新课标pep小学英语六级下册《Unit 4 A Let’s read》案例及教学反思.doc

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1、新课标pep小学英语六年级下册Unit 4 A Lets read案例及教学反思 教学目标:能够听懂,会读Lets read 中信的内容并独立完成信后的书写练习。 教学思路:准备活动阅读前活动阅读中活动阅读后活动-总结评价,作业布置结束 教学重难点:1、能够读懂Lets read 部分的一封信。2、本课时的教学难点是正确认读下列句子: Every day I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. Tomorrow Ill be back home. 教学手段:运用多媒体辅助教学 教学准备:录音机,录音磁带,课件,

2、花瓶图片。教学过程:一、Preparation1、Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 2、lets enjoy a song. “I Went on a Holiday” (设计意图:创设英语学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣)T: I have a song for you. Lets enjoy the song together, ok ? (呈现课件:视频)Ss: Ok!3、Revise the phrases. (设计意图:复习旧知识,为学习新知做好了铺垫)T: There are some pictur

3、es for you. Lets see toghther.Ok? (呈现课件)Ss:Ok!4、Lets chant. (设计意图:复习前面所学句型,降低了阅读的难度,活跃了课堂气氛)T: I like holidays. Do you like holidays?Ss: Yes!T: Lets chant about holiday. (呈现课件:视频)二、Pre- reading1、T: 指着课件说She had fun on her holiday. I had fun on my holiday ,too. Last week I went to Weifang. Do you kno

4、w Weifang ? (由Sarah的愉快假期引出我的假期活动)Ss:Yes!T: In Weifang I went to a park,ate good food and took many pictures. Look! These are my pictures. (课件:教师在潍坊拍的照片)T:Who are they ? Can you guess?T: They are my cousins. 板书领读cousins 齐读、组读、个人读T: Explain cousin ( cousin is a child of ones uncle or aunt )T: 教师做笑脸状,并

5、用欢快语调说:“ Look! We are happy!” Yes? Ss:Yes!T: (引出本课重点句型) Every day I had fun with my cousins. 板书领读 2、T: (出示课件:饭店图片) Look! Where did I go on Thursday ? I ate good food in it. Where is it ? Do you know ? T: Its a restaurant. 板书领读restaurant齐读、组读、个人读 T: We went to a restaurant. (引出本课重点句型) 板书领读3、T: On Fri

6、day where did I go ? (课件:教师的家图片)T: (引出本课重点句型) I was back home . 板书领读be back home齐读、组读、个人读三、In- reading 1、T: I did a lot of things last week. Every day I had fun with my cousins . I had a happy week. John had a happy week ,too. He wrote a letter to his mom. Lets read the letter quickly and answer the

7、 questions. (设计意图:培养学生快速阅读,寻找信息的能力) ( 出示课件) Read the letter quickly and answer the questions. 快速阅读, 回答问题。(阅读提示:跳读、找关键词、关键句) 1). Whom(谁) did John have fun with? He had fun with_. 2). When will he be back home? Hell be back home _. 3). What day is it tomorrow? Its _.Give Ss a few minutes to read the l

8、etter as quickly as they can and find the answers. (教师巡视进行必要的指导) Check the answers together.2、 Where did John go on Monday? What did he do there ? Do you want to know ? Read carefully and find the answers. (设计意图:鼓励学生进行小组讨论,相互倾听交流,达到省时高效的目的)(出示课件) Read carefully and find the answers. (阅读提示:仔细阅读,小组讨论勾

9、划出问题的答案) 1)Where did John go on Monday? _. What did he do there? _ . 2)Where did John go on Tuesday? _. What did he do there? _. 3)Whom(谁) does John miss(想念)?_. Give Ss a few minutes to read the letter carefully and find the answers. (教师巡视进行必要的指导)Check the answers together.3、T: Lets read the letter

10、again and finish the sentences. (设计意图:让学生加深对短文的理解,培养学生独立的分析能力)(出示课件)Lets read the letter again and finish the sentences.(阅读提示:仔细阅读,完成句子。) 1) On Monday John _. 2) On Tuesday he _. 3) On Wednesday he _. 4) On Thursday he _. 5) On Friday he _. Let Ss read the letter again and finish the sentences (教师巡视

11、进行必要的书写指导)Check the answers together.4、Ask the students to listen to the tape and repeat .5、Read the letter in groups.四、Post- reading1、 Retell the letter (设计意图:帮助学生整体感知短文内容,加深对短文的的理解,有助于学生的记忆。)1)T:Boys and girls, we know about Johns holiday . Lets retell the letter together ,ok ? ( 课件: John的一周的活动路线

12、)Ss: Ok!2)Retell by themselves in groups.((教师巡视进行必要的方法指导)3)Retell one by one.2、 Lets find out ( Page 42) (设计意图:让学生在真实的任务型活动中,扩展运用阅读信息)1) T: My last trip was to Weifang . I went there last week. When was your last trip ? ( 课件: 关于旅行的表格 )Look! Fill in the form and tell your partner. T: When was your la

