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1、小学英语形容词总复习,用以修饰名词,表示事物的特征的词。e.g.long,empty,cheap,hungry,etc.,形容词是用来修饰和描述名词,通常放在名词之前 a blue cap a big orange,形容词既可修饰单数也可修饰复数 a red strawberry three red strawberries,一.形容词的概念,2.形容词可以放在 be 动词之后,用来 叙述和说明主语 This suit is blue.These suits are blue.The apple is red.The apples are red.,3.形容词的类别:,形容词,简单形容词:由单

2、个词构成,复合形容词:由两个或两个 以上词构成,darkblue(深蓝的)lightgreen(浅绿的)goodlooking(好看的)newborn(新生的)evergreen(常青的)snowwhite(雪白的),big small,open closed,tall short,short long,4.形容词中的反义词:,Beautiful ugly,happy sad,ill well,Youngold,fast slow,tallshort fatthin strongweak happysad 高的-矮的 胖的-瘦的 结实的-虚弱的 快乐的-悲伤的youngold newold l

3、ongshort bigsmall 年轻的-年老的 新的 旧的 长的 短的 大的 小的biglittle goodbad hotcold warmcool大的 小的 好的 坏的 热的 冷的 温暖的 凉爽的drywet fullempty cleandirty fastslow 干的 湿的 满的 空的 干净的 脏的 快的 慢的 thickthin lightheavy ill well sweet bitter 厚的 薄的 轻的 重的 生病的 好的 甜的 苦的 noise quiet beautiful ugly clever stupid 吵闹的 安静的 漂亮的 丑陋的 聪明的 愚笨的,一只美

4、丽的中国白孔雀 peacock:一座漂亮的旧石桥:他的那辆新的黑色的外国小汽车:,a beautiful white Chinese peacock,a beautiful old stone bridge,his small new black foreign car,形容词顺序口诀:县(限)官(冠)叔(数)叔(数)美小圆旧黄法国木书房点拨:县官叔叔有一个美的小的圆的旧的黄的法国的木质的书房。(a beautiful small round old yellow French wood study)县 代表限定词,包括冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词,所有格等。官 代表冠词a an等。叔 代

5、表序数词 first second third叔 代表基数词 one two three美 代表表示观点的描绘性的形容词:fine,beautiful,good,bad,easy,difficult,clean,dirty,kind,nice,.等(注意:如果这类形容词同时出现两个,就按短前长后的原则,如:a clean beautiful school)小 代表表示大小的形容词 圆 代表描绘形状的形容词旧 代表描绘新旧的形容词 黄 代表描绘颜色的形容词法国 代表国籍、地区、出处的形容词:English;mountain等木 代表形成中心名词的材料的形容词:wooden,silk,plasti

6、c等书房 代表被修饰的中心名词如:他买了三件昂贵的俄国产的棕色皮大衣:He bought three expensive brown Russian fur coats.,县官行令宴国才指的是多个形容词修饰名词时,形容词的顺序,县指限定词this,that,both,官指外观nice,beautiful,行指形状long,short,round,令指年龄old,new,宴指颜色red,blue,国指国家Chinese,才指材料wood,big,bigger,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,Look at the pictures and un

7、derstand 看图并理解,big,bigger,biggest,fast,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,fast,faster,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,fast,faster,fastest,Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解,1.规则变化,二.形容词比较等级的构成,2.不规则变化,【巧记】:特殊形式比较级,共有三对二合一,坏病两多和两好 little意思不是小,一分为二有两个,一是老来二是远,1“A+be+形容词比较级+than

8、+B”意思为“A比B更”。,如:This tree is taller than that one.这棵树比那棵树高。,在含有连词than的比较级中,前后的比较对象必须是同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。,在比较级前面使用much,表示程度“强得多”。,如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple.,very,quite一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。,注意:,2“比较级+and+比较级”或“more and more+原级”表示“越来越”,如:It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes.,春天来了,天

9、气变得越来越暖和了。,It is getting cooler and cooler.,天气越来越凉爽。,The wind became more and more heavily.,风变得越来越大。,Our school is becoming more and more beautiful.,我们的学校变得越来越美丽,3在含有or的选择疑问句中,如果有两者供选择,前面的形容词要用比较级形式。,如:Who is taller,Tim or Tom?谁更高,Tim还是Tom?,4.“the+比较级,the+比较级”,表示“越越”。,The more money you make,the mor

10、e you spend.,钱你赚得越多,花得越多。,The sooner,the better.,越快越好。,5.表示倍数的比较级用法:,.A+be+倍数+times+the+形容词对应名词形式+of+B.,如:The new building is three times the height of the old one.,这座新楼比那座旧楼高三倍。(新楼是旧楼的四倍高),.A+be+倍数+times+as+原级+as+B.,如:Asia is four times as large as Europe.,亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大三倍),6.形容词、副词的最高级形式主要用来表示三

11、者或三者以上人或事物的比较,表示“最”的意思。,句子中有表示范围的词或短语。如:of the three,in our class等等。,如:He is the tallest in our class.,他在我们班里是最高的。,7.“否定词语+比较级”,否定词语+so as结构表示最高级含义。,Nothing is so easy as this.,=Nothing is easier than this.,=This is the easiest thing.,比较级的用法:than1.汤姆比杰克高.2.这只箱子要比那只箱子大.3.那些苹果比这些大.4.第一个问题很容易,但第二个更容易.,

