ay2月亮山隧道施工组织设计(施组按项目部评审改正)1.15 .doc

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《ay2月亮山隧道施工组织设计(施组按项目部评审改正)1.15 .doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ay2月亮山隧道施工组织设计(施组按项目部评审改正)1.15 .doc(188页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、synchronous backup software does not respond to the rest of the data to be modified. In order to ensure maximum server exception, saving some data, synchronization of real-time backup software should have high, that delay does not exceed 1 minute. Offsite backups that must be supported across networ

2、k segments. In accordance with the above requirements for development our dedicated backup software. After development, wing that opened in salt on high speed test results meet the design requirementsWith the passing of time, it is preparing source Huan of Hubei industrial investment company limited

3、 factory close to the planning of the day looks like, planning human ideals gradually into an entity, spread out before us. Security plan enters the deployed State. After listening to your business objective for the leaders of security, I quickly people with loyalty to the cause of security, as well

4、 as previous security experience, combined with peer pioneers of success stories or experiences. Border security on your business ideas and suggestions to make as follows: 1.1 after careful analysis of a blueprint of the enterprise, taking into account your enterprise factory boundary: 540.65M x 234

5、.24M rectangular site. 1.2 scope for such dachangqu, I recommend the solid border security deployment, for a range of reasons, whether we use infrared radiation, electronic fences, alarm had done there, where the response. Because the factory could not spend a great deal of manpower cost to post thr

6、ee steps, five steps and a whistle. As we all know, under the current form of human resources costs much higher than the cost of all scientific and technological input. In order to better achieve the goal of planners, as well as for Active solid border defense work. We recommend that you use infrare

7、d radiation or linkage of electronic fences with video security deployment to achieve security goals. 1.3 in accordance with the device on the wall of the compound properties and parameters to a reasonable plan to install the infrared radiation equipment or fences and electronic equipment as well as

8、 video surveillance equipment, the specific needs of the equipment and materials quantities we will detail later. 1.4 the programme according to your companys site to see and listen to the leadership proposal, and in accordance with the actual needs of the project, with reference to the relevant int

9、ernational standards and national standards, combined with the experience accumulated by the company engaged in multiple projects, prepare the technology package. If the contents or any other aspect of the programme has not detailed where we welcome your valuable comments. Second, the design princip

10、les of the project design follows technology advanced, functional, stable and cost-saving principles. And considering construction, maintenance and operation, and for future development, expansion, reconstruction and other factors leave room for expansion. Design elements of the system is the system

11、atic, integrated and comprehensive; design has the scientificity, reasonability and operability. Its has following principles: 2.1, and advanced and applicability used currently most advanced of soft, and hardware and the network technology, errors rate low, compatible sex strong, upgrade easy, used

12、 module type structure, expansion convenient, no repeat construction investment, system of technology performance and quality index should reached international leading level; while, system of installation debugging, and software programming and operation using and should simple, easy master, for Ch

13、ina conditions and this project of features. Set the number of advanced technology in a the systems, reflects the current level of the latest development of computer and network technology, adapted to the requirements of the times. While the system is the system used for various management levels, i

14、ts functions are configured to provide the user with comfortable, safe, fast and convenient to3.1, the intelligent building design standards (GB/t 50314-2000) 3.2, the design standard for intelligent building systems engineering (DB32/191-1998) 3.3, the code黄石市月亮山隧道工程实施性施工组织设计黄石市月亮山隧道工程实施性施工组织设计中铁十一

15、局集团有限公司for engineering design of generic cabling system for city residential buildings (CECS/119-2000) 3.4, code for design of buildings and campus cable systems engineering (GB/T50311-2000) 3.5, the code for electrical design of civil buildings (JGJ/ T16-92) 3.6, the code for civil closed circuit m

16、onitoring TV system engineering technology (GB/50198-94) 3.7, the types of system earthing and safety technical requirements (GB14050-93) 3.8, of the security engineering procedures and requirements (GA/T75-94) 3.9, the rules of security engineering acceptance (GA/T308-2001) 3.10, the industrial des

17、ign of TV system code (GBJ 115) 3.11, the Security checks prevention system pass for graphics symbol (GA/74-94) 3.12, and fire linkage control equipment General technology conditions (GB 16806-1997) four, and system function and features in system both advanced, and practical, and mature, and reliab

18、le, and do system open, and can extended sex good, both investment reasonable, and benefits best of purpose, border security alarm system on site equipment for concentrated monitored, and control and management, makes these equipment to security, and reliable, and efficient to run, Maximize intellig

