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1、广东省届高三英语二轮复习第一讲英语的句式讲义课件第一讲 英语的句式 英语句子分为简单句(simple sentence)和复合句(multiple sentence)。所谓的简单句就是一个句子中只包含一个主谓结构的句子。复合句包含两种基本情况,一种是两个或者两个以上的简单分句形成并列关系,这样的句子叫做并列句(compound sentence);另一种是两个或两个以上的简单分句构成主从关系,这样的句子叫做复杂句(complex sentence)。下面我们分别对这三种情况加以分析。 一、简单句(Simple Sentence) 无论字数多寡,只有一个主语和一个谓语动词的句子称为简单句。简单句

2、里的主语可能是复合主语,谓语动词也可能是复合谓语动词。 如: Honesty is written on his face. 诚实写在他的脸上他一脸诚实相。 The old man living alone in the little cottage at the foot of the hill at the back of my house walks by himself every evening a long the bank of the river in front of my house. 一个人住在我家屋後山脚下的小茅屋里的那个老人,每天傍晚独自沿着我家门前的河岸散步。 Fl

3、ies and mosquitoes are very dangerous insects. 苍蝇和蚊子是非常有害的昆虫。 Each hour, each minute and each second is of value to us. 每时、每分、每秒对我们都是宝贵的。 He has handled the job well and deserves a good deal of praise. 这份工作他做得很出色,值得大家赞许。 He rose, put on his hat, and walked out of the room. 他站起来、戴上帽子、走出了房间。 (一)简单句的五种

4、句型: 英语的简单句只有五种基本句型,所有的英语句子都不能离开这五种基本句型。 其中:S = Subject,也就是主语 V = Verbal phrase,也就是谓语部分 P = Predicative表示跟在系动词之后的表语 C = Complement是补语 O = Object,也就是句子的宾语 在最后一种句型中包括间接宾语和直接宾语。这五种句型是: 1. (主谓) Subject + Intransitive Verb (主语 + 不及物动词) He studies hard. She is reading. We can skate. He came. 他来了。 1 (The) a

5、irplane (which started from Hongkong at noon) arrived (here) (at four p.m.) 中午由香港起飞的那班飞机下午四时到达了这里。 arrived是不及物动词,here不是它的宾语,而是修饰它的副词。 注:修饰语是为了表达明晰起见而添加的词语,有时候意义上的必要部分,并非语法上的必要部分,如上例(1)虽无修饰语,但仍为一个完整的句子。 2. L/V (主系表) Subject + Link Verb + Predicative (主语 + 连系动词 + 表语) The girl is seven. The map was on

6、the wall. I felt tired. She is happy. 她很快乐。 He became (a) teacher (when he was twenty- one).他二十一岁时做了老师。 It is impossible to get there by ten oclock.十点钟以前到达那里是不可能的。 本句里的 It 是形式主语,不定式 to get there by ten oclock 是真正主语。 英文中的系动词主要是指Be动词的各种变化形式,也包括那些有时起系动词作用的实义动词。这类动词常见的有: become(变成) , look(看上去) seem看起来)

7、, appear(相似、显得) , get(变得) , feel(摸起来) , grow(变得) , turn(变成) , remain(仍然是) , come(变得) , fall(变得) , hold(保持) , keep(保持) , stand(保持) , stay(保持) , smell(闻起来) , sound(听起来) , taste(尝起来)等。 例如:This machine is in good condition . 这台机器的情况良好。 S V C The garden smells pleasant . 这座花园香气怡人。 S V C Silk feels soft a

8、nd smooth . 丝绸摸起来又软又滑。 S V C 3. (主谓宾) Subject + Transitive Verb + Object(主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语) He often helps me. We study Japanese at school. Mr. Wu read a story. We learn English. 我们学习英语。 (Turning to the right), you will find (the) school.向右转,你就会看到学校。 Do they speak English?他们讲不讲英语? 注:当第三型的句子变为被动语态时,其句型和

