医学生必备解剖专业词汇 英汉互译doc.docx

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1、医学生必备解剖专业词汇 英汉互译doc医学生必备-解剖专业词汇.doc 第一部分 systematic anatomy topographic anatomy macroanatomy microanatomy surgical anatomy surface anatomy X-ray anatomy sectional anatomy locomotive anatomy anatomical position superior inferior cranial caudal anterior ventral posterior dorsal medial lateral internal

2、 external superficial profound proximal distal ulnar radial tibial fibular left right horizontal central Vertical axis Sagittal axis Coronal axis Sagittal plane plane horizontal plane variation abnormal dissection cadaver specimen 系统解剖学 局部解剖学 巨视解剖学 微视解剖学 外科解剖学 表面解剖学 X线解剖学 断层解剖学 运动解剖学 解剖学姿势 上 下 颅侧 尾侧

3、 前 腹侧 后 背侧 内侧 外侧 内 外 浅 深 近侧 远侧 尺侧 桡侧 胫侧 腓侧 左 右 水平 中央 轴 矢状轴 冠状轴 矢状面 面 面 变异 异常 解剖 尸体 标本 model bone long bone diaphysis, shaft medullary cavity nutrient foramen epiphysis articular surface metaphysis epiphysil cartilage epiphysial line short bone flat bone irregular bone pneumatic bone sesamoid bone pr

4、ocess spine eminence tuberosity tuber tubercle crest line fossa fovea foveola sulcus impression cavity sinus antrum cellules canal meatus aperture foramen hiatus head capitulum condyle epicondyle surface border notch compact bone spongy bone trabeculae diploe periosteum endosteum 模型 骨 长骨 骨干 髓腔 滋养孔 骺

5、 关节面 干骺端 骺软骨 骺线 短骨 扁骨 不规则骨含气骨 籽骨 突 棘 隆起 粗隆 结节 小结节 嵴 线 窝 凹 小凹 沟 压迹 腔 窦 房 小房 管 道 口 孔 裂孔 头 小头 髁 上髁 面 缘 切迹 骨密质 骨松质 骨小梁 板障 骨膜 骨内膜 2 bone marrow osteoporosis 骨髓 骨质疏松症 vertebrae vertebral body vertebral foramen vertebral canal vertebral arch pedicle of vertebral arch intervertebral foramina lamina of verte

6、bral arch spinous process transverse process articular process thoracic vertebrae cervical vertebrae uncus of vertebral body transverse foramen atlas axis vertebrae prominens lumbar vertebrae sacrum;sacral bone promontory sacral hiatus sacral cornu coccyx sternum manubrium sterni sternal angle jugul

7、ar notch body of sternum xiphoid process costal arch costal bone costal head costal neck costal tubercle shaft of rib costal groove costal angle costal cartilage skull calvaria frontal bone ethmoid bone sphenoid bone hypophysial fossa greater wing foramen rotundum foramen ovale foramen spinosum 椎骨 椎

8、体 椎孔 椎管 椎弓 椎弓根 椎间孔 椎弓板 棘突 横突 关节突 胸椎 颈椎 椎体钩 横突孔 寰椎 枢椎 隆椎 腰椎 骶骨 岬 骶管裂孔 骶角 尾骨 胸骨 胸骨柄 胸骨角 颈静脉切迹 胸骨体 剑突 肋弓 肋骨 肋头 肋颈 肋结节 肋体 肋沟 肋角 肋软骨 颅 颅盖 额骨 筛骨 蝶骨 垂体窝 大翼 圆孔 卵圆孔 棘孔 3 lesser wing optic canal superior orbital fissure pterygoid process pterygoid canal temporal bone squamous part mandibular fossa articular t

9、ubercle 小翼 视神经管 眶上裂 翼突 翼管 颞骨 鳞部 下颌窝 关节结节 tympanic part petrous part internal acoustic pore carotid canal styloid process mastoid process stylomastoid foramen occipital bone foramen magnum parietal bone mandible mental foramen ramus of mandible head of mandible neck of mandible angle of mandible mand