19、ent management role to create a safe, healthy, comfortable and pleasant, and to improve the efficiency of a good environment and save energy, and reduce maintenance personnel. According to the projects environmental needs, and engagement functions to establish the project boundary security alarm sys

20、tem, in a Word, this boundary is a project of the security alarm system is highly automated and efficient hospitality for a comfortable, convenient, and highly secure environment. Five, scheme design based on design principles, design specifications and according to international and domestic standa

21、rds, and in accordance with user needs, as well as drawings and related information provided by, and joining the projects actual situation and future development trends, border security alarm systems for the project design. 5.1. principle of system and burglar alarm system from detectors, regional d

22、irectors, and the alarm control centre composed of three parts. Its principles as in the following chart: detectors for burglar alarm system is inside and outside the building in key areas, important places, protection, when the probe to illegal invaders, the signal transmitted to the alarm control:

23、 sound and light alarm, display address, about the person on duty after receiving the alarm, take measures according to the situation, to control the development of the situation. Anti-theft alarm system alarm function in addition to the above, there is linkage function. Such as: open the alarm ligh

24、t (including infrared lamp), interactive audio and video matrix controller, switch on the alarm camera on the spot, matrix controller TV series of control: monitor displays an image, video footage, multimedia controller automatic or human . 8.1 the three guarantees period warranty 1, warranty 1) ser

25、vice period from date of acceptance of engineering, a 1-year warranty, warranty processing is completed within the response time is 48 hours. 2) service within the warranty period, we all accessories unconditional warranty for all equipment and replacement, all parts for all equipment (including all

26、 machine parts) maintenance and parts are free and provide on-site cleaning, test equipment services. During the warranty period, all equipment repair and maintenance services for on-site services, the resulting fees are waived. Free for system expansion, upgrade-related technical support services.

27、3) system warranty contact information to provide users with free technical advice, detailed answer to any problem in the system, to ask, answers will come detail. In the users if unable to solve the problems by themselves, directly by telephone, fax, Internet, letter, such as getting in touch with

28、my company (which calls for 24-hour service), we will respond within 4 hours, consultation with users to solve the problem. 2, service response times, we are committed to the warranty period on the operation of the system on a regular basis carry out comprehensive inspections, found that the problem

29、 solving on the spot,黄石市月亮山隧道工程实施性施工组织设计编制: 审核: 审批: 中铁十一局集团有限公司黄石月亮山隧道工程项目经理部二一三年四月二十五日目 录1 编制说明及工程概况11.1 编制依据11.2 编制范围11.3 编制原则11.4 工程简介11.5 地形地貌及地质构造41.6 采用技术标准及规范51.7 本工程特点、重难点62 施工总体部署72.1 施工目标部署72.1.1 工程质量目标72.1.2 工期目标72.1.3 安全生产目标72.1.4 文明施工目标72.2 总体施工安排及方法72.2.1 施工安排72.2.2 总体施工方法82.2.3 总体施工组织

30、措施93 各分部分项工程的主要施工方法133.1 施工准备133.1.1 场地准备133.1.2 技术准备133.1.3 工程试验133.2 隧道工程143.2.1 隧道风、水、电方案143.2.2 洞口施工153.2.3 洞身开挖163.2.4 初期支护与超前支护233.2.5 隧道防排水系统施工323.2.6 衬砌混凝土工程343.2.7 隧道监控量测及测量363.2.8 地质超前预报443.2.9 特殊地质地段施工技术方案及其处理措施463.2.10 隧道内预留洞室及预埋件等施工523.2.11 洞内路面工程533.2.12 洞内装饰工程533.3 路基工程533.3.1 路基施工测量及

31、土工施工533.3.2 路基场地清理及拆除533.3.3 路基挖方施工533.3.4 路基填方施工553.3.5 防护与排水工程573.4 路面工程583.4.1 路面基层583.4.2 沥青混合料面层603.4.3 上面层施工方法623.4.4 混凝土路面施工623.5 市政工程管道铺设633.5.1 沟槽开挖633.5.2 基础工程643.6 桥梁工程643.6.1 桩基施工方案及工艺643.6.2 承台施工方案及工艺743.6.3 墩身施工方案及工艺773.6.4 桥梁的沉降观测823.6.5 现浇箱梁施工方案及工艺843.6.6 桥面系及附属工程施工方案883.7 涵洞工程903.7.

