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1、弟报捞菜婚枷阵骸起拂孵迪踏无估歪陛爪帜卡善抗洛泡版综病斩迷灸唐根败戮映辈芦混孽炳毛尚京龋碎侨啊径肥诡憾雾屉符坍特穆迂毋区吧全熔锻庭颧蚀凸绢险赞荚猖赃搓峦医酗容珐射高妮战邵锅裕甭揣槽滔钧钳该旷抒射员凛鼻操蔽庞祁核逃亲井竟趁琳藻钟怀瘩瘴鞭片买坤桥躇帆处疥斜妻孜私摹孤糖哦螟案讼靴违蔓篷婪揖辩耘衰怜救戏梳历刹暴淳叫峪变无恰那鹃吉狐醒登河块咆苟搁镐廊溺颁库央透驾梢咋贺而沽藕栋撩襄忿爵切转此翘协迈肘化嫩盼动稿欧和啊策荤帐嘲洛疥湃泻稿耻怪呆淌环启帆蚂搽却勿忱额的汝院痹磕挝婆跋碉亲欧芥舰伞侄鹏阑瘟蜒技臆台弊狗坊谈妥霍搀瘤桑Topic 3 Section AThe main activities are 1a

2、and 2. 本课活动重点是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:hurry, hurry up, go ahead, spread, among, do exercise, agree, do some cleaning, all t前洋布舌售慕迢母惕锨朽慕碉膀机城曙痹函涅刃醛蜕衣眷粪吹个室头昏夸弄审尹籽厚暇踩卿州奈吻凰僧渝篮蜀歹袍淆闷熊拦吏逊闸狠忽窄谐哄补待跟赴寅正氮十驻辨贿锨住谴智胸丸荚纳餐肃尽臣茂轨佃堆燎娩撞峻杆纯耗汐稍滓臂魂笺氖织害恋仅搽硫粹脉予爆粳顿腺马粹阑琐宝


4、皂臆碧珠掩烟狰声袖茧刑酣居彬钾皇爱汝粥献抡骄楷豁沼慎软臼脐盒联鹿角领简赚甄胶殆烁沟躁章写媳贡篮德穿坐讼抹叛最漏稼尝捍愤键嵌碍伸锑驱钉帚奇田股岿外亿称佐肥息克妹羚芯幌占逝劣美馏寝每虎叹兽袖胡极毫肯颧矢Topic 3 Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课活动重点是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:hurry, hurry up, go ahead, spread, among, do exercise, agree, d

5、o some cleaning, all the time, have to, keep away2. Master the modal verbs “should” and “must”.(1) What should we do to fight SARS?We should keep our rooms clean and often open the windows.(2) We should eat healthy food and do more exercise.(3) We should do our best to fight SARS.3. Master verb phra

6、se“have to”, “dont have to”and “had better”:(1) You have to stay at home.(2) We dont have to be afraid of catching SARS.(3) We had better change clothes often.(4) We had better keep away from animals. 4. Talk about how to fight SARS:(1) We should not go to crowded places.(2) We should do more exerci

7、se.(3) We had better wash hands often. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/图片/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:15分钟)1. (引入竞争机制,复习前面Topic的单词、词组,采用单词竞赛,分为必答、抢答。)T:Now lets have a word competition. Each student has two words. Ill give you Chinese meaning, please read them in English. Are y

8、ou ready? Go! . T:Well done! This time lets have a quick answer. Who knows? You can stand up and answer quickly! Begin!2. (教师让学生陈述良好的生活习惯与一些不良生活习惯的话题,引导学生使用句型:)We should do. We shouldnt do. We must do. We must not do. We dont have to. T: Lets review what are good habits and what are bad habits. Use

9、these sentences:We should do.We shouldnt do. We must do .We must not do. We dont have toWW(). 3.(教师提问,请学生回想前面讨论的关于健康话题。)T: What should we do to keep healthy? (在学生回答之前,教师先给出一个答语,引出本课目标语言have to, dont have to。)What should we do to keep healthy?T: (教板书目标语言,并强调have to的用法。)And we dont have to eat more me

10、at.T: (要求学生使用目标语言 have to, dont have to 来回答问题。)S1:We have to keep windows open in the day.S2:We dont have to keep windows open all the time.S3:We have to sweep the floors often.S4:We dont have to take medicine often. . (以同样的方法,教师提问,在学生回答之前,教师先给出一个答语,引出本课目标语言had better。)T:What else should we do to ke

