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1、10%,15min,35%,35min,25%,25min,10%,15min,5%,5min,四级写作总体介绍,四级作文评分原则及标准,CET作文题采用总体评分(Global Scoring)方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分(Reward Scores),而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。,四级作文评分原则及标准,本题满分为15分阅卷标准共分五等:2分、5分、8分、11分及14分。各有标准样卷一至二份。阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数(如8分)相似,即定为该分数(即8分);若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数则可加一分(即9分)或减一分(即7分)。但不得加或减半分。,作文评分标准,2分

2、-条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。5分-基本切题。表达思想不够清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。8分-基本切题。表达思想比较清楚,文字尚连贯;但语言错误较多,其中有少量的严重错误。11分-切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。14分-切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本无语言错误。,评分标准解读,两大基本原则1.印象分:书写工整,字迹清晰,卷面整洁2.语言第一位(语法与词汇的基本功)结构第二位(逻辑结构是否清晰)内容第三位(内容是否跑题),Example 1.,1.Directions:For this part,you are

3、allowed 30 minutes to write an essay Free Admission to museums.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1.越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么?2.也会带来一些问题;3.你的看法?,2分-,条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。Nowdays,Social appeared more and more free Admissions to museums.Its in or

4、der to people wasted money.In addition,rich in peoples life and increase more knowledges.people visited the museum must have leaved some waste.In another hand,some visitors didnt listen the museums workers,一塌糊涂,5分-,基本切题。表达思想不够清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。In order to enrich the culture of people,more and more

5、museums were provided free admissions.Somebody thought it would take some problems like that.The first,because of free admissions of museums were attracted a large numbers of people who interested in all around the world.And those who take part in effected the traffic crowed around the museums,even

6、though affected people who live in next to museum daily life.Besides,free admissions of museum would attracted thief came in.,糊里糊涂,8分-,基本切题。表达思想比较清楚,文字尚连贯;但语言错误较多,其中有少量的严重错误 There is an interesting and instractive picture which goes like this:More and more museums are free for people.They want more

7、people go to museums.But some people argue that it make some trouble for free for people.The reason is the economy of the museums would be worse than before.Worst of all,it may take a mess for more people come to the museums.,马马虎虎,11分-,切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。Now more and more museums are free witho

8、ut charge to the public.Does that make any sence?Free admission to musuems helps us save money,but it also encourages us to go to museums to learn something else and get more knowledge.This contributes to improve the living level of the public.It can certainly let us know more about our country and

9、the world,which has a good effect on our development.Every coin has two sides.It can also bring some problems.For example,清清楚楚,14分-,切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本无语言错误。Nowadays,more and more museums are open to the public for free.Free admissions to museums will motivate peoples interests in history,arts a

10、nd science.In this way,museums can provide people with easier access to knowledge,which is of vital importance for the whole nation.,漂漂亮亮,14分-,切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本无语言错误。However,some people hold that free admissions to museums can bring about many problems.Since anybody can enter a museum without

11、paying,the museum can be overcrowded and it will be a difficult job for museums to maintain their collections.Besides,museums will face financial problems since they cant make profits from the admission fee.Due to the decrease in profits,museums have less motivation to up-date their collections and

12、out-of-date museums cant avoid the fate to close up in the long run.,漂漂亮亮,14分-,切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本无语言错误。In my opinion,free admissions to museums are good for the public,but on the other hand they may pose problems to the museum management.Governments should provide help to museums and guide them

13、 to serve the public better.,漂漂亮亮,四级作文写作要求,1.篇幅:考试要求是120字单词 达不到字数的要酌情扣1-5分 90-99扣1分,80-89扣2分,70-79扣3分,60-69扣5分2.时间:30分钟,审题(3分钟):写作(25分钟):检查(2分钟):,写完之后修改注意:(内容方面尽量不要修改)1.字母大小写2.符号3.单词拼写4.动词时态5.主谓一致6.名词单复数,作文写什么?,开头 2-3句中间 6-8句结尾 2-3句,有话可说,作文写什么?(根据采分点),框架 表示结构的短语 细节 亮点词汇和句型,说话漂亮,布局:三段式(有时候根据需要还可写四段),