13、st trip? Where did you go? What did you do there? (教师示范填表格,然后让学生仿照完成表格)2) Tell your partners about your form.3) Lets make a report . (设计意图:综合语言进行汇报,鼓励学生发挥创新,培养综合运用所学语言的能力)T: My last trip was to Weifang. I went to Weifang last week. I went there by bus. I ate good food and took pictures there. Lets m

14、ake a report like this.(学生上台做报告)五、Progress1、T :Here are some exercises for you. (出示课件) 根据上下文,补全对话 。Chen: Hello , John ! _ John: I went to Sichuan with my cousins.Chen: What did you do there?John: _Chen: Did you have a good time on your holiday?John: Yes! _Chen: Goodbye !John: Bye !A. We went to a re

15、staurant and ate good food. B. We had a lot of fun on our holiday. C. Where did you go on your holiday?Check the answers together.2、T: Do you want to know more about holiday ? Here is a passage for you. Read the passage carefully and do some exercises. (设计意图:扩大学生的阅读量,提高学生的综合语言运用能力)(出示课件) 根据短文内容判断正误,

16、正确(T)错误 (F)。Hello,everyone! Ill tell you something about my holiday. On Monday, I got to Xinjiang with my parents. We went there by train. On Tuesday we took some pictures. On Wednesday I ate good food with my friends. On Thursday I sang and danced with some new friends. I had a good time on my holi

17、day. 1.On Tuesday , I got to Xinjiang.( ) 2.I went there by train.( ) 3.I ate good food on Thursday.( ) 4.I didnt have a good time on my holiday.( )Give Ss a few minutes to read the passage carefully and find the answers.Check the answers together.3、教师总结全课,表扬获胜的小组。花瓶里花朵多为胜方,并伴随胜方的欢呼声。T: We learned a

18、 lettter about Johns holiday today. Which group is the winner?(评选获胜小组,进行表扬鼓励)T: Friends are very important. So we should keep touching with our friends. Dont forget them. ( 渗透情感教育,将课内的学习延伸到课外 )4、. HomeworkWrite a letter about holiday to your best friend.(出示课件)Write a letter about holiday to your bes

19、t friend. E.g.Dear ,How are you? Miss you.Love,六、EndingThe students enjoy a song. 板书设计Unit 4 My holiday A Lets readEvery day I had fun with my cousins.We went to a restaurant.Tomorrow Ill be back home.Ill=I will教学反思:本课时的内容是一封信,主要介绍John的愉快一周的活动。文中出现了几个新单词cousin、Ill 、miss以及难点句子Every day I had fun with

20、 my cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. Tomorrow Ill be back home.对于如何突破难点,进行了深入的思考。考虑到我的旅游周潍坊之旅,通过描述我在潍坊一周的活动安排,首先由一些照片中的人物自然地引出cousin及难点句子Every day I had fun with my cousins.呈现在饭店吃饭照片,问句型“Where did I go on Thursday? Where is it?”,引出句型we went to a restaurant.通过呈现家的图片引出be back home。对于阅读材料中的新

21、语言,通过呈现照片缓解了阅读困难,为后面的阅读做好了铺垫。在阅读中活动阶段,对于问题的设置,进行了大量的思考。巧妙设计有梯度的阅读活动,能够排除阅读障碍。教师让学生针对此信中出现的人物whowhom 、时间when,快速阅读寻找答案。接着仔细阅读针对文中出现的地点where、事情what、人物whowhom,仔细阅读小组讨论并勾划出问题的答案,每遍读前布置明确的阅读任务并进行阅读策略的指导。然后让学生再读完成书中的练习,让学生加深对短文的理解,培养学生独立的分析能力。这样设计由易到难的任务,进行由略到细的阅读,学生在完成任务的过程中逐步加深对此信的理解,培养学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。在拓展

22、阶段,通过呈现活动路线图师生一起复述John愉快一周的活动,帮助学生整体感知短文内容,加深对短文的理解,有助于学生的记忆。然后处理Lets find out,并让生作报告。让学生在真实的任务型活动中,扩展运用阅读信息。但由于课堂上时间比较紧凑,让生做报告环节省略,这样的设置不是很合理,需要考虑。在整个课堂教学环节中,我感觉各个教学环节串联得不是很巧妙,需要进一步加工优化,在有些课堂细节上处理得比较粗糙,不够细致。总之,在阅读教学过程中,学生应始终是学习的主体,而教师则只扮演一个导演的角色。怎样扮演好这个角色,有待进一步思考。只有导演做好了,阅读的重难点和问题的设置处理好了,才能提高课堂效率和质量,真正达到阅读教学的目的。


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