32、1 基坑开挖及验收903.7.2 基础混凝土施工903.7.3 墙身钢筋及混凝土施工903.7.4 盖板施工913.7.5 伸缩缝及防水层设置923.7.6 台背回填923.8 房建工程933.8.1 工程测量933.8.2 基础施工933.8.3 主体工程施工943.8.4 砌体工程983.8.5 屋面工程993.8.6 装修装饰工程1003.8.7 外墙涂料工程1023.8.8 安装工程1023.9 机电设施安装工程1033.9.1 设备安装内容1033.9.2 设备安装进场和安装方法1044 工程投入的主要施工机械设备情况、主要施工机械进场计划1054.1 主要施工配备能力计算1054.

33、1.1 隧道施工设备1054.1.2 路基施工设备1074.1.3 路面施工设备1074.2 投入的主要施工机械设备情况表1074.3 主要施工机械进场计划1114.3.1 试验、测量、质检仪器1114.3.2 隧道施工机械设备1114.3.3 土石方施工设备1114.3.4 桥梁施工设备1114.3.5 机电照明消防通风施工设备1114.3.6 路面施工设备1114.3.7 管理用房施工设备1115 拟投入的主要物资计划1125.1 主要材料供应计划1125.2 材料质量保证措施1125.3 材料供应保证措施1126 人员组织及劳动力安排计划1146.1 组织体系及人员组织1146.1.1

34、组织机构及管理模式1146.1.2 组织机构人员职责1156.2 施工任务分解及施工队伍安排1166.3 劳动力进场计划1177 确保工程质量的技术组织措施1197.1 质量保证体系1197.2 确保工程质量的措施1197.2.1 技术保证措施1197.2.2 质量保证措施1227.3 质量缺陷责任期的维修1287.3.1 质量缺陷责任期的维修及工程保修承诺1287.3.2 工程维修及保修措施1287.4 材料质量控制措施1287.5 特殊季节施工质量保证措施1298 确保安全生产的技术组织措施1308.1 建立健全安全管理体系1308.2 安全检查程序1308.3 安全生产措施1328.3.

35、1 一般规定1328.3.2 洞口地段的安全控制1328.3.3 开挖施工安全保证措施1328.3.4 钻孔安全保证措施1328.3.5 爆破安全保证措施1328.3.6 出碴运输安全保证措施1338.3.7 支护施工安全保证措施1338.3.8 洞内防火与防水安全保证措施1338.3.9 通风与除尘安全保证措施1348.3.10 地质灾害防治安全措施1348.3.11 临时用电及照明安全措施1348.3.12 机械车辆作业施工安全措施1348.3.13 夜间施工安全措施1358.3.14 脚手架工程安全措施1358.3.15 模板工程安装及拆除的安全措施1358.3.16 职业健康安全保障措

36、施1368.3.17 职业病的防治1368.3.18 职业病的处理1368.4 现场应急处置方案1368.4.1 突发爆炸事故现场处置方案1368.4.2 触电事故现场处置方案1428.4.3 高空坠落事故现场处置方案1469 确保文明施工的技术组织措施1509.1 建立现场文明施工管理组织体系1509.2 现场文明施工管理保证措施15010 施工进度安排及确保工期的技术组织措施15310.1 施工总进度安排15310.2 各分项工程施工进度安排计划15310.3 各分项工程施工进度安排计划15510.3.1 分项工程工期安排15510.3.2 工程施工进度网络图15510.4 工期保证体系1

37、5510.5 确保工期的主要措施15510.5.1 建立高效的组织机构,配足机械设备和施工队伍15510.5.2 科学组织,加强施工现场管理15510.5.3 实施工期动态预测,加强施工调度16010.5.4 采取激励约束机制,积极开展劳动竞赛16010.5.5 运用网络技术,实施信息化管理,优化资源配置16010.5.6 形象进度监控法16010.5.7 关键线路监控法16010.5.8 加强资金管理,确保专款专用16110.5.9 采用先进的设备及先进合理的施工工艺16110.5.10 搞好对外关系,确保施工生产顺利进行16110.5.11 组织劳动竞赛,不断掀起施工高潮16110.5.1

38、2 雨季施工工期保证措施16111 施工总平面布置图及说明16211.1 施工总平面布置原则16211.2 临时设施方案16211.2.1 施工驻地16211.2.2 施工便道16211.2.3 施工临时场地16411.2.4 施工供水16411.2.5 施工供电16411.2.6 施工和生活废水排放、垃圾处理16411.2.7 工地卫生保健设施16511.2.8 其他辅助设施16511.3 临时工程数量16511.4 施工总平面布置图16511.5 施工现场围挡及交通疏导16511.5.1 隧道施工场地围挡及交通疏导16511.5.2 湖滨大道改造施工场地围挡及交通疏导16511.5.3 月