12、Tom is taller than Jack.,This box is bigger than that one.,Those apples are bigger than these ones.,The first question is very easy,but the second one is easier.,(2)数量的比较1.我的笔比你的多.2.我喝的茶比他多.3.他吃的饭比我少.4.一班的学生比二班多.,I have more pens than you(do).,I drink more tea than he(does).,He has less rice than I(

13、do).,There are more students in Class 1 than in Class 2.,the+最高级+(名词)+in/of/among 在(范围内)最,形容词最高级的常用句型,1)Tom is the tallest in his class.,2)This apple is the biggest of the five.,one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词表示“是中最之一”。,Beijing is one of the largest cities in China.,Which is+the+最高级+?在(范围内)哪一个最?,Which is the

14、 biggest of the five balls,形容词最高级的用法(in;of)那个短发的女孩是我们班最高的.今天是一年中最热的一天.他的房间是三个中最干净的一个.上海是中国最大的城市.,The girl with red hair is the tallest in our class.,Today is the hottest day of the year.,His room is the cleanest of the three.,Shanghai is the largest in China.,Jim is tall.,Liu Xiang is taller than Ji

15、m.,Yao Ming is the tallest of them.,Zhou Xun has long hair.,Liu Yifeis hair is longer than Zhou Xus.,Isabel s hair is the longest of all.,Zen Zhiwei is short.,Tom is shorter than Zen Zhiwei.,Xiao xin is the shortest of them.,Liu Yifei is thin.,Peter is thinner than Liu Yifei.,Mike is the thinnest,Th

16、e green oranges are big.,The orange ones are bigger.,The red ones are the biggest of all.,Li Yong is funny.,Pan Changjiang is funnier than Li Yong.,Ted is the funniest.,Vince is heavy.,David is heavier than Vince.,Mr Lin is the heaviest of them.,250,000 RMB.,50,000 RMB.,The green car is the most exp

17、ensive.,The red cat is more expensive than the bike.,The bike is expensive.,500 RMB,注意,1.The new building is higher than the old one.,Those apples are bigger than these ones.,2.His shirt is more expensive than mine.,如果主语是物主代词+名词,那么后面要用名词性物主代词。,比较级必须在同类中进行,即人与人比,物与物比,而且比较结构前后的词语要对称,特别注意在than或 as 之后不要

18、漏掉可能出现的替代词 that,those,one,ones.,注意,3.Kate is more beautiful than Lily is.She is five years older than I am.,I drink more tea than he(does).,than前后句子的时态相同。通常用be动词和助动词do,does 等来简答。,4.I have more pens than you(do).,many,much,little,few等词必须带名词。,注意,5.The city is one of the most beautiful cities in the wo

19、rld.,one of+the+最高级+复数名词,Which/Who+比较级,A or B?Which/Who+最高级,A,B or C?,6.Who is older,Jim or Tom?Who is the tallest,Jim,Mike or Tom,Which language is _,English,French or Chinese?A.difficult B.more difficult C.the most difficult,C,注意,7.Mary is the tallest of all the sisters in the family.,在使用形容词最高级时,一

20、定要把自己包括 在比较的范围内。,8.This is the third largest city in China.,当表示“第二,第三”等意思时,经常在最高级的前面加second,third,等词。,9.Its our largest machine in our factory.,当最高级前有物主代词修饰时,其前不加定冠词the.,做题了,看看谁最棒?,1.写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级,nice.2)hot,slow.4)late,happy.6)fat,heavy.8)thin,9)good/well.10)wide,11)far.12)bad/ill.13)beautiful,14

21、)much/many,15)clever.16)important.,nicer,nicest,hotter,hottest,slower,slowest,happier,happiest,heavier,heaviest,later,latest,fatter,fattest,thinner,thinnest,wider,widest,farther/furthere,farthest/furthest,better,best,better,best,more beautiful,most beautiful,more,most,cleverer,cleverest,more importa

22、nt,most important,2.将下列各组单词重新排序,是它们构成有意义的词组,fat,the,cat,white.Olympics,green,a,great.expensive,that,jacket,brown.an,book,interesting,thick,round,three,plates,yellow.,3.根据括号中的形容词,用asas或than写出表示比较的句子。,I weigh 48 kilograms(公斤)and my brother weigh 48 kilograms(heavy).2)My ring costs 100 yuan and your ri

23、ng costs 2000 yuan(expensive).3)This pool is 20 meters long and that pool is 30 meters long.(long).,My brother is heavier than me,Your ring is more expensive than mine.,that pool is longer than this,the fat white cat,a great green Olympics,that expensive brown jacket,an thick interesting book,three

24、round yellow plates,4)There are twenty-one boys and sixteen girIs in our class.(large).5)Andys mother and father are both 36 years old.(old).,4.选择填空,My sister is getting.A.fater and fater B.fatter and fatter C.more fatter and fatter D.more and more fater 2)They are to us than before.A.friend B.frien

25、dly C.more friendly D.friendier3)Jack is the boy our class.A.tallest,in B.taller,in C.most tall,of D.more tall,of,B,C,A,The number of the boys is larger than that of the girIs in our class.,Andys mother is as old as his father.,4)I t is not warm yesterday.Put on more clothes.A.so,on B.so,in C.as,at

26、D.as,as5)Hangzhou is one of cities I have visied.A.beautiful B.beautifulier C.more beautiful D.the most beautiful,4.找错并订正,Tim is as taller as his brother.()Marys hair is longer as Susans.()Look!Kate is the faster runner of the three.()My handwriting is so good as his.()Pengpengs box is heaviest of the three,Lets help him.(),tall,the heaviest,than,fastest,as,D,D,Thank you!Goodbye!,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢,


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