10、ibular foramen hyoid bone vomer maxilla infraorbital foramen frontal process zygomatic process alveolar process palatine process palatine bone nasal bone lacrimal bone inferior nasal concha zygomatic bone coronal suture sagittal suture lambdoid suture external occipital protuberance anterior cranial

11、 fossa middle cranial fossa foramen lacerum posterior cranial fossa clivus internal occipital protuberance 鼓部 岩部 内耳门 颈动脉管茎突 乳突 茎突孔 枕骨 枕骨大孔顶骨 下颌骨 颏孔 下颌支 下颌头 下颌颈 下颌角 下颌孔 舌骨 犁骨 上颌骨 眶下孔 额突 颧突 牙槽突 腭突 腭骨 鼻骨 泪骨 下鼻甲 颧骨 冠状缝 矢状缝 人字缝 枕外隆凸 颅前窝 颅中窝 破裂孔 颅后窝 斜坡 枕内隆凸4 jugular foramen pterion infratemporal fossa pte

12、rygopalatine fossa orbit nasolacrimal canal frontal squama inferior orbital fissure bony nasal cavity 颈静脉孔 翼点 颞下窝 翼腭窝 眶 鼻泪管 额鳞 眶下裂 骨性鼻腔 superior middle and inferior nasal meatus paranasal sinuses frontal sinus ethmoidal sinuses sphenoidal sinus maxillary sinus oral cavity cranial fontanelles anterio

13、r fontanelle posterior fontanelle clavicle scapula subscapular fossa spine of scapula supraspinous fossa infraspinous fossa acromion coracoid process glenoid cavity humerus head of humerus anatomical neck greater tubercle lesser tubercle surgical neck deltoidtuberosity sulcus for radial nerve capitu

14、lum of humerus lateral epicondyle medial epicondyle radius head of radius neck of radius radial tuberosity styloid process ulna trochlear notch olecranon coronoid process ulnar tuberosity head of ulna 上、中、下鼻道 鼻旁窦 额窦 筛窦 蝶窦 上颌窦 骨性口腔颅囟 前囟 后囟 锁骨 肩胛骨 肩胛下窝肩胛冈 冈上窝 冈下窝 肩峰 喙突 关节盂 肱骨 肱骨头 解剖颈 大结节 小结节 外科颈 三角肌粗隆

15、桡神经沟肱骨小头外上髁 内上髁 桡骨 桡骨头 桡骨颈 桡骨粗隆茎突 尺骨 滑车切迹鹰嘴 冠突 尺骨粗隆尺骨头 5 styloid process carpal bones scaphoid bone lunate bone triquetral bone pisiform bone trapezium bone trapezoid bone 尺骨茎突 腕骨 手舟骨 月骨 三角骨 豌豆骨 大多角骨 小多角骨 capitate bone hamate bone metacarpal bones phalanges of fingers hip bone ilium iliac crest ante

16、rior superior iliac spine posteior superior iliac spine tubercle of iliac crest greater sciatic notch iliac fossa arcuate line ischium ischial spine lesser sciatic notch ischial tuberosity pubis pecten pubis pubis tubercle symphysial surface obturator foramen acetabulum lunate surface femur femoral

17、head neck of femur greater trochanter lesser trochanter linea aspera gulteal tuberosity medial condyle lateral condyle intercondylar fossa adductor tubercle patella tibia intercondylar eminence tibial tuberosity medial mallelous fibula 头状骨 钩骨 掌骨 指骨 髋骨 髂骨 髂嵴 髂前上嵴 髂后上嵴髂结节 坐骨大切迹髂窝 弓状线 坐骨 坐骨棘 坐骨小切迹坐骨结节耻

18、骨 耻骨梳 耻骨结节 耻骨联合面闭孔 髋臼 月状面 股骨 股骨头 股骨颈 大转子 小转子 粗线 臀肌粗隆 内侧髁 外侧髁 髁间窝 收肌结节 髌骨 胫骨 髁间隆起胫骨粗隆内踝 腓骨 6 lateral malleolus tarsal bones calcaneus talus medial cuneiform bone intermediate cuneiform bone lateral cuneiform bone navicular bone cuboid bone metatarsal bones phalanges of toes fbrous joint cartilaginous

