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1、短文改错 (学案)班级:_ 姓名: _一、设错方式:文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。(1-2个) 删除:把多余的词用()划掉。(1-2个) 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。(6-8个)l 注意:来源:Zxxk.Com四不改(标点符号不改;大小写不改;单词拼写不改;语序错误不改)二、 口诀 动词形,名词数,还要注意形和副。非谓语,细辨别,介词短语要牢记 代词格,细领悟,句子成分多分析。冠词连词常光顾,逻辑错误须关注三、 练习(一)动词形1、动词的时态和语态错误。 2、

2、主谓不一致的错误。来源:学+科+网高考链接:1) I feel very happy that I could change my clothes at last . (2011全国卷1)2)Today, I got a letter that said I had been admitting to a college. (2006天津卷)3)Katie like many other Russian girls, are nice and lively .4)As is known to us all, remembering English words are not easy.(二)名

3、词数1、名词的单复数形式。 2、可数、不可数名词。 3、 名词所有格“ s ”常考的不可数名词:advice, homework, information, knowledge, furniture, clothing, fun, baggageluggage(行李), paper, work, harm, news, progress, traffic, trouble, word(消息)等等。 单复数同形的词 means(方式), sheep(绵羊), deer(鹿)等。高考链接:1) It felt very strange to travel without any luggages

4、. (2011全国卷)2)Christie was one of my best friend at high school . (2010全国卷2)3)I was playing at my cousin house . (2011浙江卷)(三)还要注意形和副1、形容词修饰名词、be动词和系动词。2、副词修饰动词、形容词、整个句子。3、 比较级和最高级的使用。高考链接:1) We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost! (2014全国卷1)2) Unfortunate, I had an accident and hit another ca

5、r. . . (2012浙江卷)3)The doctor says he is recovering fast than expected . (2009陕西卷)(四)非谓语,细辨别1、非谓语(现在分词、过去分词、不定式)的混淆。2、不定式to的遗漏或多用。高考链接:1)I could not to run very fast and fell behind.2)He had time for a proper breakfast and was still the first reach the factory. (2010重庆卷)3)On the box was a card, said“

6、25 cents” . (2010全国卷)4)I noticed mother looking at the nearby table occupy by an elderly woman. (2010浙江卷)(五)介词短语须关注, 习惯用法要记住高考链接:1) Luckily I had all my money on my pocket. (2011全国卷)2)The man is sitting next his son.3)Just ten days before, we had an evening party.(六)代词格,细领悟1、人称代词, 物主代词, 反身代词指代时是否一致。

7、2、it作形式主语、形式宾语或指代时有无缺漏。(find, think, make)高考链接:1)I was happy when the toys worked, but when things went wrong, I got angry and broke it. (2012全国卷)2)He found difficult to learn math well.(七)冠词连词常光顾, 逻辑错误须关注1、冠词a、 an、 the的用法错误。来源:学*科*网2、连词but、and、or、so和although(不能与but同时用)等的逻辑性用法错误。3、句子之间逻辑关系的矛盾。高考链接:1

8、)He was right here in the front of me. (2011陕西卷)2)we had been allowing tomatoes to self seed where they please . As a result, the plants are growing somewhere. (2014全国卷)四、实战演练1.词性误用形容词与副词的错用On the left-side of the class, I could easy see the football field.I thought the biscuits were really well. 修饰

9、动词应用副词而;修饰名词应用形容词;系动词后作表语用形容词.名词与形容词错用I noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people. Ive learned English for so long that I can communicate with native speakers of English without difficult. 作表语修饰名词用形容词;作介词宾语用名词名词与动词的错用1. This made for the grow in the porcelain industry2. Im sure I wi

10、ll success.冠词后跟名词不跟动词;作谓语用动词2.冠词错用不定冠词a和an的错用1. That day I didnt learn much about animals, insects or trees, but I learnt a impressive lesson about gravity.2. But he had only an 100-yuan note. 3. He was an European billionaire who got everything he wanted.单数可数名词前冠词的缺失.This custom soon becomes anothe

11、r meal of day. 2. Forrest Gump was born in small village. 一般情况下,单数可数名词前应有恰当的冠词。表示类指或泛指用a或an,特指用the.定冠词the的缺失1. Tomorrow is first day of school.2. In order to realize his dream, Bill Gates, richest man in the world, gave up studying in Harvard University.在序数词和形容词最高级前常用定冠词the冠词多余1. There are all kinds

12、 of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. 2. I think its a great fun and I can make more friends. 可数名词复数和不可数名词表示泛指时不用冠词常见固定搭配中冠词的缺失和多余1. I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning. 2. As result, the plants are growing everywhere. 3.名词数和格的错用。可数名词单复数的错用1. He was

