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1、Construction quality management processQuality of construction is the construction of life is the focus of attention. To ensure the quality of the project, in the course of construction works must be strict quality management, which is co-ordination the whole process of construction, and promote tec

2、hnological advancement and optimization of enterprise construction management will play an important role. First, the impact of factors Construction Quality 1, the human element of project management training The human factor mainly refers to the quality of leadership, the operator skill level and q

3、uality of service concept. High quality leadership, decision-making ability is strong, there is a strong quality planning, management by objectives, construction and technical guidance, quality inspection capabilities, perfect management system, technical measures are effective, the project quality

4、is high. Operators have a strong technical level and meticulous work style, it will strictly enforce such quality standards and operating procedures. 2, material factors Construction materials are the material conditions, material quality is the foundation of quality engineering, material quality do

5、es not meet the requirements of the project will be impossible to meet quality standards. Some contractors to undertake a project, to seek more benefits, not by engineering and technical specifications of the varieties, specifications, technical data and other procurement-related products or semi-fi

6、nished products, or for purchasing low quality of personnel, the quality of its raw materials for effective control pursuits, the payment of kickbacks and commissions. Some enterprises do not have sound management and restraint mechanisms; can not eliminate fake and shoddy products into the construc

7、tion, the quality of risks to the project left. 3, the method factors Construction process of the method refers to the project throughout the construction period adopted by the technical program, process, organizational measures, detection methods and construction organization design. This problem m

8、ore often, such as the development of construction design, can not be strictly enforced, do not follow the standards and norms in construction, do not pay attention to the management of the construction process, not the development of practical preventive measures, and we have to deal with the probl

9、em. Especially the construction program is correct or not, directly affects the quality of the project. 4, environmental factors Affect the quality of the project more environmental factors. Engineering environment, such as engineering geology, hydrology, meteorology, etc.; project management enviro

10、nment, such as quality assurance system, quality management system; working environment, such as labor union, labor tools, face, etc.; human environment, such as local customs, social security, and wealth and so on. Environmental factors affect the quality of the project, with complex features, such

11、 as changing weather conditions, temperature, humidity, wind, rain, heat; cold have a direct impact on project quality. Second, building construction quality management measures 1, to improve management, construction and operation of their own quality First, all participants should improve the quali

12、ty of the construction workers sense. Allow them to establish five major concepts, namely the concept of quality, pre-control-based concept of customer service concepts, ideas and data to speak with social and business benefits of combining the concept of comprehensive benefits. Secondly, to improve

13、 personnel training, improve staff quality. To the quality of personnel on-site knowledge of construction, construction technology, safety knowledge, knowledge of education and training to improve the overall quality of the construction workers. Special instructions in strict accordance with the gui

14、dance of construction jobs, construction workers to be trained and qualified. 2, to strengthen quality control of raw materials First of all, to improve the political quality and procurement personnel qualification standards, choose a certain sense of responsibility who have professional knowledge a

15、s the work. Secondly, the procurement of materials to facilities to let the master material information, a comprehensive comparison, preferred stock. Admission materials, supplies must be qualified for the party manufacturers or reputable store purchases, procurement of materials or equipment must h

16、ave factory certification, material certification and manual. Charge of procurement of materials suppliers to be assessed on a regular basis, assessment. Third, the construction site materials in conjunction with site personnel to be responsible people, Party and other relevant staff on-site equipme

17、nt and materials entering the inspection and acceptance. Special instructions and test materials must be reported to the steel, cement, waterproofing materials, concrete admixtures, etc. must be re-examination and witness the sampling test. When there is doubt on the quality, in full or on the doubl

18、e sampling test. 3, to improve the level of construction quality management Each project has the overall construction plan, each sub-project construction must be done before the program first, and construction plan must be different levels of examination and approval system, but also to make a model

19、 program after the trial, repeated problems on the model for changes until the design requirements before implementation. In the project implementation process, according to new problems and new situations, changes in time of the construction program, the program seeks to technical feasibility, econ

20、omic rationality, advanced technology, and effective measures, easy to operate, will help improve the quality, speed up the progress and reduce costs. 4, establish a sound quality management system First, the construction unit in the quality of the project started before the formation of the whole p

