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1、alleviation, xiapa capable cadres to guide poverty alleviation work, giving a Training support Choi annually and the assistance funds and donations visits condolences, especially is the provincial AIDS funds amounted to more than 370 million yuan. Directly under the point supporting units: City, sta

2、te owned assets management company, City Safety Supervision Bureau, the municipal CPPCC organs, the City Land Bureau, the city population and Family Planning Commission. They each unit assistance funds in 20 million yuan of above, the land and Resources Bureau of 87 million yuan. For my county pover

3、ty alleviation add important manpower, material resources and financial resources. 4, rain plan. The county every year, rain plan training personnel in the 112 people, including young adults labor employment training 98 people, higher vocational training school 14 people. Funds. Tang, a total of 98

4、million yuan, in order to improve the poor population quality, so that they have the skills, better able to find work, workers wages to higher income to increase. This year has been training a total of 114 people, overfulfil superior task. 5, poverty alleviation immigration relocation. In 2014, the

5、county relocation escaping immigrants, deep in the mountains of the immigration and ethnic minority immigrants totaling 589 139 households. The relocation households basically built a new house, and some have moved into new homes, and the dismantling of the old house. According to move out, steady l

6、ive, can become rich the spirit, I do and Mt. Gexian huangbi, stone township government to do a lot of work. In the Centralized Settlement point, to take a unified planning, unified design, unified layout measures to create a bright spot in the immigrant village, the higher leadership of the full af

7、firmation of these immigrants, the relocation of the masses to solve the massesActively participate in road and difficult to see a doctor difficult, go to school difficult practical problems. The production and living conditions have been greatly improved, the city peoples life. 6, poor industry. In

8、dustrial development, poor people, and constantly increase their income. The blood transfusion into their own hematopoietic function is poverty alleviation work the main means, over the years, we although some special industries such as tea, mushrooms, red bud taro, bamboo, seed breeding, white lotu

9、s, Ehu fragrant rice, high yield camellia, but lack of funds, investment is little, the scale is small, visibility is not high, there is no brand, anti market risk weak. This year the county was included in the Central Soviet area county, strive for to 1000 Industry million fund to help the poor. I

10、do this a few months to the grassroots work to research, made industrial poverty funds allocation principle, proposed at the beginning of the implementation of Qianshan County, , the provisions to farmers cooperatives as an implementation platform, members of cooperatives absorb poor households the

11、proportion reached 60%, the provincial 14 impoverished village reached 80%, to ensure that more than 60% of industrial poverty funds so that poor households benefit, members of poor households adopt preferential measures. Cooperatives to select a good benefit, development prospects, products to worr

12、y about sales, visibility, brand and strong ability to resist market risk. In the production Industry of the poverty alleviation funds, the implementation of county, township and village regulation, the implementation of county-level江津(渝黔界)经习水至古蔺(黔川界)高速公路TJ9分部泥垭隧道边沟首件工程施工方案编制: 复核: 审批: 四川公路桥梁建设集团有限公司

13、江习古高速TJ-9项目2015年9月目录一、工程概况1二、施工方案1三、资源计划11.劳动力组织计划12.施工机械设备配置2四、工程质量保证措施31、工程质量保证措施32、工程质量实施措施4五、安全保证措施5六、环境保护与文明施工措施7reimbursement system. To ensure the rational use of funds, management in place, really play the efficiency of capital use. Let poor households through the development of the industry

14、 to take off deficient to become rich, to 2020 poor households annual income reached more than 4600 yuan, in synchronous well-off society goals. Second, reservoir resettlement work 1, basic situation of immigrants I County Reservoir Resettlement mainly reservoir of the county yield, high shop reserv

15、oir, Lun Tan reservoir, furnace reservoir, DAAO reservoir and relocation to reservoir resettlement (provincial Ma Jie, Xinanjiang, rich spring as well as outside the county on July 1, Li Guan and other large and medium-sized reservoir immigrants ), reservoir resettlement 12589 people (of which the a

16、pproved to the number of migrants 7517 people, cannot check and ratify the number of immigrants to 5072), located in the Wuyi County, Wang Er, lake square, 12 townships, 68 administrative villages, 239 village group. 2. (1) immigration demonstration village construction aspects of immigrant demonstr

17、ation village construction in accordance with the village neat, household hardware circuit is communicated, every improving drinking water and lavatories, garbage treatment, standardize democratic management, rich cultural life, industry characteristics formation of basic standard, construction demo

18、nstration village 7, 3.259 million yuan project funds, a high starting point, high taste make provision Row, from planning to implementation of the tracking to ensure the quality of construction of model village. The whole village has fundamentally changed. (2) infrastructure construction to solve i

19、nfrastructure conditions are relatively poor in the outstanding problems, the immigration benefit 14830, influencing the population benefited 47192, with a total investment of 383.69 million yuan, including 18.23 km of 22 immigration Village (Group) repair roads, has invested 186.94 million yuan, im