9、第一型(S.V.)相同。 如:主动:(A good) boy will learn (his) lessons (well).厖 (第三型) 被动:Lessons will be learned (well) (by a good boy).厖 (第一型) 4. (主谓间宾直宾) Subject + Transitive Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object 2 主语 + 及物动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 Mrs. Zhang gave me the book (=Mrs. Zhang gave the book to me.) He bought

10、her a new bike (=He bought a new bike for her.) I gave him (a) book. 我给他一本书。 Who sent you (the) book? 谁送了你这本书? (The) man (who came here yesterday) asked me (the) way (to the station). 昨天来这里的那个人问我去火车站的路。 常见的这类谓语动词有: give(给某人厖), bring(带给某人厖), tell(告诉某人厖), send(送给某人厖), leave(留给某人厖), pass(递给某人厖), read(给

11、某人读厖), write(给某人写厖), take(给某人拿厖), show(给某人看厖), teach(教某人厖), get(给某人弄到厖), award(授予某人厖),lend(借给某人厖), rent(租赁某人厖), buy(给某人买厖), pay(支付某人厖), hand(递给某人厖), recommend(将某人推荐给厖)等。例如: 注:上面各词的中文释义是刻意按照该词的常用动词句型而给的,以便于大家更好地理解该词出现于哪个基本句型中。 She brought me a shirt . 她给我带来一件衬衣。 S V O O Pass him the dictionary, pleas

12、e. 请将词典递给他。 V O O I lend him my bicycle. 我把自行车借给他了。 S V O O 扩展: (1) 间接宾语在此表示人,直接宾语在此表示物。 She bought me a dictionary. 她给我买了一本词典。 Pass me the paper , please ! 请把报纸递给我。 This little boy is always asking the teacher all kinds of questions . 这个小男孩老爱问老师各种各样的问题。 Will you tell us something about your school

13、life ? 你给我们讲讲你们学校的生活好吗 ? Can you tell me when the next train leaves ? 请问下一班火车什么时间开? (2) 间接宾语通常在直接宾语之前。也可以将间接宾语放在直接宾语之后,则需要借助介词 to 或 for。如: He brings me cookies every day . He brings cookies to me every day . 他每天给我带甜饼来。 (3) 如果直接宾语是代词,就须在间接宾语之前加介词 to,构成介词短语,并把这个短语放在直接宾语之后。如: Ill send it to you tomorro

14、w . 我明天给你送来。 比较:Ill send you the book tomorrow (4) 如果需要对间接宾语加以强调,也可放在直接宾语之后。 Bring the letter to me , not to Henry. 把信交给我,别交给亨利。 3 5. (主谓宾宾补) Subject + Transitive Verb + Object + Complement 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 They call him Jack. We must keep the room clean. He made her happy. 他使她很快乐。 We elected

15、him chairman. 我们选他做主席。 They did not find it (so) easy. 他们没有发现这件事是如此的容易。 英语中有些及物动词,除了要有一个直接宾语外,还要加上宾语补足语,句子的意义才算完整。宾语和宾语补足语一起构成复合宾语。宾语补足语的作用有两个:或是表示宾语所代表的人或东西所做的动作;或是说明宾语的状态、特征、身份等。 宾语补足语可由名词、形容词、动词不定式、分词或介词短语担当。常带复合宾语结构的及物动词有: elect(选举) , feel(感觉到) , find(发现) , get(使得) , have(使,让) , hear(听到) , imagi

16、ne(想象) , keep(保持) , make(使) , notice(注意到) , see(看见) , let(使) , smell(闻到) , start(使厖开始) , watch(注视,看) , appoint(任命) , believe(相信) , call(称) , catch(发现) , allow(容许) , ask(请求,要求) , cause(使得) , consider(认为) , expect(预期) , know(知道) , tell(告诉) , think(想,认为) , want(想要) , wish(希望) ,listen to(听) , look at(看,

