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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.,Section A 1a2c,get _ _ go _ _ leave _ _oversleep _ _ have _ _ give _ _,你能写出下列不规则动词的过去式和过去分词吗?,ring _ _run _ _wake _ _ put _ _,Warm up,rang rung,ran run,woke woken,got got/gotten,went gone,left left,overslept overslept,had had,put put,gave given,Warming up,Do y

2、ou remember any unexpected situation in your daily life?,Maybe you are a black horse.,What do you think of the people in these pictures?,They look scared/sad,He broke his arm.,He is getting an electric shock.,What happened to the boy?,Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.,I was late for work today

3、.When I got up,I found my clock had rung.It was 7:30.When I went out,I found the bus had already left.,1a,Look at the pictures.What happened to the girl?,Tinas Bad Day,She got up late.She overslept.,Tell a story,oversleep(overslept,overslept)v.睡过头;睡得太久复合词中的over常有“过于”之意Dont oversleep,Dean!You are to

4、be late.迪恩,别睡过头了!你要迟到了。,By the time she got up,her brother had already gotten in the shower.,=when当时候,By the time she got outside,the bus had already left.,=when当时候,When she got to school,she realized she had left her backpack at home.,忘记某物真特殊,后有地状用leave.,()I forgot my homework at home.()I left my h

5、omework at home.,T,F,Listen to Mary talking about her morning.Complete the sentences.,By the time I got up,my brother _ already _ in the shower.By the time I got outside,the bus _ already _.When I got to school,I realized I _ _ my backpack at home.,had,gotten,had,left,had,left,通过刚才的听力训练,你来总结一下。(1)By

6、 the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.When I got to the school,I realized I had left my backpack at home.这三句话是什么时态的句子?_(2)过去完成时表示在过去某个时间,或动作之前 已经发生或完成的动作。即“_”。结构为:_ 3)by the time 意思是 _,=when,后接过去时的句子时,主语的谓语动词用_。,观察与思考:,过去的过去

7、,过去完成时,had+过去分词,在 时候,过去完成时,过去完成时,看time line来比较过去完成时与一般过去时的不同,也比较两种时态。,构成:had+过去分词,过去完成时态,The Past Perfect Tense,定义:过去完成时是一个相对的时态,表示的时间是过去的过去。只有和过去某时或某动作相比较时才用到这个时态。这个时态常常用于宾语从句中。,用法:,1.过去完成时动词表示过去某一时间或某一动作之前完成的动作或状态。在强调过去某一动作发生在另一动作之前时。,过去完成时:,在强调过去某一个动作发生在另一个动作前常常用过去完成时态。,1.他说他以前见过你。,He said that h

8、e _(see)you before.,had seen,2.到六点钟为止他们已经工作八小时了。,By six oclock they _(work)for eight hours.,had worked,2.过去完成时词可以表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或呈现的状态,这一动作一直持续 或将继续下去。,By six oclock they _(work)for eight hours.,When I came to GZ,he _(be)there for a long time.,用法:,1.到了六点钟为止,他们已经工作了八小时了。,2.我到广州时,他在那里很长时间了。,had worked

9、,had been,3.到上个月中旬我们在北京住了有五年时间了。,By the middle of last month we _(live)in Beijing for five years.,had lived,The Past Perfect Tense过去完成时,常用于:(1)含介词by到为止,before 等时间短语的句中.(2)连词when,by the time,before 等引导的时间状语从句的主句中.(3)用于主过从过的从句中.I realized he had already left here.,We had learnt 20 English songs by the

10、 end of last month.,The plane had taken off when I reached the airport.By the time I got up,my brother had left home.,1.到昨晚上,他已写完那封信。,By yesterday evening he _(write)that letter.,2.他说他以前见过你。,He said that he _(see)you before.,3.当我进来时,他已做完了作业。,When I came in he _(finish)his homework.,记住时间状语:by then(截止

11、到那时);by 9 oclock(直到九点钟)by the end of(在结束/末之前);by the time(在时之前);by+过去时间点up till then(直到那时);up until last night(直到昨晚)等连用,表示过去的过去。,had written,had seen,had finished,3.过去完成时和 already,just,ever,yet 等连用表示过去的过去。,用法:,例如:1.他告诉我说他们队已经赢了。,He told me that his team _ already _(win).,had,won,2.她说她仍没去过长城。,She sai

12、d that she _(not go to)the Great Wall yet.,hadnt been to,用法:,过去完成时与when,before,as soon as,till/until 等引导时间状语的从句连用,强调动作发生的时间前后。,例如:1.她到家之前她的孩子已经睡着了。,When she got home her children _(sleep).,had slept,2.在他们到达之前电影已经开始了。,Before they arrived here the film _ already _(start).,had,started,Last night,as soo

13、n as I _(finish)my work I went to sleep.,3.我完成作业了就去睡觉了。,had finished,过去完成时和 already,just,ever,yet 等连用表示过去的过去。,用法:,例如:1.他告诉我说他们队已经赢了。,He told me that his team _ already _(win).,had,won,2.她说她仍没去过长城。,She said that she _(not go to)the Great Wall yet.,hadnt been to,Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.

