1、 编号:Q/YD-2012100801220kV高石站220kV高玉南线线路侧设备C类检修及加装避雷器作业电气(一次)现场作业工艺工序卡电业局审批 施工单位审批电业局领导 : 批 准: 生 技 部: 审 查: 安 监 部: 审 核: 编 制:陈 文 武变电工区变电一队一、工作概况工作地点220kV开关场:220kV 高玉南线268线路设备处工程工期计划工作时间:2012年 月 日至2012 年 月 日工程内容1、220kV 高玉南线268线路加装避雷器2、220kV 高玉南线268线路设备C类检修二、保证安全的组织措施 施工单位:变电工区 负 责 人:施工班组:变电一队 技术负责人:施 工 负
2、 责 人: 安全负责人:停送电联系人: 应办理的工作票:变电第一种工作票 二级动火工作票 三、保证安全的技术措施(注明应拉开的开关、刀闸、悬挂标示牌、装设接地线的确切地点,装设围(遮)栏的确切地点,必须有针对性)序号保证安全的技术措施确认()备注1应拉开的开关: 2682应拉开的刀闸:2681、2682、26863应装设的接地线:1、在220kV高玉南线线路侧装设接地线一组 2、在220kV高玉南线2686线路刀闸与268 CT之间装设接地线一组共2组4应合上的接地刀闸: 268305应在在220kV高玉南线线路侧周围与相邻的220kV 1#主变总路带电设备间装设遮栏,并面向工作区域悬挂“止步
4、摔跌的安全措施,用绳索将梯子绑扎牢固5工作中使用的工具,应做好防止高空摔跌的安全措施6工作时应注意与带电设备保持足够的安全距离:220kV3m7吊车支腿必须打在牢固的地面上,专人指挥,并且接地良好。五、工作进度表序号工作内容工作进度备注 日 日 日 日 日 日 日1.220kV 高玉南线线路加装避雷器220kV 高玉南线线路设备C类检修九、材料工器具试验设备仪器仪表(材料工器具)准备序号名称规格型号单位数量准备情况()1梯子3米张22常用工具全套3消耗性材料按计划4毛巾张55开关特性测试仪台16直流电阻测试仪台17机油、黄油kg各0.58油漆黄、绿、红、银粉、红丹桶各19起吊工具套110111
5、213执行人确认人situation, causing the livelihood of 100 tailings project management project and South Mining Technology in two engineering work lag. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, strictly abide by the partys politic
6、al discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the partys theory and policy advice, not contrary to published The central and provincial Party committee decided to talk, not to divulge the secrets of th
7、e party and the state, do not make no illegal organization and participate in various activities, political, spread rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity of speech, do not damage the unity of things, and never allow individuals above the organization. 2, adhere to the scientific a
8、nd democratic decision-making the decision to make decisions. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents and so on. To
9、 improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit opinions, experts, public hearings and other health system. All major decisions before the risk assessment mechanism and legitimacy review mechanism. Adhere to the interests of the masses
10、and the intention reflected in the policy making process and carry out the work, not acting on their behalf, across the board and coercion. (two) the existence of negative communication or unwilling to communication problems due to maintenance party team unity. The team members of the division of re
11、sponsibilities, temperament, interestsDifferences in demand, often leads to different views, different opinions. Individual members of organization and coordination ability, team spirit is not good, work style is not real, simple working methods, lack of knowledge of the wisdom of the people, forgiv
12、eness and art for the people, can not deal with different opinions, there are self sweep the snow in front of the door, all kinds of responsibility fields. Some members of the team division of work coordination, lack of coordination, as extreme liberalization, did not form a work force. In addition,
13、 individual cadres lack of leadership training, love command communication, negative communication, talk in the work did not take the initiative to talk not correct The science team differences, resolve conflicts. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before Septembe
14、r 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to further strengthen the education and guidance on the implementation of the central eight provisions, the provincial nine provisions of the county committee of the ten provisions extensive publicity, eliminate the ideological六、定置定位图及围栏布置图主控室 带电区域 围栏 大门公路高玉南线2681刀
16、0260020262014002016002016268266265262261264263202212302122012681268226730265226512663026530264302124026130201302631263226330222026830202302282280212221212662266126222621261226112641264220212022221020122011220kV母220kV母212021802182110至220kV1#主变至220kV2#主变 八、工作流程图竣工检查清理现场作业确认开工后班后会作业程序安全措施设置开工前班前会危险点分析与
17、控制试验设备资料准备熟悉指导书及规程编制作业指导书现场查勘注:虚线框内流程为每天必做的作业程序避雷器加装工艺流程运行(双重)编号: 制造厂: 出厂日期: 出厂编号: 安装项目安装工序安装工艺安全措施执行人确认人1、拆除耦合电容器1、拆除耦合电容器一次引流线一次引线绑扎可靠、固定高空作业应系好安全带,防止人身坠落应采取防止施工工具失手坠落的措施2、拆除旧耦合电容器将专用起吊绳套在吊车大钩上,吊臂徐徐移至耦合电容器重心正上方,用吊带栓牢耦合电容器,吊钩微微上升,起吊绳位置放正使受微力,在瓷套上部绑扎安全保险绳,在耦合电容器底部用一根白棕绳作定位风绳,拧松耦合电容器安装螺栓,指挥吊钩徐徐上升,当耦合
18、电容器吊起离安装基础10mm暂停,检查起吊绳及耦合电容器重心有无偏移等异常情况,如发现有异常,应回落耦合电容器重新调整重心后,方可继续起吊,如正常,拆除定位螺栓,徐徐起吊,并将耦合电容器吊离,平稳放置在平稳且不影响继续起吊工作的地方1、 起吊必须由起吊负责人指挥,起吊过程应缓慢,防止发生碰撞2、 起吊过程中应与周围带电设备保持足够安全距离并设专人监护3、 高空作业应系安全带,防止人身坠落4、 应采取防止施工失手坠落工具的措施2、安装避雷器3、新避雷器吊装、就位由起吊负责人指挥吊钩徐徐上升,当避雷器吊起地面100mm暂停,检查起吊绳及避雷器重心有无偏移等异常情况,如发现有异常,应回落避雷器重新调
19、整重心后,方可继续起吊,控制风绳应及时调整方向。如正常,才可徐徐起吊,并将避雷器吊至安装基础正上方,然后指挥吊钩徐徐下降,当降至离基础10mm左右时暂停,用两支导向杆对角找准安装孔后,方可继续下降就位,并拧紧安装螺栓。拆除起吊绳,吊臂应尽快移开避雷器上方1、 起吊必须由起吊负责人指挥,起吊过程应缓慢,防止发生碰撞 2、 起吊过程中应与周围带电设备保持足够安全距离并设专人监护2、制作、安装一次线1、一次线应与接线板接触可靠,接触面应光滑无毛刺,抹导电复合脂,连接螺栓应紧固2、高空作业应系好安全带,防止人身坠落3、安装计数器应安装可靠、紧固4、刷相色漆相色漆应刷得均匀,不得滴流3、清理施工现场清理施工现场并撤离施工现场清洁无遗留物自检结论