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1、扬州职业大学毕业作业(论文)作业题目: On the Differences and Influences of Chinese and Western Business Table Manners 系 别:外国语学院 专 业:商务英语 班 级:09商英(3)班学 号:0911010304 指导教师: 完成时间:2012-05-14 提纲(目录)一 前言 - 1二 学习中西方餐桌礼仪差异的重要性 - 2 三 典型的中西方餐桌礼仪 - 31 典型中国餐桌礼仪2 典型西方餐桌礼仪 四 中西方餐桌礼仪的典型差异及主要原因分析 - 3 1 待客方式 2 座次安排 3餐具五 商务餐桌礼仪在商务活动中的影

2、响 - 61 谈判氛围轻松2 提高谈判成功率同时加深友谊3有利于将来的发展六 结语 - 7七 致谢 - 8Contents Introduction - 1. The importance of learning about the differences of Chinese and Western table manners - 2 . Typical table manners of China and western countries - 31. Chinese Table Manners 2. Western table manners . The reasons for majo

3、r differences of table manners in China and Western countries - 31. The ways of hospitality2. Seating arrangements3. The tableware . The influences on business activities - 61. Helpful to create relaxed atmosphere 2. Helpful to guarantee the success of business activities and deepen the friendship 3

4、. Beneficial for the future development. The end - 7. Thanks - 8On the Differences and Influences of Chinese and Western Business Table Manners 浅谈中西商务餐桌礼仪文化差异及影响摘要:随着中西交往不断深入与发展,餐桌礼仪逐渐成为交往的重要影响因素。商务餐桌礼仪能够反映一个人的行为素养,尤其对于国际间的商务餐会,保持良好的商务餐桌礼仪能够给对方留下更好的印象,从而提升协议达成的可能性。本文通过列举中国餐桌礼仪与西方餐桌礼仪一些典型案例,分析中西餐桌礼仪主

5、要差异,进一步探讨了差异所产生的原因,指出商务餐桌礼仪在商务活动中的重要影响。关键词:商务餐桌礼仪 差异 商务活动 影响Abstract: With the development of international trade, the different table manners in different countries play a very important role on communications. Business table manners can reflect a persons behavior literacy. Its very important to ma

6、intain good business etiquette to leave a better impression, so as to enhance the possibility of signing an agreement, especially for the international business dinner. This article discusses about the relationship between table manners and business activities expose the major differences and reason

7、s for these differences. And it analyses the influences of the table manners on the business activities.Key words: Business table manners differences commercial activity influences1. Introduction Along with the increase of the exchanges between China and foreign countries, to learn about the differe

8、nces and reasons of table manners is very important for the businessmen. Because table manners can reflect your personal quality to a large degree. The ancient word says that bread is the staff of life. But today, eating is no longer serves to solve the problems of hunger. In the face of a wide vari

9、ety of dishes and national flavor, diet has become a kind of fashion and the pursuit of the high quality life. More and more people gather in the table talking and laughing. Therefore, graceful table behaviors bring not only others praise, but also a key to the door of success.China is a country of

10、manners with a long history; western countries have also formed unique table manners. Because table manners reflect the national culture, to understand these table manners and be able to behave decently and naturally are helpful to communications, which at the same time also improve the possibility

11、of being successful in business activities. Therefore, in the process of globalization, it is very important to study the differences of table manners between China and western countries.2. The importance of learning about the differences of Chinese and Western table mannersSince the reform and open

12、ing up in China, it has promoted the growth of the national economy. And with the development of the Chinese economy, Chinese and Western economic exchanges also contribute to the cultural communication. Business table manners occupies a very important position and is also become indispensable for t

13、he business activities. To learn about these differences has been decisive to promote the communications and businesses.Dinning is not only physical needs nowadays, but also one of the most important social experiences. Therefore, to master some necessary knowledge and skills of business table manne

14、rs has been a particularly important thing. So businessmen are supposed to master some basic etiquette knowledge no matter they are the hosts or guests, in order to avoid some unpleasant things and promote business cooperation and future development. 3. Typical table manners of China and Western cou