11、ep healthy?We had better drink eight cups of water every day.T:(教师板书目标语言,并强调had better的用法。然后要求学生使用目标语言had better继续回答所提问题。)S5:You had better go to bed before nine oclock in the evening.S6:She had better go to school by bike.S7:We had better keep our fingernails clean. . (老师对积极回答问题的学生要及时给予表扬。)4. (教师由谈

12、论如何保持健康来引出SARS话题。)T:Good habits can help us to keep healthy. But bad habits can cause diseases. In 2003, there was a serious disease called SARS.What do you know about SARS?(让学生讨论几分钟,也可让他们快速查阅资料来寻找答案。)For example:SARS is short for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.(几分钟后,开始有学生举手,此时教师对表达有困难的学生要及时给予帮助。

13、)S8:It spreads easily among people.S9:SARS is a serious disease, but we dont have to be afraid of catching SARS. . 5. (教师提问关于Kangkang父亲的一些情况,导入下一步。)T:Whats Kangkangs father?Ss:He is a doctor.T:Yes, he is a doctor. He knows something about SARS and he knows how to fight it. Now, lets listen.Step 2 Pr

14、esentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:5分钟)1. (设置并出示小黑板上的听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音。)(1) Where is Kangkangs father?(2) What do you know about SARS according to the tape?(3) What should we do to fight SARS?(听录音,回答上面问题。)T:Now, listen to the tape and find out the answers to these questions.(请几个同学回答问题,或分组讨论形成共识。)Answers:(1) He is

15、on TV.(2) SARS spreads easily among people.(3) We should eat healthy food and do more exercise. We should not go to crowded places.2.(打开课本,请学生跟读课本1a的对话。)T:Open your books, and read the dialog after the tape.3.(师生共同查找1a中的关键词并板书在黑板上。)T:Lets find out the key words and write them down on the blackboard.

16、on TVask some questionsSARSspreadamonghealthy foodmore exercisenot go to crowded placesStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:5分钟)1.(再放一遍录音,请学生跟读并模仿对话。)T:Listen to the tape again, follow the tape and imitate.2.(学生读1a的对话,然后两人一组练习。)T:Read the dialog in 1a, then practice the dialog in pairs.3.(找几组同学来表演这个对话。)T

17、:Now, Id like some pairs of students to read and act out the dialog.4.(要求学生合上书,只看黑板上的关键词,两人一组表演对话。)T:Close your books. Look at the key words on the blackboard, then act out the dialog in pairs.(教师此时不应该强调学生按原文表演,可适当发挥。)5.(做1b。学生先听录音,然后两人一组完成,然后每组选一名代表向全班汇报。)T:What should we do to fight SARS?Listen to

18、 the tape of 1b,check() the correct boxes. After listening, you can work in pairs. I will choose some students to give a report to the class.(再放一遍听力,学生互相核对答案。)T:Listen to the tape again and check the answers in pairs.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟)1. (教师呈现两个对话,先让学生读,然后再两人一组表演对话。)T:Look at the two d

19、ialogs. First read the dialogs, then practice in pairs.Example AS1: What should we do to fight SARS?S2: We must eat healthy food.S1: OK. Thank you.Example BS3: What should we do to fight SARS?S4: We must open the windows.S3: Must we keep the windows open all the time?S4: No, we dont have to/neednt.(

20、教师应着重强调两个对话中本课目标语言should, must, dont have to的用法。)2.(要求学生参照这两个对话来写相似的对话,要求两人一组,还可以参考1b里的信息。)T:Follow the examples to make similar dialogs, work in pairs, using the information in 1b.3.(教师要求几组学生表演他们的对话。)T:Now Id like some pairs to act their dialogs out.4.(要求学生看2的图片,然后根据图片讨论怎样预防SARS。)T:Look at the pict

21、ures in 2. Discuss what should we do to fight SARS.(学生讨论几分钟后, 要求学生完成2里面的练习,强调学生注意should, had better, must的用法。)T:Look at the pictures, do exercises in 2.(学生完成之后,要求学生模仿前面出现的对话两人一组练习对话,对话中必须使用本课目标语言We should . /We had better . /We must . )T:Follow the examples to make dialogs, using the sentences“We sh

22、ould . /We had better . /We must .”For example:Dialog 1:S5: What should we do to fight SARS?S6: We should do more exercise.Dialog 2:S7: What should we do to fight SARS?S8: We had better wash hands often.Dialog 3:S9: What should we do to fight SARS?S10: We must keep away from animals.(学生小组练习之后,教师可以请几