14、大学英语四级写作通常采用三段论模式,即:开头段(introduction)、主体段(body paragraph)和结尾段(conclusion)。考场作文通常是写成三段(四段当然也可以,不过一般情况下三段比较合适),应对策略,1、篇章:开门见山,直奔主题(紧扣所给提纲写出主题句)。使用合适的方法展开主题句(常用方法如:列举,因果,举例等)2、句子结构:适当使用从句、倒装句、非谓语动词、插入语,从而使文章句子结构稍微复杂而富于变化。3、词汇:尽量使用与主题相关的一些重要词汇,避开用得过于泛滥的词汇。,得高分的关键,运用复杂句式书写美观开头结尾很关键词汇的多样使用谚语,开头常用句型:,现象式数据

15、式引言式提问式,练习,on Dual Degrees.1.近年来越来越多的大学生热衷于修“双学位”2.产生这种现象的原因3.我的观点,练习,Private Cars in China1.是否应该鼓励发展私人轿车2.表明你的观点并说明理由3.鼓励或者限制私人轿车的有效措施,练习,Say Thank You to Parents1.很多的大学生从未跟父母道过谢 2.请说明原因3.你的建议,练习,Should College Students Live on Campus a.有些人喜欢住在学校的宿舍,因为.b.有些人喜欢住在校外,因为.c.我的看法,四级作文-2,四级真题作文:Due Attent

16、ion Should Be Given To Spelling1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写。2.出现这种现象的原因是3.为了改变这种状况,我认为.,back,写作步骤:列提纲(必不可少的一步-现象类说明文第一段提纲:提出主题第二段提纲:分点阐述出现这种现象的原因是第三段提纲:阐述为了改变这种状况,我认为.,学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 影响英语写作、英语提高,应试教育老师教学中没有重视拼写学生懒惰,将拼写纳入考试中 老师、学生要重视拼写提高学生对单词拼写的兴趣,第一段:Nowadays,students attach less importance to the spelling of

17、 words in the process of English study.This phenomenon greatly influences students writing and brings on worries among teachers.,Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling,第二段:Three leading factors may have caused such a grave problem.First,exam-oriented education makes the students pay less attentio

18、n to spelling.Second,some teachers should also be responsible for it because they dont emphasize the importance of spelling during teaching.Last but not least,some students are too lazy to recite words.,第三段:Since spelling is one of the most important factors in English study,due attention should be

19、given to it.first,exams should be modified to add some factors into it,which would help student pay more attention to spelling.Then,schools should also set effective mechanisms to help teachers as well as the students to realize the importance.Finally,for students themselves,they can,through other w

20、ays,make them be interested in word spelling.Only by these can we surly realize the importance of spelling and make improvement.,主题句的写法1,如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写。,back,(1)For most students,no attention has yet been given to spelling in their English learning.,(2)Nowadays,English learners in China do not at

21、tach due importance to spellings in their language learning.,Nowadays,a lot of students dont pay attention to the spelling in their English study,主题句的写法2,2.出现这种现象的原因是,Two principal factors have been identified as the leading contributors to the problem,namely,A and B.Two leading/major factors may ha

22、ve caused such a grave problem.,There are three reasons accounting for this problem.,主题句的写法3,3.为了改变这种状况,我认为.,In order to change this situation,I think,In my opinion(point of view),two powerful measures must be taken immediately to change this situation,1.现象式(1)With the rapid development of society,s

23、tudents are attaching more and more importance to,Dual Degrees,(2)has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to day life.,Private cars,1.现象式,(3)As society develops,great changes have taken place in,Private cars,(4)过去XX年,发生了什么,The past decade has seen(witnessed,experienced,undergone)e

24、g.The past decade has witnessed the phenomenon that a growing number of students are keen on pursuing dual degrees.,万能开头句,The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to the reform and opening-up policy being carried out,bring some problems at the same time,with the following on

25、e being the formost.,2数字式,原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。,不妨试用下面的句型:,Accordingtoarecentsurvey,about of,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造,According to a recent survey involving over 3000 undergraduates,35%of the university students never said Thank You to their parents.,78.9%,thecollegestudentswantedtofurthertheirstudyafte

26、rtheirgraduation.,3名人名言式,1.As an old saying goes,time is money.2.As the proverb goes,practice makes perfect.,3.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart,as Socrates,the renowned/distinguished Greek philosopher,once observed/concluded!,4.Practice makes perfect,as one renownedphilosopher,once observed

