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1、,议论文写作指导 正反观点,正反观点题型:要求学生从正反两个方面来论证某一观点,对这类题型,审题时注意:体裁:议论文时态:一般现在时人称:第一人称 或 第三人称,文章结构,正反观点对比类的文章,提出问题,不同观点对比,说明自己观点 或者 总结,最近,你校同学正在参加某英文报组织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:公园要不要收门票?请你根据下表提供的信息,给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨论情况。注意:1、信的开头已为你写好。2、词数:100左右。3、参考词汇:门票:entrance feeDear Editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve

2、had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.,Dear Editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks(提出问题).Opinions are divided on the question.60of the students are against the idea of entrance fee.They believe a p

3、ublic park should be free of charge.People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves.Changing entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away.What is more,it will become necessary to build gates and walls,which will do harm to the appearance of a city.,过渡句,观点一,论据一,论据二,On the other hand

4、,40 think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers,and to buy plants and young trees.They suggest,however,fees should be charged low.Yours truly Li Hua 可以看出,这类文章的写作,首先要提出问题,即双方讨论的问题。接下来提出观点一,并用一系列论据进行阐明。说明完观点一之后,再提出观点二,继续用论据进行说明。如果需要说明自己的观点,可接下来说明自己的观点。,观

5、点二,论据一,论据二,The students of class 3 had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.Opinions are divided on this issue.Some of them think that English learning should start from childhood.As little boys and girls have a very good memory,they can learn a lot of

6、English words by heart.This will help them lay a solid foundation for their future English learning.But others do not agree.Young children have to learn Chinese pinyin at school.If they study Chinese pinyin and English at the same time,it will be very easy for them to mix them up.This will do a lot

7、of harm not only to their Chinese learning but also to their future English learning.In short,the students have not arrived at any agreement yet.,Whats more,Whats worse,作文模板,_ had a discussion about whether_.Opinions are divided on this issue._of the students think _ should _._.Whats more,_.But/Howe

8、ver/On the other hand,_ of the students think _ shouldnt _.Whats worse,_.In short,_ have not arrived at any agreement yet.,介绍讨论的主题(开头句):,我们举行了一场讨论,讨论内容是学生是否可以 We had a discussion about whether students should be allowed to 我们已经作了一个调查,调查内容是学生是否可以 Weve had a survey on whether students should be allowe

9、d to 我写信是要告诉你我们的一场讨论,讨论内容是否可以 Im writing to tell you about a discussion we have had about whether students should be allowed to,过渡句,Opinions are divided on this issue.Opinions are mainly divided into two groups.Different people,however,have different opinions on this matter.Different people,however,

10、think quite differently on this matter.,在这个问题上大家意见有分歧。,主要有两种不同意见。,然而,在这件事上不同的人有不同的看法。,介绍正方观点:,Sixty percent of the students are for the idea.Sixty percent of the students think it necessary toSome people think that According to them,all of us should.Some believe thatThey are of the opinion that,进一步介

11、绍正方观点,Whats more,we can as well as Besides,its,which,介绍反方观点,However,of the students thinkOn the other hand,of the students thinkHowever,others have different opinions.But of the students thinkOthers argue that In their opinion,进一步介绍反方观点,Whats worseWhats moreIn addition,Besides,First,Second,Third,in

12、my opinion/as far as I am concerned/personally we should pay attention to.Therefore,I am fully convinced that.Only in this way can we We should,which,of course,will benefit,结尾句,In todays class,we discussed about whether the old buildings with a long history should be removed in the old city reconstr

13、uction.About 40 percent of the students agree that the old buildings should be removed.They think it more important to improve the living conditions of the citizens.Besides,many old buildings are already shabby and dangerous as well.While the others hold the opposite opinion that a lot of old buildi

14、ngs are valuable and some are even the symbols of the city.In my opinion,some old buildings should be kept well if they are really important to our citys history and culture.,假如你是肖芳,你所在的学校最近进行了一次消防习(fire drill),请就演习的情况向英语报社写一份道。内容如下:演习目的:培养师生在火灾发生时的自我保护能力和自救能力。演习时间:本周星期一下午4:00。参加对象:全体师生员工约4000名。演习的基

15、本情况:大家迅速、安全地在5分钟内到达操场指定位置。同学们的感受。写作要求只能使用5个句子表达全部内容介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条翻译成英语。句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。,In order to improve the abilities of self-protection and self-saving when a fire breaks out,a fire drill was carried out in our school.It was at four oclock this Monday afternoon.All the staff and students,about 4,000 in total,participated in it.Within 5 minutes,all rapidly got out of their classrooms or offices and reached the designated places safely.After the activity,we feel its very important for us to experience such a drill and greatly improve our sense of safety.,


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