20、migration benefit 7950 people; for 5 immigration Village (Group) repair ponds and reservoirs 7 seat, has invested 28 million yuan, to repair the canal for the nine immigrant village (Group) 727 km, has invested 71. Support of 72 million yuan; for a migration village (Group) in cropland of the low yi

21、eld transformation of 100 acres, investment of 560 million yuan, immigration benefit 54. 5 an immigrant village (Group) repair water 369 households, investment 42.43 million yuan, immigration benefit of 1062 people; for two immigration Village (Group) repairing anti slope 0.13 kilometers, has invest

22、ed 17 million yuan, to benefit immigrant 193 for four immigrant village (Group) repair bridges and culverts 4 seat, has invested 19 million yuan for two immigration Village (Group) repair the dam 0.35 km, has invested 13 million yuan. (3) industrial production development project 9, has invested 28.

23、5 million yuan, including planting Sector 7, 1110 mu planting area, planting varieties have red bud taro, food crops, tea, nursery, red cedar, etc.; has invested 567 million yuan, aquaculture project, investment of 2 million yuan, pig 0.22 thousand head; support leading enterprises project 1, totali

24、ng $19.8 million. According to the regional economic development, industrial layout and market demand, according to the local infrastructure to improve the condition of the, in respect of immigrants village, the wishes of the masses based on, according to local conditions, hauling industries, a vari

25、ety of forms, management to households, most benefit the basic requirements and to support一、工程概况泥垭隧道排水采用双侧排水沟的方式,侧沟主要汇集地下水,同时起到沉淀和坚固排水的作用。边沟沟槽身采用C25钢筋混凝土,盖板采用C35钢筋混凝土。二、施工方案1、边沟A、对于纵向边沟,在施工时,沟型按照矩形截面规则开挖,夯实基底,达到密实度要求,并保证基底的干燥。B、在施工时,边沟线形平顺,采用直线形,转弯处作成弧形,其半径不小于10m,与桥涵进出口平顺衔接。C、平曲线处边沟施工时,沟底纵坡与曲线前后沟底纵坡


27、号机械名称规格型号数量(台)状态1挖掘机沃尔松2901良好2装载机3201良好3自卸汽车5T2良好4混凝土运送车4良好5机动翻斗车4良好6强制式搅拌机JS500(拌和站)1良好7砂浆搅拌机2良好四、工程质量保证措施1、工程质量保证措施 (1)、完善建立质检制度,严格把握质检关在施工中实行三级检验和交接班质量制度,从上一个班组交到下一个班组时需有交接班,由各班组质量员对上一班组的工程施工中质量进行逐步验收,合乎规范后,需签字接收。在本班的施工中需保证上班的施工质量。各施工队质量主管工程师对每项工序:如轴线、水平标高、几何尺寸、坡度等需检查签证,需每项工程进行自查复验,复验合格后报现场监理工程师检


29、其它试验有不及格者一律不得使用。对水泥结硬、砂石料的含泥量增加等,均应于拌和及浇捣混凝土前时进行检查。对施工中加工的工序质量混凝土试块、砂浆等进行逐项及时测试,必须达到全部及格,同时对各种原料测试数据上报现场监理工程师进行检查。 对施工工序中的效果进行测试,建筑物沉降观察,填土密实度,轴线移动进行必要的测试。对加工的成品及半成品进行必要的测试,对预制混凝土等进行必要测试。对施工工序中的效果进行测试,建筑物沉降观察,填土密实度土路基等协同现场监理工程师一道进行测试。在测试工作中发现问题及时研究根因,进行改进措施,并报告工程师同意,不能让不合格的工艺过关,并需追查原因进行处理。各工种技工各专职技术


31、全并达到以下目标。1、杜绝行车重大、大事故危险性以上责任事故。2、无火灾爆炸事故。3、无机械破损重大、大事故。4、无路外伤亡事故。5、无质量重大、大事故。6、年负伤频率控制在3以下。B、安全生产保证体系(1)建立以项目经理部为安全管理控制中心,以项目施工队为安全操作防范重点,靠前指挥、超前防范,形成互联互控,目标明确,责任明确、奖罚明确的安全生产保证体系。(2)开展安全标准工地建设,全面强化安全基础工作。C、生产安全管理制度及职责 (1)教育制度:参加本工程的全体职工,特别是三新人员都要进行全面的施工生产安全教育,提高职工的安全意识,牢固树立“安全第一,预防为主”的管理观,操作观和“目标观”,