27、!,4提问式,How can we succeed in a job interviewer?Different people have different opinions on this question.Some people believe that,Should College Students Live on Campus?Different people have different opinions on this question.Some people believe that,学会遣词造句,遣词-七大恶心词汇,important verythinkdifferentin

28、my opinionPeoplegovernment,替换六大恶心词汇,important=(significant,essential)very beautiful=(wonderfully beautiful)think=(harbor the idea)different=(various)in my opinion=(from my own perspective)people=(individuals/folks)government=(authorities),举例,The bicyle is important for us.The bicyle is of importancc

29、e for us.The bicyle plays an important role in our life.The bicycle,environmental friendliness vehicle,plays an important role in our life.,举例,As far as I am concerned.As far as I am firmly concerned.As far as the private cars are concerned,I firmly believe that,举例,I am offering thanks to my parents

30、.I am,from my bottom heart,offering my gratitude to my loving parents.,高分必杀句型之一 1.过去XX年,发生了什么 The past decade has seen(witnessed,experienced,undergone)规律:低分:时间状语+主句:高分:时间作主语+has/have+witnessed,seen,experienced+其他,高分作文必杀句型22.某人(我)觉得,认为。低分:I believe(think)+宾从高分:(2)句子,as I am firmly convinced.(3)It can

31、 be argued(assumed,concluded)that+从句,高分作文必杀句型43.名言警句:我还记得有一为伟人、名人说过。低分:I still remember a famous person once said that+宾语从句高分:原来的宾从改为主句,+as 牛人的名字,+同位语+once 说过(高级词汇),例 证低分:I still remember that a famous person once said that impossible is nothing for a willing heart!必杀句型提高后:Nothing is impossible for

32、a willing heart,as Socrates,the renowned/distinguished Greek philosopher,once observed/concluded!,微观:高分对策,高分词汇替换句子间的衔接短语常见高分表达法:检查:避免明显的语法错误,Eg.在过去十年中,越来越多的学生出现了不同的拼写问题。During the past ten years,more and more students have different kinds of spelling problems in English learning.,问题1:句型升级The last de

33、cade in China has seen/experienced/witnessed an increasing number of students who are troubled by English spellings.English spelling has become a serious problem for students in China over the past decade.,问题2:词汇升级 During the past ten years,more and more students have different kinds of spelling pro

34、blems in English learning.,Over the last decade,a growing number of,an increasing number of,a surprising number of,an astronomical number of the vast majority of,the overwhelming majority of,不同的DifferentVariousVaried DiverseDiversified,必杀高分词汇替换1重要的:important,extremely important,significant,decisive,

35、predominant fundamental,crucial,indispensable,必杀高分词汇替换2好的,有趣的:good,interesting intriguing unbelievable incredible fantastic fascinating gorgeous impressive,必杀高分词汇替换3坏的,不好的,糟糕的:horrifying,horrible,disastrous,disgusting,discouraging,shocking,unbearable,monstrous,必杀高分词汇替换4我想,认为,觉得,思考,。:think harbor the

36、 idea that take the attitude that hold the view that it is widely shared that it is universally acknowledged that,必杀高分词汇替换5努力/打算做某事:try/want to do sth.endeavor to do sth.do ones utmost to do sth.spare no effort in doing sth.be motivated to do sth.be encouraged to do sth.be inspired to do sth.be will

37、ing(determined)to do sth.,必杀高分词汇替换6一些表示程度的副词:very extremely,tremendously,substantially,remarkably,reasonably,必杀高分词汇替换7:衔接词英语句子的三大逻辑关系:正比:因果反比:转折或者让步平行或者递进,高分词:表因果低分:as a result;therefore高分:not surprisingly consequentlyquite expectedly eventuallyquite predictably ultimatelyquite understandably,高分词:表转

38、折和反比低分:however,高分:as a matter of fact,nonetheless,nevertheless,in actuality,in reality,By/in contrast,高分词:表递进低分:Moreover,高分:additionally in addition to thatat the same time on the other hand more importantly more interestinglymore delightfully whats more,全文句型,定语从句(限定或非限)现在分词作主语的句子状语从句(时间状语较普遍)后置定语()

