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1、二十一世纪大学实用英语课后习题翻译Unit 1 1.约翰既聪明又有责任心。他喜欢分别人交朋友。 John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people. 2.我已经决定竞争这个新岗位。你也可以竞争。你自己决定吧。 I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too. Its up to you. 3.医生来后不久就设法把我父亲的病控制住了。 Shortly after the doc

2、tor came, he managed to have my fathers illness under control. 4.作为新生,我们大部分人都不知道等待着我们的大学生活会是怎样的,但是我们都知道我们必须把学习搞好。 As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies. 5.要在大学里取得成功,我们必须跟上其他的学生并且制定一个适合我们需要的常规。 To succeed in coll

3、ege, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets our needs. 6.虽然上星期的作业比我想象的难,我还是按时交上去了。 Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in on time. Unit 2 1.你可以把信息转变成 (transferinto) 由点、划组成的密码来使它保密。 You can keep the message se

4、cret by transferring it into a code made up of dots and dashes. 2.刀从她湿漉漉的手中滑落,扎伤了她脚边的小宠物(pet)。 The knife slipped from her wet hand and injured the little pet at her foot. 3.选择x月x日,中华人民共和国的诞生日,作为国庆节是非常恰当的。 It is fitting that October 1, the birthday of the Peoples Republic of China, is picked up as th

5、e National Day. 4.在乡下度假时,我拍摄了一些美丽的建筑物的照片,比如这所公立学校和它旁边的小教堂。 On my vacation in the country, I took pictures of some beautiful buildings, such as this public school and the small church next to it. 5.创造的愿望是十分重要的。如果我们只是模仿别人,那就很难发展新事物。 The desire to create is very important. If we only imitate others, we

6、 can hardly develop anything new. 6.消息在传达给军官之前就在士兵中间传开了。 The message had spread among the soldiers before it was delivered to the officers. Unit 3 1.回首往事,他对父母充满了感激之情。 When he looked back, he felt very grateful to his parents. 2.母亲从来不忘记提醒我她是家里的主管,而且每当需要她时,她总会助我一臂之力。 Mother never forgot to remind me t

7、hat she was in charge at home and she would always give a hand when she was needed. 3.这个小男孩独自一人时往往会挨饿,因为他不会做饭。 The boy often goes hungry when he is on his own because he can not cook. 4.在母亲的生日之际,我请母亲原谅我因常常被日常事务缠住而忘记对她说一声“谢谢你。” On the occasion of my mothers birthday, I asked her to forgive me for for

8、getting to say thank you to her since I was often caught up in everyday business. 5.学生都很喜欢这位年轻教师,因为她不仅言传身教,而且说话温和而中肯。 The students all like the young teacher very much for she not only teaches by example but her words are gentle and to the point. Unit 4 1.汤姆的故事很滑稽,我们都忍不住笑了起来。 Toms story was so funny

9、 that we couldnt keep from laughing. 2.德语系和英语系分处两幢楼,而不是在一幢楼里。 The German Department and the English Department are in two separate buildings rather than in the same one. 3.伍兹(Woods)具备什么其他高尔夫球运动员(golfer)不具备的特殊技巧呢? What special skill does Woods have that other golfers do not? 4.跑步是最大众化的运动方式,因为它不需要什么训练

10、和器材(equipment)。 Running is the most popular form of exercise because it requires little training or equipment? 5.需要相当多的练习喜爱能在速度和耐力两方面均技术娴熟。 It takes quite a bit of practice in order to be skilled at both speed and endurance. 6.他被认为使我们学校跑得最快的人,尽管他对跑步的技巧一无所知。 He is known as the fastest runner of our s

11、chool though he knows nothing about the techniques needed for running. Unit 5 1.看到老人奄奄一息,邻居们一刻也没有耽误,马上请来医生。 Seeing that the old man was dying, the neighbors sent for a doctor without any delay. 2.一个漂亮的果园要人付出辛勤劳动,要日复一日的浇水、除草、清除石块。不过丰收的时刻总是让人愉快的。 A beautiful orchard requires hard work like watering, d

12、igging up the weeds, picking out the stones day after day, but the time for harvest always makes one happy. 3.他一辈子都富有,但他从没为他所拥有的财产开心过。 He had been rich all his life, but he never took much delight in the property he possessed. 4.在搜寻的过程中,他们不断以为自己找到了埋在地里的财宝,结果一无所获。 During the hunt, time and time again

13、 they thought they had found the treasure buried underground, but in the end, they actually found nothing. 5.应商人的要求,那家餐厅打发走了其他客人,着手为他一人准备美味的食物。 In answer to the merchants request, the restaurant sent away the other guests and set to preparing delicious food just for him. 6.“我可以把这些旧报纸搬走吗?”工人问。“当然可以,”

14、他点点头。 “May I carry away these old newspapers?” the worker asked. “To be sure,” he nodded his head. Unit 6 1.事实上,她曾考虑过是否该出国。 As a matter of fact, she had debated whether or not she should go abroad. 2.这是我看过的最感人(touching)的电影。 This is the most touching film I have ever seen. 3.我一瘸一拐的走向教室,在那儿碰到了汤姆。 I li

15、mped towards the classroom where I bumped into Tom. 4.他娶艾丽斯不是因为她美丽,而是因为她有钱。 He married Alice not because she was beautiful, but because she was rich. 5.衡量一个学生的水平不能只看他的分数,还要看他解决问题的能力。 The level of a student is not only measured in his marks but also in his ability to solve problems. 6.最快乐的人不一定是很有钱的人,

16、而是那些乐于助人的人。 The happiest people are not always the people who have a lot of money, but the people who are ready to help others. Unit 7 1.这部小说讲述了她如何逃脱纳粹的搜查,是根据她的亲身经历写成的。 This novel based on her own experience tells how she escaped the Nazis search. 2.当陌生人直视我的时候我会感到紧张,所以我尽量不接触他的目光。 I feel nervous when

17、 a stranger looks at me directly in the eyes, so I try not to make eye contact with him. 3.就在那一刻,黑暗中有个像火花一样的东西吸引了我的目光。 In that instant, something like a spark in the dark captured my eyes. 4.父母和孩子都应该明白他们之间有隔阂,但他们不必难过,因为这种隔阂不是不可逾越的。 Both the parents and the children should be aware of the gap between

18、 them, but they neednt be upset, because this gap isnt impossible to jump across. 5.无论如何,这个决定必须明天执行,哪怕会招来多数人的反对。 In any case, this decision must be executed tomorrow, even if it may generate objections from most people. Unit 8 1.如果你把注意力集中在学习上,你肯定能实现你的目标,成为一名成功的学生。 If you keep your attention focused

19、on learning, then you can reach your goal of becoming a successful student. 2.好学生知道如何更有效地利用他的学习时间。这就是他能在较少的时间里学更多东西的原因。 A good student knows how to use his study time more effectively. Thats why he is able to learn more in less time. 3.如果你手头有很多任务,你必须确定优先考虑的目标,否则你将一事无成。 If you have many tasks at hand

20、, you must establish priorities or you will achieve nothing. 4.对别人有效的学习策略不一定对你也有效,因此要作出必要的调整以达到最佳效果。 Learning strategies that work for others do not necessarily work for you, therefore you must make the necessary adjustments to your best advantage. 5.扩展自己的能力而不是把知识塞进脑子里才是你成功的关键。 Expanding your capabilities instead of cramming knowledge into your brain is the key to your success. 6.要在学习上做得好,你就必须在学习过程中成为一名积极的参与者,而不是一名消极的旁观者。 If you want to do well in your studies, you must be an active participant in the process of learning, not a passive bystander.


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