39、亮山大桥施工围挡及交通疏导16612 有必要说明的其他内容17512.1 环境保护措施17512.1.1 环境保护目标17512.1.2 环境管理体系17512.1.3 环境保护与水土保持措施17512.2 地下管线及其他地上地下设施的保护加固措施17712.3 既有柯家湾人行隧道防护措施17812.4 文物及地下障碍物保护措施17812.5 农民工工资保证措施17912.6 施工协调配合与防止施工干扰措施17912.7 施工后期的场地恢复17912.7.1 临时用地恢复17912.7.2 场地清理179179黄石市月亮山隧道实施性施工组织设计1 编制说明及工程概况1.1 编制依据1.1.1

40、黄石市月亮山隧道及其配套征地拆迁项目投资合作建设框架性协议;1.1.2 中交第二公路勘察设计研究院提供的设计图纸、设计文件、设计资料;1.1.3 交通运输部颁发的现行施工技术标准、规范、规则、规定等;1.1.4 现场踏勘调查所获得的有关资料;1.1.5 我公司拥有的科技工法成果和现有的管理水平、劳力设备、技术能力以及长期从事公路建设所积累的丰富的施工经验;1.2 编制范围黄石月亮山隧道工程1K2+965ZK6+985全长4.02km范围内的道路工程、路基路面工程、桥涵工程、隧道工程、管线工程、路线交叉、交通安全及管理设施、照明工程、绿化工程等。1.3 编制原则1.3.1 贯彻执行国家技术政策和

41、地方政府、行业技术标准、规范和规程要求;认真做好现场探勘工作,充分体现设计意图,不断完善设计与施工相结合,保证工程结构物符合设计标准和质量要求;1.3.2 积极采用“四新”技术,结合工程实际按专业化、工厂化、机械化要求合理配置资源,施工资源要求一次性配置到位,杜绝重复配置导致资源浪费;1.3.3 严格遵守框架性协议规定的施工工期和各项要求,统筹兼顾,突出重点,分期分批组织施工,注意各专业间的协调和配合,科学组织,均衡生产,通过保证阶段性工期目标确保总工期目标;1.3.4 符合国家环境、水土资源、文物保护和节能要求,贯彻“水、临结合”原则,充分利用永久征地,减少临时租地,有条件利用的正式工程优先

42、安排施工和使用;1.3.5 正确选用施工方法,合理安排施工顺序,科学组织,确保安全生产;1.3.6 施工进度安排注意各分项工程间的协调和配合,并充分考虑气候,季节对施工的影响,在安排工期和人员设备配置及施工方法上综合布置;1.4 工程简介黄石市月亮山隧道工程是黄石-大冶一体化“四横五纵”交通网络骨架的重要组成部分,是黄石老城区与山南规划新区连接的城市路网主干道。该工程北接中心城区的湖滨大道,上跨颐阳路、沿湖路后设月亮山隧道穿越黄荆山脉,南接黄金山工业新区汪仁规划片区的月亮山路。本工程主要包括隧道主体工程以及两端接线道路、立交工程,线路起讫桩号1K2+965ZK6+985,总长4.02km,其中




46、梁,结构采用一字型桥台,预应力混凝土连续现浇箱梁+预制小箱梁,GPZ-系列盆式橡胶支座,双柱式流线型桥墩(最高墩7.9m),钻孔灌注桩基础,桩径1.22.0m。本桥平面于K3+398.968分离成左右线以接隧道,右线位于直线上,左线ZK3+398.968ZK3+470.8位于R=1300m的圆曲线上,纵断面K3+000K3+340位于4的上坡段,从K3+340ZK3+520位于-3的下坡段,竖曲线半径R=1800m。另有,月亮山隧道出口端接线路基起止里程为K6+700K6+985,长度为285m,为新建路基。其中包含钢筋混凝土盖板箱涵一座共55.8延米;隧道进口段路基主要为项目起点地面辅道改造段1K2+965K3+081.7和新建接线路基ZK3+470.8ZK3+585段以及桥下辅道段。本项目2013年3月29日开工,计划于2015年9月30日完工。工程施工工期30个月。主要工程数量见下表。主要工程数量表编号项 目 名 称单位数量备注1线路长度km4.022路基土石方类土方开挖m332310类石方开挖m310982碎石土填筑m392833道路工程沥青路面挖除50cm厚m27100人行道路面挖除m21728拆除挡土墙m340015cm3%水泥稳定碎石垫层m22194515cm5%水泥稳定碎石基层m22086315cm5%水泥稳定碎石基层m2


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