1、 毕业论文(设计)外文译文题 目 组合机床动力滑台液压系统常见故障的分析与排除学 院 机械工程学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 年级 2012级 组合机床动力滑台液压系统常见故障的分析与排除摘要:动力滑台是组合机床液压装置的一部分。然而,组合机床动力滑台运行很长一段时间后,经常会遇到“没有工作进给”的故障。在维护实践经验的基础上,本文提出的方法来排除故障。关键词:组合机床 液压系统 故障分析 故障排除组合机床是由通用部件和部分专用部件组成的高效、专用、自动化程度高的机床,可以完成钻、扩、铰、镗、铣和攻丝等加工以及完成各种复杂进给工作循环。根据加工工艺要求,可在滑台台面上装置动力箱、多轴箱及
2、各种专用切削头等动力部件。液压动力滑台用液压缸驱动,在运行很长一段时间后经常遇到“没有进入测试”的现象。根据维修经验做法,笔者在本文结束提出排除故障的方法。1 YT4543动力滑台液压系统原理分析在机床的维护中,有必要首先分析工具机的液压系统的原则YT4543在机床动力滑台液压系统的的液压系统发生故障时的原则,示于图1。图1:YT4543动力滑台液压系统1.1快进按下启动按钮,让电磁铁1YA收取电费和左框架阀电磁换向阀5到系统的访问,控制油机液压换向阀阀芯使阀门离开进入系统工作。可以被指定为以下的控制油路。进油路:单向变量泵2电磁换向阀5的左框架单向阀6换向阀4左腔;出口油路:左腔的液压换向阀
3、4节流阀9电磁换向阀5的左框架石油盒;主油路如下:进油路:单向变量泵2单向阀3液压方向控制阀4的左侧的右侧的动作阀11液压缸10的左腔室;清仓油路:液压缸右腔10左侧的液压方向控制阀4单向阀17右侧的动作阀11液压缸10的左腔室。1.2 进给当滑动台达到所需的位置,快进,旅行铁块压行程阀11,使左框架对系统的访问,快进油路切断,但油只能进入左腔通过速度控制阀16和两位置两通电磁阀,因为油通过液压缸的后速度控制阀,可以使系统压力高的液压顺序控制阀18打开,然后右腔室中的油在液压缸的流量后,通过背压阀19的回油。然后,可以实现滑动台的第一工作进给,其运动速度控制的速度控制阀16。由于在系统中的压力
5、出口油路是相同的“我的工作进给”。1.4留死挡铁“第二频道”的速度移动到目的地时,滑台会遇到死铁停止和停止移动。然而,现在,液压泵2的压力油继续流入液压泵2 ,使油在系统中的压力进一步增加,当油的压力是相等的压力继电器13的稳定的压力,压力继电器动作的发送信号的时间继电器;下一运动前的停留时间是由控制时间继电器,处理部件的端面,在目前情况下,油的泵的输送量是非常小的,这是唯一用于弥补泄漏,在系统运行时的压力维持状态。1.5快速反转在滑动台停留在上死铁停止了一段时间后,时间继电器发出一个信号,让电磁铁1YA断电,但2YA电源,然后两个方向控制阀5和4接入到系统中的正确的帧的实现的反相。油进入液压
10、毛坯。故障排除方法,包括“检查和更换高品质的切削刀具,检验毛坯的硬度,提高毛坯的质量”。图2:限压变量叶片泵的原理第二,可变叶片泵的供油是否正常与否进行检测。 (1)故障分析:组合机床滑台的电源时,保持正常的速度在快速进给,故障等原因,作为反向安装的液压泵的进油口和出口,所述液压泵的反相,相对的偏心方向的定子,叶片夹紧在凹槽中的叶片,过油的粘度高,导致柔性叶片运动,可以完全除去。但是,转换成的工作馈送模型,系统的外部负载的增加以及滑动台时,停止移动,并因此导致泵的出口压力越来越高,和所述液压泵遇到巨大的泄漏,由于内部耐磨损的液压泵,再不能出口的压力油,因此,有没有工作的饲料。 (2)故障的去除
11、方法:在液压泵可以更换第一,然后为了下次方便,可以进行维护。如果所有这些任务都试图和内部泄漏仍然过大,这是必要的,使用具有高粘度的液压油,尤其是在夏天。第三,油盒被检查,以查看它是否是上述的最低油位置,过滤器的油面以上时,油返回管高于油位,油过滤器阻塞的杂质和污物,或不等。四,系统管,耦合和组件进行检查,看他们是否泄漏与否。第五,在液压缸进行检查,以查看是否有一个内部泄漏或过大的内阻。 (1)故障分析:如果有一个在液压缸内壁上的局部加热现象,它表示密封环老化或液压缸的内孔的磨损,导致液压缸内部泄漏和系统压力无法建立,因此,工作进给是无法实施的。如果高温油,使活塞或活塞杆上的油封被密封在液压缸岁
12、结束,变形,软化,或壁球活塞和汽缸壁之间的密封环,活塞杆和端盖产生孔,随后巨大的摩擦力以抵消某些液压压力,因此不能应对的工作进给切削力,并且有没有工作在滑动工作台的进给。 (2)故障排除方法:先在最后的位置让滑台停留,然后打开回油管,以检查是否有油流(如果是这样,有一个内部的液压缸泄漏)。接下来,观察压力计在快进中的号码,它表示在汽缸内的电阻是非常大的,如果快进的压力高得多,也可以卸载,石油管的滑动表压力板可以松开,可解除滑动台(如果可以感觉到高的重量,可以证明在气缸的内部电阻会很大)。可以肯定的确认,如果这种情况下,有必要改变液压缸的第一,然后展开液压缸,检查,修理或更换密封环和液压缸机构,
13、为了下次方便。六,液压阀检查。 (1)故障分析:由于液压阀不能正常工作,由于阀芯夹紧的油污染,压力油直接流入回油返回框,还有的是没有压力油在液压缸的油入口,或反压过高,由于回油不畅,从而将被强制为无法移动的液压缸。 (2)的故障的去除方法可以被划分成3步骤:第1步:检查电动液压方向阀:如果在主阀4和伺服阀5的操作手册电动液压方向阀的阀芯可以不被推向,它指示被夹紧线轴,它是必要的展开它们,然后使用重新组装,可以替换旧的或新的阀门的阀体和阀芯必须清洗。如果方向控制阀可以改变和的滑动工作台移动,它表明的电磁方向控制阀5的电力线遇到故障,因此,有必要首先检查是否电源是或,在电磁线圈被打破由火灾或不是。
16、下一次。这种方法特别适用于生产线,因为有许多同类型的模块化机床在生产线上用多个预留的液压元件,快速的生产时间和机器停机时间短。因此,这种方法的应用,不仅可以减少停机时间,提高工作效率和正确性,也可以缓解矛盾“大部分时间没事做,但一个非常短的时间内很忙”机械师最企业。参考文献1刘彦君。液压系统的使用和维护。北京:化学工业出版社,2006。2黄志坚,:吴百海。液压设备故障诊断与维修案例精选。北京:化学工业出版社,2009。3张勤,徐钢涛。液压与气压传动技术。北京:高等教育出版社,2009。Analysis and Removal of Common Faults of the Hydraulic
17、System of Power Sliding Table in Modular Machine ToolZhongqin SUNZaozhuang Vocational College, Zaozhuang, China, 277800Abstract: The power sliding table is a general part of modular machine tool, and is driven by hydraulic device. However, the power sliding table frequently encounters the no working