17、瞧)等等。例如: We elected him our monitor. 我们选他当班长。 S V O C President appointed John manager of Marketing.总裁任命约翰为营销部经理。 S V O C The news made me happy .那消息使我很高兴。 S V O C We know him to be an expert .我们知道他是专家。 S V O C The story made us laugh .那故事使我们笑了起来。 S V O C He heard somebody opening the door. 他听见有人在开门

18、。 S V O C I found myself in dark .我发现自己还蒙在鼓里。 S V O C 在复合宾语中,能作宾语补足语的有名词和形容词、以及其它相当于名词和形容词的词语。现将复合宾语的各种形式举例如下: (1) 名词或代词宾格 + 名词 ( 作宾补 ) We elected Li Ping ( him ) monitor of our class . 我们选李平 ( 他 ) 当班长。 (2) 名词或代词宾格 + 形容词 ( 作宾补 ) I always find her happy and gay . 我发现她总是那么高兴而愉快。 (3) 名词或代词宾格 + 动词不定式 (

19、作宾补 ) I told him to open the window . 我曾叫他开打窗子。 4 另:let , make , see , hear 等动词后的复合宾语中,如有动词不定式,须省去 to。 如:Dont let the cat out . 别让猫出去。 练一练:(答案) 说明下列句子中的动词属于五种句型中的哪一种: A. SV B. SVP/SLP C. SVO D. SVOO E. SVOC 1. Dont tell lies. (SVO) 2. Tell him to wait for us.(SVOC) 3. He told us an interesting story

20、.(SVOO) 4. May I ask a question ?(SVO) 5. We often ask our teacher to explain the sentence again.(SVOC) 6. He made a fire.(SVO) 7. We must make our city beautiful.(SVOC) 8. He will make himself a pencil-box.(SVOO) 9 The doctor felt my head and took my temperature.(SVO) 10. He felt better the next da

21、y.(SL/VP) 11. She felt in her pocket for the sky.(SV) 12. Trees grow fast in spring. (SV) 13. We grow cotton here.(SVO) 14. Its growing dark. (SL/VP) 15. Please stand up. (SV) (二)特殊的简单句 1) 有时有两个或两个以上的主语共一个谓语 ( a ) ,或两个或两个以上的谓语共一个主语 ( b ) ,有时甚至有两个主语和两个谓语 ( c ) ,这样的句子仍然是简单句。如: Tom , John and Mike are

22、all my good friends . The boy jumped out bed , dressed hurriedly and ran downstairs. 这男孩跳下床,匆忙穿好衣服就跑下楼了。 The teachers and the students all liked the place and wanted to stay there a little longer . 老师和学生都喜欢这个地方,想在那儿多待一会儿。 2) 有些简单句结构比较特殊,只包括一个字或一个成分,如: 问候告别语:Good morning ! / Hello ! / Nice to meet yo

23、u ! 感谢祝贺语:Thanks ( a lot ) ! / Many thanks ! / Happy birthday ! / Happy New Year ! / Happy birthday to you ! / The same to you ! 感叹语: Oh dear ! / Well , well ! / My God ! / Goodness me ! 天啊! 二、复合句 (Compound Sentence) 由并列连词连接两个或更多简单句而成的句子称为复合句。其中的简单句若非很短,连词前通常都有逗点。也可将连词 and省略用分号 (;)代替。如: (1) a. The m

24、other belongs in the home. (简单句) b. The father must go out into the business world. (简单句) 5 c. The mother belongs in the home, and the father must go out into the business world. (复合句) 母亲操持家事,父亲必须从事外务。 (2) a. Many large cities have policewomen. (简单句) b. Those policewomen investigate crimes affecting

25、 women and girls. (简单句) c. Many large cities have policewomen, and those policewomen investigate crimes affecting women and girls. (复合句) 许多大城市都有女警察,她们调查涉及成年妇女和青年女子的犯罪行为。 (3) a. The wind blew. (简单句) b. The rain descended. (简单句) c. Darkness shut us in. (简单句) d. The wind blew, the rain descended, and d

