to drink.She told us to go outside,get some air,sober up.Oh,if the happy couple didnt want to put up the cash for the