19、 joint synostosis syndesmosis suture synchondrosis symphysis articulation synovial joint articular surface articular cartilage articular capsule fibrous membrane synovial membrane synovial fluid articular cavity ligament articular disc articular labrum synovial fold synovial bursa translation flexio

20、n extension dorsiflexion plantarflexion adduction abduction rotation medial rotation lateral rotation pronation supination circumduction hinge joint trochoid joint; pivot joint ellipsoid joint sellar joint;saddle joint ball and socket joint; spheroidal 外踝 跗骨 跟骨 距骨 内侧楔骨 中间楔骨 外侧楔骨 足舟骨 骰骨 跖骨 趾骨 纤维连接 软骨

21、连接 骨性结合 韧带连接 缝 透明软骨结合 纤维软骨联合 关节 滑膜关节 关节面 关节软骨 关节囊 纤维膜 滑膜 滑液 关节腔 韧带 关节盘 关节唇 滑膜襞 滑膜囊 移动 屈 伸 背屈 跖屈 收 展 旋转 旋内 旋外 旋前 旋后 环转 屈戌关节 车轴关节 椭圆关节 鞍状关节 球窝关节 7 joint plane joint vertebral column intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus anulus fibrous anterior longitudinal ligament posterior longitudinal ligament ligam

22、enta flava interspinal ligament supraspinal ligament ligamentum nuchae intertransverse ligament zygapophyseal joint atlantooccipital joint anterior atlantooccipital membrane posterior atlantooccipital membrane atlantoaxial joint thorax costovertebral joint joint of costal head costotransverse joint

23、sternocostal joint temporomandibular joint sternoclaviclar joint acromioclavicular joint coracoacromial ligament shoulder joint elbow joint humeroulnar joint humeroradial joint proximal radioulnar joint radial collateral ligament unlar collateral ligament annular ligament of radius interosseous memb

24、rane of forearm distal radioulnar joint joints of hand radiocarpal joint wrist joint intercarpal joint carpometacarpal joint carpometacarpal joint of thumb intermetacarpal joint metacarpophalangeal joint interphalangeal joint sacroiliac joint iliolumbar ligament 平面关节 脊柱 椎间盘 髓核 纤维环 前纵韧带 后纵韧带 黄韧带 棘间韧带

25、 棘上韧带 项韧带 横突间韧带 关节突关节 寰枕关节 寰枕前膜 寰枕后膜 寰枢关节 胸廓 肋椎关节 肋头关节 肋横突关节 胸肋关节 颞下颌关节 胸锁关节 肩锁关节 喙肩韧带 肩关节 肘关节 肱尺关节 肱桡关节 桡尺近侧关节 桡侧副韧带 尺侧副韧带 桡骨环状韧带 前臂骨间膜 桡尺远侧关节 手关节 桡腕关节 腕关节 腕骨间关节 腕掌关节 拇指腕掌关节 掌骨间关节 掌指关节 指骨间关节 骶髂关节 髂腰韧带 8 sacrotuberous ligament sacrospinous ligament pubic symphysis obturator membrane obturator canal

26、pelvis greater pelvis lesser pelvis hip joint acetabular labrum iliofemoral ligament ligament of head of the femur pubofemoral ligament ischiofemoral ligament knee joint patellar ligament fibular collateral ligament tibial collateral ligament oblique popliteal ligament cruciate ligament anterior cru

27、ciate ligament posterior cruciate ligament meniscus medial meniscus lateral meniscus joints of foot talocrural joint ankle joint medial ligament lateral ligament anterior talofibular ligament posterior talofibular ligament intertarsal joint talocalcaneal joint subtalar joint talocalcaneonavicular jo