21、rocess of system analysis, system design and the formation of quality manual, operating instructions, reports, forms, etc., a clear system of quality management staff, all work must be someone responsible, clear checks at each level. The whole project should be responsible for system implementation

22、project manager, project responsibility to the people at every level.1. Quality management process into the construction phase (1) The entity formed by the construction phase is the process of transformation into material form. Divided into the material of inputs, resources, quality of management; c

23、onstruction and installation of production process quality management, that is to put the material resources into engineering products process, the factors affecting the quality of products, and intermediate products of various aspects of quality control; output of goods for the completion of the pr

24、oject quality control and acceptance. The first two works for the formation of the final product quality has a decisive role: the need for the project impact the quality of the overall management of the five factors. These include: construction-related human factors; materials (including semi-finish

25、ed products) of factors, machinery and equipment (permanent equipment and construction equipment) factors, construction method (construction program; methods and processes) and environmental factors.(2) Hierarchy by project construction division Project construction quality management processes are:

26、 process quality management sub-project quality management division of engineering quality management unit project quality management quality management of individual projects. One unit of project quality management and quality management of individual projects, including construction quality manage

27、ment, quality management and installation of construction materials and equipment and quality management. (3) Entity by the quality of construction time for the formation of Stages The project construction quality control process is divided into pre-control of things in control and after control. Wh

28、ich pre-control for the pre-construction preparation stage of quality control, including the preparatory work and the factors affecting the quality of quality control. Something to control the construction process for all parties concerned with the construction process, quality control, including th

29、e intermediate products (product or process division, sub-project product) quality control. Control refers to the construction after the completion of the final product (in engineering or the entire project) and stakeholders (such as quality documentation) of quality control. Therefore, the construc

30、tion phase of quality management can understand the resources invested in pairs and conditions of the various aspects of the production process, the product of the completed works, the whole process of quality inspection and control of a system process. 2. Pre-construction preparation phase of quali

31、ty management Preparation phase before construction contractor must do the preparatory work, including technical preparation, physical preparation, organizational preparation and construction site preparation. Supervision engineers commissioned by the owners at this stage of the quality management i

32、nclude the following two aspects: (1) The contractor to do construction work to prepare a comprehensive inspection and quality control. This includes review of qualifications, the construction team and quality control personnel; from procurement, manufacturing, transportation, handling, approach, st

33、orage and use of other aspects of the project will require raw materials, semi-finished products and permanent facilities, equipment so the whole process, comprehensive management; methods of construction, program and process management, including construction design (or construction plans), constru

34、ction quality assurance measures to review and construction programs; under construction organization design (or construction plan) for construction machinery, equipment reviews; review and control of the contractor of the construction environment and the quality of the preparation conditions; refer

35、ence point and reference for measuring the elevation of the recognition and Engineering Surveying quality control. (2) Good monitoring of preparatory work, design tests, and Mixed drawings, design drawings of the change and control; to do the construction site to ensure site and channel conditions;

36、strict quality assurance prior to start off and other work. 3. Quality management during construction Supervision engineers commissioned by the owners at this stage perform the following quality management: (1) Self-checking system and process quality control, the construction contractors quality co

37、ntrol monitoring. (2) Of the contractor in the construction process of tracking and monitoring of quality engineering activities, the transition between the strict inspection process to establish the quality of construction and other trace files. (3) Review and organize all of the engineering change

38、 or modify the drawings to study. (4) of the process of inspection and acceptance of products, as well as parts of major projects and process engineering professionals to test, technical review and so on. (5) Deal with quality problems have occurred, or the quality of the accident. (6) Issued a shut

39、down command and control of construction quality. 4. Construction process of the formation of product quality management: Commissioned by the owners supervising engineer for the division, sub-project acceptance; organization linkage test or equipment commissioning; organizational unit or the entire

40、project completion and acceptance of project work. One of the divisions, the quality of sub-project has three main functions of acceptance, can not be ignored. (1) to ensure that role, through the division of sub-project inspection can determine whether a failure of the branch, sub-project and prote

41、ct the quality, so that does not meet the standard divisions and sub-projects after repair transferred to meet quality standards before the next process. (2) prevention, through the division, sub-projects to prevent the acceptance of substandard quality of construction occurred during the segment, s

