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1、Unit 13 Raing days make me sad Period 1 sectionA (1a-2c)年级:九年级 设计者:丁文凤Language goals: 1. Words & expressions :tense, some adjectives of feeling 2. Key sentences Loud music makes me tense. (P103) Loud music makes me want to dance. That movie made me sad.Teaching important points: The usage of make.预

2、案:翻译下列短语. 使我充满活力 轻音乐 让我想跳舞 怎样挣钱 af first have fun doing Make me stressed would vather do would rather not do 学 案: Step Lead-in Step II Listening (1a, 1b: P102) Ask the students to listen to Amy and Tina talking about the two restaurants and do the exercises. Step Practice (2a, 2b: P103) Task 1: List

3、ening Task 2: Speaking (2c: P103)Step I Grammar Focus (P103)Task 1: Ask the students to read the following sentences first. Then help them to write out the sentence structure. Task 2: Show the following pictures and ask the students to make sentences.练 案:用所给词的适当的形式.1、He said , “You make me ”(angry).

4、2、Id rather (play) soccer when it is Sunday.3、 (wait) for her made me angry. 4、Sad movies make me (cry).5、I dont like loud music because it makes me (comfortable).评 案:一、单选.1、He knows will make her happy. A、what B、why C、where D、that2、 a gift is good on a friends birthday. A、Giving B、give C、Gives D、Gi

5、ven3、He was tired he couldnt go on working.A、too, to B、such, that C、so, that D、too, that4、It makes me stressed. A、to feel B、feeling C、felt D、feel5、I would rather at home than .A、stay, go out B、to stay, to go out C、to stay, go out D、stay, to go out6、We should keep our classroom .A、clean B、cleaning C、

6、cleaned D、to clean7、Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby .(2010年兰州市)A、to stop crying B、stop crying C、to stop to cry D、stop to cry8、I cant believe little birds car eat much food in short time.A、such, so such B、so, so, such C、such, such, such D、so, such,so9、This question is for me to answer.

7、A、too easy B、easy too C、easy enough D、enough easy10、He would rather to jazz.A、not listen B、not to listen C、not listening D、listen not二、用所给词的正确形式填空.1、Tom was made (make) her bed. 2、I dont like (rain) days.3、The (pollute) makes me kind of angry.4、Did you have fun (visit) the summer palace?5、They have

8、to know how (make) food.6、The soft music makes Tina (sleep).三、句型转换.1、The box is so heavy that he cant carry it.(同义句) The box is heary him carry. The box isnt him carry.2、Can you tell me how I can get to the bus stop?(同义句) Can you tell me get to the bus stop?3、He prefers to watch TV at home rather th

9、an go shopping.(同义句) He watch TV at home go shopping.4、I saw him go out.(改被动语态) He go out by me.5、Its so expensive a T-shirt that I cant buy it.(同义句) Its expensive T-shirt that I cant buy it.反 思:Unit 13 Raing days make me sad Period 2 sectionA (3a-4)年级:九年级 设计者:丁文凤 Teaching Aims (1) Key Vocabularyown

10、er, scientific, pink, knowledge, serve, uncomfortable, endangered(2) Target LanguageHow do you feel about pollution? It makes me kind of angry How about you?It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign Teaching Key PointTrain students integrating skills Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve student

11、s integrating skills预 案:一 、翻译下列短语.挣钱 从学到 看上去很好 让你等这么久 繁忙的交通 一点儿 濒临灭绝的动物 serve sb with sth =serve sth to sbscientific studies 二、完成下列句子. 1、你为何让我在这儿等了这么长时间?(keep sb doing) Why did you so long?2、这种难看的颜色让我感到不舒服.(make) The awful color .3、她不知道如何才能为顾客服务好.(serve) She didnt know the guests well.学 案: Step Revi

12、sionStep 3a Step 3bThis activity provides oral practice using the target language Step IV Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target languageStep SummaryI练 案:一、用所给词的正确正式填空.1、He wants to be a (scionce) so he is interested in studies.2、They sany and

13、 (dance) and really had a good time.3、He said again in order to make him (understand).4、The old woman (own) a supermarket. She is the (own) of it.5、The restaurant has the friendliest (serve) in the town.二、根据汉语意思完成下列名句子.1、以前我姐姐常常让我发笑. My sister .2、我说的话让妈妈很生气. My my mother .3、你为什么让他一直在那里站着?Why do you