26、arkness shut us in. (复合句) 刮风了,也下雨了,而且我们被笼罩在一片黑暗之中。 (4) a. Being idle sometimes is agreeable. (简单句) b. Being idle all the time might become monotonous. (简单句) c. Being idle sometimes is agreeable, but being idle all the time might become monotonous. (复合句) 闲来无事有时候很惬意,但总是无所事事可能会变得单调乏味。 (5) a. Did they t

27、ell you this story? (简单句) b. Did you merely surmise it? (简单句) c. Did they tell you this story, or did you merely surmise it? (复合句) 是他们告诉你这件事,还是这只是你的猜测? 注: (1)如果复合句里有三个或更多简单句 (现在应该称为独立从句),通常只在最後两者间用连词,其余的从句之间用逗点代替连词,如上述例 (3) 是。 (2)有时候几个独立从句之间完全没有连词,只用逗点。这种情形通常都是在文学作品中。一般写作不可仿效。 (3)在非正式的写作中,常从连词起视为一句之

28、开始。 1并列句 英语的并列句一般情况下引不起巨大的阅读障碍,因为在分句之间往往有固定的连接词说明前后分句的关系。这样的连接词有以and为代表的表示意义延伸的并列连词、以or为代表的表示选择概念的并列连词、以but为代表的表示转折的并列连词和表示原因的for四个类型。第一种包括and, not only ?but (also )? neither ( nor) 。第二种包括or , either ?or 6;第三种包括but , while , whereas等。第四种只有一个for。对此我们分别举一个例句说明问题: As is reported, a trade agreement was

29、signed and a cultural exchange was arranged. Not only is he himself interested in the subject but all his students are 6 beginning to show an interest in it. Dr. Fisher neither loves the environment, nor is he accustomed to the weather. The children can go with us , or they can stay at home. You can

30、 either go it by yourself, or you can ask someone else to do it. The young man has often been praised , but he is never conceited. While our country has plenty of oil , theirs has none. They want to live in town , whereas we would rather live in the country. They apparently have a good drainage syst

31、em , for the streets never seem to flood after a downpour. 有必要说明的是以上的关联词并非只能有一个含义,比如and就可以表示意义增补、动作先后、转折或让步、条件和结果等等一些用法,这方面的语言知识请参考相关的语法书。 另外我们还应该把并列分句和并列结构(coordinate construction)区分开来。并列结构是由并列连词或者其他并列手段例如标点符号连接起来的语法结构序列,它包括并列分句,也包括并列的词或者词组。 2从属句 构成从属关系的复杂句包括名词性分句(Nominal Clauses)(可以作主语、宾语、同位语、主语补语

32、)、关系分句(Relative Clauses)、状语分句(Adverbial Clauses)。对于它们的连接词,在相应的语法书上都不难找到,这里就不再多讲了。需要提醒读者的是,在判定句子的类型之后,最主要的工作就是分析简单句的成分,找到主句的谓语,真正抓住句子的纲领。下面请作练习二,首先辨认多重分句的类型,然后找出主句和从属分句的谓语。 Laboratory scientists accustomed to noticing subtle changes in the properties of substances they are investigating are doubtless

33、 better than you or I at certain sorts of observations. 这里的主语是Laboratory scientists,但是后面跟了一个过去分词定语,其中分词中的介词又跟了一个-ing形式,-ing形式后又接了一个宾语和一个带有定语的状语。本句的谓语是are doubtless better than。 下面请做练习,辨认主句的基本类型。 They would find relevant the antislavery attitudes of Northerners during the colonial period, the conflic

34、t over slavery in the Constitutional Convention, the Missouri Compromise, the militant abolitionist movement of the 1830s, and the Compromise of 1850. The study made clear that the working class that is so over-represented in crime statistics consists of lower-class people living in the lower-class areas of large cities. 7


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