42、ub-project, even found time to take effective measures can be corrected, so that the quality of the project in a stable state, play a preventive role. (3) Feedback effect, through the division of sub-project of acceptance from the data and information analysis and evaluation, from the quality of inf

43、ormation obtained promptly notify the contractor to improve their work. Among the division, lifting project quality acceptance has three function, should not be ignored. (1) Ensure that role, through to the division, lifting project acceptance can evaluate whether unqualified the division, component

44、 project, quality, make the nations do not conform to the standards of the division, sectional works after repair to quality standards to turn people after the next working procedure. (2) to protect, through to the division, lifting project acceptance can prevent appear in the process of constructio

45、n quality is not qualified division, component project, even if the findings also can promptly take effective measures to correct, to make the project quality in a stable state, play a preventive role. (3) information feedback effects, through to the division, lifting project acceptance of the data

46、and analysis and evaluation, the quality of information obtained from timely notify contractor, improve our work. 附录II工程施工过程的质量管理施工质量是建筑工程的生命,也是社会关注的热点。为保证工程质量,在施工过程中必须对工程进行严格的质量管理,这对统筹建筑施工全过程、推动企业的技术进步和优化建筑施工管理都将起到重要作用。 一、影响建筑工程施工质量的因素 1、人的因素项目管理培训 人的因素主要指领导者的素质、操作人员的技术水平以及服务人员的质量观念。领导者素质高,决策能力就强,就

47、有较强的质量规划、目标管理、施工组织和技术指导、质量检查的能力,管理制度完善,技术措施得力,工程质量就高。操作人员具备较强的技术水平和一丝不苟的工作作风,就会严格执行质量标准和操作规程等。 2、材料因素 材料是工程施工的物质条件,材料质量是工程质量的基础,材料质量不符合要求,工程质量也就不可能符合标准。有些承包商承接工程后,为谋取更多利益,不按工程技术规范要求的品种、规格、技术参数等采购相关的成品或半成品,或因采购人员素质低下,对其原材料的质量不进行有效控制,放任自流,从中收取回扣和好处费。还有的企业没有完善的管理机制和约束机制,无法杜绝假冒、伪劣产品进入工程施工中,给工程留下质量隐患。 3、

48、方法因素 施工过程中的方法,指在工程项目整个建设周期内所采取的技术方案、工艺流程、组织措施、检测手段和施工组织设计等。这方面的问题往往比较多,如制定了施工组织设计,不能严格执行,不按标准和规范施工,不注重施工过程的管理,不制定切实可行的预防措施,出现问题了才去处理。特别是施工方案的正确与否,直接影响工程质量。 4、环境因素 影响工程项目质量的环境因素较多。工程技术环境,如工程地质、水文、气象等;工程管理环境,如质量保证体系、质量管理制度等;劳动环境,如劳动组合、劳动工具、工作面等;人文环境,如当地的风土人情、社会治安、富裕程度等。环境因素对于工程质量的影响,具有复杂多变的特点,如气象条件变化万

49、千,温度、湿度、大风、暴雨、酷暑、严寒都直接影响工程质量。 二、建筑工程施工质量管理的措施 1、提高管理、施工及操作人员自身素质 首先,应提高所有参与工程施工人员的质量意识。让他们树立五大观念,即质量第一的观念、预控为主的观念、为用户服务的观念、用数据说话的观念以及社会效益与企业效益相结合的综合效益观念。 其次,要搞好人员培训,提高员工素质。要对现场施工人员进行质量知识、施工技术、安全知识等方面知识的教育和培训,提高施工人员的综合素质。特殊过程严格按作业指导说明书组织施工,施工人员需经培训并取得资格。 2、加强原材料质量管理 首先,提高采购人员的政治素质和质量鉴定水平,选择有一定专业知识又有责任心的人担任该项工作。其次,采购材料要广开门路,掌握材料信息,综合比较,择优进货。进场材料、物资须在合格的供方厂家或有信誉的商店采购,所采购的材料或设备必须有出厂合格证、材质证明和使用说明书。物资采购主管要定期对供货商进行评审、考核。其三


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