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1、 郴州市一中2018年上期高一年级期中考试英语试卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the woman doing? A. Repairing machines.B. Buying tickets.C. Changing notes.2. What does the man want to do? A. Enjoy the sunshin

2、e.B. Wash the curtain.C. Watch TV.3. How many large offices are there now? A. 2B. 4C. 64. Where are the speakers? A. At a library.B. At a lab.C. At a shop.5. What does the man think of the trip? A. Just so-so.B. Terrible.C. Great.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项

3、,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. What will the woman do around 8:30 am tomorrow? A. See the man off in the airport. B. Drive her kids to school. C. Wait for her flight.7. How will the man go to the airport tomorrow? A. By car.B. By cab.C.

4、By bus.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. Why did the man miss the weather report? A. He was preparing for a trip. B. He was watching a play. C. He was working late.9. What is the weather like today? A. Cold and rainy. B. Warm and sunny. C. Windy and rainy.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. What day is it today? A. Frid

5、ay.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.11. Which performance is suitable for the woman? A. The 4:00 one.B. The 11:30 one.C. The 7:00 one.12. Where does the woman want to sit? A. In the back rows. B. In the middle rows. C. In the front rows.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13. Why does the woman blame the man? A. He broke th

6、e alarm clock. B. He put on wrong shoes. C. He got up late.14. What color is the mans wallet? A. Black.B. Orange.C. Brown.15. Where does the man find his wallet? A. In his pocket.B. In a drawer.C. On the table.16. How will the speakers go to the airport? A. By train.B. By taxi.C. By bus.听下面一段独白,回答第1

7、7至第20四个小题。17. How long will the activity last? A. 8 hours.B. 9 hours.C. 11 hours.18. What can people do in the activity? A. Play games.B. Make some food.C. Attend a singing contest.19. Where will the tickets be sold? A. At the underground station. B. At the training center. C. At the stadium.20. Who

8、m will the money raised from tickets selling be for? A. The disabled.B. The old.C. The poor.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMini CameraInterested in photography? Fujiko has produced an amazing new mini camerathe advanced 1001ix. It is no bigge

9、r than a credit card! It is very reliable and easy to use. The Mini Camera is made from am attractive and strong material and not expensive at all. Cost: $199.99.Remote HeadphonesThese fantastic headphones from Philips have no wires. You can listen to your favourite programmes while your are walking

10、 round he house or garden! You can even go up to sixty metres away from your radio or TV. They give you freedom to move around plus top sound. Excellent value at $80.45.Feline Floor CleanersDo you find housework tiring and boring? Have you got a cat that walks around your flat all day? Here is the p

11、erfect solution. It will change your life. Put the floor cleaners on your cat, and sit back and relax. They are very practical and easy to wash. Special offera complete set for only $5.99.K9 Dogwalker Is your dog fat? Do you walk it every day? This new product will change your life and your dogs too

12、. It is practical as it can exercise your dog just in your home. It has an attractive design and a reliable electric motor plus a small computer. You can use the computer to plan your dogs exercise without doing anything. A bargain at $39.99.21. How much money do you need to buy a Mini Camera?A. $5.

13、99 B. $39.99 C. $80.45 D. $199.9922. If you dont like doing housework, what will you buy ?A. The Mini Camera B. The Remote Headphones C. The Feline Floor Cleaners D. The K9 Dogwalker23.What are the four ads mainly about?A. Good products. B. Smart phones. C. Cute animals. D. Interesting programmes.BO

14、ne day, Jacks parents told him that his grandpa would retire after working for forty years. Jack said in surprise, Im only seven, so it means Grandpa has been er A really long time!His parents said, Yes. Thats why we are going to have a surprising party for him.” Jack loved his grandpa and wanted to

15、 do something special for him. He remembered the business card his grandpa had given him two years before. He knew that his grandpa would no longer have the position(职位) on that card, so he decided to build a new one for his grandpa. When the big day came, Jack was ready. But he didnt want to put hi