28、int calcaneocuboid joint transverse tarsal joint plantar calcaneonavicular ligament spring ligament bifurcate ligament tarsometatarsal joint intermetatasal joint metatasophalangeal joint interphalangeal joint 肌学 骶结节韧带 骶棘韧带 耻骨联合 闭孔膜 闭膜管 骨盆 大骨盆 小骨盆 髋关节 髋臼唇 髂股韧带 股骨头韧带 耻股韧带 坐股韧带 膝关节 髌韧带 腓侧副韧带 胫侧副韧带 腘斜韧带

29、 膝交叉韧带 前交叉韧带 后交叉韧带 半月板 内侧半月板 外侧半月板 足关节 距小腿关节 踝关节 内侧韧带 外侧韧带 距腓前韧带 距腓后韧带 跗骨间关节 距跟关节 距下关节 距跟舟关节 跟骰关节 跗横关节 跟舟足底韧带 跳跃韧带 分岐韧带 跗跖关节 跖骨间关节 跖趾关节 趾骨间关节 9 Muscle Muscle belly Tendon Aponeurosis Fascia Superficial fascia Deep fascia Synovial bursa Tendinous sheath Fibrous layer Fibrous sheath of tendon Synovial

30、 layer Synovial sheath of tendon Mesotendon Epicranius Galea aponeurotica Frontal belly Occipital belly Orbicularis oculi Buccinator Orbicularis oris Masseter temporalis Medial pterygoid lateral pterygoid Platysma Sternocleidomastoid Digastric Mylohyoid Stylohyoid Geniohyoid Sternohyoid Omohyoid Ste

31、rnothyroid Thyrohyoid Scalenus anterior Scalenus medius Scalenus posterior Cervical fascia Trapezius Latissimus dorsi Levator scapulae Rhomboideus Erector spinae Splenius Thoracolumbar fascia Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor 肌 肌腹 肌腱 腱膜 筋膜 浅筋膜 深筋膜 滑膜囊 腱鞘 纤维层 腱纤维鞘 滑膜层 腱滑膜鞘 腱系膜 颅顶肌 帽状腱膜 额腹 枕腹 眼轮匝肌 颊肌

32、口轮匝肌 咬肌 颞肌 翼内肌 翼外肌 颈阔肌 胸锁乳突肌 二腹肌 下颌舌骨肌 茎突舌骨肌 颏舌骨肌 胸骨舌骨肌 肩胛舌骨肌 胸骨甲状肌 甲状舌骨肌 前斜角肌 中斜角肌 后斜角肌 颈筋膜 斜方肌 背阔肌 肩胛提肌 菱形肌 竖脊肌 夹肌 胸腰筋膜 胸大肌 胸小肌 10 Serratus anterior Intercostales externi Intercostales interni Intercostales intimi Transverses thoracis Clavipectoral fascia Diaphragm Central tendon Aoctic hiatus Eso

33、phageal hiatus Vena caval foramen Obliquus externus abdominis Inguinal ligament Lacunar ligament Pectineal ligament Superficial inguinal ring Obliquus internus abdominis Inguinal falx Conjoint tendon Cremaster Transversus abdominis Rectus abdominis Tendinous intersection Sheath of rectus abdominis A

34、rcuate line Linea alba Quadratus lumborum Inguinal canal Deep inguinal ring Inguinal triangle Deltoid Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres minor Teres major Subscapularis Musculotendinous cuff Biceps brachii Coracobrachialis Brachialis triceps brachii Brachioradialis Pronator teres Flexor carpi radiali

35、s Palmaris longus Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexor pollicis longus Flexor digitorum profundus Pronator quadratus Extensor carpi radialis longus 前锯肌 肋间外肌 肋间内肌 肋间最内肌 胸横肌 锁胸筋膜 膈 中心腱 主动脉裂孔 食管裂孔 腔静脉孔 腹外斜肌 腹股沟韧带 腔隙韧带 耻骨梳韧带 腹股沟管浅环 腹内斜肌 腹股沟镰 联合腱 提睾肌 腹横肌 腹直肌 腱划 腹直肌鞘 弓状线 白线 腰方肌 腹股沟管