14、Section A(2a-2d),看time line来比较过去完成时与一般过去时的不同,也比较两种时态。,构成:had+过去分词,过去完成时态,The Past Perfect Tense,定义:过去完成时是一个相对的时态,表示的时间是过去的过去。只有和过去某时或某动作相比较时才用到这个时态。这个时态常常用于宾语从句中。,3.到昨晚上,他已写完那封信。,By yesterday evening he _(write)that letter.,4.他说他以前见过你。,He said that he _(see)you before.,5.当我进来时,他已做完了作业。,When I came i

15、n,he _(finish)his homework.,had written,had seen,had finished,1.她到家之前她的孩子已经睡着了。,When she got home,her children _(sleep).,2.在他们到达之前电影已经开始了。,Before they arrived here,the film _ already _(start).,had slept,had,started,练习:用所给词的适当形式填空1)When they got to the station,the train _(leave).2)By the time she got

16、 to class,the teacher _ already _(start)teaching.3)she realized she _(forget)to lock the door.4)When he _(get)to the cinema,the film_(begin).,had left,had,started,had forgotten,got,had begun,1.After he _(finish)his work he went out.,had finished,2.The children ran away after they _(break)the window.

17、,had broken,3.I went to Toms house but he _(go)out.,had gone,Exercises:,4.Annie told me that his father _(go)to Paris and he _(come)back in a few days.,had gone,would come,5.My friend _(buy)the car two years ago.He _(buy)it for two years.,bought,has had,Listen to Mary continue her story.Number the p

18、ictures 14 in the correct order.,3,4,1,2,1a,Look at the pictures.What happened to the girl?,Tinas Bad Day,Fill the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.Then listen again and check your answers.,When I _(get)home,I realized I _(leave)my keys in the backpack.By the time I _(get)back

19、to school,the bell _(ring).By the time I _(walk)into class,the teacher _(start)teaching already.,got,got,had left,had rung,walked,had started,听两遍录音,完成下面的对话。,Boy:So then what did you do,Mary?Mary:Well,I _ to get my backpack.But when I got home,I realized I _ my keys in the backpack.Boy:Youre kidding!

20、Mary:So I ran back to school without my keys or my backpack.But by the time I got back to school,the bell _.Boy:Oh,no!Mary:And by the time I walked into class,the teacher _ teaching already.She asked for our homework,but of course I didnt have it.,ran home,had left,had rung,had started,Section A 2d/

21、Section B 1a1e,Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.,Section A 2d-3a,记住时间状语:by then(截止到那时);by 9 oclock(直到九点钟)by the end of(在结束/末之前);by the time(在时之前);by+过去时间点up till then(直到那时);up until last night(直到昨晚)等连用,表示过去的过去。,Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section A(2d,Grammar),构成:had+过去分词,过去完成时态,The

22、 Past Perfect Tense,定义:过去完成时是一个相对的时态,表示的时间是过去的过去。只有和过去某时或某动作相比较时才用到这个时态。这个时态常常用于宾语从句中。,构成:had+过去分词,过去完成时态,The Past Perfect Tense,定义:过去完成时是一个相对的时态,表示的时间是过去的过去。只有和过去某时或某动作相比较时才用到这个时态。这个时态常常用于宾语从句中。,1a,Look at the pictures.What happened to the girl?,Tinas Bad Day,Listen to Mary continue her story.Numbe

23、r the pictures 14 in the correct order.,3,4,1,2,mt 马特(男名),kevin 凯文(男名),1.上学迟到发出响声一直睡觉一直做某事醒来;弄醒穿上冲出门幸运地是,捎我一程至少2.找出两个过去完成时的句子,be late for class,keep sleepingkeep(on)doing sth.,wake up,Language points,1.leave sth in/on/at sp.把某物忘/落在某地forget sth/sb忘记某物/某人eg.He _ his ticket at the bus station.2.wake up

