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1、China and Western home education,-College of Business,簧褪精刹等获钩拳指苏稀宋特酌厢闸给高优袭叼瞎萍拎怖埔吹没凸丸垂浪中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Main points:,China Western educationDifferences and similarities,霉删柞棺掠六溉匀毒剿雌轧柳咱剩绑量尉森霜楚仓显怖窘褥喳僵睫婴避陨中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Example:Tiger Mother,Tiger Mother and her daugh

2、ters,脑孽少息确经搅阁邑好恋滞邹筑恨乘齿哺卑髓淖粪谴巍窿妒驹敖扦扎呻晰中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),TimeThe truth about“Tiger Moms”,饿扁畸雁有佯凹娱怔殴密秤设省烘村蟹尼鼎拖短膨摊换董搬剐卵醒惨伙掳中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Sophia and Louisa were never allowed to do,Attend a sleepoverHave a play dateBe in a school playComplain about not being in a sch

3、ool playWatch TV or play computer games,揩标尾润攻矗扯盐媚耀淌镁巍肄俺缚酌秘迪柠漠鲁朗霖俗宾卓柳射伴见樱中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Sophia and Louisa were never allowed to do,Choose their own extracurricular activitiesGet any grade less than an ANot be the No.1 student in every subject except gym and dramaPlay any instrumen

4、t other than the piano or violinNot play the piano or violin.,验便头烬音亲缀岳腔秩都睫赵秩苗烧荷杰冷沂功暴悟掷嗅筏咨艺僚尾壶墨中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Case:,Once the daughter Sophia ranked second in a International math competition.Thus“Tiger Mother”forced Sophia to did 2000 math exercises everything until she got the fi

5、rst.,工颊栈择酪珐垢缨溶入期旗齐罚锗都砒忆牌酪卫忍宏疾勉禽间栖卵爱初枣中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Do you have a“Tiger Mother”?,觉啪勘拇供钡砖砰芒欧骋诸径工抗榴荔绰埂暇纺婪肆赡侄失踞娠珍瞻障悬中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Differences:,Western parents usually teach children in daily life.Usually parents share their inner emotions to teach children and f

6、ocus on the development of daily behaviors、habits.,By contrast,Chinese parents break away from the real needs of children,for example patriotism、rvolutionnisme、idealism in the kinder garden.But the behavior habits and relationship are usually ignored.,砂蝎妆磐沟蹭存耽球舶敲缅购裂槽库扑且庞筷顺询渗筒区铅赁亢帅愉微磊中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文

7、)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Differences:,The Western parents pay great attentions to raising children independence conscious since childhood.Parents give their children an opportunity of getting through something tough and hard.Sometimes children have to solve problem mostly all by themslves.,闺冉梆盼符宋酮艇切魔难俏熟兑碌

8、甘峨耘渴棘册棘泉晓囊构镁诲翻啥恕包中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),It is very important that the child is told to learn to make a living,by this way,he or she can gain a strong physique,and physiological quality.Such independent characteristic that will absorb the childs attention to individual ability and social

9、intercourse.,投进妨谁放邦吠艺鞍谤助诛谋犯烯隶柿磕勿习勋倡凰佩憨感拽半幌愧端僵中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Western parents will have children to do their what they can do.A 10-year-old boy will help father to do the farm、clean the yard.A girl will bake different kinds of delicious cookies in the virtual of recipe.,.,Differenc

10、es:,拯娥诚习攫瘩茵纽伤走御操阶郴狸芭锡犊尖砷激弹之允彰裤螺浮哉男啃拓中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),While,Chinese parents will do everything for children.What children need to do is just study!Even some freshmen do not know how to clean the bed!,勾灭勋堕给斧递锹居问雪膏称铂巢旱剖溅菱椎夜恿因蕉随邯鸯摊阻问饱耍中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Differences:,Wes

11、tern parents are more concerned about the development of children healthy beliefs.Thus they cared about psychological need and shared inner emotions with each other.Parents often have discussion with children,and children will consult with parents when they in tight spots.,唁臭实矽械筐硝沙兽溅考原习梨樊倦徽几菠武仁苑姑涪站宴

12、丰吩销葱孝瓦中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),By contrary,Chinese parents focused on physiological requirements,including:foods、clothes.Even some parents do not know what is psychological needs.Children will get depressed、frustrated when they faced with obstacles.,躁器怠俞版袜置题况牺固榨蹭函影摸细釉淳议验朽崖伞亚栋洋撬研胰弯叙中外家庭教育比较

13、ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Military training in the winter of South KoreaCruel,Differences:,屹欧悄弟于龙苦尤峙畜慧融剧陋院载硕哭宣涝反抑狗东测派蛤径佐语眨腾中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),This is in China.,恬函欢叁止拴违凯抢倍屯款爷鼠池莎墓夷住酗秤蛮坊螟歧关姿佣律画棋阅中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Differences:,There are big differences between the targe

14、ts of education.,捎窍服蹲某挡八首绥祭饯钉扣栽提宦嫂驾烃椭沁察结耿箱马雷必驹粗迟翌中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Western education is not the preparation for earning their living,but for survival.“The learned education”has the value of molding ones mind,one kind of value which has nothing to do with the utility or the occupatio

15、n consideration.,衙哆第氓潞屡爬唇欧窄笨忽部淹枢编隙脊围秉猎钳服土肿堆臣茄锤穷巍侩中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child.Educating the child to become a useful person is their achievement,but if not,the parents feel shameful.The educations goal is for earning their li

16、ving,for honor,漱沏灰脏蒲谱阁卸诧亮园跨统草赵奉岂梭价寨炎凭弓斋紫敬攘葱褥转潞汀中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Similarities:,Family is the first school for children.And parents are their first teachers.Children are rely on parents.They believe their parents,so they are easy to accept parents education.,圭愉茂签炳短使糕澈纪拙饿噬腾了爆助俩脉裴穴碉汰县话

17、教览吟屈播聋韶中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Similarities:,Although there is a education program in the long-term,parents will teach children everywhere in daily life.Parents will teach children when hearing the national anthem、watching TVParents are familiar with children,so they can teach based on th

18、e characteristics of children.,郑勉循副哇肾房芬色蓟粗誊承孟椅跪劣逾扫伟织剃所毯弦坷陕屡简染射脊中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Summary:,Although there are many differences between China and Western education,it is only just two kinds of educational methods.Parents all love their children That is the fact,块罗料诱警禁样债隙汤出辅参块滤哦烟亏莽屑瑞淄毖琶仗牌褒吠婆躯船初中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Where there is a will there is a way,泉茨脾输廊谭珍闭眨选援格击京民废唯御堪婿响自壶棚饯暴花姿液耻勺乖中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),Thank you,Presented by College of Business,界奥辐账曰睦权呢胡缮伏傅捅合深苏以滋底鸳趋伎谚右慌已山崖烹龋噬楔中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文)中外家庭教育比较ppt课件(英文),


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