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1、Name_ Class_Seal line德阳市庐山路小学2012春期四年级英语期末试卷 一. 听音,选择正确的选项填在题前括号内。(10 x 1=10分)1)( ) ) A. concert B. factoryC. music 2)( ) A. hot B. cold C. big 3)( ) A. moon B. sun C. star 4)( ) A. machine B. factory C. wait5)( ) A. China B. America C. England6)( ) A. north B. south C. east7)( ) A. happen B. report

2、 C. country8)( ) A. Mothers Day B. birthday C. Fathers Day9)( ) A. 200 B.500 C. 90010)( ) A. 3,100 B. 8,600 C. 4,200 二. 听音,把正确的单词下划上横线. (5 x 2= 10分)1. Yesterday, we ( go / went ) to a concert.2. Amy ( is painting/ painted) a picture.3. I ( am/ was) very nervous.4. Washington, D.C. is in the ( east/

3、west) of America.5.-Where is your school? -Its to the ( north/ south) of the park.三选择与听力内容相符合的图片,按顺序标号。(5 x2=10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、 听短语,选出你所听到的短语。( 5 x2=10分)( )1. A. speak English B. speak Chinese( ) 2. A. play the erhu B. play the pipa( ) 3.A. look at the sky B. look after sheep( ) 4. A. run to

4、 the village B. run to the field ( ) 5. A. cut the paper B. cut my finger五、选单词,补全句子(5 x2=10分) cold lives having very to 1. Were _ a party.2. This planet is near to the sun. Its very _.3. Look, This country is America. My cousin Simon _ there.4. This is space, the sun is _ big.5. Canada is _ the nort

5、h of America.六. 选择下列单词填在横线上。( 4 x 2= 8分) Australia America England China _ _ _ _七把句子序号填在相应的图片下面。(8 x 2=16分)A. Lets make an English newspaper. B. It can be about our school.C. I will write the reports. D. I will cut the paper. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. Some nights, its big and round. B. Some nights, its very

6、 small.C. Some nights, it looks like a banana. D. Some nights, theres no moon . ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )八、根据汉语提示,选择适当的字母完成单词或选出拼写正确的单词(10 x1=10分)( )1、d_ck (鸭子) A. u B. e( )2、ch_p (便宜的) A. ae B. ea( )3、conc_t (音乐会) A. er B. on( )4、n_rth (北,北方) A. a B. o( )5、m n (月亮) A. u B. a( )6、(村庄) A. village B. very( )7、

7、(西方) A. south B. west( )8、 (绵羊) A. ship B. sheep( )9、 (笑) A. laugh B. lie ( )10、(狼) A. wfal B. wolf五、将下列单词进行反义词连线。(5 x2=10分)bigexpensivefatdifficultgoodeasybadthinsmallcheap十、判断下列句子的正误,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。(6 x1=6分)( )1、This computer is good for computer games.( )2、Tom is sing.( )3、The capital of China is Shanghai.( )4、New York is in the east of America.( )5、I played in a concert last year. I played pipa.( )6、Once upon a time, there was a boy. He looked like sheep.


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