14、there all the time?4、你认为刘谦的魔术怎么样? do you Liu Qians magic?5、这位老人宁愿独自住在山脚下. The old man at the foot of the mountain.评 案:一、单选 1、No conclusion before we complete this test. A、made B、will be made C、has made D、will make2、Can I have some more ice cream, Mum?Sorry .There is left in the fridge.A、none B、nothi

15、ng C、no one D、anything3、He was very tired and he fell asleep. A、therefore B、so C、but D、or4、The soft music makes me .A、felt sleeping B、feel sleep C、feel sleepy D、sleep5、They waited for half an hour until waitress them at last.A、helped B、served C、treated D、cooked6、The customers are pleasell with the o

16、f the restaurant.A、balance B、experience C、surface D、sevice7、Do you often see William on the playground.No, but he is often seen Chinese kung fu in the park.A、run, play B、run, to play C、running D、running to paly8、English is used the Chinese a foreign language.A、for by B、by as C、by for D、for as二、完成句子1

17、、 (柔和的灯光)makes the food look good.2、Did you (和过得愉快)with your pen pal last week?3、How do people (认为)air pollution?4、Many (快餐店)have painted their wall red.5、Here are some things weve (从学到)scientific studies.四、句型转换 1、what do you think of traveling by train?(同义句) How traveling by train?2、We spent two ho

18、urs getting to the top of the mountain. (同义句) It us two hours to the top of the mountain.3、Tom made him wait for an hour.(改被动语态) He wait for an hour.4、Making a lot of Noise in public makes others unhappy.(同义句) makes other unhappy a lot of noise in public.5、I had fun with my friends last Sunday.(同义句)

19、 I with my friends last Sunday.反 思:Unit 13 Raing days make me sad Period 3 sectionB (1a-2c)年级:九年级 设计者:丁文凤Teaching Aims and Dema(1) Key Vocabulary: mysterious, shiny, silky, skin, cream, toothpaste, keep out(2) Target Language Teaching Key Points: Key Vocabulary and Target Language Teaching Difficult

20、 Points 1 How to train students speaking and listening ability 2 How to use the target language 预 案:翻译下列词或短语有光泽的头发 丝般柔滑的皮肤 阻挡太阳 不起效 标语、口号 美丽的(形容词) 美丽(名词) 神秘的 神秘的事物 学 案: Step RevisionStep 1aStep1 bThis activity helps students apply the ideas in the unit to their lives outside the classroomGo through

21、the instructions with the classStep 2aPlay the tape the first time Play the tape againLet students write Yes or NoCheck the answersStep 2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target languageStep 2cRead the instructions for this activity aloud to the classStep Summary练 案:一、用所给词的

22、适当形式填空1、He gave her some (beauty)flowers on her birthday.2、Your hair is (shine). What shampoo do you use?3、Listening to music makes me feel (relax).4、She always keeps me (wait)for her for a long time.5、It is raining (heavy).二、完成下列句子1、请保持室内整洁. Please the room .2、我宁愿听宁静的音乐. I to quiet music.3、你对抽烟有什么感

23、觉? How do you feel ?4、我穿上外套御寒. I wore the coat the cold .5我试过那种洗发水但是效果不好。I tried the shampoo, but .评 案:一、单选1、The song sounds . A、well B、sadly C、beautiful D、beautifully2.Where isTim?Oh, he to Beijing and he will be back tomorrow.A、has gone B、has been C、had gone D、went3、Winter comes, youd better wear

24、more clothes to the cold.A、keep off B、keep out C、keep away D、keep up4、I prefer to eat cakes that have cream on top. ! They are delicious.A、Good luck B、Me too C、I hope so D、youre kidding5、My father got in Dalian last year.A、a work B、a job C、some works D、a piece of job8、What do people say these produc

25、ts? A、from B、about C、to D、of7、The old man looks . A、hardly B、quickly C、beautifully D、friendly8.Could you tell me what time it is by your watch now? - Sorry, .A、I want to have a watch B、it doesnt work C、it works very well D、I want to borrow your watch二、句型转换.1、My watch is broken.(同义句) My watch doent .