16、s gift together with others. He carried it around with him the whole evening.When all the other people left, he took his grandpas hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift.His grandpa smiled, Well, it must be a beautiful gift. May I open it now? Sure! Jack said excitedly.As Grandpa

17、opened the gift, tears came into his eyes. Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got! They were business cards with new position: FULL-TIME GRANDPA! Jack said, Now your full-time job is my grandpa! “Well, how much do I get paid? his grandpa asked, smiling. As many hugs as you want! With these

18、words, Jack gave Grandpa a hug. Well, I guess that means Im the richest man in the world! said Grandpa.24. Who was going to retire? A. Jacks grandma. B. Jacks grandpa. C. Jacks mother. D. Jacks father.25. What did Jack decide to do for his grandpa? A. To build a new position for him. B. To draw a pi

19、cture for him. C. To sing a song for him. D. To buy a gift for him.26. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Jack was the first one to give his gift to his grandpa. B. Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with his parents. C. Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with other people. D. Jack w

20、as the last one to give his gift to his grandpa.27. Why were there tears in Grandpas eyes? A. Because he would lose his position. B. Because he was not cared for. C. Because he was moved by Jacks gift D. Because he was unhappy.CWith the development of our society, cell phones have become a common pa

21、rt in our lives. Have you ever run into a careless cell phone user on the street? Maybe they were busy talking, texting or checking updates on We Chat without looking at what was going on around them. As the number of this new “species” of human has kept rising, they have been given a new namephubbe

22、rs (低头族).Recently, a cartoon created by students from China Central Academy of Fine Arts put this group of people under the spotlight. In the short film, phubbers with various social identities (身份)bury themselves in their phones. A doctor plays with his cell phone while letting his patient die, a p

23、retty woman takes a selfie (自拍) in front of a car accident site, and a father loses his child without knowing about it while using his mobile phone. A chain of similar events finally leads to the destruction of the world.Although the ending of the film sounds unrealistic, the damage phubbing can bri

24、ng is real. Your health is the first to bear the effect and result of it. “Always bending your head to check your cell phone could damage your neck, ” Guangming Daily quoted doctors words. “The neck is like a rope that breaks after long-term stretching.” Also, staring at cell phones for a long time

25、will damage your eyesight gradually, according to the report.But thats not all. Being a phubber could also damage your social skills and drive you away from your friends and family. When getting together with family or friends, many people prefer to play their cell phones while others are chatting h

26、appily with each other and this creates a strange atmosphere, Qilu Evening News reported.It can also cost your life. There have been lots of reports on phubbers who fell to their death, suffered accidents, and were robbed of their cell phones in broad daylight.28. Why does the author give the exampl

27、e of a cartoon in Paragraph 2?A. To suggest phubbers will destroy the worldB. To tell people of the bad effects of phubbingC. To call for people to go walking without phonesD. To advise students to create more cartoons like this29. According to the passage, what risks may a phubber have?Destructing

28、the worldAffecting his social skillsDamaging his neck and eyesightGetting separated from his and familyA. B. C. D. 30. Whats the authors attitude towards phubbing?A. SupportiveB. ConfidentC. DisapprovingD. Optimistic31. What will be talked about in the following paragraph?A. Ways to avoid the risks

29、of phubbingB. Bad effects of puddingC. Daily life of phubbersD. Methods of phubbingDHave you ever done something that was really dangerous just because you thought it was safe?Maybe you did a dangerous trick on your bicycle or skateboard because you were wearing a helmet and thought you couldnt get

30、hurt. The psychology(心理) of this sort of behavior is called the Peltzman Effect, named after Sam Peltzman, professor of economics at the University of Chicago. Peltzman believes that those moments when people think they are the safest are the times when they act most dangerously.Peltzman said that p

31、eople drove more dangerously when they wore seat belts. Driving a large four-wheel drive vehicle has a similar effect on drivers behavior. Because drivers of large vehicles sit up higher and can see better, they feel they can make better judgments when they drive. They are better protected in accide