18、 feedfault after the modular machine tool is running for a long time. Based on the maintenance experience from practices, a method to remove the fault is proposed in this paper.Keywords: Modular Machine Tool, Hydraulic System, Fault Analysis, Fault RemovalThe modular machine tool features with high
19、efficiency,exclusive use and high automation, and is composed of general parts and some special parts, and also can fulfill the drilling, expanding, cutting off, boring, milling, tapping and other processing. Also, the power sliding table is a general part of the modular machine tool, and is equippe
20、d with multiple rotating tools, and also is driven by the hydraulic device to complete the feed movement.However, the power sliding table frequently encounters he no entering task phenomenon after the modular machine tool is in the running for a long time. Based on the maintenance experience from pr
21、actices, a method to remove the fault is proposed is concluded by the author in this paper.1 Analysis on the Principle of the Hydraulic System of YT4543 Power Sliding TableIn the maintenance of machine tool, it is necessary to firstly analyze the principle of the hydraulic system of the machine tool
22、 when the faults of hydraulic system happen.The principle of hydraulic system of the YT4543 power sliding table in the machine tool is shown in figure 1.Figure 1: Hydraulic System of the YT4543 Power Sliding Table1.1 Fast-ForwardPress the start button to let the electromagnet 1YA of the solenoid dir
23、ectional valve 5 charged with electricity and the valve left frame accesses to the system; the control oil drives the spool of hydraulic directional valve 4 to let the valve left to access to the system to work. The control oil line can be specified as the following.Inlet oil line: one-way variable
24、pump 2 the left frame of solenoid directional valve 5 one-way valve 6 the left chamber of hydraulic directional valve 4;Outlet oil line: the left chamber of hydraulic directional valve 4throttling valve 9the left frame of solenoid directional valve 5 oil box;The main oil line is below:Inlet oil line
25、: one-way variable pump 2one-way valve 3the left of hydraulic directional valve 4the right of motion valve 11the left chamber of hydraulic cylinder 10;Outlet oil line: the right chamber of hydraulic cylinder 10the left of hydraulic directional valve 4one-way valve 17the right of motion valve 11the l
26、eft chamber of hydraulic cylinder 10;1.2 Working FeedWhen the sliding table reaches the desired location with fast-forward, the travel iron block presses the travel valve 11 to makes its left frame access to the system and cut off the fast-forward oil line, but the oil can only enter the left chambe
27、r of the hydraulic cylinder after passing through the speed control valve 16 and the two-position two-way solenoid valve, because the oil passing throughthe speed control valve can make the system pressure higher and the hydraulic sequence control valve 18 opened, and then the oil in the right chamb
28、er of the hydraulic cylinder flows back to the oil after passing through the back pressure valve 19. Then, the sliding table can implement the first working feed, and its motion speed is controlled by the speed control valve 16. As the pressure in the system rises, the flow rate of the limitedpressu
