法律英语常见句型Provided That.docx

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1、法律英语常见句型Provided That法律英语常用句型的翻译-“PROVIDED THAT”的翻译 Provided that是一个普通英文中很少使用的古旧词,但该句型在法律文书,尤其是在合同条款中广泛使用。其用法与if或but非常类似,汉语中的意思相当于“倘若/如果”或“但”。该短语放在句首,引导出的是法律英语中的一个条件分句,与if,when或where引导的条件句没有本质上的差异;但如果该短语之前存在一个主句,则它表示的是一个与之前的陈述相反的“例外”。相当于with the exception of,但英译汉时不能译成“除外”,而是译成“但”或“但是”,所以法律界通常称这类句子为“

2、但书”(proviso)。 Ex 1: Provided that the acceptance of rent or mesne profitsby the Landlord after the expiration of the term of the tenancy hereby created shall not be deemed to operate as a waiver or breach of any of the terms hereof nor as a new periodic tenancy by way of holding over or otherwise. A

3、 new tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the Landlord and the Tenancy. 任何条款和违反了任何条款,也不应该看作以延期或其他方式重新租赁。新租期只能通过业主和租户签订新的书面租赁合同产生。 倘若在本合同约定的租期届满后,业主接受租金或中间收益,不应看作业主放弃了合同的 Ex 2: Any 2 justices of the peace to whom this subsection applies when sitting together

4、 have all the powers and jurisdiction conferred upon a special magistrate by this Ordinance: Provided that such justices shall exercise their powers and discharge their duties in conformity with any direction given by the Chief Justice and under his general control and supervision. (Laws of Hong Kon

5、g, Cap. 227, Magistrates Ordinance, Art. 72) 适用本款的任何两名治安法官,在合议审理时,拥有本法令赋予特别治安法官的所有权力和司法管辖权: 但这些治安法官应按照审判长的指示,并在审判长的总体控制和督导下行使权力履行职责。 被许可方无权就上述任何行为起诉,但许可方可自行决定并自付费用,以许可方和被许可方双方名义或任何一方名义,对实际发生的或威胁发生的侵权行为提起诉讼,或以其他方式阻止或防止该等侵权行为。无论许可方采取上述任何行为,被许可方均应向许可方提供一切合理协助。 Ex 3: The Licensee shall not be entitled t

6、o take any proceedings in any of the aforesaid matters: provided, however, that the Licensor may, at its own discretion and cost, prosecute or otherwise stop or prevent such actual or threatened infringement in the name of both the Licensor and the Licensee or either of them, and in each case the Li

7、censee shall render all reasonable assistance required by the Licensor. 值得注意的是:当provided that作“但书”使用时,之前的主句如果是单独成为一段的,该段通常以冒号(:)结尾;但如果provided引导的“但书”与主句同属一段,则它与主句往往用分号分隔开。此外,不少从事法律文书写作的人士喜欢玩弄文字,喜欢在“但是”后面大做文章:写完一个条件后,往往觉得意犹未尽或者需要再补充一点什么,同时又不想回过头来修改前文,所以最佳的做法是来一段“但书”。有时,他们会花样翻新,在“但书”内再加上一些花色,如将该词大写,或再

8、增添一个always之类的强调词。例如: Ex 4: The Covenantor hereby undertakes to procure that the Customer will comply with all the Customers obligations to you, the beneficiaries of this deed, (jointly and severally) but should the Customer default in the paying when due of any payment or default in complying with a

9、ny other obligation, the Covenantor will, without the need for any demand, make immediate payment or performance thereof as the case may be, at the place, in the funds and currency and/or in the manner required of the Customer and without any withholding or deduction whatsoever PROVIDED ALWAYS HOWEV

10、ER that no time for limitation of liability in respect of this Deed shall begin to run in favor of the Covenantor unless and until one or both of you shall have made demand on the Covenantor, and if more than one demand is made, then only from the date and to the extent of each demand respectively.

11、订约人兹承诺:保证客户将履行其对贵方,即本合同之连带受益人,应尽之所有义务,但是如果客户未支付任何到期的款项或未能履行任何其他义务,订约人将在无需要求的情况下,在客户指定的地点、以所要求款额及货币形式及/或付款方式,立即做出支付或履行本契约的义务,所付款额不得有任何扣留和减少。不过,除非组成贵方之一公司或两公司对订约人已经提出要求,否则有关本契约之债务时效任何时候都不得按有利于订约人一方的方式开始计算;如果贵方对订约人提出一项以上的要求,则按每项要求中提出的日期及具体状况分别计算债务时效。 能相当于if的译成“倘若/如果”,相当于but的,译成“但是”。 总之,本节讨论的短语在普通英文里应避免使用,在法律文书英译汉里遵从惯例:原文功


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