32、nts, so they act more dangerously. This makes driving more hazardous to other drivers.The Peltzman Effect isnt just limited to driving. In 1972, the American Food and Drug Administration(FDA) passed a law requiring child safety caps on most medicine bottles. The safety caps were designed to prevent

33、children from accidentally taking the medicine, especially painkillers such as aspirin. Requiring safety caps sounded like a great idea, but there was an unexpected side effect. Because the safety caps are so hard to take off, some people leave them off altogether. Worse, some parents leave the bott

34、les where kids can reach them because they feel that it is safe because of the cap. A study on the Peltzman Effect showed that more than 3,500 children have been harmed by aspirin because of the safety caps.The Peltzman Effect describes how were likely to take more risks and act more dangerously whe

35、n we feel safest. Whats more, the effects of these behaviors can be quite different from what we expect.32. What is the Peltzman Effect? A. People behave less safely when they feel safe. B. People feel safest when they are under protection. C. Something that seems dangerous turns out to be safe. D.

36、People who act dangerously are likely to be together.33. What does the underlined word “hazardous” in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Interesting.B. Expensive.C. Dangerous. D. Important.34. Why do some people leave the safety caps of medicine bottles open? A. The caps dont work at all. B. The caps cant be open

37、ed easily. C. The bottles are out of the reach of the children. D. The bottles without caps are less attractive to kids.35. What would be the best title for the text? A. Different Behaviors of People in Danger B. Types of Decision Making C. Peoples Fear of Taking Risks D. Unsafe Safety Measure第二节 (共

38、5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to prepare for exams?Here are some tips you can read with your child.The first step in preparing for examinations is to set a fixed time each day to study and a schedule to say when to start the revision and for which subject. The plan sho

39、uld include how many chapters to revise and how many worksheets (活页练习题) to work on. 36 . Parents who do not know the examination schedule can search “exam timetable” to see the official examination schedule. _37 The second thing is to decide on the place to study. Some need total silence in a librar

40、y before they can concentrate while others like to have some background music like in the cafeteria, 38 . So there is no need to tell your child to change the study place if he is producing the desired results._39_. For lessons, pupils must participate in lessons and discussions actively. For exerci

41、se, work on the simple ones in the textbook. For theory, pupils can use the mind map method to summarize the facts.At last, be smart. Focus on chapters that are the core of the subject or difficult chapters. _40_.A. Next the most effective way to revise is to use an active approach.B. Making good pr

42、eparations is important.C. The mind map can help you a lot in your revision work.D. Your child has to be self-disciplined (自律的) to follow the plan.E. It is not necessary to read from the first to the last page.F. The best time to start revision is one or two months before the examination.G. Both are

43、 alright as long as your child is comfortable with it.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The Internet has changed our life in many ways. It provides us with a lot of 41 information. In the past, people would go to one or two stor

44、es 42 they bought something. But now, they can 43 the same things in different stores easily online. This way of 44 can save them a lot of money. 45 , last month, I was in the market for a 46 . I went to a couple of stores and thought they were a bit 47 . Later, after checking some websites, I 48 th

45、at I was right. I actually ended up getting the 49 computer that I saw in the store; to my 50 , it was three hundred dollars cheaper. Because of my 51 to compare prices online, I saved a large amount of money. This would have been 52 before the Internet became widespread.Also, the Internet has a wea

46、lth of quick facts and information for 53 . When I was at school, I would have to 54 from a limited number of books in my school library. But, 55 the Internet, young people can now get information on almost anything they can 56 . Besides, the Internet saves them time while they are 57 their papers a

47、s well as when they are 58 writing them. Overall, the Internet is a useful tool for 59 information. It is 60 that anyone can find what they want with the help of the Internet.41. A. secretB. medicalC. valuableD. correct42. A. sinceB. beforeC. unlessD. thought43. A. tryB. sellC. makeD. price44. A. shoppingB. workingC. greetingD. traveling45. A. In shortB. As a resultC. For exampleD. In other words46. A. car B. com


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