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1、第四册 Unit2 Days of the Week教案闽教版第四册 Unit2 Days of the Week Lesson 3 一、教学内容: 1、词汇:Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、 Friday、Saturday; 2、句型:On Monday/Tuesday I do sth. 3、歌曲:There Are Seven Days 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标: 能听、说、认读及拼写单词“Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday; 能听懂、会说句型On Mond

2、ay/Tuesday I do sth. 学唱歌曲:There Are Seven Days 2、能力目标: (1) 能用英语表达一周七天; (2) 能表达一周内所做的事情; 3、情感目标: 了解一周七天名称的由来,养成合理安排作息的好习惯。 三、教学重难点: 学习一周七天的表达法; 运用On+星期几I do sth.的句型来表达一周所做的事情; 四、教具: 单词卡、一周七天缩写词卡、挂历、录音机。 五、教学过程: Step1: Warming up: 1、Greetings. 2、Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. How do you come to s

3、chool? S1:I come to school by. S2:I come to school on foot. T:How does he/she come to school? S3:He/She comes to school by. S4:He/She comes to school on foot. Sing a song: There Are Seven Days Step2: Lead in and presentation 1、教师通过刚才播放的一周七天的歌曲导入课题 T:Who can tell me the main idea of this song? Ss: 一周

4、七天。 T:Yes. Today we are going to learn about Unit2 Days of the Week Lesson3. 2、板书课题,同时教授词组days of the week。 Step3: New lesson 1、教学There are seven days in a week。 (1)T: Look at the calendar.出示日历,教师利用已学过的数字“one、two、three、four、five、six、seven, seven days.导入“There are seven days in a week。”的句型。 (2)T: Rea

5、d this sentence one word by one word.教师要求学生按一个单词紧接另一个单词的方式读此句子。 (3)T: Boys and girls say this sentence.用男生跟男生读,女生跟女生读的方法来操练此句型。 2、教学Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday. (1)T: There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday and Saturday. 然

6、后教师依次出现一周七天的单词卡片。 T: Look here, how to say this word? (2)出示Sunday的单词卡片,从sun引入,带读单词。 (3)出示Monday的单词卡片,从monkey引入,带读单词,用升降调和男女声读的方式来操练单词,全班齐拼读此单词。 (4)出示Tuesday的单词卡片,带读单词,用次数读的方式来操练单词,全班齐拼读此单词。 (5)剩下的Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday等单词教法同上,先跟读,在采用分音节拼读法、大小声读等方法进行操练。在单词操练中,教师根据学生的回答予以适当的口头评价。 (6)T: Loo

7、k at these words. What the same between these words? 教师让学生观察这些表示星期几的单词的特点,引导学生发现每个单词的首字母要大写,每个单词以day结尾。 (7)T: What the different between these words? 学生通过观察,找出Tuesday and Thursday,Saturday and Sunday两组相近单词,学生以同桌为单位,进行比较区别两组单词。 (8)教师向学生介绍中西方文化的差异:在西方国家,星期日为一周的第一天。 (9) 巩固单词 巧用日历,指数说星期 T: Look at the c

8、alendar. I say numbers you say the days of the week.教师指日历中的数字,学生快速说出与之相对应的星期。 游戏:“bomb game” 教师指定其中一个单词为bomb,当教师指向这个单词时学生不能读,否则就one、two、bomb. 3、教学the short form of days of the week (1) T: Look here, Mon. is the short form of Monday. Can you guess the short form of other words? 教师先写出其中一个星期的缩写让学生观察,学生

9、尝试说出其余星期的缩写,师生共同学习。 (2)T:I show the short form of days of the week, you say the whole words.教师随意抽取一周七天的缩写形式,学生说出其英语全称。 4、教学On Monday/Tuesday I do sth. 的句型 T: Look at these phrases.教师先教学介词短语“On +表示星期几的单词”,然后引导学生说出在星期几的表达法,并用卡片让学生操练。 T: How do you go to school? S1:I go to school by. S2:I go to school

10、on foot. 教师通过复习I go to school by的句型引出On Monday/Tuesday I do sth. 的句型进行教学。操练方式以男女生PK、两两一小组为单位进行互问练习。 游戏“快乐拼拼看” 教师准备三套卡片,让学生传卡片,随时喊停,手持卡片的学生起立,将句子组合起来读出。 Step3: Consolidation 1、教师在播放录音前,提出以下问题让学生思考回答; T: Listen to the tape, think about these questions. (1)What day does Mr. Robot go to work on foot/by

11、bike? (2)Where does Mr.Robot work on Friday? 3、教师让学生以四人小组为单位进行分角色朗读,读的好的小组予以表扬。 Step4: Sum up 小结本课所学内容,让学生自主进行总结。 T:Who can tell me what we learn? S1: 我们学会了用英语表达一周七天。 S2: 我们学会了用英语表达在星期做什么事情。 S3: 我们学会了英文歌曲There Are Seven Days。 Step5: Homework 1、听读课文Lesson3三遍并签字。 2、完成Lesson3的活动手册。 3、用本课所学句型向他人描述一周七天做些什么。 Blackboard Design Unit2 Days of the Week Lesson 3 There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday,Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday. On Monday/Tuesday I go to work by.


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