15、ntriesThis part main discuss the major table manners in China and western countries. With the Chinese table manners including entertaining guests, seat arranging, and the using of the main tableware; with the western table manners including entertaining guests, seat arranging, and the using of the m

16、ain tableware.3.1 Chinese table manners Chinese have always shown a big enthusiasm for entertaining guests, they usually prepared rich food before the guests arrive, and prepare other dishes during the dining. If they dine out, the host will arrive there earlier to welcome the guests.Chinese arrange

17、 seat according to the custom that elders first, and the most important guest is arranged left to the host, and the second is to the right. When serving dishes, the guests first and the host after, the female guests first and the male guests after.Cups, plates, bowl, chopsticks, spoon dishes etc. ar

18、e the main tableware. During the dinner, everyone take the food with his own tableware. In many cases, the host will take food for the guests with his own tableware and its regarded to show his hospitality.3.2 Western table mannersCompared with the Chinese table manners, the western table manners fo

19、llow the wishes of the guests and the dishes are much simple and nutritious. In addition, the westerners never fete guests at home commonly, which is one of the differences between the two. Besides, the hostess sits farthest to the door, and the most important guest is arranged right.Knives, forks,

20、spoon, plates, cups, etc. are the main tableware. Everyone has his own tableware but with public chopsticks and spoon to take the food. Furthermore, compared with Chinese, the westerners maybe choose to accept or reject the hosts hospitality according to his own will, they know how to refuse the thi

21、ngs they dont want.4. The reasons for major differences of table manners in China and Western countries4.1 The ways of hospitalityIn China, people always try to show tremendous enthusiasm for entertaining guests. If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, there is likely to be a huge amou

22、nt of food. The another thing that makes the foreign guests amazed is that when eating with a Chinese host, they may find that the host is using public chopsticks or even his own chopsticks to put food in their bowl or plate, and the Chinese guests will never refuse doing so. This is a sign of warmt

23、h, friendship and politeness. But for foreign guests, it cannot be unacceptable. The westerners will choose to accept or reject the hosts hospitality according to his own will, they know how to refuse the things they dont want, and the food accepted should be eaten up through which shows their polit

24、eness.As for the difference of it, Yi Zhongtian once expressed precisely in the book cultures on the table that the core concept of Chinese cultures is the group consciousness, while western cultures focus on the individual consciousness. Because of the group consciousness, Chinese will consider fro

25、m others point of view at anytime, so Chinese always show a big enthusiasm for entertaining guests and make the atmosphere very lively. Instead, Westerners believe in individualism and pursue personal freedom, which is also appeared on the table. Therefore, the atmosphere is quiet when having meals,

26、 and talking is considered impolite behavior and is avoided.4.2 Seating arrangementsThe difference of the seat arrangements embodies completely different ideas. As mentioned above, it is found that left first in China while right in America; its a very important distinction which we should pay more

27、attention to, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Besides, lady first in America, but follow the tradition that elders first in China.The differences between Chinese and western cultures are the fundamental reasons for this difference. In China, the Confucianism have influenced Chinese for

28、 a long time, and formed the moral standard. Therefore, the elder being served first has been our tradition during the social interaction and the left is regarded as the most honorable seat.Instead, Christian influence is the largest and most influential in the West. In the Christian view, Christ Je

29、sus is the savior who was assigned to the world by God. And Maria as the person who gave birth to Christ Jesus has a holy image in peoples mind; she receives great respect and is called Virgin Mary. People extend the piety and respect and form a tradition of respecting women. Therefore the most hono

30、rable seat is given to women right to the host.4.3 The tablewareAmong all the differences, the most obvious one is the tableware people use in China and Western countries. Different cultures cause different serving orders. The Oriental often choose cereal to be the staple food, and the Westerners ch

31、oose meat instead. For this reason, Chinese have meal with chopsticks and Westerners use knife and fork. This is the difference of serving order and using different tableware.The environmental factors lead to the differences of the Chinese and western tableware. And chopsticks, knife and fork can ba