24、醒来wake sb up/wake up sb叫醒某人eg.He _ up at midnight last night.His mother _ him up at six every day.Can you _ up Jim tomorrow morning?,left,woke,wakes,wake,Useful expressions,1.alarm clock2.go off3.wake up4.put on5.rush out6.brush ones teeth,7.wash ones face8.get to/arrive at(in)/reach9.give sb a lift

25、/ride10.at least11.be five minutes late for,1.闹钟2.(闹钟)发出响声3.醒来;叫醒4.穿上;上演;增加5.冲出6.刷牙,7.洗脸8.到达9.让某人搭便车;捎某人一程10.至少11.迟到五分钟,在我到车站以前,车已经离开了。Before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.当我到学校时,我意识到我把书包忘家里了。When I got to school,I realized that I had left my backpack at home.当我回到学校时,铃已经响了。By the ti

26、me I got back to school,the bell had rung.我正要去我的办公室时,我决定先喝杯咖啡。I was about to go up to my office when I decided to get a coffee first.我在与其他办公室工作人员排队等候,我听到一个响亮的声音 As I was waiting in line with the other office workers,I heard a loud sound.,GrammarFocus,过去,过去的过去,过去完成时:had+过去分词,be about to(do sth.)打算;将要

27、,过去进行时:was/were+doing,Make sentences using by the time or before.,Tim went into the bathroom.Mary got up._2.The coffee became cold.I put cream in the coffee._3.The teacher collect the math homework.I got to school._4.I completed the work for my boss.The workday ended._5.The movie started.I arrived a

28、t the cinema._6.My mother finished making the apple pie.I got home from my language course._,By the time Mary got up,Tim had already gone into the bathroom.,By the time I put cream in the coffee,the coffee had already become cold.,Before I got to school,the teacher had already collected the math hom

29、ework.,By the time the workday ended,I had already completed the work for my boss.,Before I arrived at the cinema,the movie had already started.,By the time I got home from my language course,my mother had already finished making the apple pie.,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words

30、in the box.,1.By the time I arrived at the party,everyone else _ already _.2.When he put the noodles into a bowl,he realized he _ to add the green beans.3.By the time my mother came back from the market,I _ already _ the door to go for my piano lesson.4.Before she got to the airport,she _ about the

31、earthquake.5.When she _ the movie theater,she remembered she had forgotten to feed her dog.6.Before she got a chance to say goodbye,he _ the building.,rush outforget arrive atgo intoshow upfind out,had,showed up,had forgotten,had,rushed out,had found out,arrived at,had gone into,1.We _(learn)two tho

32、usands words by the time I went to Middle School.,Can you do it?,3.When we _(arrive)at the station,they _(wait)for more than twenty minutes.,had learned,arrived,had waited,2.I _(know)him when I was a student.,had known,4.One of the men didnt move,because he _(break)his legs.,had broken,5.By yesterda

33、y evening he _ that important letter.(write)6.I thought I _ the man before.(meet)7.By six oclock they _ for ten hours.(work)8.I went to Nicks house,but he _ out.(go)9.I _ the problem when class was over.(not understand),had written,had met,had worked,had gone,hadnt understood,the World Trade Center,

34、On September 11,2001,something unexpected happened in America.A plane hit the World Trade Center.The buildings were burning.And the black smoke rose above the two buildings.,On Feb.21,2011,something unexpected happened in New Zealand.,A Very Lucky Man,Today I will tell you about some unexpected even

35、ts that happened to me.,略读3a,回答下面的问题:Which two events does the writer mention?,The writer mentions the plane hit the World Trade Center世贸中心 on September 11,2001 in New York and the earthquake on February 21,2011 in New Zealand.,How did the writer end up missing both events?,The writer was waiting in

36、 a line in a coffee shop when the plane hit the World Trade Center.He overslept and missed his plane,so he didnt go to New Zealand.,听录音,划出3a中包含的三个过去完成时的句子,Language points,2.be about to do sth即将做某事,用于表示客观上马上就要发生的事,一般不与具体的时间状语连用,但可与when连用。eg.I was just about to ask you the same thing.He _(正要)go out wh

37、en it began to rain.,was about to,Language points,1.end up+adj/prep phrase/doing 以.结束/告终end up as最终成为 end up like最后像.一样eg.If he keeps drinking so much,hell _(终会生病).They end up _(speak)Chinese instead of English.The party ended up _ a song.He worked very hard and ended up _ a famous scientist.He warn

38、s Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up _ him.,end up ill,speaking,with,as,like,Useful expressions,1.get back to2.collect the math homework3.make the apple pie4.language course5.green beans,e back from the market7.go for my piano lesson8.get a chance to do sth9.leave for10.by the en

