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1、基于嵌入式以太网的变电站自动化网络通信研究 基于嵌入式以太网的变电站自动化网络通信研究 Research of Network Communication in Substation Automation Based on Embedded Ethernet 毕业论文【中文摘要】 随着变电站自动化水平的不断提高,以及IEC61850标准(变电站通信网络和系统系列标准)的颁布实施,以太网在变电站自动化系统中的应用势在必行。嵌入式以太网技术的出现,为变电站自动化网络通信提供了新途径。本文从嵌入式以太网在变电站自动化系统中的应用出发,在分析变电站自动化网络通信特点的基础上,对网络的实时性能进行了动态


3、台的软硬件设计做了详细阐述,硬件设计基于TMS320F2812 DSP,软件设计基于嵌入式操作系统C/OS-,详细阐述了以太网接口的实现,在对操作系统移植的基础上,对嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈进行了合理的设计,并通过实验测试验证了该通信平台的可行性。【英文摘要】 With the continuous improvement of Substation Automation and the implementation of IEC61850 Standard (Communication Networks and Systems in Substations), the use of Ethe

4、rnet is imperative under the substation. And a new way is provided for Substation Automation network communication by the appearance of embedded Ethernet technologies.In this thesis we set out from the way of the application of embedded Ethernet in Substation Automation System. Under the analysis of

5、 the characteristics of Substation Automation network communication, dynamic simulation method is used to study the real-time performance of the network, and a network communication platform which be based on embedded Ethernet is designed to resolved the problems of information transmission between

6、the embedded devices and the Ethernet.Firstly, the thesis discusses the communication protocol, network-level, data interface and the scheme of Group Net. The distribution and characteristic of data flow within substation are studied systemically, and the mathematical models of different kinds of da

7、ta flow within substation are developed according to their statistical characteristics. Secondly, taking into account the demands of the real-time performance, the delay composition of the Network is studied, with the message rule, substation communication network simulation models are built, and th

8、e network delay of embedded Ethernet in station layer and process layer is studied thoroughly by simulation. In the end, a embedded Ethernet network communication platform which be based on TMS320F2812 DSP andC/OS-II is designed, the implementation of the Ethernet interface is expatiated on, and the

9、 embedded TCP/IP protocol is reasonably designed on the transplantation of embedded OS, then tests the feasibility of network communication by experiment.【中文关键词】 变电站自动化; 嵌入式以太网; 实时性; 网络通信平台 【英文关键词】 Substation Automation; Embedded Ethernet; Real-time performance; Network communication platform 摘要 7-8

10、 Abstract 8 插图索引 9-11 附表索引 11-12 第1章 绪论 12-17 1.1 课题研究背景及意义 12-13 1.2 变电站自动化系统发展概述 13-14 1.3 变电站自动化通信网络现状及发展趋势 14-16 1.4 课题主要研究内容 16-17 第2章 嵌入式以太网技术 17-25 2.1 以太网技术 17-19 2.1.1 以太网帧格式 17-18 2.1.2 以太网层次 18-19 2.1.3 以太网介质访问控制 19 2.1.4 交换式以太网 19 2.2 嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈 19-24 2.2.1 嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈的特点 20 2.2.2 TCP

11、/IP模型 20-21 2.2.3 嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈主模块分析 21-24 2.3 小结 24-25 第3章 变电站自动化网络通信研究 25-35 3.1 IEC61850标准 25 3.2 变电站自动化网络通信体系结构 25-30 3.2.1 总线组网方案 25-27 3.2.2 网络层次结构 27-28 3.2.3 数据接口 28-29 3.2.4 报文分类与传输性能要求 29-30 3.3 变电站数据流模型分析 30-34 3.3.1 周期性数据流模型 31-32 3.3.2 随机性数据流模型 32 3.3.3 突发性数据流模型 32-34 3.4 小结 34-35 第4章 变电

12、站嵌入式以太网实时性能分析 35-45 4.1 时延构成分析 35-36 4.2 OPNET Modeler的应用 36-37 4.3 过程网络时延仿真分析 37-40 4.3.1 过程网络模型 38-39 4.3.2 仿真结论 39-40 4.4 站级网络时延仿真分析 40-44 4.4.1 站级网络模型 41-42 4.4.2 仿真结论 42-44 4.5 小结 44-45 第5章 变电站嵌入式以太网通信平台设计 45-65 5.1 硬件设计 46-53 5.1.1 TMS320F2812的应用 46-47 5.1.2 硬件系统整体设计 47 5.1.3 电源设计 47-48 5.1.4 以太网接口设计 48-51 5.1.5 时钟及复位电路设计 51-52 5.1.6 存储器扩展电路设计 52-53 5.2 软件设计 53-62 5.2.1 嵌入式操作系统的应用 53-56 5.2.2 以太网驱动程序实现 56-58 5.2.3 嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈实现 58-62 5.3 实验测试 62-64 5.4 小结 64-65 结论与展望 65-67 参考文献 67-70 致谢 70-71 附录A 攻读学位期间所发表的学术论文目录 71


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