36、腹股沟管深环 腹股沟三角 三角肌 冈上肌 冈下肌 小圆肌 大圆肌 肩胛下肌 肌腱袖 肱二头肌 喙肱肌 肱肌 肱三头肌 肱桡肌 旋前圆肌 桡侧腕屈肌 掌长肌 尺侧腕屈肌 指浅屈肌 拇长屈肌 指深屈肌 旋前方肌 桡侧腕长伸肌 11 Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor digiti minimi Extensor carpi ulnaris Supinator Abdutor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis brevis Extensor pollicis longus Extens

37、or indicis Thenar Abdutor pollicis brevis Flexor pollicis brevis Opponens pollicis Adductor pollicis Hypothenar Abductor digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi brevis Opponens digiti minimi Lumbricales Palmar interossei Dorsal interossei Axillary fossa Deltopectoral groove Trilateral foramen Quadrilater

38、al foramen Cubital fossa Carpal canal Iliopsoas Psoas major Iliacus Psoas minor Tensor fasciac latae Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus Piriformis Obturator internus Quadratus femoris Obturator externus Sartorius Quadriceps femoris Pectineus Adductor longus Gracilis Adductor brevis Adduc

39、tor magnus Biceps femoris Semitemdinosus Semimenbranosus Tibialis anterior Extensor digitorum longus 桡侧腕短伸肌 指伸肌 小指伸肌 尺侧腕伸肌 旋后肌 拇长展肌 拇短伸肌 拇长伸肌 示指伸肌 鱼际 拇短展肌 拇短屈肌 拇对掌肌 拇收肌 小鱼际 小指展肌 小指短屈肌 小指对掌肌 蚓状肌 骨间掌侧肌 骨间背侧肌 腋窝 三角胸肌间沟 三边孔 四边孔 肘窝 腕管 髂腰肌 腰大肌 髂肌 腰小肌 阔筋膜张肌 臀大肌 臀中肌 臀小肌 梨状肌 闭孔内肌 股方肌 闭孔外肌 缝匠肌 股四头肌 耻骨肌 长收肌 股薄

40、肌 短收肌 大收肌 股二头肌 半腱肌 半膜肌 胫骨前肌 趾长伸肌 12 Extensor hallucis longus Peroneus longus Peroneus brevis Triceps surae Gastrocnemius Soleus Tendo calcaneus Popliteus Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallucis longus Tibialis posterior Suprapiriformis foramen Infrapiriformis foramen Lacuna vasorum Lacuna musculorum

41、 Femoral canal Femoral ring Femoral triangle Adductor canal Popliteal fossa viscera splanchnology hilum; porta hilum of lung porta hepatis anterior median line sternal line midclavicular line parasternal line anterior axillary line posterior axillary line midaxillary line scapular line posterior med

42、ian line alimentary system alimentary canal alimentary gland oral cavity oral vestibule oral cavity proper oral lips philtrum nasolabial sulcus cheek papilla of parotid duct palate hard palate soft palate velum palatinum uvula palatoglossal arch 长伸肌 腓骨长肌 腓骨短肌 小腿三头肌 腓肠肌 比目鱼肌 跟腱 腘肌 趾长屈肌 长屈肌 胫骨后肌 梨状肌上孔

43、 梨状肌下孔 血管腔隙 肌腔隙 股管 股环 股三角 收肌管 腘窝 内脏 内脏学 门 肺门 肝门 前正中线 胸骨线 锁骨中线 胸骨旁线 腋前线 腋后线 腋中线 肩胛线 后正中线 消化系统 消化管 消化腺 口腔 口腔前庭 固有口腔 口唇 人中 鼻唇沟 颊 腮腺管乳头 腭 硬腭 软腭 腭帆 腭垂 腭舌弓 13 palatopharyngeal arch isthmus of fauces teeth upper dental arch lower dental arch deciduous teeth permanent teeth wisdom tooth incisors canine teet

44、h molars premolars crown of tooth root of tooth neck of tooth pulp chamber root canal apical foramen dental cavity pulp cavity dentine enamel cement dental pulp periodontal membrane alveolar bone gingiva tongue body of tongue root of tongue terminal sulcus apex of tongue foramen cecum of tongue papill


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