39、d of,1.返回到2.收数学作业3.做苹果派4.语言课程5.青豆;四季豆,6.从市场回来7.去上钢琴课8.获得机会做某事9.动身去10.在之前,阅读与讲解.,世贸中心,两条街,大约=about,be about to(do sth.)打算;将要Eg:The plane is about to take off.飞机即将起飞。,即使;纵然=even if,当时候=when,wait in a line排队等候stand in a line 站队 cut in a line 插队Eg:In the dinning hall,we should wait in a line.在餐厅我们应该排队等候

40、。,发生=happen,stare at盯着in disbelief 不敢相信地,在上面,正在燃烧的大楼,活着的(dead死的),径直走向机场,起飞,错过;思念,满的;吃饱的,hear about/of听说,变成.,从床上跳起来,not.until/till直到才Eg:I didnt go to bed until/till 10:00 last night.昨晚我直到十点才睡觉。,直到,1.发出响声 go off2.冲出门 rush out3.幸运地是,luckily,4.捎我一程 give me a lift5.打算;将要 be about to(do sth.)6.排队等候 wait i

41、n a line 站队 stand in a line 插队 cut in a line,7.盯着 stare at8.不敢相信地;怀疑地 in disbelief 9.直到才 not.until/till10.听说 hear about/of,到。时为止 到。结束时,by the end of+时间,1.+将来时间,用一般将来时。2.+现在时间,用现在完成时。3.+过去时间,用过去完成时。,到下个周末,我将会读完这本书。,By the end of next week,I will finish reading this book.,.+将来时间,用一般将来时。,到上个月末为止,他们已经植了

42、数千棵树。,By the end of last month,they had planted thousands of trees.,.+过去时间,用过去完成时。,+现在时间,用现在完成时。,By the end of this week,he has written two books.,到这个周末,他已经写了两本书。,再读3a,完成3bFind words from the passage with opposite meanings to the words below.Then write a sentence with each word.lost:_ _ west:_ _3.be

43、low:_ _4.dead:_ _5.empty:_,found I found the money on the floor.,east The sun rises in the east.,above There was a large bird flying above us.,alive His family was so happy to hear he was still alive.,full The train was so full that I couldnt get on at all.,Reading and retelling,stare,in disbelief,t

44、ake off,unexpected,above,alive,till/until,arrive at,Grammar Focus/Self Check,Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.,Useful expressions,1.闹钟2.(闹钟)发出响声3.醒来;叫醒4.穿上;上演;增加5.冲出6.刷牙,7.洗脸8.到达9.让某人搭便车;捎某人一程10.至少11.迟到五分钟,12.幸运地是,13.打算;将要14.排队等候 15.站队 16.插队,17.盯着18.不敢相信地;怀疑地19.直到才20.听说,在我到车站以前,车已经离开了。Before I

45、 got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.当我到学校时,我意识到我把书包忘家里了。When I got to school,I realized that I had left my backpack at home.当我回到学校时,铃已经响了。By the time I got back to school,the bell had rung.我正要去我的办公室时,我决定先喝杯咖啡。I was about to go up to my office when I decided to get a coffee first.我在与其他办公室工作

46、人员排队等候,我听到一个响亮的声音 As I was waiting in line with the other office workers,I heard a loud sound.,GrammarFocus,过去,过去的过去,过去完成时:had+过去分词,be about to(do sth.)打算;将要,过去进行时:was/were+doing,Make sentences using by the time or before.,Tim went into the bathroom.Mary got up._2.The coffee became cold.I put cream

47、in the coffee._3.The teacher collect the math homework.I got to school._4.I completed the work for my boss.The workday ended._5.The movie started.I arrived at the cinema._6.My mother finished making the apple pie.I got home from my language course._,By the time Mary got up,Tim had already gone into

48、the bathroom.,By the time I put cream in the coffee,the coffee had already become cold.,Before I got to school,the teacher had already collected the math homework.,By the time the workday ended,I had already completed the work for my boss.,Before I arrived at the cinema,the movie had already started

49、.,By the time I got home from my language course,my mother had already finished making the apple pie.,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,1.By the time I arrived at the party,everyone else _ already _.2.When he put the noodles into a bowl,he realized he _ to add the gr

50、een beans.3.By the time my mother came back from the market,I _ already _ the door to go for my piano lesson.4.Before she got to the airport,she _ about the earthquake.5.When she _ the movie theater,she remembered she had forgotten to feed her dog.6.Before she got a chance to say goodbye,he _ the bu


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