39、并列句(and,while)If 引导的条件句(If some of chances are grasped,),全文句型,同位语从句(the fact that)比较级句子(compared with)独立主格结构作前置状语(Actually obtained from the big firm,these capacities and experience could make us change a lot.)It is+adj./done+that/to do句型倒装句Make it adj.(句子,making it possible that),造句,第一,插入语,使文章有跳跃感J

40、inan,the Spring City,is a famous tourist city插入语的作用主要有两个,第一个是突出主语,比如说:He,who would like to play basketball,is a good student.第二个作用是解释说明,比如说:People,especially students,should work hard.,2.Attitude,after all,is essential for a students academic performance3.Other people,however,stand on a different gr

41、ound.4.This measure,undoubtedly(in my opinion),will eliminate the waste of water,适当插入一些副词或介词短语等,倒装句基本上所有学生在卷子里都出现的句型但却单调(only),Not only,but alsoOnly in this wayUnder no circumstance无论如何,决不 On no account绝不,切莫 On no account should we break up.我们决不应该分裂。Adj.(strange/surprise)as it may seem,否定词位于句首(hardl

42、y when;never;not only-,but also-;seldom)在我一生中很难遇到这样的人Seldom in my life have i met such a kind-hearted man.地点方位名词位于句首In no other place in the world can one find such enthusiasm for applying for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games,主动句和被动句变换与汉语相比,英语更注重动作本身,而不是动作的执行者,因此在英语中被动语态的使用相对多一些,但这并不表明要一味地追求被动语态的使用。主动

43、变被动1)不需要体现动作的执行者【原文】We should pay more attention to the elderly who had devoted their youth and energy to our country.【优化】More attention should be paid to the elderly who had devoted their youth and energy to our country.,需注意的问题,避免一味用 There is 开头。There are more and more people who realize the relati

44、on between examination and teaching methods.,The relation between the examination and teaching methods is increasingly recognized.,避免一味用People,I,We 开头We will always remember the smile on her face.The smile on her face will be firmly rooted in our minds.We certainly should offer good service.Good ser

45、vice is certainly required.,时态一般现在时为主体,Nowadays,a growing number of people had private cars.have,一定要用-过渡性关系词,思想清晰行文流畅有跳跃感表达地道,一二三原则,考官们看文章必然要通过关键性的“标签”来判定你的文章是否结构清楚,条理自然。,1)first,second,third,last,(不推荐,原因:俗),2)firstly,secondly,thirdly,finally,(不推荐,原因:俗),3)tobeginwith,then,furthermore,finally,(强烈推荐),

46、4)tostartwith,next,inaddition,finally,(强烈推荐),5)firstandforemost,besides,lastbutnotleast,(强烈推荐),关系词1,递进1.首先 in the first place,to begin with,to start with,for one thing2.其次 in the second place,moreover,further,furthermore,besides,for another3.最后 last but not least,more importantly,above all,additiona

47、lly,关系词2,让步/转折 In other words,despite that,in spite of,even though,nevertheless,however因果 as a result,as a consequence,hence,thus,to conclude,in conclusion,consequently,关系词3,举例说明 for instance,take for example,a case in point is,one illustration of this is 总结 in summary,in the final analysis,based on

48、 all the arguments offered above,on the basis of the above discussion,having considered all the arguments above,四级作文中常见错误分析,词汇错误判断词汇量大小,找准主客观系数比语法错误学生基本功的表露,与作文最终分数直接相关内容错误跑题或文章中有严重攻击性用语,此种情况一般为零分,词汇错误,1.单词拼写(基础词汇的拼写错误导致失分较大,eg.sociaty,nowday,phenomen,colleage)2.混淆词性(eg.In social,with the developmen

49、t of economic,do not interest in)3.拼音替代 4.情态动词使用错误(must doing,can done),语法错误更重要、更易错,1.第三人称单数&可数不可数名词(people is,students are,)-分数较低2.there be 句型错误(there are many reasons contribute to this problem)3.双谓语动词现象(My father is one of the people agree the parents send their children to art classes.),语法错语评分的标

50、准,4.汉语式句子(Not only the kids looking forward to their result,but also their parents.)5.主谓宾不完整(They sent their children to study many.)6.动词作主语(study piano will help your children win on begin.),语法错误宁用简单不错用复杂,7.现在分词独立成句(First,Combining the parents opinions with their kids willings.)8.从句使用错误9.主动与被动混淆,十大


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