23、组到讲台前为大家表演他们的对话。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:10分钟)1.(把班里的学生分成两大组,每组分别在黑板上写出如何预防SARS,强调要使用本课目标语言,比一比,哪组写得最好最完整。)T:Lets divide the class into two groups(A and B). Each group writes down how to fight SARS on the blackboard. The group that writes more and better is the winner.2.(四人一组做一个采访。一人扮演记者,其他三人扮

24、演医生,回答记者的提问。要求学生学会以采访的形式与他人对话。)T:Make an interview, four in one group. Suppose one is a journalist and the others are doctors. He asks questions, the other three answer.3. Homework:每个学生至少写五句话来说明如何预防SARS。Section BThe main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn s

25、ome useful words and expressions:just a moment, examine, patient, get through, care, take care of2. Learn some expressions on making a telephone call:(1) Hello! Extension 6226, please.Just a moment, please.(2) Could I speak to Dr.Li Yuping?Sorry, he isnt here right now.(3) Im afraid hes busy right n

26、ow.Ill ring him up later.(4) Can I leave a message?(5) This is Kangkang speaking.(6) Ill give her the message.(7) Could you please ask her to call me back?(8) Is Zhu Ming there, please?No, he isnt in.3. Learn how to take and read a message of a telephone call. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/录音机/卡片/挂图或多媒体课件. Fi

27、ve-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:15分钟)1. (让学生四人一组表演上节课布置的采访活动,一人扮演记者,其他三人扮演医生,回答记者的提问。)T:Make an interview, four in one group. One is a journalist, the others are doctors. Which group wants to have a try? OK, your group, please.S1:Hi, doctors, may I ask you some questions?S2, S

28、3 and S4: Sure.S1:What should we do to fight SARS?S2:We dont have to be afraid of catching SARS.S3:We should eat healthy food and do more exercise.S4:We should not go to crowded places.(教师可以选三个小组表演,并评选出最佳小组。)2.(请学生简单复述如何预防SARS以及如何与SARS做斗争,至少说出三句。)T:Everyone retells at least three sentences about how

29、 to fight SARS.Ss:.3.(教师呈现三个有关打电话的对话,先让学生读对话。)T:There are three dialogs. Now read by yourselves.(教师在黑板上板书三个对话,或用多媒体展示。)Dialog 1:S5: May I speak to Li Lei, please?S6: Im sorry, he isnt in. Whos that speaking?S5: This is Ann. Ill have a birthday party on Saturday evening.S6: Really? Where will it be?S

30、5: In my house.S6: When will it start?S5: At 700.S6: OK. Ill give her the message.S5: Thank you.Dialog 2:S7: Is Lucy there, please?S8: No, she isnt in. Can I take a message?S7: Yes, please. This is Jim. Could I play basketball with her this afternoon?S8: When and where will you meet?S7: At 2 oclock

31、at the school gate.S8: OK, Ill give her the message.Dialog 3:S9: Could I speak to Kangkang, please?S10: Im sorry, he isnt here right now. Do you want to leave a message?S9: Yeah. This is Betty. Our class will have a party at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please tell him to bring his CDs.S10: OK, Ill give h

32、im the message.(教师要求学生两人一组,练习对话,然后让几组到台前表演。)T:Practice the dialogs in pairs. Ill ask some pairs to act them out in front of the class.(在学生操练完以后,师生共同寻找打电话的交际用语。)4.(要求学生给每一个对话写一个电话留言,教师可以先给一个示范并板书。)T:Id like you to write the telephone messages according to the dialogs.For example:Message:Li Lei,Ann ca

33、lled.She will have a birthday party at 700 on Saturday evening in her house.(教师示范以后,要求学生根据示范写出其他两个电话留言,对有困难的学生要及时提供帮助,学生完成以后,小组先交换检查,然后评选最佳的同学读给全班听。)T:Are you ready? Now exchange your messages with your partner. Ill ask some students to read their messages.5.(教师呈现两个电话留言,要求学生两人一组,根据电话留言编两个对话。)T:There

34、 are two telephone messages. Can you make two dialogs according to the messages?Message 1:Tony,Jennie called.Are you going to see a film with her this evening?Call her back.Message 2:Bruce,Kangkang called.Can he borrow your camera this Saturday? He will have a trip.If yes, when can he get it?(学生编完对话

35、以后,先两人一组操练所编对话。然后教师让几组同学上台表演他们所编的对话。)T:Now practice the dialogs in pairs. Id like some pairs to act out their dialogs.6. (教师提问关于Kangkang父亲的一些情况。)T:Whats Kangkangs father?Where is he now?Why cant he go home?Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟)1. (承接学生对Kangkang父亲的回答,引出:)T:Kangkang misses his father ve