29、re variable vane pump 2 is automatically lower soas to meet the requirements of the working feed. The oil line can be specifically described below:Inlet oil line: variable pump 2one-way valve 3the left frame of hydraulic directional valve 4speed control valve 16solenoid valve 14the left chamber of h
30、ydraulic cylinder 10Outlet oil line: the right chamber of hydraulic cylinder 10 the left frame of reversal valve 4sequence valve 18back pressure valve 19oil box1.3 Working FeedAfter the I working feed comes to an end, the travel iron stop presses the electric travel switch and sends a signal to make
31、 the electromagnet 3YA of the solenoid valve 14 charged with electricity, and then the left frame of the valve accesses to the system and cuta off the oil line, but the oil can only flow into the left chamber of hydraulic cylinder 10 after passing through the speed control valve 15. Now, the sliding
32、 table is converted into the “II Working Feed, and its motion speed is controlled by the speed control valve 15, but can only be adjusted within the smaller scope than the I working feed. However, the other parts of the inlet oil line as well as the outlet oil line are identical to the I working fee
33、d.1.4 Stay of the Dead Iron BlockWhen moving to the travel destination at the speed of the “II Working Feed, the sliding table will come across the dead iron stop and stop moving. However, by now, the hydraulic pump 2 continues to flow the pressure oil to hydraulic pump 2, and makes the oil pressure
34、 in the system increased further. When the oil pressure is equal to the settling pressure of the pressure relay 13, the pressure relay motion sends a signal to the time relay; the stay time before next motion is controlled by the time relay, to process the end face of the parts. Under the present ci
35、rcumstances, the oil delivering amount of the pump is highly small, which is only used to make up the leakages,while the system is in the pressure-keeping state.1.5 Fast ReverseAfter the sliding table stays at the dead iron stop for a while, the time relay sends a signal to let the electromagnet 1YA
36、 power off but the 2YA power on, and then the right frames of both the directional valves 5 and 4 access to the system to realize the inverting. The oil enters the right chamber of the hydraulic cylinder 10 and makes the sliding table invert speedily. As it is an idle load when the sliding table is
37、inverting, the oil pressure in the system is low, and the flow amount of the limited pressure type one-way variable pump 2 is automatically enlarged to the maximum, and the effective areas ratio between the rodless chamber and rod chamber of the hydraulic cylinder is 2:1, so the sliding table rapidl
38、y invert at the same speed to the fast forward. When the sliding table rapidly inverts to the termination of the fast forward, the travel valve 11 is loosened, and the oil return is smoother. The control oil line can be described below:Inlet oil line: variable pump 2right frame of directional valve