33、导干部安全包保责任制和全员安全生产岗位责任制,明确责任,把安全生产落实到每个人。(5)奖惩制度:严格执行安全生产控制程序,严格按技规、规范、安规作业,服从现场统一指挥,对违章作业给予严肃处理,建立与工资,奖金挂钩的安全奖惩制度,并及时进行奖惩兑现。(6)检查制度:各级安检人员必须深入现场,执行“三检”制,并能及时发现问题解决问题,坚决杜绝违章作业并防患于未然。建立项目经理部月检,施工队日常检的定期检查与各级安检人员随机抽查相结合的制度。六、环境保护与文明施工措施A、环境保护及文明施工管理体系a) 建立环境保护及明施工管理体系,健全分级负责的管理体系。b) 各工点区域范围的环保、卫生与现场文明施

34、工由工点负责,经理部定期按文明工地标准进行检查评比,奖优罚劣,并服从有关环保部门的监督和指挥。c) 积极组织干部、职工学习工程建设施工的有关文件,开展文明施工的教育活动,提高干部、职工的环保意识和公民的责任意识。d) 组织文明检查小组,在施工现场进行巡回检查,监督保持所有设施完好、整洁,施工人员文明有礼。e) 加强内部治安和夜间保卫,充分发挥公安派出所民警的作用,坚决制止施工人员参与黄、赌、毒等活动,加强精神文明建设。加强对文物的保护。施工中一旦发现文物,及时采取有效的保护措施,并迅速报告业主和有关部门,积极配合做好相应的保护工作,防止文物受损、流散。B、文明施工措施a) 认真贯彻国家和当地政

35、府有关文明施工的要求,推行现代管理方法,科学组织施工,做好施工现场的各项管理工作。文明施工由项目党工委书记专项负责,各施工队设文明施工专职监督员。b) 按施工总平面布置图设置各项临时设施。堆放大宗材料、成品、半成品和机具设备,不得侵占场内道路及安全防护等设施.c) 施工现场设置明显的标牌,标明工程项目名称、建设单位、设计单位、施工单位、项目经理和施工现场总代表人的姓名,工程开、竣工日期。d) 沿路基右侧设贯通全线的施工便道以及利用的村道应有专人养护,经常洒水,杜绝扬尘。e) 施工机械进场必须经过安全检查,合格后方可使用;机械操作手必须建立机组责任制,并持证上岗;机械按规定的位置行驶和停放,不得

36、任意侵占场内其他位置。f) 保证现场道路畅通,排水系统处于良好使用状态;保持场容场貌整洁,随时清理建筑垃圾;在车辆、行人通行地方施工应设置沟井坎穴覆盖物和施工标志。g) 在施工场地设置围档,非施工人员不得擅自进入施工现场。各类必要的职工生活设施,并符合卫生、通风、照明等要求,职工的膳食、饮水供应等应符合卫生要求。C、消防a) 消除一切可能造成火灾、爆炸事故的根源,严格控制火源、易燃物和易爆物品的贮存。生活区及施工现场特别是材料场配备足够的灭火器材,并同当地消防部门联系,加强消防工作。b) 工地及生活区的动力及照明系统派人随时检查维修养护,防止漏电失火引起火灾。D、治安现场设治安组,进场后与当地

37、治安部门取得联系,与地方治安部门成立联防小组,维护施工期间治安。同时加强职工内部教育、管理,防止与周围群众发生冲突、打架等。E、环境保护措施a) 施工区必须设专职环保管理人员,并明确岗位责任。b) 现场施工区规划要对环保设施进行统一安排,以保障其实用的长期性。现场环保人员必须参与施组中环保措施的制订,以确保措施具体、实用,符合现场要求。c) 按有关规定建立健全各种组织,做到措施有效,责任到人。d) 与施工队签订环保协议书,切实把环保工作落到实处。e) 积极配合有关部门的环保检查,对提出的问题必须认真整改,第一管理者抓落实。f) 采取多种形式进行环保宣传教育活动,不断提高职工的环保意识和法制观念

38、并进行考核。根据现场环保工作管理情况定期召开分析会,制定具体措施。F、防大气污染措施a) 水泥、石灰等易飞扬的细颗粒散体材料应采用封闭式库房存放。搬运时必须采取有效措施,防止遗洒飞扬,禁止露天存放。b) 回填土时,土壤上必须经常洒水,石灰的熟化和灰土施工必须与洒水配合,防止扬尘。c) 严禁烧煤、木材等发烟物质。d) 现场严禁使用敞口锅熬制沥青,必要时要使用密闭和带有烟尘处理装置的加热设备,并严禁在现场焚烧油毡、油漆以及其它可能产生有毒有害烟尘和气体的物质。G、防水污染措施a) 现场作业产生污水禁止随地排放,必须定量引入沉淀池沉淀后方可排入市政管线。b) 食堂必须按规定设置隔油池,并加强管理,定期掏油,污水经沉淀后再排入市政管线。c) 现场设置专用的油漆油料库。油库内禁止放置其它物品,库房地面和墙面要做防渗漏的特殊处理。储存、使用和保管要专人负责,防止油料的跑、冒、滴,污染水源。d) 现场内禁止使用乙炔发生器。e) 现场厕所必须采用封闭式,粪便必须经化粪池后方可外排。9


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