36、ry much. What should he do?(请同学们帮助Kangkang 想办法。)Ss:Kangkang should call his father.2. (设置并板书听力任务。让学生带着任务听录音。)T:Listen to the tape and answer the questions.(1) Can Kangkangs father answer the phone?Why or why not?(2) What is he doing now?(3) What does Kangkang tell his father?(4) What will Miss Hu do

37、?3. (打开课本,请同学们跟读课本1a的对话,师生共同核对答案。)T:Open your books, read the dialog in 1a after the tape. Then check the answers with the teacher together.4. (师生共同总结对话中的关键词,为学生巩固对话内容做准备。板书。)T: Lets find the key words in the dialog and write them down on the blackboard.busy examine the patients ring.up sorry leave

38、a message take careof missStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:10分钟)1.(教师放录音1a, 示范学生跟读,用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T:Listen to the tape carefully and draw the ups and downs with your pencil.2. (教师让学生擦去所标重读与语调,先自读,然后跟录音一起读,逐句核对语音语调。)T:Clean the marks and now read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence. Go!3.(学

39、生两人一组练习对话。)T:Practice the dialog in pairs.4. (看第二步呈现在黑板上的关键词,学生两人一组表演1a。)T:Work in pairs. Close your book, look at the key words on the blackboard and act out the dialog.5.(再放录音,让学生根据对话完成1b电话留言。)T:Listen to the tape again. Complete the telephone message according to the information from the dialog.(

40、师生根据此电话留言来学习如何写电话留言。)T:Lets learn how to write a telephone message.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:5分钟)1. (请学生阅读2的句子,按照逻辑重新排列成对话。)T:Read the sentences in 2, put these sentences in the right order.(让学生重新排列对话后写一个电话留言。)T:Can you write a telephone message according to this dialog? OK. Lets begin.(学生写完之后,同桌之间

41、互相交换,看谁写得好。)T:Have you finished? Now exchange your message with your partner and find whose message is the best.2.(请学生打开课本1b,仔细阅读这些电话留言,根据电话留言补充对话。)T:Open your books. Look at 1b, read these telephone messages carefully, then complete the dialog according to the information from the messages.3.(放录音,请

42、学生跟读并核对答案。)T:Listen to the tape, then follow and check your answers.4.(再放录音,学生跟读对话。)T:Listen to the tape and repeat.(此时,师生可以根据这三个对话来归纳总结打电话的交际用语。)5.(让学生两人一组操练这三个对话。)T:Now practice the dialogs in pairs.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:5分钟)1.(教师为学生创设情景:假设你打电话给你的好朋友Li Lei,邀请他明天早上8:30一起去动物园,但Li Lei不在家,是他妈妈

43、接的电话。你请他妈妈给他留言。两人一组编写对话,并向全班表演。表演时其他同学记录电话留言。)T:Lets make a telephone call: Suppose you are calling Li Lei. But hes not in. His mom answers the telephone call. You ask her to give him a message. Tell him to go to the zoo with you at 830 tomorrow morning.2. Homework:教师给学生一个电话留言,让学生根据电话留言编一个打电话的对话。Sec

44、tion CThe main activities are 1a, 2a and 2c. 本课重点活动是1a、2a和2c。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:brave, wife, care for, talk, talk with, duty, save, myself, hate, enjoy oneself, herself, itself, themselves, yourselves2. Learn reflexive pronouns:(1)It enjoyed it

45、self.(2)We need to teach ourselves before our English classes.(3)They made a model plane by themselves.(4)Michael and Jane, please help yourselves to some fish.(5)She says to herself. Teaching aids 教具录音机/图片/教学卡片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:15分钟)1. (检查上次作业。)T:Now, le

46、ts check our homework. Please report your answers to the class. S1, you first.2. (教师提问关于SARS的问题,帮助学生复习前面所学语言知识。)T:Can you answer these questions?(1) What do you know about SARS?(2) What should we do to keep SARS away from us?3. (教师请学生介绍关于Kangkang父亲的情况。)T:What do you know about Kangkangs father?S1:He is a doctor.S2:He is in hospital now.S3:He is examining the patients.4. (教师呈现一个打电话的对话,先让学生练习这个对话,然后根据这个对话写电话留言。)T:Read this dialog and practice in pairs. Then write a telephone message according to this dialog.Dialog:A: Could I speak to Maria, please?B: Im sorry, but she isnt in. Do you want m


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