13、 tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward to gray over the years. 2. It is our duty to work hard to achieve this goals. 有些名词常以复数形式出现;指示代词this, that后用单数名词。4.代词的错用代词数的错用1. Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them. 2. I often watched them car

14、efully so as to learn his techniques.人称代词、物主代词及反身代词等都有单复数之分,要根据上下文确定单复数。物主代词的错用1. We took ours fishing poles and headed for the lake. 2. Ive always been dreaming of having an opportunity to travel in English-speaking countries like your to practice and improve my English. 形容词性物主代词用了修饰名词,不能单独使用;名词性物主

15、代词单独使用,不能修饰名词。反身代词与人称代词的错用1. He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town, and he was strong and powerful.2. Here I would like to introduce me briefly. 反身代词是指代主语的,使动作的发出者把动作反射到本人身上;若所用代词与主语不一致,就要用人称代词而不用反身代词。不定代词的错用1. I wanted to do anything special for him at his retir

16、ement party. 2. Its been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many. 3. Dad lost his job, and as Mom explained, He was lucky to find other one.” 6.介词的错用介词与名词搭配不当1. Tony saw a toy on a shop window.2. The bridge on the river has a long history.介词与动词搭配不当1. My uncles immediately jumped up and shot

17、their arrows on the bird. 介词与形容词搭配不当You should eat more fruit and vegetables, which are rich of vitamins. 介词多余1. Please help with me and give me some advice. 2. My soccer coach retired in last week. 介词的缺失If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside.习惯搭配中

18、介词错用If we could show concern to others on need, the world would be a better place to live in. 7.谓语动词的错用时态、语态以及虚拟语气时态错用1. As I tell you last time, I made three new friends here. 2. Since thenfor all these yearswe had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. 语态错用1. Suddenly the arrows we

19、re flying down at us from the skythey were looked like rain! 2. Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles.系动词和不及物动词没有被动语态;被动语态构成错误。8.非谓语动词的错用不定式符号的多余Suddenly Mary, my best friend, asked me to let her to copy my answers. 不定式符号缺失Its been a month since I came to this new school and

20、 I really want share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing. 谓语动词与非谓语动词错用1. I enjoyed sit close to the windows and looking at the view. 2. Weve been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars. to的用法误判1. It is difficult to understanding why she barks every minute shes outside. 2. I a

21、m looking forward to see you. 注意:要分清句中的to是介词还是不定式符号2.连词错误并列连词的错用1. We ran to escape but fortunately no one was injured. 2. I was fed up with it, and I couldnt make her to stop. 定语从句关系词的错用或缺失1. Having tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, that might not be served until

22、 8 oclock at night. 2. Its really lucky I came to a restaurant that I am known. 3. There are many people think that wealth is better than health. 状语从句连词的错用1. If I was only a child when I studied in the classroom, I will never forget it. 2. In fact, he even scared my classmates away during they came

23、over to play or do homework with me. 3. She kept on turning back to see me unless we couldnt see each other any longer.unless 4. It is three years when I became a high school student.when 名词性从句连词的错用或缺失1. After looking at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missin

24、g. 2. That is which other teachers say. 从属连词与连接副词误用,连接代词之间的误用1. For one thing, that you are studying is badly needed nowadays in our country. 2. There is no doubt whether it is of great help to their study and future life.3. And you should also have a belief you are sure to succeed as long as you ke

25、ep your direction all the time.从属连词与连接代词误用;从属连词之间的误用;,从属连词缺失平行结构错误1. Dont panic or get out of line, and trying to remain quiet and calmly.2. We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening to music.篇章训练:(2014新课标全国)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增

26、加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;来源:学科网 2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Nearly five years before ,and with the help by our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes(圣女果)in our back garden, since then-for all these year-we had

27、been allowing tomatoes to self seed where they please . As result, the plants are growing somewhere. The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors. Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but we have never had any disease or insect attack problem. We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost! 五、 作业1、 复习本课内容2、 完成学案上的练习来源:学科网ZXXK附件1: 小苹果-短文改错版名词数,动词形,谓语非谓语很重要。你一定要把它分清。多个谓语分主从,主谓一致很重要,请你做题多多留心冠词介词虽然微小,不容你忽视,形容词的级别,请你千万要理清,副词修饰动词还有一个完整句,行文流畅才是一篇优秀文章。短文改错确实不容易,加强练习才是关键,多积累词汇和固定搭配,突破起来就没问题。8


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