26、2、My parents bought me a red purse.(同义句My parents a red purse me.3、I have wirtten six letters to Joe since then.(改被动句) Six letters to Joe since then.4、The headmaster said everything, too.(改否定句) The headmaster said , .三、用所给词的正确形式填空.1、The soap can make you and .(white)2、She was attracted by the (beaut

27、iful) of his singing.3、Listen! I hear somebody (sing) in the next room.4、He bought a (sick) shirt.5、I think the product worked (real) well. 6.They dont like the food. It tastes (bad).反 思:Unit 1 3 Raing days make me sad Period 4 sectionB (3a-4)年级:九年级 设计者:丁文凤 Teaching Aims and Demands(1) Key Vocabular

28、y :aim at, useful, for instance, product, careful, plane(2) Practise reading an article(3) Practise writing something using the target language Teaching Key Point :Practise reading and writing using the target language Teaching Difficult Point1 How to improve students reading ability 2 How to improv

29、e students speaking ability by discussion学 案: Step RevisionStep 3aTeach the new words Show the new words on the screen by a projector Read the words and ask students to repeat them again and again Read the instructions to the class Whats the article about? Do you agree with it?Get students to read t

30、he article again and answer the two questions Check the answers with the whole classElicit examples given in the article for the advantages and disadvantagesStep 3bGo through the instructions with the class Get a student to read the sentences at the beginning of the paragraph to the class Tell stude

31、nts they should look back at Activity 2a and complete the article. Step 3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target language Go through the instructions with the class Step Part 4This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target languageStep Summary预 案:一、翻译下列短语.p

32、ros and cons at times to start with 针对 例如 / 说出真相 一些另一些 把与比较 二、从方框中选出合适的短语完成句子. keep out, aim at, for instance, at times, to start with 1、Our teacher goes on a picnic with us .2、Im afraid your coat cant the cold.3、 , its much too expensive.4、They are training everybody by the end of the year.5、Now th

33、e paient may take some meat, ,pork,beef,fish,etc.练 案:一、用所给词的适当形式填空. 1、They need new (produce) to sell.2、The instructions on the box are very (confuse).3、We are surprised at the (beautiful) of natural.4、I (specific) told you not to go near the water.5、Lets tell him the (true) about what happened.二、用所

34、给的英语提示将下列句子译成英语.1个消息使我们相信他们会来(leadto) .2、首先,计算机教室必须保持干净(to start with) .3、这本书目的在于教育青少年(aim at) .4、我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告(comparewith) .5、有些人认为广告有用,但也有些人认为广告在骗人。(someothers) .评 案:一、单选.1、many students playing. are playing basketball, and are playing football. A、some, other B、some, others C、some, the other

35、 D、some, the others2、Dont aim your gun the bird in the tree. A、for B、at C、on D、with3、The water in the lakes and rivers became because of the dry weather. A、fewer and fewer B、wore and more C、less and less D、little and little4、At times an advertising can lead you something you dont need at all. A、to b

36、uy, what B、to buy, that C、buying, that D、buying, what5、I am a fan of Liu Qian. his magic his humor attracts me. A、Bothand B、Eitheror C、Neithernor D、Not only, but also.6、working hard at English can a good job. A、Lead B、lead to C、leads D、leading to7、What you said me very much, could you say it again m

37、ore slowly? A、aims B、confuses C、misleads D、smokes8、The picture in an ad looks than the real thing. A、a lot of better B、a lot better C、much more better D、more better9、This kind of shirts looks and sells . A、nice, well B、nice, good C、well, well D、good, nice10、I heard that some are at the lowest price.

38、 A、sale, sell B、sales, sold C、sales, sell D、sale, sold二、用所给词的适当形式填空1、This is a (confuse) word because it has two meanings.2、To tell the (true), its not real. 3、He (aim) his gun at the lion but missed it.4、He (mislead) the pretty girl into thinking he was rich.5、The koalas (list) among Australias end

39、angered animals.6、Some ads can be (mislead), so make sure that you meed it before.反 思:Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad Period5 Reading 一、教学目标 通过第对阅读课的学习,了解并能表达接受不同礼物时的不同感受;能从文章中尝到新的、有用的表达方式,并能创新使用,提升自己的表达能力。二、教学重点、难点能正确表达当收到不同礼物时的心情学 案:(一)阅读前(Before-reading)1、预习检查(学生小组互相检查,教师补充更正)When can you receive gifts? _Wh


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