39、2one-way valve 7right chamber of directional valve 2;Outlet oil line: left chamber of directional valve 4throttling valve 8right chamber of directional valve 5oil boxThe details of the main oil line are as shown below:Inlet oil line: Variable pump 2one-way valve 3right chamber of directional valve 4
40、right chamber of hydraulic cylinder 10Outlet oil line: right frame of hydraulic cylinder 10one-way valve 12right chamber of directional valve 4oil box1.6 Fast Retreat In-Situ to StopWhen the sliding table rapidly inverts to the in-situ, the iron stop presses the termination travel switch and sends a
41、 signal to make the electromagnets 1YA, 2YA and 3YA power off, and then the solenoid directional valve 5 and hydraulic directional valve 4 are in the central frame, and the oil lines of both the left and right chambers of hydraulic cylinder are cut off and then the hydraulic cylinder is in a clamp s
42、tate, and the sliding table stops working. By now, the oil flowed by the variable pump 2 flows into the oil return box necessarily after passing through the one-way pumps 3 and 4, and then the system is in an unloading state.2 Analysis on the No Working Feed Faultof the Power Sliding Table and the R
43、emoval Steps2.1 Analysis on the Reasons for the FaultThe power sliding table in modular machine tool keeps a normal speed in the fast feeding, and comes to a halt at the beginning of processing. Based on the learnt knowledge of the principles of all kinds of hydraulic components and the maintenance
44、experiences from work, and through a detailed analysis, the main reasons for causing the no working feed fault may be the powerful cutting, insufficient system pressure, leakage, no oil supply by hydraulic pump or insufficient oil delivery amount, abrasion of hydraulic valve internal components, bro
45、ken line or locking, or the abrasion of hydraulic cylinder internal components resulting in the inner leakage or the sealing components squashing in the cylinder wall to arouse the increasing resistance of the executive components, etc.2.2 Fault Removal StepsDue to the leak tightness of the hydrauli
46、c system, the hydraulic fault is not as intuitional as the mechanical failures; the fault measurement is not as convenient as that of electric problems and is really uneasy to judge directly. It is highly difficulty to repair if the examination is started from the hydraulic station; not only will no
47、 reasons be found, but also some components will be disassembled blindly, and hence new faults will be resulted in. In order to search the reasons for the hydraulic faults with high efficiency, a reasonable fault detection sequence is built per the possibilities of the fault reasons and disassemblin
48、g and installing easiness of the hydraulic components or parts. Namely, the sequence is check the general orientation of the fault per the number in the pressure meter first, and then disassemble the oil tube to check the faults (e.g.the internal leakages of the hydraulic pump and cylinder, or the crawling of the sliding table), and then indentify the real fault of the hydraulic valve.First, the cutting force of the working feed is examined: the cutting force of the working feed can be confirmed by examining t