32、sically show the differences between Chinese and western table manners. YouXiuling, one professor of Zhejiang University, believes that the tableware that Chinese and western peoples use, such as chopsticks, knife and fork are related to the environment. Chopsticks are originated from the place wher

33、e there are bamboos. There are lots of wood in north China, while bamboos grow in southern China. So Chinese ancestors take advantage of the local materials. And the wood and bamboo become the most original raw material to produce chopsticks. According to Professor Yous research, the origin of the k

34、nife and fork is related to the life habits of the ancient European nomadic people. Ancient people often took the knife and fork with them when they were out. They often roasted the animal and cut the meat to eat. Around the fifteen century, Europeans began to use the double pointed fork in order to

35、 improve their dinner posture. The four pointed fork appeared in eighteen century. Knife, fork and chopsticks not only led to the divergences of eating habits, but also influenced life concepts between Chinese and western people. Professor You thinks knives and forks lead to the food-sharing concept

36、, and chopsticks match the situation that family members sit at the table together. At the beginning, western people ate food solely. And in further, western people pay attention to independence and individualism and formed the idea to struggle alone. Eating together with family highlights the stron

37、g family values.5. The influences on business activitiesWith the development of business activities, the communication between China and Western countries has been wider. As businessmen, its very important for them to know more about the differences of business table manners, so that they can apply

38、with these knowledge and skills to business activities. 5.1 Helpful to create relaxed atmosphereIn the process of business activities, table has been a more important negotiations place because of the particular atmosphere when they have their meals. By comparison, business negotiation always seems

39、more serious in the conference room or public office, during which two parties will just speak to their own interests and their words can be harsh and make the negotiation in a dilemma. While it appears much easier and more relax when they are eating, which is helpful to strike a deal. The psycholog

40、ical barriers drop a lot and the process will not seem so serious. For example, when the negotiation over price disputes, both sides want to gain the largest profit for themselves and wont easily compromise in the conference room. While on the table, both sides are in a relaxed atmosphere to adjust

41、their interests in a friendly attitude, and both can stand in the angle from the other side, so both sides could reach an agreement in the end. 5.2 Helpful to guarantee the success of business activities and deepen the friendshipAs the famous saying goes, “when drinking with a bosom friend, a thousa

42、nd cups will still be too little”. After a few drinks, they may found same interests in each other which will keep the negotiations more smooth. In short, the negotiations can be successful with daily language instead of jargons. And it deepens the friendship between both sides at the same time.5.3

43、Beneficial for the future developmentBusiness table manners can reflect a persons behavior. To maintain good business etiquette can leave a better impression on others. While there is business cooperation they will first consider your company, it is beneficial for the business future development.Ove

44、rall, as it is seen personal table manners are very important in guaranteeing the success of business activities. Otherwise, it may ruin the business.6. The endAlong with the globalization, intercultural communications are compulsory for businessmen, in which table manners is one of the most importa

45、nt aspects; for harmonious atmosphere is beneficial for business communications. And table manners are paramount and good table manners always impress others deeply, which lay a solid foundation for future communications.To sum up, this passage mainly discuses three aspects of differences and reason

46、s of table manners in China and foreign countries. With a detail analysis of this aspect foreign business activities can profit it a lot from them.References:1 易中天.餐桌上的文化.J文汇报.笔会.2006年(29).2 林大津.跨文化交际研究.M福建人民出版社.1996.3 李天民.现在国际礼仪知识.M世界知识出版社.1999.4 5 Http:/致谢:从论文选题到搜集资料,从写稿到反复修改,期间经历了喜悦、聒噪、痛苦和彷徨,在写作论文的过程中心情是如此复杂。如今,伴随着这篇毕业论文的最终成稿,复杂的心情烟消云散,自己甚至还有一点成就感。而这一切,都要归功于在我身边帮助我的人。非常感谢我的导师吴老师。他为人随和热情,治学严谨细心。在论文的写作和措辞等方


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